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Roll No.

: - WNU2102033

Symbiosis Centre for Corporate Education, Pune

Assignment Details

1. Participant’s Name :- Shashank Mishra

2. Company Name :- Wipro Limited
3. Batch No.:- XX
4. Course Name :- EPGDBM
5. Subject Name : Human Resource Management
6. Semester :- Second Semester
7. Marks :- 90

Assignment No. Marks

Assignment - I 30
Assignment - II
Assignment - III

Assignment I: -
Write a note on “Significance of a good Induction Program in an
organization”. Give an example.
Definition and Objective:
Induction is an organizational socialization program for new recruits. This management
program was first introduced in 1970s.
Induction provides all basic and required information’s to the new joiners about the
organisation, its work culture, vision and employee benefits.
This program is a welcome gesture with explaining organisations mission to new recruits and
to setup positive thoughtful impression about an organisation.

This Knowledge Management Program is based the theory of TPI, which is to develop
theoretical (T) and practical (P) knowledge over required skills, with (I) interaction skill for
been an active part of organizational socialization and for a smooth integration with
Responsibilities for Induction: Induction Program conduction lies on this important bodies
of organisation, they are:
 HR Department: The organiser of the program.
 Line Manager: Participate and Welcomes new Recruits
 Top Management are sponsor of program.
Induction may happen at different levels as in:
 Organisation Level: All new recruits participate on as organisation.
 Department Level: Recruits for a particular department are involved
 Individual Job Level: Specific job-based content with a new recruit.
Induction significance in an organisation:
 Welcoming with positive expression
o Creates a markable impression in new joiner’s mind.
 Knowledge Management process focuses a right light of knowledge among new
joiners for their job and organisation they are joining.
o Clear knowledge on Job profile makes a way for right action into expected
o Promoting and supporting Imaginative ideas shows open box mindset of
 Short-term turnover rate decreases
o Showing Hope of growth in interested direction increases the chance of
Employee retention.
o Emphasis on Appraisal process, its rating and increments process and perks
attracts new recruits.
o Promoting purpose-oriented work.
 “We care for you” taught process makes new recruit to settle faster and worriless for
longer period of time during Induction.
o Assisting with information on their PF account, Payroll details and other
necessary activities.
o Insurance policies for life and health for new employee and his/her family.
 Explaining About Company Mission and Vision.
o Explanation on Organisation Mission and vision with activities.
o And how new joiners can contribute to the journey.
 Makes new hire ready for their role.
o Explaining the terms and condition of employment relationship with
o Explaining Importance of Data Protection in an organisation.
o Compliance Risk importance, to not share individual’s password, authorized
mail and documents.
 Describing about employee work- friendly rights
o Making employees understand the organisation immense belief in maintaining
employee work friendly environment.
o Sharing its opinion on importance of Diversity in an organisation.
o No races/gender/location discrimination, and actions taken against if not
 Organisation is made by employees and making them feel importance is really a right
thing to do.
o Explaining individual rights to not allow any mischievous activity in an
around organisation.
o Organisation explanation on no-tolerance attitude towards any kind of
harassment or compliance risk activities.
 Explaining its seriousness towards this issue and assigned forum for
such concerns.
o As it is said “when we do, we understand better “, so as Induction process with
collaborative activities makes it more impactful.
 Activities which are icebreakers among new joiners and with existing
employees and workspace.
 Volunteer tasks, team build up games.
 Team lunch.
 A social announcement to welcome new joiners.

Example: Induction of Intern at Google for a week

 Google focuses to conduct people involvement centric Induction than been sitting in a
hall and just grasping shared information.
 The organisation planned to describe and express itself in more interactive way
through activities
 They welcome their new interns with high energy and name new interns as nogglers
to make them feel valuable and acceptable. This shows the amount of acceptance
Google has for its new interns.
 Organisation plans its induction in such a way that new starters energy doesn’t get
dropped any point of time. This is tough but not impossible, this strategy makes sure
that new joiners are having great time during their Induction.
 They promote and conducts activities completely based on “Group and Self Explore”.
o Like Make your own group
o Participate in treasure camp where new starters get to know about the campus
and the key leaders in fun and exciting way.
o An activity where they interact with existing nogglers and complete their tasks
along with them.
o Tasks to Understand Compliance and respect data security.
 The New Intern socialize enough with existing employees that they don’t feel new
anymore by the end of week.
 Google promotes No dependency attitude during Induction which makes Interns feel
very comfortable to work with free mindset.
 Induction Structure is made in such a way that in a day or two Interns feel they get to
know the work culture and campus very well. That helps interns to get settle with
work environment very fast.
 Vision and purpose-oriented discussion makes Interns feel connected and be part of it
for long.
 The organisation makes induction too incredible for the new Intern that they think “if
this just the beginning than how about if I become the part of it”.
 Right from day 1 they were considered as the employee of organisation which makes
them get align with the organisation and their team purpose from the very first day
with the sense of responsibilities.
 Explaining the work with its impact on People and Encourage the ideas of Intern
makes them be more productive and serve the Purpose of their work with complete
 Google induction plan activity has so much in a day for intern, which gives Intern’s
message that life over here is Unstoppable, Restless, Imaginable, The next day always
better than earlier one.

To get fully benefit from Induction program to organisation and employee, its advanced,
structured and impactful planning should be done. As this will make its new employee feel
happy, worthy and become faster and better integral part of organisation.
Youtube video Google Induction

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