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Good Omens

Episode 3 (beginning – 28:00)

Before watching
Ex. 1 Match the words with their definitions and then translate them into Russian:

1) to drown a) to (cause to) die by being unable to breathe underwater

2) to have a lot in common b) very big
3) enormous c) to take someone somewhere in your car
4) give a lift d) to save
5) favour e) support or approval
6) cross smth off the list f) to mark smth as completed
7) to rescue g) to share many interests, experiences, or other
characteristics with someone or something

Ex. 2 Answer the questions with active vocabulary telling true stories about yourself or your
relatives and friends:

1) Do you think drowning kittens should be punished by law?

2) Who do you have a lot in common with?
3) Would you like to live in an enormous house?
4) When was the last time somebody gave you a lift?
5) When did you do a favour to your friend last?
6) Do you think writing down what you have to do on a list and crossing the tasks off the
list is an effective task-management strategy?
7) Have you ever rescued a man/animal?

While watching
Ex. 3 Watch the episode and insert the words from active vocabulary in ex. 1:

1) Aziraphael: I mean, Noah, up there, his family, and his sons, their wives, they're all going
to be fine.
Crowley: But they … everybody else? (01:00)
2) Crowley: Our respective head offices don't actually care how things get done. They just
want to know they can … . (11:00)
3) Aziraphael: Well, I suppose I should say thank you for the, uh, … .
Crowley: Don't say that. If my people hear I … an angel, I'll be the one in trouble.
4) Crowley: Look, I've been thinking. What if it all goes wrong? We … , you and me.
Aziraphael: I don't know. We may have both started off as angels, but you are fallen.
5) Crowley: I need a … .
Aziraphael: We already have the agreement, Crowley. Stay out of each other's way. Lend
a hand when needed. (16:00)
6) Lance: Well, I am a proud member of an … organisation. Vast. A secret army that battles
the forces of witchery. (26:00)
7) Crowley: I'll … . Anywhere you want to go.
Aziraphael: You go too fast for me, Crowley. (28:00)

After watching
Ex. 4 Translate the sentences using active vocabulary:

1) Ангел и демон имеют очень долгую историю отношений – они оказывали друг
другу услуги - были вместе, когда бог решил утопить всех людей, Кроули спас
Азирафаеля во время Французской революции, и они поняли, что имеют много
общего, а начальники просто используют их как наемных работников, чтобы
вычеркивать дела из своего списка задач.
Angel and demon have a very long story of their relationships – they made each other
favours – were together when God decided to drown all humans. Crowley rescued
Aziraphale during the French Revolution and they realized that they have a lot in
common, and their bosses only used them as hired workers to cross deeds of their task
2) К Кроули подошел член огромной организации по поимке ведьм и решил завести с
ним разговор. Позже Кроули встретил своего друга ангела и решил подвезти его.
Member of the enormous witchhunter organization came to Crowley and decided to start
a talk. Later Crowley met his angel friend and chose to give him a lift.

Ex.5 Answer the questions using new words and retell Episode 3:

1) What historical events do we see in the first half of the episode that unite the angel and
the demon? Do you think they can be called friends? Do they really have a lot in
2) How does the first half of the episode finish?

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