Follow The Instructions

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Follow the instructions

Choose one media material (e.g performance art, play dance , sports film ,exhibits, industrial
design, furniture design, posters, billboards , commercials , and digital media ) to review. The
topic of your chosen material should be related to your area of interest.
A. Study the work to be critiqued. Complete the following details.
Type of work: ______________________
Title name ________________________
B. Complete the given information to come up with a writing situation for your critique. Assume
any writer’s persona you want.
General Purpose_____________________________________________________________
Specific Purpose_____________________________________________________________
Target output________________________________________________________________
Audience ___________________________________________________________________
Writer’s Persona______________________________________________________________
C. Watch , Read or view your chosen materials , focus on the technical aspects and thematic
content using any of the critical approaches for a basis of your assessment, then come up with
your central assessment of the material.
D. Prepare an outline for your critique using the details you have indicated in A and B . Follow
the principles of coordination , subordination, parallel constructions and division when making
your outline.
E. After writing your outline, write your critique of the chosen materials.

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