Entertainment Survey

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1. What is your age?

2. What is your Gender?

a. Male
b. Female
c. Others
3. In a normal day, on average, how many hours do you spend doing each of the following?
Watching TV, listening to the radio, reading a newspaper, reading a book for leisure, On the
internet or sending emails for yourself rather than for work.
a. None
b. 0-1hr
c. 2-5 hr
d. More than 5 hr
4. Do you do any of these things at least 3 times a week on average?
a. Read a local newspaper
b. Read a national newspaper
c. Listen to the radio news
d. Watch the television news
e. Go onto the internet for news
5. In a normal day, on average, how many hours would you say you have for yourself? By ‘time
for yourself’ we mean leisure time you can spend as you want __________
6. Please say to what extent you agree or disagree with the following statements: You
generally have enough time to do what you want in the day; In general, you are satisfied
with your life at the moment from 1 – 5, where 1 is strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree
and 3 is neutral _______
7. Which of the following are your top 3 favourite types of entertainment?
a. News
b. Sports
c. Soaps
d. Drama
e. Music
f. Reality TV
g. Magic Show
h. Crime
i. Comedy
j. Movies

8. How many TV do you have in your household?

9. What type of show do you enjoy watching?

a. Comedy
b. Romantic
c. Scientific
d. Documentary
e. Thriller
f. Horror
10. How many hours a day do you watch TV?
a. Extremely often
b. Very often
c. Moderately often
d. Slightly often
e. Not at all

11. Which do you prefer more?

a. Film
b. Program
12. Do you watch a program based on its popularity or your choice?
a. Popularity
b. My choice
13. What is your favourite TV Show/ film?

14. Which of the following types of books do you prefer?

A. Sci-fi
B. Mystery
C. Adventure
D. Biopic
E. Fantasy
F. Comics
G. Romance
15. What is your favourite place to read?
A. In library
B. At park
C. At home
D. In group
E. While commuting

16. What medium do you choose to read from?

A. Print book
B. E-book
C. Magazine
D. Website

17. How often do you read a book in a week?

A. Everyday
B. 1-2 times a week
C. 2-3 times a week
D. 4-5 times a week

18. What motivates you to read?

A. Recommendations from friend
B. Need for information
C. I enjoy reading
D. Relaxation activity

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