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Umani, John Rei M.

VI. Pre-test

Think of an advertisement that caught your attention. (CHOWKING)

1. What is the advertisement all about?

- Their advertisement is about their foods that have a lot of ingredients at cheap prices
so they invite people to come to them and buy.

2. What makes the advertisement different from other competitors?

- The difference of their advertisement with their competitors is that their advertisement
is direct to the point and they immediately show what they want to say because their
competitors are even giving the people confusion before revealing what they want to

3. Is the ad good or bad?

- Their ad is good because what they say here is true based on my experience and
they don’t step on anyone in the content of their ad.

VII. Lesson Proper/Course Methodology


What does this quote tells you:

“A man who stops advertising to save money, is like a man who stops the clock to save time”.

- Henry Ford

- Advertising a product should be a continuous process. Doing so gives better benefits. Time is
an important element in doing our daily routines. Every activity revolves around a time frame
and in following the given schedule nothing will be wasted.
Umani, John Rei M. BC


Explain how the advertisement below become unethical

- The advertisement below has been unethical because we already know that doctors
forbid babies to drink soft drinks but it can be seen in the advertisement that the baby
is drinking soft drinks. One reason also why it became unethical because what was
stated in their advertisement was not true it was obviously only attracting customers
and it is incompatible to use the baby in advertising for soft drinks because babies
are not allowed to drink that kind of beverage.
Umani, John Rei M. BC

After reading the article answer the questions below:

The Nonuser Celebrity Endorser

By: Geoffrey P. Lantos

Annie, copywriter for Laird & Laird (L&L) Advertising, has just been assigned the Bud’s Best
(BB) bacon account. She is tickled pink, because she knows that Bud’s Best has just signed a
one-year contract to use Lance Willard as a celebrity endorser. Lance is a well-known, well
loved, young, handsome, and vibrant Hollywood movie star who specializes in action drama
roles. Victor, President of L&L, tells Annie that she will be writing commercials using Lance in
the role of giving product testimonials. Victor explains to Annie that this endorsement is a
testimonial given by a celebrity rather than an average consumer. He tells her that Lance has
signed an affidavit swearing that he is a bona fide user of the product, as is legally required. The
TV commercials featuring Lance, explains Victor, should feature Lance testifying as to the
quality, value, and tastiness of the bacon. Victor suggests that this will take some good acting
on Lance’s part, since he has just recently become a vegetarian. Annie wonders whether a
testimonial by Lance might not be dishonest, but she says nothing to Victor since she doesn’t
want to blow her opportunity to meet Lance in person. She figures she can get all of the details
later from Lance. Lance turns out to be as charming in person as he is on the silver screen.
After some small talk, Annie decides to query Lance about his experience with Bud’s Best.
Lance explains that he has had personal experience with the product, as is legally required for a
testimonial. In fact, he says, it has been his favorite brand of bacon ever since he was a small
child, and bacon and eggs were his favorite and most frequently consumed breakfast until about
a month ago when he became a vegetarian for health reasons. Lance tells Annie that a recent
checkup by his physician revealed that his cholesterol level was 200--in the danger zone. His
doctor had warned Lance to cut down on high cholesterol foods, such as bacon and eggs.
Lance decided to go even further and abstain from meat since so many meats are high in
cholesterol. Annie asks Lance diplomatically whether he feels comfortable testifying about how
much he likes Bud’s Best bacon when he no longer uses the product. Lance replies that his
conscience is clean. He has discussed the legalities with Victor, who told him that technically it
was okay for him to discuss his past enjoyment of the product. After all, Lance reminds Annie,
the selling points he would discuss in the commercials would be the bacon’s quality, value, and
good taste. Lance explains that in his view, as far as bacon goes, Bud’s Best is second to none
Umani, John Rei M. BC
along these criteria. He tells Annie that nothing regarding the bacon’s healthiness, or lack
thereof, will be mentioned. As long as people are going to eat bacon, Lance asserts, they might
as well eat Bud’s Best.


1. If you are Annie, are you going to pursue getting Lance as the endorser of your

product? Why or why not?

No, because lance is popular and soon people will know that he has a high cholesterol and
people may say that he's illness comes from eating the product he is endorsing. Another thing is
that being truthful to the customers is a thing to consider in promoting a product and last not
only lance can promote the product there are other popular artists can do the promotion.

VIII. Reflection/Learning Insights

Write an essay about:

“Advertising – An Advantage”

Advertising plays a very important part in the business industry. If you are an entrepreneur you
need to have a knowledge something about advertising so your product will succeed. By
advertising you can persuade consumers to buy the product or service you are selling. Through
advertisement you can introduce your product and tell why it’s different from your competitors.

But advertising doesn’t just revolve around offering and it’s not easy to do. In this day and age,
advertising your product need to catch the attention of the masses. Others consider it as an
artform because nowadays advertisement is also need to be entertaining. Some are mixed with
it pop songs or they will take artists so that they can get the attention of the viewers.

Advertisement can be considered an advantage especially in the field of business industry. And
in today’s era where social media is the center of communication and entertainment the
advertisement opportunity has further expanded due to this new platform. Almost everywhere
Umani, John Rei M. BC
and anywhere you look you will see different kinds of advertisements and it is more fun to think
that in the future the advertisement will innovate even more. So as a person who wants to enter
the world of market industry it is only fitting that you have knowledge especially in
advertisement. Because advertisement is an advantage.

VIII. Post-test

Identify the following. Write your answer on the space provided below the number.

Whistle Blowing 1. Refers to an employee act of informing the public about the illegal or
immoral behavior of an employer or organization.

Sexual Harassment 2. A type of harassment involving the use of explicit or implicit sexual
overtones, including the unwelcome or inappropriate promise of rewards in exchange for sexual

Office Romance 3. Romantic relationships between two people employed by the same

Insider Trading 4. Refers to the use of significant facts that have not yet been made public
and will likely affect stock prices.

Ethical Issues 5. Are the difficult social questions that involve some level of controversy
over what is the right thing to do.

Ethical Dilemmas 6. Are situations in which it is difficult for an individual to make decisions
either because the right course of action is unclear or carries some potential negative
consequences for the person or people involved.

Conflicts of Interest 7. Arises when employees at any level have private interests that are
substantial enough to interfere with their job duties.
Umani, John Rei M. BC
Bribery 8. Is a remuneration for the performance of an act that’s inconsistent with
the work contract or the nature of the work one has been hired to perform.

Wages 9. Are the principal means for satisfying the basic economic needs of the
worker and the worker’s family.

Psychological Appeals 10.Is one that aims to persuade by appealing primarily to human
emotional needs and not to reason.

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