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Unlocking Your Potential 4 

Exercise Four: Silence Your Inner Critic 

The inner critic is a list of negative talk that we think about ourselves before even anyone else has 
said it. Write down your anxious thoughts to get perspective on them, and ultimately silence that 
1. Write Your Anxious Thoughts 
The simple act of putting your thoughts on paper is powerful. Using a journal, paper, or the space 
below, write down your doubts, fears, or anxieties about your creative practice or project. There’s no 
thought too big or too small: 

2. Read Them Out Loud 
Speak your thoughts out loud to realize how ridiculous they sound! How would you respond to your 
friend or your younger self, if they expressed the same doubts? Write that response below: 

3. Let Them Go 
Now that you’ve identified these thoughts, let them go—rip them up, recycle them, use them in an art 
project! Try one day of not speaking negatively to yourself. What was it like? Share on the class 
discussion board. 

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