English (Diabetes Disease) Supporting Lecturer: DR - Tambunan, M.PD

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NIM: P00324020101


Study Program:D-III Midwifery



YEAR 2020/2021

Diabetes is a disease caused by increased blood sugar in the body. Increased blood
sugar due to the body often consuming sweet foods. The body's blood sugar increases
because the body has excess glucose or sugar intake so that kidney function is forced to
work hard to filter excess glucose or sugar that enters the blood If the excess blood sugar
in the body cannot be filtered out by the kidneys, the following excess sugar will appear
through the urine along with fluids taken from body tissues.

So this will cause the body to become dehydrated or lack fluids. Based on the results
of the latest research published by the American Diabetes Association, it shows that
nearly 7 million Americans are diagnosed with diabetes. This is to prevent and know the
signs and symptoms of diabetes so that you can carry out prevention early.

The inventor of diabetes medicine is Frederick Banting

The reason I took diabetes is because To add insight to myself and the readers of my
paper, in order to find out what causes diabetes and something related to diabetes.


1. What is the Definition of Diabetes?

2. What is Diabetes Treatment?

3. What are the ways to prevent diabetes?

4. What are the Dangers of Diabetes?


1. Definition Of Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic disease characterized by high blood sugar (glucose)

levels. Glucose is the main energy source for the cells of the human body.

Glucose that accumulates in the blood due to not being absorbed by the body's
cells properly can cause various disorders of the body's organs. If diabetes is not
controlled properly, various complications can arise that endanger the patient's life.

2. Diabetes Treatment

The following are various medications that are effective in controlling blood
sugar levels and preventing complications for diabetics:
a. Insulin therapy

Insulin therapy is the main treatment for type 1 diabetes mellitus. Insulin is a
hormone produced in the pancreas. Treatment through insulin is needed when the
pancreas is unable to produce insulin.

Reporting from the American Diabetes Association, insulin can also be a

treatment option for type 2 diabetes. Many types of insulin are used to help
control sugar levels in the treatment of diabetes. Types of insulin are
distinguished based on how quickly insulin works and how long insulin can
maintain blood sugar levels in the body.

Here are some types of insulin for diabetes mellitus that you need to know.

 Direct-acting insulin (rapid-acting insulin)

 Short-acting insulin or regular insulin (short-acting insulin)

 Intermediate-acting insulin

 long-acting insulin (long-acting insulin)

Your doctor may ask you to take insulin before or after meals. In addition,
the amount of insulin needed in each person can also be different. This is adjusted
for age, patient condition, physical activity, and how severe your diabetes is.

Insulin therapy for diabetes is available in several devices with different

ways of using insulin and the most common is injectable insulin, but you can also
use an insulin pen or an insulin pump. Other less common insulin devices are
insulin injections, insulin ports, and jet injectors.

b. Diabetes medicine

 Diabetes mellitus drugs

Sometimes, a healthy diet and regular exercise are not enough to keep
blood sugar levels stable. That is why, diabetics (especially type 2 DM)
need medication to help control blood glucose.

There are several types of medication—usually in tablet form, but

some are given by injection—that can be used for diabetes.

Most types of diabetes are treated with biguanides, such as

metformin. This drug works by lowering glucose produced in the liver
while helping to increase insulin sensitivity so that sugar is more easily
processed by the body's cells into energy. Treatment of diabetes mellitus
can be done with one type of drug. But if that doesn't work, some
combination of diabetes medications may be needed.

Other drugs commonly used to treat diabetes include:

- Sulfonylureas

- Pioglitazone

- Gliptin

- Agonist

- Acarbose

- Nateglinide

- Repaglinide

c. Complementary (alternative) treatment

 Natural remedy for diabetes

Other diabetes medications can work in different ways to control

blood sugar. As for this alternative diabetes treatment, it functions to
complement and support the main treatment, not replace it.

Generally, this complementary diabetes treatment consists of using

traditional natural ingredients, such as ginseng, cinnamon, and insulin
leaves. This natural way can help overcome the symptoms of diabetes and
lower blood sugar levels.

However, you need to be careful in using natural diabetes drugs. The

reason is, not all natural remedies provide effective results for everyone.
For patients who have allergies or chronic diseases such as hypertension
and heart can be at risk of experiencing dangerous reactions.Therefore,
always consult with your doctor before using natural diabetes drugs.

d. Healthy lifestyle

In addition, of course the treatment of diabetes mellitus both with insulin

therapy, medical drugs, and natural ingredients must still be accompanied by a
lifestyle that can maintain normal blood sugar levels. In fact, it is a major pillar in
the treatment of type 2 diabetes.

