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MBA (FT) – November 2021


Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70


1. Question-1 is mandatory and any six to be attempted from the rest.

2. All Questions carry 10 marks each

Q1. Describe with examples the following key concepts (1 mark x 10 = 10 marks)

i. CIA
ii. Broadband
iii. IaaS
vi. Microservices
vii. CRM
viii. SSL
ix. Mobile Money
x. Payment Gateway

Q2. What is E-Business? How is it different from E-Commerce? What are the types of E-Business?
Explain with examples. (10 marks)

Q3. What is B2B Integration? Why do you need B2B Integration? Explain the differences between
supplier-oriented marketplace and buyer-oriented marketplace with examples. (10 marks)

Q4. What is EDI? How does it work? Explain any three EDI standards. (10 marks)

Q5. What is an E-Payment system and how does it work? Explain different types of E-Payment
systems with examples. (10 marks)

Q6. What are the different types of common security breaches? How will you protect your E-
Business application from such breaches? Explain Microsoft STRIDE model.
Q7. You have been recruited by ABC Corporation to design their E-Business system. ABC
Corporation deals in online stock market trading. Prepare a high-level business flow and the
web-based E-Business system architecture. (10 marks)

Q8. Compare and contrast different E-Business strategies. You have an innovative E-Business idea,
but the domestic market is highly price sensitive. You have an option to start with international
market. What would be your entry strategy? Justify your answer with reasons. (10 marks)

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