Diagnosis and Management of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

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Clinical Review & Education

JAMA Clinical Guidelines Synopsis

Diagnosis and Management of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

Sonali Paul, MD; Andrew M. Davis, MD, MPH

GUIDELINE TITLE Diagnosis and Management of Nonalcoholic including alcohol consumption (>14 drinks per week for
Fatty Liver Disease: Practice Guidance From the American women; >21 drinks per week for men) and medications.
Association for the Study of Liver Diseases • Routine screening for NAFLD in high-risk groups is not
advised because of uncertainties surrounding diagnostic
DEVELOPER American Association for the Study of Liver tests and treatment options, along with lack of knowledge
Diseases (AASLD) about long-term benefits and cost-effectiveness
of screening.
RELEASE DATE June 2017 (online); January 2018 (print) • The FIB-4 (age, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine
aminotransferase, platelets) and NAFLD Fibrosis Score (NFS,
PRIOR VERSION June 2012 which adds body mass index and albumin) are clinically
useful tools to predict bridging fibrosis.
FUNDING SOURCE AASLD • Vibration-controlled transient elastography (VCTE) or
magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) can noninvasively
TARGET POPULATION Individuals with nonalcoholic fatty liver assess for advanced fibrosis.
disease (NAFLD) • Weight loss generally reduces hepatic steatosis, either by
hypocaloric diet alone or in conjunction with increased
MAJOR RECOMMENDATIONS physical activity.
• Patients with incidental hepatic steatosis detected on • Pharmacologic treatments should be limited to patients with
imaging who lack any liver-related symptoms or signs and biopsy-proven nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and
have normal liver biochemistries should be assessed for advanced fibrosis.
metabolic risk factors (eg, obesity, diabetes mellitus, • Statins can be used to treat dyslipidemia in patients with
dyslipidemia) and other causes of hepatic steatosis, NAFLD, NASH, and compensated NASH cirrhosis.

Summary of the Clinical Problem Evidence Base

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease affects about 25% of the adult The NFS was shown in a large meta-analysis to have a receiver operat-
population globally and is strongly associated with metabolic syn- ing curve of 0.85 in predicting advanced fibrosis.1 Additionally, the NFS
drome, affecting most patients who have dyslipidemia, obesity, or and FIB-4 perform as well as MRE in predicting advanced fibrosis in pa-
type 2 diabetes .1 About 2% to 7% of those with NAFLD have evi- tients with biopsy-proven NAFLD.3 Diet and exercise remain the main-
dence of NASH on liver biopsy with hepatic inflammation and stayoftherapyforNAFLD.Theguidelinecitesevidencethatweightloss
injury.2 Long-standing NAFLD and NASH can result in cirrhosis and of 5% to 7% was associated with the stabilization or improvement of
its complications, including hepatocellular carcinoma. Currently, liver fibrosis on biopsy, and weight loss of 10% was associated with im-
NASH ranks as the second most common reason for liver transplant provement in all histologic features of NASH. A multicenter trial of pa-
in the United States and will likely surpass hepatitis C in the coming tientswithoutdiabeteswhohadNASH4 randomized247patientstopio-
years as the most common. A diagnosis of NAFLD requires evi- glitazone (30 mg/d), vitamin E (800 IU/d), or placebo for 24 months.
dence of hepatic steatosis (on imaging or histology) in the absence The primary end point was improvement in hepatocellular ballooning
of secondary causes of steatosis or other liver disease, such as andeitherlobularinflammationscoreorsteatosisscore,achievedin19%
excessive alcohol intake, hepatitis C, Wilson disease, and hepato- intheplacebogroupvs34%inthepioglitazonegroup(P = .04)and43%
toxic medications. Methods to noninvasively assess for advanced
fibrosis (bridging fibrosis or cirrhosis) are evolving and can help tar- Table. Guideline Rating
get which patients should receive a liver biopsy and, potentially,
Rating Standard Rating
pharmacologic therapy. Establishing transparency Poor
Management of conflict of interest in the guideline Poor
Characteristics of the Guideline Source development group
Guideline development group composition Poor
This practice guidance is an update of the 2012 practice guideline
Clinical practice guideline–systematic review intersection Poor
and was commissioned by the AASLD and developed by a panel of
Establishing evidence foundations and rating strength Poor
experts (Table). Updates to the previous guidelines and guidance for each guideline recommendation
statements were made based on review of published literature in Articulation of recommendation Good
MEDLINE up to August 2016 and author expertise. Statements were External review Poor
Updating Fair
evidence based if possible, but if insufficient evidence was avail-
Implementation issues Fair
able, statements were based on consensus opinion of the authors.

