Office Circular: Are The

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Webs ite:

sub: Estabrishment - TSGENCo -

working instructions - Issued.
covid-19 - office procedure - certain

Ref: Circular Memo.No.Di(HR)/DS(Estt)/AS(Estt_lt)/AM(HR)-U312t2020_1

08.07 2020. , Dr

In continuation to the circurar t";;.",", and rn order to contain the virurent

spread of covlD-19, keeping in view of the werfare of
the emproyu"., t" lorro*ing
working instructions are issued for imprementation across
immediate effect.
the TSGENCo, with

(i) It has been brought to the notice of the Management

that certain
who are suffering from symptoms rike co'id, cough r;v;r emproyees
as_sociated symptoms rerated to covrD-1g are atten"ding
anl o*rer
to orice wrtnout
informing of the symptoms to the concerned contro|ing"
officer, who are
ultimatery becoming.responsibre for spreading of virureni Virus
among co-
emptoyees instead of proceeding on leave to which they
are enti ed.
(ii) If any of the employee(s) are found attending office in spite of the above
symptoms rerated to covrD-19 at a rater stage, suitabre disciprinary
shall be taken against.such employee(s) who are becoming
spreading of virulent virus among the co-emproyees, and
no '"rponiibl"
l"ru" shal be
sanctjoned to such employee(s).

(iii) Therefore, all thc cmptoyees are r.equestetl tr.r stricly

adhere to the above
instructions scrupurousry in the rarger interest of the TSGENCo
in general
and the co-employees in particular.

(iv) The concerned controlling officers are requested

to have a careful warcn on
the employees working under their control and if any, of the employeelsT
found suffering from above symptoms may be refrained from
atiendinq office
and they may be sanctioned suitabre reave to which they are entiflei.
are arso requested to admit such emproyees to ofiice on successful
production of Medicar fitness certificate obtained from
a Medicar officer not
below the rank of Asst. Civil Surqeon.

Contd. ..
2. All the Heads of the Power Generating Stations and the Functional Heads in the
Corporate Office are requested to closely monitor the pandemic situation of COVID-'IO
in their respective offices and Generating Stations and strictly implement the above
working instructions without any deviation, failing which it will be viewed seriously and
suitable disciplinary action shall be initiated.

S.Ashok Kumar

All the Heads of Power Generating Stations
All the Functional Heads in Corooraie Office.

Coov to the:
JS & PS to Chairman & Managing Director.
DE (T) to Director (HR).
Stock file/iSpare copy.



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