Seminar Manajemen SDM 1

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University Universitas Hasanuddin

Faculty Faculty of Economics and Business

Department Management
Study Program S1 Management
Human Resource Management Seminar Human Resource Management 3


Dr. Ria Mardiana Yusuf., SE., MSi Prof. Dra. H. Dian Parawansa., PhD

ELO-2 To demonstrate entrepreneurshipProf. Dr. Sitileadership
skill, Haerani, SE,
and M.Si
management competencies in the range of organizational
Dr. Hj.Nurdjannah Hamid,SE.,M.Agr
activities and context Shinta Dewi Sugiharti Tikson, S.E., M.Mgt.
ELO-3 To demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of concept and theory of management and apply them in various
types of organizations
ELO-4 To analyze business environment in the context of local and global business
ELO-7 To apply managerial skills in empowering people and optimizing resources to create business opportunities

ELO-8 To implement enterprise strategic plan into action in private and public organizations
ELO-9 To apply business and management research methodologies properly in solving a limited range of business
Conceptualize the functions and operations of human resource management within the organization
Concepts and techniques of human resource strategy to enter the dynamic business environment
Formulate human resource management functions and operation according to organizational needs
Proficiency in theoretical concept in Human Resource Management and able to formulate solutions in basic
procedural issue.
Designing (in a limited way) an effective working environment
Problem solving skills within the working environment context
Course Description Human resource management (HRM) is the strategic approach to the effective management of organization
workers so that they help the business gain a competitive advantage. The field of human resource management is
designed to maximize employee performance in service of an employer's strategic objectives. As a field, HRM has
undergone many changes over the last twenty years, giving it an even more important role in today’s
To succeed in this course, students will have to use their conceptual skills in understanding and designing an
effective human resource management strategy in organizations. Students will also have to read journals and
articles to understand the practice of HRM in organizations globally.
Team Teaching 1. Prof. Dr. Hj. Siti Haerani, SE., MSi
2. Dr. Nurdjanah Hamid, SE., MAgr
3. Dr. Ria Mardiana Yusuf., SE., MSi
4. Dra. Hj. Nursiah Sallatu, MA
5. Shinta Dewi Sugiharti Tikson, SE., MBuss
Course Material Contents Human Resource Management and Its Practice
Trends in Human Resource Management
Job Analysis
Human Resource Planning Recruitment,
Selection, and Placement Employee
Training and Development Performance
Management and Appraisal
Career Management
Direct Financial Compensation (Core Compensation)
Indirect Financial Compensation (Employee Benefits)
Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining
Employee Safety, Health and Wellness
Performance Productivity, Job Satisfaction, and Employee Retention
Organizational Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior
References Primary: Reference
1. Mondy, R.W. and Matocchio, J. 2016. Human Resource Management. 14th
ed. Pearson, USA. P1
2. Noe, R.A. et al. 2016. Fundamentals of Human Resource Management. 6th ed. McGraw-Hill, P2
3. Dessler, G. 2013. Human Resource Management. 13th ed. Pearson, USA. P3
Secondary: Reference
1. George, Jennifer M. & Jones, Gareth R. 2012. Understanding and Managing Organizational S1
Behavior. 6th ed. Prentice Hall, USA.
2. Robbins, Stephen P. & Judge, Timothy A. 2013. Organizational Behavior. 15th ed. Pearson, USA. S2
Supporting Learning Software: Hardware:
Device(s) Powerpoint, Sikola, Internet LCD Projector
Laptop, Flipchart, Stikynote, Marker

Course Outline
Learning Assessment
Week Learning Objectives Topics Course Contents Activities References %
Methods Indicator
1 Identify the human Chapter 1 1. HRM functions Lecture Class Contract Comprehension P1 5%
resource management Human Resource 2. Dynamic HRM Discussion Lecture Analytical Thinking
functions, and explain Management and environment Q&A Discussion Ability to participate
the importance of Its Practice 3. Corporate culture and Group discussion Brainstorming in class discussion
corporate culture and HRM Teamwork Q&A
human resource 4. HRM profession Quiz Accuracy of answer
management. Teamwork

2 Describe trends in the Chapter 2 1. Change in labor force Lecture Group Comprehension P2 5%
labor force composition Trends in Human 2. High-performance Discussion Presentation and Analytical Thinking
and how they affect Resource work systems Q&A Discussion Ability to participate
human resource Management 3. Technological change Group discussion Lecture in class discussion
management. in HRM Teamwork Discussion
4. Change in the Quiz Accuracy of answer
employment Teamwork
relationship Behavior

3 Discuss the nature of job Chapter 4 1. The basics of job Lecture Group Comprehension P3 5%
analysis, including what Job Analysis analysis Discussion Presentation and Analytical Thinking
it is and how it’s used in 2. Uses of job analysis Q&A Discussion Ability to participate
practice. information Group discussion Lecture in class discussion
3. Methods for collecting Teamwork Discussion
job analysis Quiz Accuracy of answer
information Teamwork

