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Increase glumerullar permeability of protein

Excessive proximal tubular protein reabsorption

Acquisition of an iflammation by tubular cells

Up Regulation of vasoactive inflammatory genes

through mediated nuclear signals

Interstitial inflammatory reaction

Renal Scarring /
Trigger that damage nephrons

Damage nephrons can't filter blood

Increase glumerullar capillary permeability

meability of protein Loss of plasma protein (Albumin

r protein reabsorption Hypo albunomenia

ation by tubular cells Decreased oncotic pressure

e inflammatory genes Fluids shifts from intravascular to extrace

nuclear signals

Sodium Retention

Fibroblas proliferation
Retention of nitrogenous waste

Increase levels of bioactive

substances normally cleared in

✓BUN - 26.85 mmol/L
✓Creatinine - 864.9 mmol/L
asma protein (Albumin) Decreased renal perfussion

po albunomenia Renin is released (Juxtaglomerular Cell

sed oncotic pressure Angiotensin 1

ntravascular to extracelular fluid Angiotensin 2 (Potent Vasoconstriction)

dium Retention Stimulates release at aldosterone. (Adrenal Co

Increase Aldosterone

Increase Sodium and Water Retention

Increase Blood volume

Increased Blood Pressure

Manifestation (HPN 140/90)

ecreased renal perfussion

released (Juxtaglomerular Cell)

Angiotensin 1

nsin 2 (Potent Vasoconstriction)

ease at aldosterone. (Adrenal Cortex)

Increase Aldosterone
e Sodium and Water Retention

Increase Blood volume

ncreased Blood Pressure

anifestation (HPN 140/90)

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