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Strategy to articulate the functional relationship between

culture and education in the social context of the sica region

to articulate the functional
relationship between

in the social context
of the SICA region
Strategy to articulate the functional relationship between
culture and education in the social context of the sica region

February, 2021
Héctor Schargorodsky

Raquel Núñez, SE-CECC
Caroline Munier, UNESCO
Tecnical Review:
Officials of the Ministries of Education and the Ministries of Culture of the CECC/
SICA member countries, Raquel Núñez, SE-CECC and Caroline Munier, UNESCO.
Concept, graphic disegn and layout:
Ileana Ondoy Jimenez/ioCreativa S.A.
Photography: CECC/SICA.

CECC/SICA appreciates the technical and financial

cooperation of UNESCO, especially the Cluster Office
in San José, for the the formulation of this Strategy.
Strategy to articulate the functional relationship between
culture and education in the social context of the sica region

Presentation 5
Introduction 3
Background and documentary references 5
Reach 7
Objetives 9
Strategic planning stages 9
Organization and planning 11
Diagnosis 13
Implementation 16
Monitoring and evaluation 18
Anexo I: Programs 21
Anexo II: Inputs, activities, products, results, and impacts 24
Anexo III: Guiding schedule 32

Strategy to articulate the functional relationship between
culture and education in the social context of the sica region

Strategy to articulate the functional relationship between
culture and education in the social context of the sica region

The Central American Integration System (SICA) will celebrate 30 years of institutional existence in
2021, the year in which we also celebrate the Bicentennial of the Independence of six of the countries
in the region. This scenario marks the interest of the Council of Ministers of Education and Ministers
of Culture of the Central American Education and Culture Coordination (CECC/SICA) to adopt an
articulated vision of Education and Culture. This will allow guiding the institutional work in an
integrated manner between the two areas, to offer its maximum potential as a transformation
tool and thus contribute to the resolution of different social problems. This is the basis for the
substantiation of the Council of Ministers, at its XLII Regular Meeting, on October 15, 2019, in San
Salvador, to request the Executive Secretariat of the CECC/SICA to prepare the document called
“Strategy to articulate the functional relationship between culture and education in the social
context of the SICA region.”

The relationship between Education and Culture is intrinsic. On the one hand, because both have a
direct impact on society, offering tools that allow it to better respond to its environment and context.
On the other hand, because Education must be a promoter of Culture in all its forms and expressions
and at the same time, Culture becomes a strategy of a pragmatic nature to help Education in
achieving the transformations of people and societies to better respond to specific educational

In other words, there cannot be a well-conceived and well-developed Education if it does not have
among its goals the cultural transformations that society requires. In the same way, there is no effective
cultural impact if Culture, through all its forms, does not contribute to achieve the transformations
that emerging generations demand to respond to their present and future commitments. In other
words, Education is based on cultural values and Culture on educational values.

Strategy to articulate the functional relationship between
culture and education in the social context of the sica region

Within the objectives of this proposal, both sectors can contribute their full potential at the service
of the development of the countries of the region. The Strategy has been designed to deepen the
incorporation into the regional educational system of a set of key concepts that come from both
the Culture sector and the Education sector. That is why, deepening this reciprocal relationship
between education and culture is to promote the way to achieve a culturally integrated society,
more fluid in knowledge and experiences between both sectors, in such a way that Culture and
Education can be articulated from early childhood.

We express our appreciation for the contribution of the UNESCO Multi-Country Office in San José,
for the support provided to undertake this project, which, without a doubt, is consistent with
the objective of supporting and standing-by Member States in the implementation of programs
related to the national mechanisms of the 2030 Agenda. For this reason, it has become an ally of
strategic importance for this purpose.

We hope that this document, with all its elements, will become a useful instrument for each
of the CECC/SICA countries for the construction of that joint contribution from Culture for the
advance and eventual consolidation of regional integration.

Carlos Staff S.
Executive Secretary of the CECC/SICA

Strategy to articulate the functional relationship between
culture and education in the social context of the sica region

At the beginning of the third decade of the 21st century, the States that make up the Central
American Integration System (SICA) are faced with multiple challenges. All of them must deal with
complex political, economic, social, and health situations that are also related to global problems
such as threats to peace and security; the different manifestations with which inequality and
exclusion are expressed, and the ecological risks caused by indiscriminate deforestation and the
pollution of the land, seas, and atmosphere.
The magnitude of the challenges makes the State essential to structure society in the search and
construction of sustainable development, which can be defined as a set of interdependent variables
ranging from the fight against poverty to education in its areas. Different levels, going through the
construction of citizenship, employment, social justice, and protecting the environment, among
National and regional efforts to overcome these situations are accompanied by various international
organizations that, from different perspectives, contribute to government action by contributing their
knowledge, experience, information, and resources of a different nature. Among them, the action of the
United Nations and its agencies stands out. With the vision of a better common future for humanity, the
United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development establishes a set of quantifiable objectives
and targets for the next ten years that guide global action 1. In the Culture and Education sectors,
UNESCO is the agency that leads to international action. Since its creation, through the different
dimensions of its multidisciplinary actions, it has created conceptual and normative frameworks that
are accepted as a reference throughout the world, offers technical support to countries that request it,
and is also the most important comparative information provider.
In Central America, the actions of the States and International Organizations are joined by integration
efforts that focus on the work of SICA and, particularly in the fields of Education and Culture, on those
of the Technical Secretariat of that organization (CECC-SICA) that promotes cooperation and regional
integration in both sectors. In the field of Culture as well as in the field of Education, the CECC-SICA
indicates that progress can be made in each of the countries of the region, as a result of specific
strategies designed and implemented for each of them, while stating that the Articulation between
both fields is currently insufficient for the Culture-Education binomial to offer its maximum potential
as a tool for social transformation, and thus contribute to the resolution of the above-mentioned

