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Story / About Glorious Cakes

Glorious Cakes is set up by Gloria and Adrian Thompson, husband and wife team.
Gloria bakes and comes up with the designs whilst Adrian deals more with the
business side and finances.
Gloria’s background is working for a catering company. Since having a family she
has really enjoyed making birthday cakes for her children and friends. Seeing
their faces light up when they see a cake makes her day. Gloria now works part
time for a catering company whilst focusing on trying to expand Glorious Cakes.

Logo brief:
We would like a bright fun logo that attracts all age groups and genders. It would
be good to see some ideas that incorporate a cake illustration but it’s not
essential. The brief is very open!
If the logo could work or have a variation to work as a sticker that would be great.
Also the long term plan is to open up a little bakery so please bare in mind a
potential sign that would work for that.

Target market:
Glorious Cakes makes cakes for every occasion so the target market is wide but we
think aiming mostly at 30-50 year olds who may either be buying a cake for a
children’s party or a special occasion like milestone birthdays or anniversaries.

Brand values:
Some key words to describe the brand:

Budget friendly

* This is a totally made up business for the purposes of Faye Brown’s Skillshare class

Please describe your business is 1-2 sentences?

Glorious cakes for every occasion

Would you say your services are budget friendly, middle of the road or high end?
Budget friendly

What 3 words best describe your business (this is the more touchy feely stuff)
Tasty, colorful and happy

What are your favourite brands and why?

Hello Kitty - I love the simple graphic style
Disney - I love how they cater for all children and ages

What would you like your clients to say about your business?
“My daughter loved her princess cake so much, I’ve never seen her smile so big at
the sight of food - it was literally the icing on the cake at her birthday party”

Where will you advertise your business?

Word of mouth / social media / local parent magazines

Where do you see your business in...

1 year
I will hopefully have left my full time job and can focus solely on the cake business

5 years
I would like to build an instagram following showing off all my cakes and maybe
some tutorials

10 years
I’d love a little shop in my home town

Who is your ideal client / your ideal project?

Emily is a 35 year old mum... she’s so much fun and loves organising parties. Last
month she organised a party for her 60 year old mother and next month she is
organising a superhero party for her 7 year old son. Emily is a busy mum and the
first to admit she’s not great in the kitchen so she likes to hire other services to
help make the perfect cake for each occasion.

What is your brand name and strapline (if applicable)?

Glorious Cakes - a cake to fit every occasion (strapline not needed in logo)

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