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Hypothesis H1: Customer satisfaction is the key to repeat purchase.

Hypothesis H2: Customer satisfaction is strongly related to brand loyalty

Demographic Analysis:


Gender Age Occupation

N Valid 194 194 174
Missing 0 0 20

In this research we have categorized our participants in their gender, age and occupation.

Frequency Table

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Male 116 59.8 59.8 59.8
Female 78 40.2 40.2 100.0
Total 194 100.0 100.0

In this research we have taken around 194 people. Among the total 194 respondents 59.8 percent of them were
male and 40.2 percent of the people were female respondents. The graph below shows that there higher number
of males than the females







Male Female


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 18-30 83 42.8 42.8 42.8
31-40 60 30.9 30.9 73.7
41-50 20 10.3 10.3 84.0
51-60 21 10.8 10.8 94.8
61 and above 10 5.2 5.2 100.0
Total 194 100.0 100.0

According to the age, the highest percentage of people falls under the age group of 18-30 whereas
the lowest percentage of people falls under the age of 61 and above. So, we can see that more young
and middle aged people have been selected for the above research






18-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61andabove


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Student 87 44.8 50.0 50.0
Employed 51 26.3 29.3 79.3
Self Employed 36 18.6 20.7 100.0
Total 174 89.7 100.0
Missing System 20 10.3
Total 194 100.0

The research is mostly conducted by the student and by the employed people. Around 44.8
percent people were student whereas around 26 percent of them are emplyed people who
work in many different areas.






Student Employed Self Employed

Consumer Perception:


While Buying While Buying

Fashion Fashion
Respondent's Respondent's Clothing Which Clothing Which
Awareness Comfort Comes First In Brand Name
About Fashion Feeling About Your Comes First In
Brand Nike Consideration? Your Mind:
N Valid 194 194 192 184
Missing 0 0 2 10
Mean 1.1443 2.1340 2.8854 3.8478
Std. Deviation .35233 1.15735 1.76273 1.59188
Variance .124 1.339 3.107 2.534

Regarding consumer perception several questions have been asked to the respondents. For example-
Respondent’s awareness about fashion brand which means to what extent they are concerned about fashion
brand. Another question is
Frequency Table

Respondent's Awareness About Fashion Brand

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Yes 166 85.6 85.6 85.6
No 28 14.4 14.4 100.0
Total 194 100.0 100.0

Respondent's Awareness About Fashion Brand






Mean =1.14
Std. Dev. =0.352
N =194
0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50
Respondent's Awareness About Fashion Brand

Respondent's Comfort Feeling About Nike

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Strongly Agree 75 38.7 38.7 38.7
Somewhat Agree 54 27.8 27.8 66.5
Neither Agree nor
Disagree 36 18.6 18.6 85.1
Somewhat Disagree 22 11.3 11.3 96.4
Strongly Disagree 7 3.6 3.6 100.0
Total 194 100.0 100.0
Respondent's Comfort Feeling About Nike





Mean =2.13
Std. Dev. =1.157
N =194
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00
Respondent's Comfort Feeling About Nike

While Buying Fashion Clothing Which Comes First In Your Consideration?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Fashionability 64 33.0 33.3 33.3
Durability 27 13.9 14.1 47.4
Price 40 20.6 20.8 68.2
Wider Availability 7 3.6 3.6 71.9
Global Brand Name 36 18.6 18.8 90.6
Social Approval 18 9.3 9.4 100.0
Total 192 99.0 100.0
Missing System 2 1.0
Total 194 100.0
While Buying Fashion Clothing Which Comes First In Your Consideration?




Mean =2.89
Std. Dev. =1.763
0 N=192
0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00
While Buying Fashion Clothing Which Comes First In Your

While Buying Fashion Clothing Which Brand Name Comes First In Your Mind:

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Reebok 30 15.5 16.3 16.3
Puma 17 8.8 9.2 25.5
Addidas 17 8.8 9.2 34.8
Lonsdale 7 3.6 3.8 38.6
Nike 113 58.2 61.4 100.0
Total 184 94.8 100.0
Missing System 10 5.2
Total 194 100.0
While Buying Fashion Clothing Which Brand Name Comes First In Your Mind:







Mean =3.85
Std. Dev. =1.592
0 N =184
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00
While Buying Fashion Clothing Which Brand Name
Comes First In Your Mind:

