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Lesson Plan Template

Author Lauren Holcomb Date: March 10, 2022 Subject: Spanish

Lesson title ¡Viajamos! (Let’s Travel!) Grade Level: Third
Unit Goal To learn about traveling and more
specifically “places around the world
through culture, diversity, and

Preparation to Teach
Content Standard(s): WL.CM3.I Make simple presentations in culturally appropriate ways on transactional and informational topics related to self and the
immediate environment. Use sentences and strings of sentences through spoken, written, or signed language using the most suitable media
and technologies to present and publish.
WL.CL2.I Experience, recognize, and explore the relationships among typical age-appropriate target cultures’ products, practices, and
perspectives in culturally appropriate ways in transactional situations and some informal settings.
WL.CN1.I Acquire, exchange, and present information in the target language on topics related to self and the immediate environment, and
age-appropriate academic content across disciplines.
WL.CN2.I Identify diverse perspectives and distinctive viewpoints on topics related to self and the immediate environment in the target
language from age-appropriate authentic materials from the target cultures.

Lesson Objective(s): At the end of this lesson, third grade students will learn about Spanish speaking countries through the use of new vocabulary and terms
associated with traveling. Students will also be able to use the present tense of various -ir, -er, and -ar verbs.
Materials: iPad , [Google Slides] presentation, stylus, worksheet, Google My Maps

Multiple Intelligences Interpersonal: Working together in groups, promoting collaboration. Presenting presentations made in class as a group.
Addressed: Visual/Spatial: Using photographs of landmarks, culture, and traditions in their Google My Maps project as well as some from personal
experiences if applicable.
Technology Teacher: iPad, Apple Pencil, Apple TV,
Integration: Student: iPad, stylus

Learning Environment
Strategies to meet diversified For students with specific learning disabilities, curriculum modifications and adaptations can be
learners made. For example, an activity simplification could be used by having part of the assignment
done already to make things easier for the student.
Instructional Plan
Activating Background Knowledge

Instructional Strategies I would start the class off by explaining a time where I went to a Spanish speaking country for sports to train and play as well as
look at various famous and historical landmarks. I would then ask students if there is a place they have traveled to.

Informal Assessment Students would then have time to think of a place they have traveled to and places they visited. Once five minutes have passed,
students will share in front of the entire class. Also, if students have pictures on their iPads, they can share them with the class via

Rationale for Decisions I would start with sharing my experience in a Spanish speaking knowledge to get students interested in a topic they will be learning
about. Then by having students think of a place they have traveled to, it activates background knowledge with regards to traveling
which can make things easier when it comes to learning information in the target language.

Instructional Input
Instructional Strategies
After discussing I will show a presentation that incorporates vocabulary related to traveling (avion [airplane], maleta [suitcase],
boleta [ticket], etc.) and common verbs used with traveling (i.e viajar [to travel], pagar [to pay], ir [to go], etc.).

Informal Assessment For this informal assessment, there will be a worksheet for students to complete in groups using their iPad and Apple Pencil that
discusses the vocabulary and use of basic -ar, -er, and -ir verbs. Examples of activities would be matching the correct vocabulary
term in the primary language to the target language, creating sentences using the correct verb tense, and fill in the blank.

Rationale for Decisions By giving the students a presentation with a ton of visuals, it promotes engagement as well as meaningful learning. Also, by using a
worksheet with various activities, students are able to retain information they have learned through repetition and practice.

Instructional Strategies I will end the lesson with an example of a group project using the application Google My Maps. My example will continue with the
theme of Spanish speaking countries and will show more of Spain. For example, I would include important places and landmarks in
different areas in Spain. I would then have students work together to complete the activity described below.

Formal Assessment For this activity/assessment, students will be working in groups to research a Spanish speaking country which will be assigned to
them by the instructor. They will have the task of finding at least five famous landmarks, three famous restaurants, and other
information such as recommended places to stay as well as the estimated cost to travel to that country from California. After they
are finished with the research, students will use Google My Maps to create an interactive map with all of the things they found as
well as create a key. Students will be required to use verbs and vocabulary they have learned in this lesson as well as present their
group project to the class. Pictures are required. If students have been to the country they are assigned, they can incorporate
pictures, but it should be limited since this is more of a research assignment.

**Students will be assessed through a holistic rubric which will be broken down by following instructions, creativity, organization,
and through accuracy of information.**

Rationale for Decisions Through having students be in groups, it promotes collaboration which is a very important component to have in the classroom.
Also, through having the students using Google My Maps, it creates a different meaning towards assessment by using more of a
project-based learning approach. Students also are able to use creative and critical thinking in a fun way to incorporate content from
the lesson on traveling.

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