4 Explain the human Chapter 4 1. Strategic planning Lecture Group Comprehension P1 5%

resource planning Human Resource process Discussion Presentation and Analytical Thinking
Process and forecasting Planning 2. HR planning Q&A Discussion
Ability to participate
requirements. 3. Forecasting HR Group discussion Lecture in class discussion
requirements Teamwork Discussion
4. Forecasting HR Quiz Q&A Accuracy of answer
availability Teamwork
5. Shortage and surplus Behavior
of workers forecasting Self-discipline

5 Discuss how to plan for Chapter 5 1. Recruiting human Lecture Group Comprehension P2 5%
human resources Recruitment resources, and Discussion Presentation and Analytical Thinking
needed to carry out the personnel policies Q&A Discussion
Ability to participate
organization’s strategy, Chapter 6 2. Recruitment sources Group discussion Lecture in class discussion
and explain how Selection and 3. Selection process and Teamwork Discussion
employers carry out the Placement decisions Quiz Q&A Accuracy of answer
process of making a Teamwork
selection decision. Behavior

6 Explain how to Chapter 8 1. Training and Lecture Group Comprehension P1 5%

determine specific Employee Training development process Discussion Presentation and Analytical Thinking
training and and Development 2. Determine specific Q&A Discussion Ability to participate
development needs and training and Group discussion Lecture
in class discussion
objectives. Discuss development needs Teamwork Discussion
career development and 3. Training methods Quiz Q&A Accuracy of answer
career development 4. Career planning Teamwork
methods approaches Behavior
5. Career development Self-discipline
and career
development methods
6. Management
7 Identify the various Chapter 7 1. Performance Lecture Group Comprehension P1 5%
performance criteria Performance management Discussion Presentation and Analytical Thinking
(standards) that can be Management and 2. Performance Q&A Discussion
established. Explain the Ability to participate
Appraisal appraisal Group discussion Lecture in class discussion
characteristics of an 3. Performance Teamwork Discussion
effective appraisal appraisal process Quiz Q&A Accuracy of answer
system. 4. Responsibility for Teamwork
performance Behavior
appraisal Self-discipline
5. Problems in
6. Characteristics of an
effective appraisal
8 The purpose of the Mid-Term Exam Materials from week 1 to Exam Exam Accuracy of answer 15%
exam is to review week 7 and ability to
students’ comprehension analyze
of the course materials.
9 Discuss what employers Chapter 10 1. Careers today Lecture Group Comprehension P3 5%
and supervisors can do Career 2. Psychological Discussion Presentation and Analytical Thinking S1
to support employees’ Management contract Q&A Discussion
Ability to participate
career development
needs. Understand the 3. The employee’s role Group discussion Lecture in class discussion
importance of careers, in career Teamwork Discussion
management Quiz Q&A Accuracy of answer
different kinds of
careers, and effective 4. The employer’s role in Teamwork
career management. career management Behavior
5. Career Self-discipline
6. Gender issues in
career development
10 Identify and discuss the Chapter 9 1. Components of direct Lecture Group Comprehension P1 5%
components of direct Direct Financial financial Discussion Presentation and Analytical Thinking
financial compensation. Compensation compensation Q&A Discussion
Ability to participate
Describe contextual (Core 2. Determinants of direct Group discussion Lecture in class discussion
influences on direct Compensation) financial Teamwork Discussion
financial compensation Quiz Q&A Accuracy of answer
compensation. 3. Contextual influences Teamwork
on direct financial Behavior
4. Competitive
compensation policies
11 Explain the various Chapter 10 1. Indirect financial Lecture Group Comprehension P1 5%
employee benefit laws. Indirect Financial compensation Discussion Presentation and Analytical Thinking
Discuss global issues in Compensation 2. Legally required Q&A Discussion
employee benefits. Ability to participate
(Employee benefits Group discussion Lecture in class discussion
Benefits) 3. Global customized Teamwork Discussion
benefits Quiz Q&A Accuracy of answer
4. Communicating Teamwork
information about the Behavior
benefits package Self-discipline

12 Describe organized Chapter 11 1. Reason employees Lecture Group Comprehension P1 5%

labor’s strategies for a Labor Relations join unions Discussion Presentation and Analytical Thinking P2
stronger movement. and Collective 2. Organized labor’s Q&A Discussion Ability to participate P3
Describe the collective Bargaining strategies for a Group discussion Lecture in class discussion
bargaining process and stronger movement Teamwork Discussion
explain collective 3. Collective bargaining Quiz Q&A Accuracy of answer
bargaining issues. process Teamwork