Product Specific Perception:


I Feel Proud
To Be
With The "Nike doesnot
Brand Logo represent a
Nike Products Of Nike- The prouct only, it
Nike Products Are Of Very Big Swoosh.: represents
Are Very Good Quality: To What something else"
Fasionable:- To To What Extent Extent You -To What
What Extent You Agree Agree With Extent You
You Agree With This This Agree With This
With This? Statement? Statement? Statement?
N Valid 194 194 194 194
Missing 0 0 0 0
Mean 2.1082 2.1546 2.1856 2.2216
Std. Deviation 1.14884 1.15924 1.15467 1.13235
Variance 1.320 1.344 1.333 1.282

In this segment, researchers have taken four different variables and the analysis of all these respective variables
are based on the specific product. They have taken the perception or idea of the respondents regarding one
specific product to get the overall idea of the analysis.

Frequency Table:

Nike Products Are Very Fasionable:- To What Extent You Agree With This?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Strongly Agree 79 40.7 40.7 40.7
Somewhat Agree 49 25.3 25.3 66.0
Neither Agree nor
Disagree 37 19.1 19.1 85.1
Somewhat Disagree 24 12.4 12.4 97.4
Strongly Disagree 5 2.6 2.6 100.0
Total 194 100.0 100.0

Here, they have asked about the style of the product. From the survey they have found that the
customers believe nike products as fashionable. Here, around 40.7 % people believe that nike has its
own fashion and they are competitive in their own design as the number one brand. From the respond
it has been shown that as people believe nike as fashionable product so in this case customers are
satisfied by using this product and as they are satisfied they will repeat to buy this product which
means Hypothesis I is acceptable.
Nike Products Are Very Fasionable:- To What Extent You Agree With This?





Mean =2.11
Std. Dev. =1.149
0 N =194
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00
Nike Products Are Very Fasionable:- To What Extent You
Agree With This?

Nike Products Are Of Very Good Quality: To What Extent You Agree With This Statement?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Strongly Agree 77 39.7 39.7 39.7
Somewhat Agree 45 23.2 23.2 62.9
Neither Agree nor
Disagree 42 21.6 21.6 84.5
Somewhat Disagree 25 12.9 12.9 97.4
Strongly Disagree 5 2.6 2.6 100.0
Total 194 100.0 100.0

Nike prides itself on being a premiere provider of high quality sports footwear and apparel. Innovation has been
the key to aiding Nike in securing its position as the leader in the market. Due to the lead Nike possesses in the
industry, customers believe that nike products maintain their quality first. In this prospect, around 40 % people
believe that nike products are good of quality and 23% of them are somewhat agree regarding good quality of the
product. In many cases it has been said that until product quality is not maintained business will not get the
ultimate loyal customers. Consumers became more conscious of the cost and quality of products and services.
Firms began to focus on total production systems for achieving quality at minimum cost. This trend has
continued, and today the goals of quality control are largely driven by consumer concerns and preferences. To
consumers, a high-quality product is one that well satisfies their preferences and expectations. That means a
customer will be satisfied by using a high quality product and the company has to be maintaining their quality on
a continuous basis as many other competitors also exist in the market and also bring high quality product at their
end. The manufacturers has to be shown their innovative ideas as well as bring designing products by
maintaining the high quality of the product. In this survey, it can be said that customers are satisfied with product
quality of Nike, so their satisfaction level is also high which means customers will be habituated to buying the
product on a frequent basis. Finally, it an be said that Hypotheses I is acceptable
Nike Products Are Of Very Good Quality: To What Extent You Agree With This





Mean =2.15
Std. Dev. =1.159
0 N =194
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00
Nike Products Are Of Very Good Quality: To What Extent
You Agree With This Statement?

