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VI. Pre-test
What will you do?
1. A worker knows that a fellow worker occasionally uses prohibited drugs on the job.
Should she inform the boss?
- Yes, so that he can be fired immediately before he could tempt other members of the
company to use prohibited drugs and destroy the company’s image.

2. A dishwasher knows that the restaurant’s chef typically reheats three- or fourday-old
food and serves it as fresh. When he informs the manager, he is told to forget it. What
should the dishwasher do?
- The dishwasher should talk to his manager and explain that what they are doing is
not good by just heating the food and it can be bad to the health of the customer
which can lead to the failure of their restaurant. If your manager still doesn't want to
listen to you, leave his restaurant because the foods are not clean and bad for his
customers and it may be difficult for you to move to other company when they
discover that you are from that restaurant.

3. On a regular basis, a secretary is asked by her boss to lie to his wife about his
whereabouts, “If my wife telephones,” the boss tells her, “don’t forget that ‘I’m visiting a
client.’” In fact, as the secretary well knows, the boss is having an affair with another
woman. What should the secretary do?
- She should report her boss to his wife even if his boss even ordered it. Cheating is
cheating, there are consequences for what her boss is doing. It's okay for her to lose
his job but the important thing is that she did not tolerate a cheater.

VII. Lesson Proper/Course Methodology

Kindly comment on this quote.
“A fool tells you what he will do; A boaster what he has done. The wise man does it and says
- Neil Gorsuch
- There are three kinds of men in a workforce, the fool who only talks and talks doing.

Answer the questions after reading the article below:
Whistleblowing & the Environment: the Case of Avco Environmental
By: Jerome Dumlao
Chantale Leroux works as a clerk for Avco Environmental Services, a small toxic-waste disposal
company. The company has a contract to dispose of medical waste from a local hospital. During
the course of her work, Chantale comes across documents that suggest that Avco has actually
been disposing of some of this medical waste in a local municipal landfill. Chantale is shocked.
She knows this practice is illegal. And even though only a small portion of the medical waste
that Avco handles is being disposed of this way, any amount at all seems a worrisome threat to
public health. Chantale gathers together the appropriate documents and takes them to her
immediate superior, Dave Lamb. Dave says, "Look, I don't think that sort of thing is your
concern, or mine. We're in charge of record-keeping, not making decisions about where this
stuff gets dumped. I suggest you drop it."The next day, Chantale decides to go one step further,
and talk to Angela van Wilgenburg, the company's Operations Manager. Angela is clearly
irritated. Angela says, "This isn't your concern. Look, these are the sorts of cost-cutting moves
that let a little company like ours compete with our giant competitors. Besides, everyone knows
that the regulations in this area are overly cautious. There's no real danger to anyone from the
tiny amount of medical waste that 'slips' into the municipal dump. I consider this matter
closed."Chantale considers her situation. The message from her superiors was loud and clear.
She strongly suspects that making further noises about this issue could jeopardize her job.
Further, she generally has faith in the company's management. They've always seemed like
honest, trustworthy people. But she was troubled by this apparent disregard for public safety.
On the other hand, she asks herself whether maybe Angela was right in arguing that the danger
was minimal. Chantale looks up the phone number of an old friend who worked for the local

1. What should Chantale do?

-She should tell this to those in authority in their municipality so that they can take
immediate action because she is right that what her company is doing is bad for
people's health. And their company has signed documents that do not do illegal
things so they must follow it.
2. What are the reasonable limits on loyalty to one's employer?

- An employee needs to be honest with his employer because this is one of the
reasons for it to strengthen their relationship.

3. Would it make a difference if Chantale had a position of greater authority?

- There will be a change because she will be able to take more action on what the
company is doing wrong and she will be able to anticipate it.

VIII. Reflection/Learning Insights

Write an essay about:
To tell or not to tell; is Whistle Blowing a good thing?

Whistle blowing has its advantages and disadvantages. For the idealist, it is an act of simply
telling the truth to stop illegal activities while for some it is an act of being disloyal and breaching
Whistleblowing turns out to be a good thing if after exposing what is really happening,
immediate action will be undertaken by proving committee to stop whatever is illegal and the
courageous whistleblower will be given strict security and protection and the assurance that
everything is under control and in his favor because the whistleblower does extensive research
and study so he can present compelling evidences to support his claims.
On the other hand, measures to protect the whistleblower are subject to many stipulations. In
this situation whistleblower becomes vulnerable to retaliation threats and physical harm.

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