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Name: Chhay Kossapol

Reflection #1
Throughout my academic years at IFL, I have learnt how important assessment should beassessment is
undoubtedly an essential marking tool which indicated my learning achievement. The experience was eccentric at
first. This is due to unfamiliarity with the on-going assessment.It was an eccentric experience in the beginning due to
unfamiliarity with the so-called on-going assessment. Before transitioning to university, all sorts of evaluation are
summative and conducted using standardized testing. I was used to with standardized testing ever since high school.
The assessment in university was more practical and reliable to me at time. After graduating my freshmen year, I grew
to adore this novel type of assessment for how more practical and reliable it had been. However, I also spotted that
sometimes the questions in the progress tests or final tests were not n’t related to what we learnt in class. Furthermore,
the teaching and test did not have a matching objective. While learning, students were to be autonomous. However,
the tests encouraged route learning. Students were required to write out textbook definitions and text details to answer
lots of questions on the tests while only a few sections were made for open questions, limiting students’capability to
reflect and apply their understanding..
There are a few things that I like and dislike regarding these assessments. First of all, I like the fact that the
assessment is an on-going onethe fact that the assessment is ongoing already puts it in my favorable spot . This allows
teacher to monitor students’ progress and performance throughout the semester rather than waiting for their final test
score. This allows, allowing growth in students. Secondly, the assessment offers a clear guideline for the students. We
were able to know how much each component contributes to the overall assessment and get readyembrace for
important tasks during the semester. Lastly, the assessment is leaning toward performance of the students. Since
learning is about growth, this is a good way for studentsstudents have chances to prove themselves throughout the
semester instead of just doing well on a testscoring high on a single test.
On the other hand, I don’t like the scoring credentialscoring credential is not a good reflection of one’s
capability. I believe more should be given to assignments, projects, and task performance in class and lesser to tests,
quizzes, and as such. Furthermore, I didn’t like the validity of the test is not accurate. Since we all understand that
route learning is not good an optimal chice for long lasting understanding, we should havethere should be less of
memorized types of question on the tests. With more open questions, the students are able to use their understanding
and prove themselves how much they have grasped the subject matter.\

After discussing about the problems above, I believe improving the validity and scoring credibility should be
given more points and reduce the points for other components of the assessments. First of all, in improving the
validity, the test or quiz should focus more on the application of the lesson learnt rather than the memorization.
Secondly, reconstructing the scoring of each component so that thing that students contribute into the classroom will
become more meaningful.
After graduating, I believe that these assessments fairly reflection my actual learning achievement. First of all,
my task achievements and test score doesn’t align with one another. I always got great score for my assignments and
projects. However, I rarely do well on my tests since I always got my points deducted for definition and supply key
terms since I don’t memorize all the words from the textbook. On the other hand, this assessment is still great in
essence since it targets and observes elements of performance and understanding.
I have fairly introduced these assessments in my classes. First of all, I have adopted on-going assessment in
every classes so that every contribution from students mean something. Furthermore, we prioritize on the performance
of the students rather than their test scores. We focus on their progress and look in it individually. Lastly, we also
consider the student’s potential in improving and learning as well. This allows teachers to make big decision whether
the students can continue or repeat the level.

Assessor’s Name: Nao Rathanak Student’s Name: Chhay Kossapol
Score Band 3 2 1
There are sufficient
back ups.
Opinion is clearly Opinion stated with 1 or 2 Opinion stated but
stated with at least 3 reasons that may be unclear. unclear; reasons are
detailed supporting weak; may not stay on
(opinions and
reasons. topic.

Score Band 3 2 1
Contain minor mistakes.
Still quite informal

 All sentences are  Most sentences are clear  There are many
clear, begin in a and begin appropriately; unclear or
Language Use variety of ways, most subject-verb incomplete
(sentence and contain agreement is corrected sentences, with some
structure and appropriate  Spelling, Capitalization, subject-verb
mechanics) subject-verb and grammar are mostly agreement problems.
agreement. correct.  Considerable
 Spelling, mistakes of spelling,
capitalization, capitalization, and
punctuation, and grammar.
grammar are all
correct with little
or no editing

Score Band 3 2 1
Good transitions
Lead paragraph with While the paper has a clear The beginning, middle,
a clear middle and beginning, middle, and end, and end sections are not
end; sequence the sequence could be clear; some ideas may
Organisation logical; paragraphs clearer; paragraphs may not be placed
have clear main contain all elements. inappropriately;
ideas, topic considerable problems
sentences, and with paragraphs.
closing sentences.

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