I Feel Proud To Be Associated With The Brand Logo Of Nike- The Big Swoosh.: To What Extent You
Agree With This Statement?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Strongly Agree 73 37.6 37.6 37.6
Somewhat Agree 46 23.7 23.7 61.3
Neither Agree nor
Disagree 48 24.7 24.7 86.1
Somewhat Disagree 20 10.3 10.3 96.4
Strongly Disagree 7 3.6 3.6 100.0
Total 194 100.0 100.0

Throughout its world-class business Nike Inc. has expanded its horizons to every corner of the world. From
athletic shoes to sports equipment and from apparel to accessories, Nike has revolutionized the sportswear
industry. Endorsed by superstar athletes like Michael Jordan, Andre Agassi, Roger Federer, the Williams sisters
and many more, Nike is complimented by its mission of ‘bringing inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the
world’. Simple, Fluid and Fast. These are the words used to describe the “Swoosh” in the Nike logo that has
become one of the most recognized symbols in the world. A logo represents elegance, durability and without
doubt represents a mark of the leading product. In today’s world, most businesses, either small or large, want to
design their logo in a way so that the product can be remembered. When you’re starting a business it is good to
consider designing a logo for a couple of reasons. In the logo you incorporate who you are as a business and
what it is that you do into a graphic that people will see and memorize. Every time they see your logo they will
know what company they are dealing with and what they are about. Customers are more apt to remember your
company by your logo as it is easier to remember a company name by associating it with a picture. It is easy for
people to forget names but adding a logo to go with your business name can make all of the
difference. If someone has never been to your establishment or has never heard of your company
then your logo may be all they have to judge you by. One professional logo alone may be all that is
needed to bring in a slew of customers. Here, from the survey we can see that 37.6 percent of the
respondents feel proud to be associated with brand logo of nike whereas around 24 percent of the
respondents are somewhat agree to the fact of being proud to be associated with nike. These result
definitely shows how the customers feel about the brand also which means this satisfaction will
definitely lead to be more loyal to the product and customers will maintain there preference for this
high quality product. So, our hypotheses II can be proved by this analysis.

I Feel Proud To Be Associated With The Brand Logo Of Nike- The Big
Swoosh.: To What Extent You Agree With This Statement?





0 Mean =2.19
Std. Dev. =1.155
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 N=194
I Feel Proud To Be Associated With The Brand Logo Of
Nike- The Big Swoosh.: To What Extent You Agree With
This Statement?

"Nike doesnot represent a product only, it represents something else" -To What Extent You Agree With
This Statement?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Strongly Agree 68 35.1 35.1 35.1
Somewhat Agree 48 24.7 24.7 59.8
Neither Agree nor
Disagree 51 26.3 26.3 86.1
Somewhat Disagree 21 10.8 10.8 96.9
Strongly Disagree 6 3.1 3.1 100.0
Total 194 100.0 100.0

A quality product not only means its design or brand image. A product is established in the market with its various
features. It is not easy for a business to make a consistent profit without creating its valued customers. However,
there are many famous worldwide brands which are still facing problems with value creation of their products. In
every business, it is very important to maintain the every single features if the marketers want to longer their
image. For that every business should not only look for better quality but also look for many other characteristics
of that specific product. Manufacturers should always look for the inner and outer value of their products so that
the product can be reached its optimal position. A product has its own feature including its quality, durability,
design, appearance etc. Customers accept their product to be differentiated with other competitive products in
the market. It is important that the product creates its own value through its various valued characteristics to get
the maximum benefit. The world’s largest and famous brands are highly valued for their overall appearance in the
market with their own visibility. Another important fact is that if the product can create its own position in the
market, then it creates some expectation for the valued customers. The loyal customers always expect their
product in its optimum features so that they can differentiate their brand. Consumers who do not only buy their
products to meet buying needs but to think for long term benefits, their purchasing behavior is depended on so
many underlying factors. To take hold of those customers’ attention sellers can represent their product in some
other way which will ultimately bring sustainable competitive advantage in the long run. Throughout its world-
class business Nike Inc. has expanded its horizons to every corner of the world. From athletic shoes to sports
equipment and from apparel to accessories, Nike has revolutionized the sportswear industry. Regarding this
question, it has been shown that around 35 percent of the total respondents agree with the statement whereas
25 percent of the total respondents are somewhat agree with the statement. The above finding indicates that for
the valued customers nike is not a good quality of product it represents something else which means their
satisfaction level does not depend only on the visibility but also on the other valued features of the product.As
they are satisfied by the valued products so they are loyal to the respective brand which also leads to accept
Hypothese II.

"Nike doesnot represent a prouct only, it represents something else" -To

What Extent You Agree With This Statement?