2474 JAMA December 18, 2018 Volume 320, Number 23 (Reprinted) jama.com

© 2018 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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JAMA Clinical Guidelines Synopsis Clinical Review & Education

inthevitaminEgroup(P = .001).Asecondtrialrandomized101patients support.7 Medication guidance also varies. The AASLD advises piogli-
withdiabetesorprediabetestodietpluseitherpioglitazoneorplacebo5 tazone in patients with biopsy-proven NASH with and without type 2
andfoundresolutionofNASHin51%ofthosetakingpioglitazonevs19% diabetes, and vitamin E in only patients without diabetes and with
taking placebo (P < .001). The authors suggested monitoring to iden- biopsy-proven NASH without cirrhosis. In contrast, NICE suggests pio-
tify patients at risk of congestive heart failure or long-term effects on glitazone or vitamin E for all patients with advanced liver fibrosis.
bone metabolism. The 2016 European clinical practice guidelines suggest screen-
ing patients older than 50 years with type 2 diabetes or metabolic
Benefits and Harms syndrome for NAFLD by liver tests and/or ultrasound, and the NICE
This practice guidance provides a structured approach to determining guidelines suggest screening in younger adults. In contrast, the
patients at risk of NAFLD, with a focus on identifying those with ad- AASLD guidelines recommend against population screening, not-
vanced fibrosis. Both VCTE and MRE can help identify advanced fibro- ing poor evidence for longer-term benefits and cost-effectiveness.
coverage. Lifestyle changes remain the cornerstone of therapy. A sys- Areas in Need of Future Study or Ongoing Research
tematic review of 24 studies assessing liver outcomes (including 8 by The value of screening those at high risk of development of NAFLD re-
magnetic resonance imaging, 5 by ultrasound, and 3 by biopsy) sup- mains to be established, given limitations and uncertain cost-
ported reduction of daily caloric intake in combination with 30 to 60 effectiveness of current diagnostic testing and treatment options. Life-
minutes of exercise 3 to 5 days per week.6 Consistent and sustainable styleinterventionstoreduceobesityanddiabetesremainthemainstay
results likely require a multidisciplinary approach involving specialty of treatment, but additional practical interventions are required at the
clinics.6 Meta-analyses of vitamin E supplementation at 400 to patient, clinic, and societal level. The potential of bariatric surgery is
800 IU/d have had opposite conclusions regarding an association with noted in the guideline, but its role remains to be established. The value
increased all-cause mortality, and 1 randomized trial unexpectedly as- of coffee intake merits additional exploration,8 as does the benefit of
sociated vitamin E with a modest increase in prostate cancer.1 Piogli- various pharmacologic therapies, including clinical trials of glucagon-
tazone is associated with weight gain, with inconsistent evidence link- like peptide-1 agonists,9 obeticholic acid, and elfibrinaor.10 More ac-
ing it to heart failure, bladder cancer, and bone loss in women.1 The curate biomarkers to identify steatohepatitis and advanced fibrosis
guideline thus recommends that both of these therapies should be di- would be welcome. For example, NICE guidelines recommend the en-
rected only to patients with biopsy-proven NASH, with risks and ben- hanced liver fibrosis panel, consisting of plasma levels of 3 matrix turn-
efitscarefullydiscussedandthedecisionindividualizedtopatients.The over proteins, but this is not yet approved in the United States.
ologies of hepatic steatosis and presence and/or severity of coexisting
Related guidelines and other resources
chronic liver diseases cannot be determined without its use.

FIB-4 score
Discussion http://gihep.com/calculators/hepatology/fibrosis-4-score/
tients with NAFLD. The AASLD practice guidance is similar to the UK NAFLD Fibrosis Score
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines for
NAFLD. Both stress the prevalence of metabolic syndrome and type 2 NICE NAFLD guidelines (2016)
diabetesinNAFLD,noteitscontributiontocardiovascularmortality,and https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng49
encouragestatinuseinpatientswithNAFLD,exceptindecompensated European NAFLD consensus guidelines (2016)
cirrhosis.Whilebothstressthecentralroleoflifestylemodifications,the https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00125-016-3902-y
potential benefits of a Mediterranean diet perhaps deserve greater

ARTICLE INFORMATION meta-analytic assessment of prevalence, incidence, 7. Zelber-Sagi S, Salomone F, Mlynarsky L. The
Author Affiliations: University of Chicago, Chicago, and outcomes. Hepatology. 2016;64(1):73-84. Mediterranean dietary pattern as the diet of choice
Illinois. 3. Imajo K, Kessoku T, Honda Y, et al. Magnetic for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Liver Int. 2017;
resonance imaging more accurately classifies 37(7):936-949.
Corresponding Author: Andrew M. Davis, MD,
MPH, University of Chicago, 5841 S Maryland Ave, steatosis and fibrosis in patients with nonalcoholic 8. Molloy JW, Calcagno CJ, Williams CD, et al.
MC 3051, Chicago, IL 60637 (amd@uchicago.edu). fatty liver disease than transient elastography. Association of coffee and caffeine consumption
Gastroenterology. 2016;150(3):626-637. with fatty liver disease, nonalcoholic
Published Online: November 26, 2018. steatohepatitis, and degree of hepatic fibrosis.
doi:10.1001/jama.2018.17365 4. SanyalAJ,ChalasaniN,KowdleyKV,etal.Pioglitazone,
vitamin E, or placebo for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Hepatology. 2012;55(2):429-436.
Conflict of Interest Disclosures: The authors have N Engl J Med. 2010;362(18):1675-1685. 9. Armstrong MJ, Gaunt P, Aithal GP, et al.
completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Liraglutide safety and efficacy in patients with
Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest and 5. Cusi K, Orsak B, Bril F, et al. Long-term
pioglitazone treatment for patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (LEAN). Lancet. 2016;
none were reported. 387(10019):679-690.
nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and prediabetes or
REFERENCES type 2 diabetes mellitus. Ann Intern Med. 2016;165 10. Ratziu V, Harrison SA, Francque S, et al.
(5):305-315. Elafibranor, an agonist of the peroxisome
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epidemiology of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease—

jama.com (Reprinted) JAMA December 18, 2018 Volume 320, Number 23 2475

© 2018 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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