Process Deliverables Will Come Into Focus." (IT Toolkit, N.D., Para. 6) - So Far, The Expected

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According to (IT Toolkit, n.d.), a deliverable is an outcome.

"Project deliverables must be

identified at the start - when the project is first proposed. As the project moves forward,
and deliverables are further defined and specified, the need for one or more related
process deliverables will come into focus." (IT Toolkit, n.d., para. 6). So far, the expected
outcomes for Beaker AP is to take the place of CoPathPlus, and to interface with Epic,
since it's an Epic product this should be a given. A want for this project from the
Histology/Cytology manager is to have a better tracking system. From all the videos and
information that I'm getting, it looks like this is going to be the case. The completion
criteria would be to have Beaker AP doing everything that CoPathPlus does and more.
Also, for all historical data to be in Epic, which currently it does cross over with the help
of the interface that LIS built. Reports of data should be able to be easily pulled from
Beaker AP, which currently are being pulled through CoPathPlus. Another completion
criteria would be to have all end users trained on Beaker AP and to have all of LIS and
Nursing informatics trained in building and maintaining Beaker AP. 
1. Create the scope of the project for the informatics project. Include project
boundaries, limitations and constraints, affected users, timeline, budget, and
specific resources required for the project.
The project scope included more than a simple transfer of old workflows to a new system. We used the change of LIS

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