13 Explain the nature and Chapter 13 1. Nature and role of Lecture Group Comprehension 5%
role of safety, health, Employee Safety, safety, health and Discussion Presentation and Analytical Thinking
and wellness. Describe Health and wellness Q&A Discussion
Ability to participate
employee assistance Wellness 2. Occupational safety Group discussion Lecture in class discussion
programs, and discuss and health Teamwork Discussion
health care in the global administration Quiz Q&A Accuracy of answer
environment. 3. Focus of safety Teamwork
programs Behavior
4. Employee assistance Self-discipline
5. Health care in global
14 Explain the important Performance 1. Performance Lecture Group Comprehension S1 5%
role of performance and Productivity, Job productivity Discussion Presentation and Analytical Thinking S2
productivity for Satisfaction, and 2. Potential Q&A Discussion Journals
organization. Describe Ability to participate
Employee consequences of job Group discussion Lecture in class discussion
the main causes of job Retention satisfaction Teamwork Discussion
satisfaction. Discuss 3. Employee retention Quiz Q&A Accuracy of answer
how organization can Teamwork
retain its employees. Behavior

15 Appreciate the Organizational 1. Affective commitment Lecture Group Comprehension S1 5%

distinction between Commitment and 2. Continuance Discussion Presentation and Analytical Thinking S2
affective commitment Organizational commitment Q&A Discussion Ability to participate Journals
and continuance Citizenship 3. Normative Group discussion Lecture in class discussion
commitment, and Behavior commitment Teamwork Discussion
understand 4. Organizational Quiz Q&A Accuracy of answer
organizational citizenship behavior Teamwork
citizenship Behavior
behavior. Self-discipline

16 The purpose of the Final Exam Materials from week 9 to Exam Exam Accuracy of answer 15%
exam is to review week 15 and ability to
students’ comprehension analyze
of the course materials.
Assessment It is mandatory for students to fulfill these assessments in order to pass the class:

Assessment Category Weighing (%)

Attendance & Class Participation 30

Teamwork 20
Individual Assignments 10
Quiz 10
Mid-Term Exam 15
Final Exam 15
Attendance Students must fulfill the minimum requirement of attendance, which is 80% from the 16-week scheduled class
Class Participation Students are advised to be active in class, i.e. discussion, Q & A, teamwork, debate, and/or any other class
Teamwork Students will work together in teams.
Individual Assignments Students are also responsible for their individual assignment(s) which will be given by the lecturer(s). Individual
assignments may take in the form of writing essays, chapter summary, case analysis, and/or other form of tasks.
Quiz Quizzes will be given throughout the semester. Therefore, students must be prepared and always read the course
materials that has been given and pay close attention to class discussions.
Mid-Term Exam Mid-Term Exam will be given in week 8 of the semester. The purpose of the exam is to review students’
comprehension of the course materials.
Final Exam Final Exam will be given in week 16 of the semester. The purpose of the exam is to review students’
comprehension of the course materials.
Rubric for Assessing Brainstorming
Name : …………………………………….
Categories Excellent Good Satisfactory Need Improvement Points
50 - 41 40 -31 30 - 21 20>
Level of Activity Student is proactively Student is moderately Student contributes to Student never
contribute to class by contribute to class by class by delivering few contributes to class in
delivering comments delivering comments comments only form of comments

Ability to Answer Student is able to Student is able to Students is able to Does not able to
answer the issue with answer the issue(s) response the issue(s), but provide answer on the
many details and logically without very the answer is not related issue
creative comments on few details. at all.
the issues
Total 100 pts

Rubric for Assessing Student Participation in Class

Name : …………………………………….

Categories Excellent Good Satisfactory Need Improvement Points

25 - 21 20 -16 15 - 11 <10
Frequency of Students contribute Students contribute Students contribute Students did not
Participation in the comments three times comments twice comments once contribute comments
class or more
Comment(s) is fully Comment(s) is Comment(s) is somewhat Comment(s) is
insightful, constructive, moderately insightful, insightful, constructive, & uninformative and it is
Quality of Comment and relevant to the topic constructive, & relevant relevant to the topic not relevant to the
discussed. to the topic discussed. discussed. topic discussed
Students excellently Students moderately Students somewhat Students did not
behave in a respectful behave in a respectful behave in a respectful behave in a respectful
Attitude manner to others and to attitude to others and to manner to others and to manner to others and
lecturer the lecturer the lecturer to the lecturer
Student is awake and Student is awake and Student is awake most of Student frequently
Behavior engaged in class on a engaged in class nearly the time but has fallen sleeps and/or disrupts
daily basis. Student every day, and shows no asleep or has been class.
shows no disruptive disruptive behavior. distracting for a few
behavior. classes.
Total 100 pts

Rubric for Assessing Individual Course Summary Assignment

Name : …………………………………….

