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Psychology is the study of mind and human behaviour.

It includes biological elements, societal forces,

and environmental variables that impact how people think, act, and feel.

Gaining a more comprehensive and in-depth grasp of psychology may help people get insights into their
own actions as well as a better understanding of others it is also is a vast and varied discipline that
studies human cognition, behaviour, development, personality, emotion, motivation, and other aspects.
As a result, new subfields and specializations have arisen.

One of the major branch of Psychology is the Industrial/Organizational Psychology or the I/O psychology
it is the application of psychological sciences, concepts, and research methods to address workplace and
business challenges and improve employee experiences and I/O psychologists research managers' and
workers' working habits, monitor and assess workplace, adapt to the corporate environment in
question, and engage with management teams to develop new company rules, conduct training
sessions, and develop a long-term business strategy.

By that, we can determine and say that the psychology has the biggest role in organization and when it
comes to Human Resources, we know that Human Resources or known as HR is a single member of a
company's workforce who contributes their skills and abilities to the organization's success. A human
resource is someone who is ready to sell their work, knowledge, or time for remuneration in order to
help the company. It makes no difference whether they are part-time, full-time, freelance, or contract
employees. Psychology plays a big role in Human Resource, when it comes to hiring, disciplinary action,
and settling employee conflicts it simply because being an HR It is important to monitor their
behavioural characteristics and act accordingly. Psychology not only exposes the problems we confront
in modern life, but it also offers some answers. Understanding the outcome can assist the human
resources professional in maximizing the well-being and performance of his or her staff. People who
have a high feeling of involvement or meaningfulness are more likely to be joyful. Pleasure is a benefit
for these people, but those who just experience pleasure without involvement or meaning are unhappy.
The sense of engagement that comes from leveraging your skills at work is most likely the most relevant
to HR. Placing the appropriate person in the proper position based on his or her abilities, and then
creating a sense of flow and engagement in work, not only increases productivity but also contributes to
the worker's loyalty and well-being.

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