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Assessment A: Weighing 10%

Module Title and Code Composition and Style HUM103

Academic Tutor: Dr Ishak Berrebbah

Deadline: 19 March 2022 at 10 PM

Word Count 800 words minimum

Read Assignment Brief Carefully

Assessment A - Instructions:
Title of Assignment: Developing an Essay.
Title of Assignment: Developing an Essay.
Homelessness has become a major issue as a result of the recent pandemic, Covid-19. Discuss
potential problems caused by homelessness, and suggest and evaluate possible solutions.

Please take into consideration the following points when you write your essay:
• Analyze ideas clearly and precisely.
• Structure your essay: Introduction, Body, and Conclusion.
• Adopt a critical viewpoint.
• Use appropriate vocabulary.
• Revise your writing.
• Develop your own ‘voice’.
• Express ideas clearly.
• Write with correct grammar.

Essay to be submitted with BCUIC Cover sheet.

Submit essay via the Moodle submission point before the deadline

Inform 1
Marking Criteria
The following are indicative criteria and marking scheme that will be used in
marking the submission.

70 -100% Marks: An excellent answer will address the question fully and get behind
the question. It will deal comprehensively with the key issues and possess a logical
and coherent structure. It will evidence originality, wider reading and a level of
understanding that distinguishes the work from the average good submission.
50 – 70% Marks: A good answer will answer the question fully and identify most of
the issues contained in it. It will discuss the key concepts coherently and support
legal principle with authority effectively. It will evidence appropriate reading in the
subject and a proficiency in applying that reading.
40 – 50%: A satisfactory answer will generally answer the question and address the
key concepts in a clear and appropriate manner. It will lack any real originality or
signs of wider research.
Less than 40%: A failed answer will be very weak on key concepts and have only
limited coverage of the answer. Presentational skills will be poor. There will be little
or no evidence of research.

Inform 2

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