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Linking the environmental aspects to help

organizations adjust to climate change.

Challenging buildings such as ocean barriers, irrigation infrastructure, and dams have been
a major focus of adaptation to mitigate the ongoing climate change. A greater focus on a
larger range of alteration solutions is urgently needed for the world. Assessments on how
businesses and industries are adapting to climate change are starting to surface, however,
the numbers are comparatively low. Currently, there seems to be a lack of effort when
integrating environmental scientific insights into commercial ideas.

Climate Change Crisis

Organizations will play a vital role in assisting society adaptation to the physical effects of
climate change, particularly in sectors such as agriculture, transportation and forestry. The
business on the other hand has been chastised for its lack of engagement with climate
change as a serious issue, and adaptation to climate change’s physical repercussions in

According to research carried out by Deloitte Global, climate-related events occur in more
than 1 in 4 organizations throughout the world. The CEOs in business sectors such as the
consumer goods, healthcare industries are mostly concerned about the implications that
could arise with climate change and are concerned about the future of this planet.
Organizations around the world are facing significantly high risks which are real and caused
due to climate change. A few of these risks can be classified as floods, hurricanes and
tsunamis, which tend to have a significant influence on the organization's daily activities,
resulting in large financial expenditures. Individuals and firms are rapidly increasing the
influence on the earth’s climate with huge amounts of greenhouse gases being produced
daily and causing global warming due to factors such as the burning of fossil fuels and

What can the organizations do to link environmental

aspects into practice?
Firstly, an organization needs to examine the environmental impact and harm caused by the
firm. Following that, the organization is capable of setting goals to reduce the carbon
footprint in line with the environmental standard agreements. Developing a certain
environmental policy within the organization’s core strategy will help to make an obvious
impact on the environment.

Secondly, when the offices are not in use, switching off the lighting, modestly decreasing the
air conditioners and unplugging equipment will help the organization lower the energy
consumption. Eventually, the firms will pay more attention once such practices are involved
in the daily routine tasks. Nowadays, another initiative organizations can implement is the
use of renewable energy. Instead of using disposable items such as cups, capsules, coffee
machines the employees can opt to use various other reusable items. For example, the
organization can reduce the number of printouts by reusing papers as copies while sorting
out an idea for recycling the waste.

Finally, the firm can introduce environmentally friendly work options, mainly including
telecommuting, which means working from home when necessary to avoid the employees
travelling by vehicle for meetings which has many ecological benefits. Raising awareness
among the employees and praising them for the small actions taken towards the
environmental changes which will gradually improve the sustainability of the organization, as
well as the individuals tend to transmit these practices at home eventually making it a better
place for all living beings.

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