0 Mean =2.22
Std. Dev. =1.132
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 N =194
"Nike doesnot represent a prouct only, it represents
something else" -To What Extent You Agree With This

Repeat Purchase and Brand

Experience Is
Extremely Overall Product
Important In "I Will Go For Performance of
Buying The Same Nike is better
Fashion Brand If It Is than that of
Cloths -To Good" -To others: To How Likely are
What Extent What Extent What Extent How Likely You you to
You Agree You Agree You Agree to Switch To recommend
With This With This With This Other Brands Nike to one of
Statement? Statement? Statement? Than Nike: your friend?
N Valid 194 194 194 194 194
Missing 0 0 0 0 0
Mean 2.1804 2.2320 2.1753 2.6649 2.0928
Std. Deviation 1.14423 1.14395 1.11987 1.21566 .96662
Variance 1.309 1.309 1.254 1.478 .934

Here in this research the hypotheses have been established based on repeat purchase and brand loyalty which
are related to customer satisfaction. To comply with these factors researchers have identified some questions
through which it will be easily viable to relate to our hypotheses. All the sorted questions have been discussed
below with figures and facts-

Previous Product Experience Is Extremely Important In Buying Fashion Cloths -To What Extent You
Agree With This Statement?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Strongly Agree 75 38.7 38.7 38.7
Somewhat Agree 42 21.6 21.6 60.3
Neither Agree nor
Disagree 48 24.7 24.7 85.1
Somewhat Disagree 25 12.9 12.9 97.9
Strongly Disagree 4 2.1 2.1 100.0
Total 194 100.0 100.0
Previous Product Experience Is Extremely Important In Buying Fashion
Cloths -To What Extent You Agree With This Statement?





0 Mean =2.18
Std. Dev. =1.144
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 N =194
Previous Product Experience Is Extremely Important In
Buying Fashion Cloths -To What Extent You Agree With
This Statement?

"I Will Go For The Same Brand If It Is Good" -To What Extent You Agree With This Statement?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Strongly Agree 67 34.5 34.5 34.5
Somewhat Agree 51 26.3 26.3 60.8
Neither Agree nor
Disagree 46 23.7 23.7 84.5
Somewhat Disagree 24 12.4 12.4 96.9
Strongly Disagree 6 3.1 3.1 100.0
Total 194 100.0 100.0

"I Will Go For The Same Brand If It Is Good" -To What Extent You Agree With
This Statement?




Mean =2.23
Std. Dev. =1.144
0 N =194
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00
"I Will Go For The Same Brand If It Is Good" -To What
Extent You Agree With This Statement?

Overall Product Performance of Nike is better than that of others: To What Extent You Agree With This
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Strongly Agree 69 35.6 35.6 35.6
Somewhat Agree 54 27.8 27.8 63.4
Neither Agree nor
Disagree 45 23.2 23.2 86.6
Somewhat Disagree 20 10.3 10.3 96.9
Strongly Disagree 6 3.1 3.1 100.0
Total 194 100.0 100.0

Overall Product Performance of Nike is better than that of others: To What

Extent You Agree With This Statement?




0 Mean =2.18
Std. Dev. =1.12
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 N =194
Overall Product Performance of Nike is better than that
of others: To What Extent You Agree With This

How Likely are you to recommend Nike to one of your friend?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Definitely will recommend 64 33.0 33.0 33.0
Probably will recommend 65 33.5 33.5 66.5
Might or Might not
recommend 49 25.3 25.3 91.8
Probalbly will not
recommend 15 7.7 7.7 99.5
Definitely will not
recommend 1 .5 .5 100.0
Total 194 100.0 100.0

How Likely You to Switch To Other Brands Than Nike:

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Definitely Will Switch 16 8.2 8.2 8.2
Probably Will Switch 50 25.8 25.8 34.0
Might Or Might Not Switch 39 20.1 20.1 54.1
Probably Will Not Switch 3 1.5 1.5 55.7
Definitely Will Not Switch 86 44.3 44.3 100.0
Total 194 100.0 100.0







Mean =3.48
Std. Dev. =1.469
N =194
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00
HowLikely You to Switch To Other Brands Than Nike:

HowLikely are you to recommend Nike to one of your friend?






Mean =2.09
Std. Dev. =0.967
0 N=194
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00
HowLikely are you to recommend Nike to one of your

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