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Module #21

Name: MARY SWEET V. ARADO_ Class number: _________________

Section: _________ Schedule: ______________________ Date: _________________________

Lesson title: Four Phases of Disaster Management Materials:

Cycle/Emergency Management Worksheet/Activity Sheet

Lesson Objectives: References:
1. Differentiate mitigation, preparedness, response, and opics/social-sciences/communic
recovery; ation-strategies
2. Describe the roles of communication audience in
accordance to the phases of emergency management; and e-six-steps/leading-resilience/e
3. Incorporate the communication principles to the four phases mergency-management-prevent
of emergency management. ion-preparedness-response-rec

1) Introduction (2 mins)
Good day, everyone! Today, we will tackle Four Phases of Disaster Management Cycle/Emergency
Management. You are now entering your first challenge and that is to answer the previous lesson to
test your understanding of the topic last time.

Enumerate the Principles of a Successful Communication Strategy:

Create A Goal. The first step is determining how you want to impact your audience. ...
1) Listen to Feedback. Good communication is never a one-way street. ...
2) Adjust To Your Medium. ...
3) Stay Organized. ...
4) Be Persuasive. ...
5) Be Clear. ...
6) Visuals Are Important. ...
7) Use Stories.

2) Activity 1: What I Know Chart, part 1 (3 mins)

FLM 1.0
Module #21

Name: MARY SWEET V. ARADO_ Class number: _________________

Section: _________ Schedule: ______________________ Date: _________________________

Do you know anything about the Four Phases of Disaster Management Cycle/Emergency
Management? Try answering the questions below by writing your ideas under the first column What I
Know. It’s okay if you write key words or phrases that you think are related to the questions.

What I Know Questions: What I Learned

1. What are the four phases of Mitigation, Preparedness,
Mitigation, Preparedness, disaster management Response, and Recovery.
Response, and Recovery. cycle/emergency management?
2. What are the differences the difference between
"Disaster Preparedness" is between the four phases of disaster management cycle
part of and related to all disaster management and emergency
cycle/emergency management? management is that, when
the 4 (for me 5) Phases of
we say Disaster
Disaster Management Management, it can be
Cycle i.e. (1) Prevention; defined as the organization
(2) Mitigation; (3) and management of
resources and
Preparedness; (4) responsibilities for dealing
Response; and (5) with all humanitarian
Recovery & aspects of emergencies, in
particular preparedness,
response and recovery in
order to lessen the impact of
"Emergency Preparedness" disasters. While emergency
is specifically part of and management is the
more precisely related to organization and
management of the
the "Response" Phase
resources and
before, during, and responsibilities for dealing
immediately after the with all humanitarian
occurrence of an event. aspects of emergencies.
The aim is to reduce the
For example, emergency
harmful effects of all
evacuation. hazards, including disasters.

3. How important are these four Emergency Management is

Emergency management phases of disaster management important because it
is the managerial function cycle/emergency management? protects communities by

FLM 1.0
Module #21

Name: MARY SWEET V. ARADO_ Class number: _________________

Section: _________ Schedule: ______________________ Date: _________________________

charged with creating the coordinating and integrating

framework within which all activities necessary to
communities reduce build, sustain, and improve
vulnerability to hazards the capability to mitigate
and cope with disasters. against, prepare for,
Emergency management respond to, and recover
seeks to promote safer, from threatened or actual
less vulnerable natural disasters, acts of
communities with the terrorism, or other
capacity to cope with man-made disasters.
hazards and disasters.

1) Activity 2: Pre-Printed Content Notes (13 mins)

Read and underline keywords. You also write important notes.

The Disaster Management Cycle illustrates the ongoing process by which governments, businesses,
and civil society plan for and reduce the impact of disasters, react during and immediately following a
disaster, and take steps to recover after a disaster has occurred.

Emergency Management is the managerial function charged with creating the framework within which
communities reduce vulnerability to hazards and cope with disasters. Vision. Emergency management
seeks to promote safer, less vulnerable communities with the capacity to cope with hazards and


- Mitigation is defined as “sustained action that reduces or eliminates long-term risk to people and
property from natural hazards and their effects.” It describes the ongoing effort at the federal, state,
local and individual levels to lessen the impact of disasters upon our families, homes, communities and

- To promote implementation of strategies, technologies, and actions that will reduce the loss of lives
and damage to property in future disasters.
Preparedness Programs and Actions

- To communicate preparedness messages that encourage and educate the public in anticipation of
FLM 1.0
Module #21

Name: MARY SWEET V. ARADO_ Class number: _________________

Section: _________ Schedule: ______________________ Date: _________________________

disaster events.

- Making arrangements, creating and testing plans, training, educating and sharing information to
prepare communities should an emergency eventuate. These are also ACTIONS and they are
happening all the time.


