URS Presentation Jan232020 V3-ICTSS Website

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Version 2
Dir. Andrea Celene Magtalas
Information and Communications Technology Systems Service

January 23, 2020


Differences between the

URS Version 1 and Summary and Status of
Issues Encountered
URS Version 2
Differences between URS Ver. 1 and URS Ver. 2

URS Ver. 1 URS Ver. 2

User Registration User Registration

is done by the is done by the
DBM Analyst / User
ICTSS Helpdesk
upon request of
the User
Differences between URS Ver. 1 and URS Ver. 2

URS Ver. 1 URS Ver. 2

The system can only The system can

handle 150 Users handle more than
13,000 Users without
congesting the
individual transactions
and the printing of
Differences between URS Ver. 1 and URS Ver. 2

URS Ver. 1 URS Ver. 2

There is no “Reset “Forgot

Password” facility Password” facility
that sends the
new password to
the email of the
User upon request
Differences between URS Ver. 1 and URS Ver. 2

URS Ver. 1 URS Ver. 2

Users are The selected is

required to select coverage is
their coverage carried over from
every time they one form to
change forms another
Differences between URS Ver. 1 and URS Ver. 2

URS Ver. 1 URS Ver. 2

Saving of inputted Saving covers the

data is done by whole page or the
row whole transaction
Differences between URS Ver. 1 and URS Ver. 2

URS Ver. 1 URS Ver. 2

Automatic Real time

calculation upon automatic
saving calculation
Differences between URS Ver. 1 and URS Ver. 2

URS Ver. 1 URS Ver. 2

Submission of Submission of
FORM is by FORM covers all
funding source funding source
Differences between URS Ver. 1 and URS Ver. 2

URS Ver. 1 URS Ver. 2

There is no Signatory Signatory Repository

Repository that is is now available,
accessible to the Users can add, edit
Users and delete the
signatory information
Differences between URS Ver. 1 and URS Ver. 2

URS Ver. 1 UR Ver. 2

FAR1 & FAR1a: Allotments Received

Allotments Received (e.g.,SARO) is
has discrepancy in automatically
amount fetched from the
eBudget System (by
Differences between URS Ver. 1 and URS Ver. 2

URS Ver. 1 URS Ver. 2

FAR1 & FAR1a: Adjustments are

Adjustments in automatically
Appropriation and fetched from the
Adjustments in APSA/MAF
Allotment is modification module
manually inputted
Differences between URS Ver. 1 and URS Ver. 2

URS Ver. 1 URS Ver. 2

FAR1 & FAR1a: Transfer(s) To/

Transfer(s) To / Transfer(s) From
Transfer(s) From are are automatically
manually inputted in reflected in the
the source and recipient FAR1 and FAR1a
for both Current Year of the recipient
And Continuing and source from
Appropriation FAR1b.
Differences between URS Ver. 1 and URS Ver. 2

URS Ver. 1 URS Ver. 2

FAR1 & FAR1a: Adding of PAP and

Adding of PAP and Object of
Object of Expenditure is done
Expenditure is thru the APSA / MAF
manual and without module and it is
validation validated against the
source (PAP, Object).
Differences between URS Ver. 1 and URS Ver. 2

URS Ver. 1 URS Ver. 2

FAR1b: Balances from GAA/

Balances under GAAO, SARO and
Continuing Sub-Allotments
Appropriation is not under Continuing
available. Appropriation can
now be inputted.
Differences between URS Ver. 1 and URS Ver. 2

URS Ver. 1 URS Ver. 2

FAR5 is in the old FAR5 is now

format updated
FAR1c and FAR6 are not FAR1c and FAR6
available is now available
Differences between URS Ver. 1 and URS Ver. 2

URS Ver. 1 URS Ver. 2

BED2 is by Agency level Facility for BED2 is

now available to
Operating Units to
BAR1 targets
Differences between URS Ver. 1 and URS Ver. 2

URS Ver. 1 URS Ver. 2

BED3 is by Fund Source BED3 is by Fund

and Allotment Class Source, by PAP
and by Allotment
Differences between URS Ver. 1 and URS Ver. 2

URS Ver. 1 URS Ver. 2

Generation of Generation of
consolidated report is consolidated
not available during reports is now
working hours possible during
working hours
without slowing
down the system
Differences between URS Ver. 1 and URS Ver. 2

URS Ver. 1 URS Ver. 2

BED1: Actual Obligation Actual Obligation

column is manually column is now
inputted automatically
fetched from the
1st, 2nd and 3rd
Quarter of FAR1
URS Ver. 2 Issues Encountered
URS Ver. 2 Issues Encountered

Issue Resolution

Predictive filtering
FAR 1A is difficult to capability was added
use due to the long to allow Users to
list of sub-object filter sub-objects by
codes. code or by
URS Ver. 2 Issues Encountered

Issue Resolution

The pdf reports were

enhanced, fonts
Font size of the
scale up depending
reports is too small.
on the size of the
URS Ver. 2 Issues Encountered

Issue Resolution

Setting up of The setting up of

Workflow is done by Workflow is now
the DBM Analyst. available to the Users.
URS Ver. 2 Issues Encountered

Issue Resolution

Predictive search was

There is no search
added to allow users
button in APSA, MAF
to use code or
and Sub-Allotments.
URS Ver. 2 Issues Encountered

Issue Plan

No Excel Uploading. For development.

URS Ver. 2 Issues Encountered

Issue Resolution

Needs enhancement
FAR4 summary totals
to auto compute
are not automated.
summary totals.
Thank you

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