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Did you go by plane?

Date: May, the 4th, 2020

Form: 6A, 6B
Lesson: Did you go by plane?


Let’s remember the Past Tense Simple!

The Interrogative!
Order of words:
Did + S + V (Short Infinitive) ... ?

For example:
Did you stay at home yesterday?
Did you watch TV yesterday?
Did it rain the day before yesterday?
Did they go to school last week?

The Negative
Order of words:
S + did not + V (Short Infinitive).

For example:
They didn’t stay at home yesterday.
She didn’t play the piano yesterday.
It didn’t rain the day before yesterday.

Short answers:
Did you meet your classmates yesterday?
Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.

Did they go to school last week?

Yes, they did. / No, they didn’t.

Did it snow last month?

Yes, it did. / No, it didn’t.

Did you go by plane yesterday?

Means of transport

to go } by plane
to travel train
Exercise 1 / pp 88-89
Write the words representing the means of transport for each image.
1. car;
2. scooter
You should continue writing the means of transport.

Which is your favourite means of transport?

I prefer traveling by car.
How do you prefer traveling?

The Adjective

An adjective is a describing word. It tells more about a noun (opinion, shape, size,
age, material). The adjective is usually placed before the noun.

For example:
We have got a beautiful house and a large garden.
My brother is tall and slim.

The adjectives do not change their forms and the same form applies to singular and plural

For example:
an old building – some / many old buildings
a young doctor – some / many young doctors
a beautiful country – some / many beautiful countries

Adjectives can be used after the verb TO BE or the verbs: to look, feel, to smell to taste,
to sound.

For example:
My sister is tall.
They are short and fat.
She looks sad today.
I am feeling good these days.
The soup smells delicious.
The cakes taste awful.
The song sounds good.

 The adjective “enough” can go before but also after the noun!
For example: I have got enough money to buy a new phone.
I have got money enough to buy a new phone.

Classification of the adjectives after their form

The adjectives are
 Short (consisting of one or two syllables)
For example: long, short, tall, thin, fat, old, young, large, cold, hot, happy,
busy, easy, dirty, lucky, funny, pretty, silly, etc.

 Long adjectives (consisting of more than two syllables)

For example: beautiful, interesting, wonderful, important, expensive,
difficult, comfortable, etc.

The degrees of comparison

The positive
It’s the initial form of the adjective.

For example:
My mother is slim.
My brother is intelligent.

Short adjectives
The comparative

Short adjectives form the comparative adding “-er”.

For example:
longer (than), shorter, taller, larger, younger, older,

(than = adverb de comparatie)

but: thinner, hotter, fatter, bigger;

Short adjectives in “-y” change in “-i” and then add “-er”.

For example:
happier, busier, funnier, dirtier, easier, sillier;

Some short adjectives double their final consonant and then add “-er”;

For example:
thin - thinner
big - bigger
fat - fatter

The superlative
Short adjectives form the superlative adding ”- est” to its initial form.
Also the adjective is preceded by the article “the”.

For example:
the tallest, the shortest, the longest, the oldest, etc.

** There are some short adjectives which have irregular forms in the comparative and
the superlative.

The Irregular Short Adjectives

Positive Comparative Superlative

1. good better the best

2. bad / ill worse the worst

3. much / many more the most

4. late later the latest (cel mai tarziu, cel mai recent)
the latter ( cel de-al doilea din doi)
the last

5. old older (mai batran, the oldest

mai vechi)
elder (mai in varsta, the eldest
despre membrii aceleiasi familii)

6. near nearer the nearest

the next

7. little less the least

8. far farther (mai indepartat) the farthest

further (mai indepartat, the furthest
suplimentar, additional,
in plus)

Long adjectives

The comparative

Long adjectives form the comparative adding “more” before them.

For example:
more beautiful (than), more expensive, more interesting, more important;

The superlative
Long adjectives form the superlative adding ”the most” before them.

For example:
the most beautiful, the most expensive, the most important; the most interesting;

Comparative of equality

Form: “ as ... (adjective) ... as”

For example:
as thin as; as tall as; as funny as; as beautiful as; as important as;

Tom is as tall as Mike.

Maths is as important as Physics.

Form: “not as (adjective) as”
not as fat as; not as funny as; not as interesting as; not as important as;

Jim is not as tall as Will.

This novel was not as interesting as the novel I read last week.

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