Arguments For Evolution and Creation

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Arguments for Evolution and Creation

The video “Top Ten Creationist Arguments” and article “10 Reasons to Believe in a

Historical Adam” present some compelling arguments to support the creation theory. Proving

evolution is the most compelling argument I think is a valid critique of Christian attempts to

defend the doctrine of creation. Evolution cannot be proven because is abstract and intangible.

As opposed to proving a Young Earth theory from primitive, evolution is just a theory created to

explain the origin of man without any substantial holding. Evolution cannot be proved and

tested. As a result, it cannot be considered a properly scientific subject at all. Again, if people

evolved from monkeys then monkeys should have gone extinct. The question is “Did evolution

stop?” If evolution is real, all monkeys so far could have evolved into human beings. Again,

people could not be reproducing sexually.

I think argument #9 from Deyoung’s article misses the point on the explanation and

evidence for the existence of historical Adam. According to Deyoung’s argument nine (#9),

“without a historical Adam, Paul’s doctrine of original sin and guilt does not hold together” can

be considered a fallacy. This argument misses the point. A historian or a reader cannot prove the

existence of historical and true Adam, by evaluating people who came after him. As a creative

book, the Bible could imaginatively figure out the attributes of Paul from the background of

Adam. Therefore, the existence of a true and historical Adam cannot be proved by analyzing

Paul’s doctrine of sin and guilt.

Work Cited

Deyong Kevin. 10 Reasons to Believe in a Historical Adam. February 7, 2012.


Top Ten Creationist Arguments.

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