- The assistance and intervention during or immediately after an emergency. Focus is on saving lives
and protecting community assets (buildings, roads, animals, crops, infrastructure). Usually measured in
hours, days or weeks.

-To provide to the public notification, warning, evacuation, and situation reports on an ongoing disaster.


- The coordinated process of supporting emergency-affected communities in reconstruction of physical

infrastructure and restoration of emotional, social, economic and physical wellbeing. Usually measured
in months and/or years.

- To provide individuals and communities affected by a disaster with information on how to register for
and receive disaster relief.

FLM 1.0
Module #21

Name: MARY SWEET V. ARADO_ Class number: _________________

Section: _________ Schedule: ______________________ Date: _________________________

FLM 1.0
Module #21

Name: MARY SWEET V. ARADO_ Class number: _________________

Section: _________ Schedule: ______________________ Date: _________________________

2) Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (with answer key) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

After learning the Four Phases of Disaster Management Cycle/Emergency Management, read and
understand the case study below. You will critique this case study and incorporate the communication
principles to the four phases of emergency management.


Hurricane Sandy

Hurricane Sandy, a tropical cyclone occurring in October 2012, started life off the coast of West Africa.
It travelled north-west across the Atlantic Ocean through countries such as Cuba, Haiti and The
Bahamas in the Caribbean before hitting the east coast of the USA. It had a wide range of effects. The
USA is a more economically developed country (MEDC). This meant it had the resources to prepare for
and respond to the tropical cyclone quickly and effectively.


Economic impacts
FLM 1.0
Module #21

Name: MARY SWEET V. ARADO_ Class number: _________________

Section: _________ Schedule: ______________________ Date: _________________________

Hurricane Sandy was the second most costly hurricane on record, causing $71 billion in damages. In
New York City, economic losses are estimated at exceeding $18 billion.
Buildings, cars, people's possessions and business stock were lost.
More than 18,000 flights were cancelled leading to disruptions in business, tourism and trade.
Crops were lost resulting in loss of earnings for farmers.

Social impacts

At least 286 people were killed either directly or indirectly by Hurricane Sandy. There were 147 direct
deaths: 72 in the USA and the rest mainly in the Caribbean, including 54 in Haiti and 11 in Cuba.
Power failure at New York University Langone Medical Centre led to the evacuation of all 215 patients
to other hospitals.
People were highly stressed and anxious. In the longer term, many people could be affected
psychologically by the loss of family and friends.
More than 8.5 million homes and businesses were left without power.
In Washington DC and other cities, many supermarkets ran out of essentials such as bottled water and
batteries as people prepared for the worst.
The New York City marathon was cancelled resulting in a loss of income for many businesses.

Environmental impacts

346,000 houses were damaged or destroyed in New Jersey and 305,000 damaged or destroyed in
New York.
Makeshift shanty towns in Haiti were washed away.
Fallen trees and flooded vegetation affected animals' habitats.
In areas such as New York and New Jersey, untreated sewage was washed into public drinking water,
threatening human health.
More than 70 percent of crops, including bananas and maize, were destroyed in the south of Haiti.
Roads, train lines and other transport infrastructure became unusable due to flooding, resulting in
disruptions to travel and trade.
Approximately 10 metres of beach was lost in some parts of New Jersey (making it narrower), exposing
the coast to further erosion and impacting wildlife.


The responses to Hurricane Sandy were very varied. In poorer countries like Haiti there was insufficient
prediction, planning or protection and at the time the country was still trying to recover from an
earthquake in 2010. This tropical cyclone set the country back further in terms of its development.

FLM 1.0
Module #21

Name: MARY SWEET V. ARADO_ Class number: _________________

Section: _________ Schedule: ______________________ Date: _________________________

In contrast to this, the USA, a richer country, invested more in tropical cyclone prediction, planning and
protection. By using satellite images and other weather instruments The National Hurricane Centre in
Miami predicted and monitored the path of Hurricane Sandy. The Centre was able to issue warnings to
the local authorities and general public and this helped reduce the impact of Hurricane Sandy.

Steps taken to minimize damage:

the President of the USA, Barack Obama, and the authorities appealed to people to stay calm and out
of harm's way
the police evacuated hundreds of thousands of people from low-lying coastal areas most vulnerable to
Hurricane Sandy
schools and public transport services closed down and many flights were cancelled
people temporarily relocated to evacuation centres such as schools and community centres
In the long term, governments will need to develop strategic plans to prepare for tropical cyclones.
Investments made in flood prevention and coastal protection schemes such as sea walls will be
essential. Careful consideration needs to be given to the use of land particularly in low-lying areas.
Local people and emergency service teams will need training in how to respond to tropical cyclone
events, ensuring a coordinated and planned response. This should reduce the impact of tropical
cyclones on people and the environment.

n the long term, governments will need to develop strategic plans to prepare for tropical
cyclones. Investments made in flood prevention and coastal protection schemes such as sea
walls will be essential. Careful consideration needs to be given to the use of land particularly in
low-lying areas. Local people and emergency service teams will need training in how to
respond to tropical cyclone events, ensuring a coordinated and planned response. This should
reduce the impact of tropical cyclones on people and the environment.