Excellent Good Satisfactory Need Improvement Points

20 - 16 16 -11 10 - 6 <6
Organization and The ideas is connected Ideas are in logical order Ideas are in random order Ideas are not in logical
Structure to make the writing flow order

Details All important details are Important details are Some critical information Contains only some
included included, but some is missing details
might be missing
Author write his/her Author uses his/her own Author uses few sentence Author did not use
Paraphrase own words to create the words to write the that sound too similar to his/her words to write
summary paper with summary paper the text and not enough the summary paper
great words choice and his/her own words
great style of sentence
Five or more references Three to four references One to two reference No reference quoted in
References quoted in the summary quoted in the summary quoted in the summary the summary paper
paper paper paper
Submitted on time Submitted after the Submitted before the next Submitted in the next
Submission Time during the class meeting class meeting in the class meeting and/or less class meeting(s)
same day than one week
and/or one week or
Total 100 pts

Rubric for Assessing Individual Case Study Assignment

Name : …………………………………….

Excellent Good Satisfactory Need Improvement Points

25 - 21 20 -16 15 - 11 <10
Complete in all respects Complete in most Incomplete in many Incomplete in most
Completeness and/or reflect all respects and/or reflect respects and/or reflect respect and/or does
requirements all requirements few requirements not reflect
The appropriate Well methods and most Well methods and most of Methods and
Methods applied method(s) and of calculations applied calculation applied are calculation is not
calculations applied are are correct to overcome not correct to overcome correct to overcome all
correct to overcome all all issues in the case all issues in the case study issues in the case study
issues in the case study study
Appropriate comments Well thought out Superficial and/or Little or no action
Depth of Analysis on on analysis to all issues comments on the comments on the analysis suggested, and/or
the issue(s) in the case study analysis to most of issue to some of issues in the inappropriate
in the case study case study comments to all of
issues in the case study
Submitted on time Submitted after the Submitted before the next Submitted in the next
Collection Time during the class meeting class meeting in the class meeting and/or less class meeting(s)
same day than one week and/or one week or
Total 100 pts

Rubric for Assessing Group Discussion and Presentation

Name : …………………………………….
Categories Excellent Good Satisfactory Need Improvement Points
20 - 16 16 -11 10 - 6 5>
o Contribute to the group o Contribute to the group o Occasionally contribute o Fail to contribute to
activities by offering quality activities by offering ideas to the group activities by the group activities
of ideas and asking and asking questions on offering idea(s) and o Fail to invite/respond
Ability to cooperate regular basis asking question(s)
appropriate questions on other comments
with others in the group o Often engage with other o Sometimes engage with
regular basis o Demonstrate little
o Actively engage with other members by other members understanding of main
in the groups by inviting/ inviting/responding their o Sometimes has an points
responding comments comments understanding of main
o Constructively challenge the o Challenge the accuracy points
accuracy and relevant and relevant statement(s)
statement(s) mad made
Ability to Communicate Actively convey ideas, Often convey ideas, critiques, Occasionally convey ideas, Fail to convey ideas,
Orally (Conveys ideas, critiques, and concept with and/or concept with at least critiques, and/or concept. critiques, and/or
critique and concept elaborate statements one elaborate statement concept

Ability to raise Question(s) raised relevant to Question(s) raised is relevant Question(s) raised is No question(s) raised
question(s) the issues discussed and with a to the issues but too simple unrelated to the topic or and/or comments
well structure of statements and/or general. unclear

Ability to answer The responses thoroughly The responses addresses the The answer partially address The questions raised is
question(s) addresses the point(s) relevant point(s) relevant to the issues the point(s) not answer or no
to the issues and with a sense with some of sense response to the
statement and evidence statement and/or few question(s)
support evidence support

Ability to appreciate Actively engage with all Actively engage with most of Into a certain point Does not acknowledge
idea(s), suggestion(s), members in the discussion by members and often acknowledge idea(s), the statement of others
opinion from others acknowledging their acknowledge idea(s), suggestion(s), and
contributions suggestion(s), and opinion(s) opinion(s) from others
from others
Total 100 pts
Exam Questions

1. What has been the evolution of HRM?

2. What are the environmental factors that affect HRM? Describe each.
3. How can a firm determine whether it will have a shortage or surplus of employees?
4. What are the types of information required for job analysis?
5. What are factors external to the organization that can significantly affect the firm’s recruitment efforts?
6. What are the typical alternatives to recruitment that a firm may use?
7. What are the advantages and potential problems in the use of selection tests?
8. Why should an employer be concerned about negligent hiring?
9. In terms of employee selection, what is the significance of organizational fit?
10. List some of the major advantages and disadvantages of using peers to appraise performance.
11. What are the various problems associated with performance appraisal? Briefly describe each.
12. Why is it important for a firm to conduct career development?
13. Distinguish between the traditional career path and the network career path.
14. What are the primary ways in which safety programs are designed? Discuss.
15. What is an employee assistance program?

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