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Midterm Report

Production System And Technology

Azhan Anggarajati Rabbani

1. Company Description
a. Hikery is a technology-based company focused on improving the convenience and safety
of hiking. Our target is connecting hikers worldwide to team up with professionals, rent
gears they do not have, and get tips and tricks from other hikers.
b. Operation process
i. Team up with professionals: We provide an online marketplace for professional
hikers, so other hikers find the best open trip package they need and join the
ii. Rent gears and equipment: We provide an online marketplace for outdoor gear
rentals, so hikers that need additional gear can rent from them without worrying
about the conditions and the availability.
iii. Sharing tips and tricks: Hikers can get tips and tricks from other experienced
hikers’ journal.

Professional Hikery Hikers

Hikers System
Provide open Compile open Join the
trips trips team

Gears Rental Hikery Hikers

Gears for Compile Rent gears
rent rentals

Hikers Hikery Hikers

Share a Share to other Get tips and
journal users tricks

2. Company mission
a. Hikery primary mission is to improve the convenience and safety of hiking. Meanwhile,
there are three operation missions:
i. Team up with professionals: To ease hikers when finding the open trip that fits
their needs and compare open trips.
ii. Rent gears and equipment: To ease hikers when finding gears, rental, and book
the gears needed online.
iii. Sharing tips and tricks: To inform hikers about the latest condition of hiking and
b. Operation Strategic
i. Differentiation: Hikery improves the hiking experience by providing an all-in-
one platform that allows hikers to team up with professional hikers in a
comfortable yet trusted way and find the best gear they need to rent without
worrying about its condition and availability.
3. Service Design
a. Our company, Hikery, is leading on providing outdoor gear rents, digital SIMAKSI
technology, journal sharing, check-in feature, and gamification from the calculations we
made. Nevertheless, we still need to develop many of its technology, especially on its
user interface. We do not compare the open trip segment because we are the first online
marketplace that serves the market.
4. Capacity planning
a. Hikery is a technology-based company co-founded by four students from three different
faculties. Our founders also the end-users of the solution we develop, which makes the
company even more substantial. We do not need any staff or workers for early
development because other technology companies outsource our early development. We
estimated that our early development takes Rp100 million to Rp150 million and can be
completed in 45 working days. We can accommodate the 900,000 total addressable
market from the end-user profile we choose with our advanced system. However, we
were expected to accommodate up to four million users only from Indonesia through
further development.
5. Location Analysis
a. Since our beachhead market is in Bandung, we decide to build our first office there. We
also need the best technical resource as near as possible for our early development.
Besides that, the cost of rent must be affordable since we have not had enough cash flow.
We need to consider the other aspects near the open trip agencies, outdoor gear rental,
and easy access. Still, those aspects do not as important as the aspects mentioned earlier.
b. From those aspects, we scored and calculated some places that might be the best for us.
We choose Dago, Dipatiukur, Jalan Riau, and Jalan Asia Afrika to consider, and Dago is
what we got.

6. Supply Chain Analysis

a. Our supply chain consisting of open trip agencies, outdoor gear rentals, hikers, app
developers, and the Hikery system. First, open trip agencies and outdoor gear rentals need
to register and upload their service to the system. Then, the system will compile and
process the data into a user-friendly database. When the data are served, users can now
search, compare, and purchase the service they needed. Once the purchase is already
recorded, the money will be transferred to the system first, then passed to the providers
(agencies and rentals). Hikers also can upload their journal online that makes hikers not
only the customer but also a supplier. Last, for early developments, we outsource the
mobile app development to other technology companies.
Supplier: Supplier
Open Trip and
Agency Providi Sharing Customer:
ng Journal Hiker


Gear Develo
For p The
Supplie Rent App Outsour
r ce:
Gear Develo
Rental per

b. We use a differentiated strategy in our supply chain management. Earlier, open trip
agencies and outdoor gear rentals served their customer first until we find out that there
are many pain points for both supplier and customer. The suppliers tend to be overstock
in preparing their services. While the customers tend not to find the assistance they
needed since there are many of them, and hard to see which one is the best service they
7. Conclusion
Hikery is a technology-based company focused on improving hiking’s convenience and safety
with three primary operations; team up with professionals, rent gears and equipment, and share
tips and tricks between hikers. We use a differentiation operation strategy to exceed our
competitors. Therefore, we provide outdoor gear rents, digital SIMAKSI technology, journal
sharing, check-in feature, and gamification from the calculations we made. Nevertheless, we still
need to develop many of its technology, especially on its user interface. We outsource the early
application development to other technology companies. We can accommodate the 900,000 total
addressable market from the end-user profile we choose with our advanced system. However, we
were expected to accommodate up to four million users only from Indonesia through further
development. For the office place, we choose Dago because we need the best technical resource
as near as possible at an affordable price. Last, we use a differentiated strategy in our supply
chain management that revolutionized the hiking industry.

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