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Neatness: 2


Jose Abad Santos Campus Creativity: 2
Basic Education Department – Senior High School Output: 8
3058 Taft Avenue Pasay City Total: 15

Name: ________________________________________________________ Date:

Grade/Track/Section: __________________________________________ Room No.: ________________

TOPIC : Cyber Ethics and Etiquette Standards & Practices in ICT

DLP #6

1. Discuss the cyber commandments
2. Value the importance of these ethics and practices in ICT

• Cyber Ethics is the discipline of using appropriate and ethical behaviors and acknowledging moral duties and
obligations pertaining to online environments and digital media. It is a code of behavior on the internet which
includes obeying laws that apply to online behavior.

Cyber Commandments (Thou shall not)

1. Appropriate other people’s intellectual property (IP)
2. Ignore the social and legal consequences related to the software program one is writing or the computer system
one is designing.
3. Illegally copy or use proprietary software that has not been paid for or for which credit has not been given.
4. Interfere with others’ computer or online work.
5. Snoop into or alter others’ computer files or data.

6. 6. Use a computer to bear false witness.

7. Use a computer to cause harm to others.

8. Use others’ computer resources without prior authorization.

9. Use the computer in ways that ignore the consideration of and respect for fellow human beings.

• Etiquette – means a code of polite conduct.

• Cyber Etiquette – refers to manners applied to the internet and the use of technology in everyday situations.

Tips in Conducting Online Research

• Tap into reputable sources

• Subscribe to RSS Feed (Really Simple Indication) – a new technology that allows subscribers an immediate
update when new information is posted.

• Join or Create a Group

• Understand and Use Boolean Logic or an Advanced Search –

• Use synonyms, alternate spellings and related topics

• Use different search engines

• Choose a browser that’s conducive to research


• Create an infographics using the Word Processing Software, informing the audiences about internet safety

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