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Reflection Paper Topics # 2_3

Write a reflection paper about the assessment methods you have

used in assessing your student learning achievement as well as
about your grading practice.

- What assessment methods have you used to date? Critique each

of these assessment methods.
Up to date, I have tried all assessment methods, including selected-
response assessments, constructed-response assessments, and authentic

Selected-response assessments:
In this assessment method, I have used true false items, matching items,
and multiple-choice items to test my student comprehension. This
assessment method is perfect for testing someone’ content knowledge.
The test is systematic; therefore, there is not any room for errors.
However, throughout my experience with this assessment, it requires
constant tweaking. The tests can’t remain the same forever. It has to
revised frequently.

Constructed-response assessments:
Similarly, I have also included gap fillings and short answer in my tests.
This is such a good assessment to give us a glimpse of student
comprehension. It is quick to compile and administer in class. However,
this does not ensure true learning because students are only able to
memorize and guess.
Authentic assessments:
As for authentic assessments, I have tried self and peer assessment,
portfolio assessment, and performance-based assessment. For self and
peer assessment, it is such an innovative strategy to teach students to
evaluate their own and others’ writing. However, throughout the use of
this assessment, the issues in correction accuracy and social effects in
scoring have been vividly visible. It is challenging when applying such
methods to perfection due to the above-mentioned factors. Next,
portfolio assessment is another creative idea to help student progress and
keep track of their learnt lessons. However, the most common problems
with this assessment can due to how it is supposed to be done. Normally,
teacher does not collect them a long the way throughout the course or
semester. This causes the student’s motivation to plummet and surge at
the end of the course and the students to copy and paste tasks and submit
late. Lastly, performance-based assessment is probably the best out there
in evaluating a students’ actual progress. However, the problems in this
assessments is the consist marking across different teachers, challenging
tasks for students, and teacher’s expectations on the outcome.

I would apply all of these assessments since we need

comprehension tests and performance checking. The course grade I gave
is fairly accurate because it depends on how I provide score to my
students and criteria. Lastly, the factors that influence my grading
practice would be the class size, course level and criteria.

Selected-response assessments:
I have tried all the kinds here. This kind of assessment requires
constant tweaking.

Constructed-response assessments:
I have done all of them. Memorizing/guessable/no meaningful and
real-life knowledge

Authentic assessments:
All of them.
S/P assessment: issues in accuracy/social effects
Portfolio assessment: copy paste, late submission, procrastination
Performance based assessment: consistent marking, challenging
tasks, and expectations

- Do you want to employ such methods in the future? Why? Why

Yes, we need to have comprehension tests and performance checking.

- To what extent do you think your course grades accurately

reflect your student learning achievement?
Fairly accurate because it depends on how I provide score to my
students and criteria.

- What factors do you think influence your grading practice (i.e.,

class size, course level, assessment training and so forth)? Why?
Criteria and benchmark according to the course level

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