Activity 4: What I Know Chart, part 2 (2 mins)

It’s time for you to answer the questions in the What I learned chart.

Questions: What I Learned

1. What are the four phases of disaster Mitigation, Preparedness, Response,
management cycle/emergency management? and Recovery.
2. What are the differences between the four The difference between disaster
phases of disaster management cycle/emergency management cycle and emergency
management? management is that, when we say
FLM 1.0
Module #21

Name: MARY SWEET V. ARADO_ Class number: _________________

Section: _________ Schedule: ______________________ Date: _________________________

Disaster Management, it can be defined

as the organization and management of
resources and responsibilities for dealing
with all humanitarian aspects of
emergencies, in particular preparedness,
response and recovery in order to lessen
the impact of disasters. While emergency
management is the organization and
management of the resources and
responsibilities for dealing with all
humanitarian aspects of emergencies.
The aim is to reduce the harmful effects
of all hazards, including disasters.

3. How important are these four phases of disaster Emergency Management is important
management cycle/emergency management? because it protects communities by
coordinating and integrating all activities
necessary to build, sustain, and improve
the capability to mitigate against, prepare
for, respond to, and recover from
threatened or actual natural disasters,
acts of terrorism, or other man-made

3) Activity 5: Check for Understanding (5 mins)

Directions: Based on your understanding of today’s discussion, provide an answer in the given question

o Based on your understanding in the discussion, describe the roles of the communication audience in
accordance to the phases of emergency management in 5-10 sentences only.
During an emergency, timely and transparent production and dissemination of information generates
trust and credibility. National authorities, international agencies, humanitarian assistance organizations,
the affected population, and the communication media will demand information in the form of data,
figures, reports, and situation analysis or recommendations. These stakeholders depend on this
information to guide their work and to translate their interest and concern into concrete action.

FLM 1.0
Module #21

Name: MARY SWEET V. ARADO_ Class number: _________________

Section: _________ Schedule: ______________________ Date: _________________________

Information in emergency or disaster situations comes from many sources; it represents different points
of views and serves a wide range of interests and needs. For example, following an earthquake,
scientific, technical, and operational information will serve decision makers, the affected population, and
the international community involved in response efforts. Clearly, the type of information provided
reflects the multi-disciplinary nature of emergency and disaster response and the ever-growing number
of specialists and organizations from different technical disciplines who are involved in disaster
1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning (5 mins)

A. Work Tracker

You are done with this session! Let’s track your progress. Shade this session number you just completed.

B. Think about your learning by filling up your “My Learning Tracker”. You write the learning targets, your
scores, learning experience for the session and deliberately plan for the next session.

Date Learning Target/Topic Scores Action Plan

What module# did you do? What What contributed to the quality of your performance today?
What’s the date What were your scores
were the learning targets? What What will you do next session to maintain your performance or
today? in the activities?
activities did you do? improve it?


1. What is the importance of emergency management?

- Emergency Management is important because it protects communities by coordinating and integrating all
activities necessary to build, sustain, and improve the capability to mitigate against, prepare for, respond to,
FLM 1.0
Module #21

Name: MARY SWEET V. ARADO_ Class number: _________________

Section: _________ Schedule: ______________________ Date: _________________________

and recover from threatened or actual natural disasters, acts of terrorism, or other man-made disasters.

2. What is the difference between disaster management cycle and emergency management?

- The difference between disaster management cycle and emergency management is that, when we say
Disaster Management, it can be defined as the organization and management of resources and responsibilities
for dealing with all humanitarian aspects of emergencies, in particular preparedness, response and recovery in
order to lessen the impact of disasters. While emergency management is the organization and management of
the resources and responsibilities for dealing with all humanitarian aspects of emergencies. The aim is to
reduce the harmful effects of all hazards, including disasters.

FLM 1.0
Module #21

Name: MARY SWEET V. ARADO_ Class number: _________________

Section: _________ Schedule: ______________________ Date: _________________________


Activity 3

Criteria: 5 3 2
Content There are complete There are few details of There are incomplete
details of what is being what is being asked. details of what is being
asked. asked.
Organization The thoughts and ideas The thoughts and ideas The thoughts and
are organized. are slightly organized. ideas are not

Activity 4

(Answers may vary)

Activity 5

Criteria: 5 3 2
Content There are complete There are few details of There are incomplete
details of what is being what is being asked. details of what is being
asked. asked.
Organization The thoughts and ideas The thoughts and ideas The thoughts and
are organized. are slightly organized. ideas are not

FLM 1.0

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