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Directions: Give a personal experience on how you apply each learning technique and explain how it
affects/improve your learning.

Learning Techniques Personal Expereince Learning Improvement

1. Elboratuive Interrogation I recall my Grade 12 experience This method greatly aids in the
because of our teacher. We were improvement and expansion of
expected to create a Boron Atom my knowledge. The steps we
Model. The only information we learnt at the time are still fresh in
had at the time was how many my mind, and I can recall them
electrons, protons, and neutrons and know how to recreate the
the boron possessed. We kept model if someone asks me to.
asking our teacher how to make This method has significantly
the model, and she eventually improved my comprehension and
informed us that we needed to understanding.
conduct some research on the
internet. After conducting study,
we were able to complete the task
2. Self-exploration When I'm at school, I always This method also aids in the
employ this strategy because if improvement of my cognition. It
our teacher is lecturing, we must also puts my studying and
work together and process what knowledge capacity to the test.
they are saying to our minds When the teacher asks me to
saying. When the teacher asks us express my thoughts or give an
to explain anything, we frequently explanation, I carefully consider
adopt this strategy. and comprehend the following
information so that I can correctly
deliver it to the class.
3. Summarization Summarization has been a part of I didn't know how to summarize
my life since I was in elementary before because I didn't have the
school since our teachers have knowledge to do so because I
always required us to summarize was still young, but now that I'm in
novels or stories. Now that I am in college, I've learnt what to ignore
college, we do it in our Panitikan and what not to ignore. In
class. preparing a summary, I
discovered that only the most
important information is required.
I also realized that I need to read
it thoroughly before proceeding.
4. Highlighting/Underlining When I first started reading some This strategy works well for me
of the related material, I was a since it allows me to recall vital
little surprised. I merely highlight key words, phrases, terminology,
or refer to my subject the First meanings, or ideas quickly. It is
paragraph should be highlighted. quite beneficial to me if I am
Because I believe that studying for an exam or a quiz.
emphasizing the positive aspects
is important. The important point
is in the first paragraph.
5. Keyword Mnemonic Since I was in elementary school, I can say that utilizing the
I've employed this strategy acronym to recall long phrases
whenever we had tests or helps me remember them. It
quizzes. improves my memory and allows
me to gather information faster
without forgetting it.
6. Imagery for Text I always envisioned what I was It is quite effective for me
reading so that I could fully because I am able to fully absorb

05 eLMS Worksheet 1 *Property of STI

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comprehend and react to the what I am reading. Reading

story. without comprehension, in my
opinion, is pointless because it is
a waste of time.
7. Rereading When I'm reading something This strategy has taught me to be
that's difficult to understand, I use patient when reading since
this strategy. previously, if I didn't grasp what I
understand, particularly if the one was reading, I would dismiss it,
I'm reading contains a word with but now, I am dissatisfied if I don't
which I'm unfamiliar. fully comprehend it. I'm trying to
understand it with the help of
dictionaries before moving on to
the next page.
8. Practice Testing One of the most successful study It taught me to be responsible in
methods is practice testing. Yes, I my studies because I am a
agree because this is something student.
we always do when a test is I need to take the Pre-test
approaching. Our teacher is seriously because failing to do so
giving us a long quiz to make the will have an impact on my grades.
exam easier for us to answer. Pre-testing has also helped me
become more knowledgeable and
not forget facts when it comes to
the exam.
9. Distribiuted Practice The usage of key words, rhyming It assists me in being more
words, or acronyms are the most knowledgeable, and it is also an
basic sorts of mnemonic excellent strategy that aids me in
methods. I use this strategy when passing my test. Because I
I'm studying and I have a long prepared ahead of time, I don't
phrase that I need to learn but see myself cramming when the
can't since I forget things easily, test arrives.
so instead of memorizing it, I use
an acronym to help me remember
10. Interleaved Practice Interleaving is a method of It taught me how to study for a
improving learning by allowing short period of time and then
pupils to blend or interleave switch to a different topic since in
several disciplines or themes oral recitation, we must learn all
while studying. When we have an of the topics because we never
oral recital, we use this strategy. know what the teacher will ask us.
We spend a brief length of time As a result, it teaches me how to
studying one topic before moving swiftly grasp and memorize
on to another. knowledge.

Rubric for scoring:

Presents a personal experience that exhibits the specified learning technique 5
Learning Gives a concrete evidence of how the specified learning technique improves
Improvement his/her learning related to the given personal experience
Total 10
(10 items x 10 points = 100)

05 eLMS Worksheet 1 *Property of STI

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