If you have type 2 diabetes and it's still in the early stages, you will usually
be asked to change your lifestyle before switching to medication. Some healthy
habits that diabetics can do to control their blood sugar, include:

 Healthy and regular diet

Eating regularly with balanced portions is the key to the right diet for
diabetes. Irregular eating patterns actually cause blood sugar levels to
become even more unstable

 Sport

Diabetes treatment coupled with regular exercise can help the insulin
hormone work so that it can more easily lower blood sugar. Doing
exercise for diabetes can also help overweight diabetics reach their ideal

 Routine blood sugar test every day

Diabetics also need to regularly check blood sugar levels. For diabetics
who undergo diabetes treatment with insulin, it is necessary to check
blood sugar more often in a day. Consult with your doctor how many
times and when to check your blood sugar every day.

e. Operation

1. Surgery for diabetes

In more severe conditions, insulin injections, medications, and a healthy

lifestyle are sometimes not enough to control blood sugar levels.

To overcome this, treatment is required through surgery. The type of

surgery performed can vary depending on the severity of the disease or
condition that causes diabetes.According to the National Institute of Diabetes,
the following are the types of surgery that can be performed as a way to treat

 Bariatric surgery

This procedure, also known as weight loss surgery, is commonly

performed in cases of diabetes caused by obesity. A person who has this
surgery usually does not need diabetes mellitus treatment again after blood
sugar levels return to normal.

 Pancreatic transplant

Pancreatic transplantation is generally performed on people with type

1 diabetes who have damaged the pancreas so that it cannot produce the
hormone insulin. In this operation, the damaged insulin-producing cells
are replaced with transplanted cells.

 Artificial pancreas

This treatment is done by placing an artificial pancreas device. The

artificial pancreas works through a system that can monitor glucose levels
and insulin production in the body

3. How to prevent diabetes

To prevent diabetes, there are several ways that can be done, namely:

a. Applying a healthy diet

Living a healthy diet is one of the main keys to avoiding diabetes. In order
not to get diabetes, you are advised to limit the consumption of foods and drinks
high in sugar, calories, and fat, such as processed foods, cakes, ice cream, and fast
food. To reduce the risk of developing diabetes, limit your daily sugar intake to 40
grams or the equivalent of 9 teaspoons of sugar.

Instead, increase the consumption of vegetables, fruit, nuts, and whole

grains that contain lots of fiber and complex carbohydrates. Prevention with
herbal ingredients can be done by using the mangosteen rind.

If you like snacking, you should choose healthy snacks, such as milk, low-
fat yogurt and sugar, and beans boiled without salt. In addition, avoid soft drinks
or packaged fruit juices that have high sugar content and drink lots of water.

b. Doing exercise regularly

Regular exercise has many benefits, one of which is preventing the body
from developing diabetes. Regular exercise can help the body use the hormone
insulin more effectively, so that blood sugar levels can be better controlled.

Take your time to exercise at least 30 minutes a day. Any type of exercise,
as long as it is done regularly, can be an effective way to prevent diabetes.
c. Maintain ideal body weight

Ideal body weight can be determined using a BMI (body mass index)
calculator. If your body's BMI value is high to exceed the normal limit, then you
may be obese. This condition is one of the factors that can increase a person's risk
of developing diabetes.

Therefore, it is important to always maintain an ideal body weight with

regular exercise and a healthy, balanced diet.

d. Manage stress well

Stress that is not managed properly can increase the risk of developing
diabetes. This is because when experiencing stress, the body will release stress
hormones (cortisol) which can increase blood sugar levels.

Not only that, when stressed, the body will also tend to be hungry more
easily and be encouraged to eat more. Therefore, you must be good at managing
stress so you don't take it out on overeating or snacking.

e. Checking blood sugar regularly

To assess blood sugar levels, you need to do regular blood sugar checks to
the doctor. This blood sugar test may need to be preceded by fasting for at least
10 hours before the test is performed. Blood sugar tests are important to monitor
blood sugar levels and detect diabetes early. angina is recommended to take the
drugs given by the doctor and according to the dose.

4. Dangers of Diabetes

Uncontrolled diabetes can also cause nerve damage. High blood sugar levels in
the body can injure the walls of small blood vessels that protect nerves, especially the
feet. It can cause tingling, numbness, burning sensation, or pain.

Diabetes is a chronic disease characterized by high blood sugar (glucose) levels. Glucose
is the main energy source for the cells of the human body.

Glucose that accumulates in the blood due to not being absorbed by the body's cells
properly can cause various disorders of the body's organs. If diabetes is not controlled properly,
various complications can arise that endanger the patient's life.




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