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Document No.

Effective Date:

DATE SUBMITTED: October 8,2021

ACTIVITY TITLE: Essay #10: Disaster Awareness, Preparedness and Management
What is your role or contribution in our country’s Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
(DRRM) Plan?
Student’s Answer:

Firstly, we must discuss what is Disaster Risk Reduction. Disaster risk reduction is the concept and
practice of reducing disaster risks through systematic efforts to analyzes and reduce the causal factors of
disasters. Reducing exposure to hazards, lessening vulnerability of people and property, wise management
of land and the environment, and improving preparedness for adverse events are all examples of disaster
risk reduction. What is Disaster Risk Reduction? - UNISDR. (2021). Retrieved 8 October 2021, from In the Philippines we have our own
Disaster Risk reduction council and plan. The National Disaster Risk Reduction & Management Council
(NDRRMC), formerly known as the National Disaster Coordinating Council (NDCC), is a working group of
various government, non-government, civil sector and private sector organizations of the Government of
the Republic of the Philippines established by Republic Act 10121 of 2009. It is administered by the Office of
Civil Defense under the Department of National Defense. The Council is responsible for ensuring the
protection and welfare of the people during disasters or emergencies. Philippines National Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) | UN-SPIDER Knowledge Portal. (2021). Retrieved 8 October
2021, from

My Role is to follow the NDRRMCP or National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan,
(NDRRMP) is a long-term national sectoral plan aiming to address four main priority areas as disaster
prevention and mitigation, disaster preparedness, disaster response, rehabilitation and recovery. largely
addresses both structural issues by including measures on providing temporary shelter and other structural
needs, as well as non-structural issues by providing basic social services to affected population, addressing
psychological needs of affected population, setting up coordinated and integrated system for early
recovery, etc. The Plan closely links disaster risk reduction and management to climate change and aims to
construct disaster and climate change resilient infrastructure. (2021). Retrieved 8 October 2021,

As what it is stated on the NDRRMCP, as a citizen I should prepare for every disaster incoming. I am
also going to help by being part of the Volunteer searching when a Typhoon comes, and being part of the
ones who guide others to shelter. Disasters shouldn’t be taken lightly, the NDRMMC and NDRMMP is great
to apply in our country since we almost always were hit by the disasters like typhoons and earthquakes. As
a citizen and a student I need knowledge and mental preparedness since we still have the “Big One” and
the final eruption of Taal Volcano, I must ready my equipment and encourage everyone that being ready
can help us guarantee our safety.
Document No.:
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Submitted by: Verified by:

Jugo, Karl William A. Jonel S. Bentulan


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