1 See sustainable development goals at:

Strategy to articulate the functional relationship between
culture and education in the social context of the sica region

problems. For this last reason, and in line with UNESCO's efforts to make history, it is proposed
to strengthen and deepen the synergies between culture and education to promote a more fluid
exchange of knowledge, knowledge, and experience between both sectors.
As different specialists point out, the synergies produced by the adequate development of Culture
and Education are necessary to face the challenges posed with the possibility of success. Regarding
the relationship between both sectors, experts agree that the educational process is influenced
by cultural changes that require it to redesign both its methodology and its purposes periodically.
In this sense, culture can be a source of pedagogical innovation in terms of content and relevant
and pertinent pedagogies, which are related to local and global changes. Culture is a key and a
bridge that allows the educational system to understand deep keys of social behavior and, at the
same time, culture needs education since this is how society, in general, facilitates learning or the
acquisition of knowledge, as well as skills, values, beliefs, and habits of the various peoples in any
part of the world. The educational process as a transmission of learning is inherent to the human
being since its evolution and how culture can undergo historical, cultural changes. For this reason,
the importance and need to recognize cultural diversity from the Education sector and promote
dialogue for the construction of a culture of peace. Removing or at least reducing barriers between
the Culture and Education sectors will allow both to contribute their full potential to the service
of developing the countries of the region. The synergies produced will favor the link between the
diverse and heterogeneous social groups that compose it and, consequently, will facilitate the
region to advance towards achieving the objectives of the 2030 Agenda with greater possibilities
of success.
Based on the above - considering that generating a relationship that produces greater and better
positive synergies between culture and education will be a complex process, which should include
dimensions such as intercultural education, artistic education, education on material heritage and
intangible, and the education of the different communities and social groups, as well as taking into
account both the cultural diversity of the region, the cultural and educational specificity of each
country, their respective policies, their institutions, and their regulations - the CECC-SICA proposes
the implementation of a consensual Strategy, which allows the identification and definition of
possible mechanisms and activities to articulate a functional relationship between culture and
education in the social context.
The Strategy has been prepared based on the Concept Note approved by the CECC-SICA, which
was carried out with the collaboration of the UNESCO Multi-Country Office in San José, Costa Rica,
and complemented with the suggestions provided by the organizations responsible for Culture
and Education of the countries of the SICA region. It is a strategic planning proposal composed
of four coherent and interrelated stages, which correspond to the components common to all
administrative processes, that is, Organization and Planning, Diagnosis, Implementation, and
Monitoring and control, which are operationalized through a set of programs and actions.
The Strategy has been designed with a multidisciplinary approach to deepen the incorporation into
the regional educational system of a set of key concepts that come from both the Culture Sector and

Strategy to articulate the functional relationship between
culture and education in the social context of the sica region

the Education sector, such as Cultural Heritage, the Protection and Promotion of Cultural Diversity,
Education for Sustainable Development, Education for Peace, Education for Global Citizenship and
Education for the prevention of violent extremism. Likewise, the relationship between Culture and
Education in civil society is considered, defining spaces and mechanisms to stimulate civil society
actors' concrete participation and the maintenance of equity between genders.
To close this introduction, it is necessary to point out that the Strategy presented here has been
conceived in a unique time marked by the effects produced by the health pandemic caused by
COVID 19. This situation has made necessary a rethinking of educational and training activity at all
levels and social strata, among other important political, economic, and social effects. In the SICA
region, the pandemic has had a strong impact on all the countries that comprise it, so its effects must
be taken into account in designing the programs and actions that are intended to be implemented.
If this situation is maintained, face-to-face intermittence, social distance maintenance, and distance
exchanges through digital technologies must be considered. It will be especially relevant to pay
attention to the needs of the student population in a situation of greater vulnerability and less
access to technology to take into account the analysis of their specific needs when planning any
action or educational intervention.

Strategy to articulate the functional relationship between
culture and education in the social context of the sica region

Strategy to articulate the functional relationship between
culture and education in the social context of the sica region

Background and
Documentary References
At its base, the development of the strategy to improve the functional relationship between culture
and education in the social context of the SICA region considers what is stated in the preamble to
the Constitution of UNESCO, which states that culture and education are essential for the dignity
of humanity. Based on this statement, the proposal draws on an extensive collection of documents
from different sources, which also includes some of the lessons learned in the development of both
fields over the course of the last decades.

Among the most relevant milestones that have been taken into account, we mention the World
Conference on Cultural Policies MONDIACULT (Mexico City, Mexico, 1982), the Intergovernmental
Conference on Cultural Policies for Development (Stockholm, Sweden, 1998), and the
intergovernmental conference Culture Account: Financing, Resources and the Economy of Culture
in Sustainable Development (Florence, Italy, 1999), all of which led to the definition of a new global
agenda for cultural policies for development. The concepts exposed in documents such as the Report
of the World Commission on Culture and Development entitled Our Creative Diversity (1996), the
World Reports on Culture (1998, 2000), and the document Rethinking Education (2019). To these is
added the Second World Conference on Arts Education2 (2010), which established the objectives for
the development of arts education, the first of which is to ensure that it is accessible as an essential
and sustainable element of a renewed education of great quality. Among other strategies, it was
proposed to promote through arts education the constructive transformation of teaching systems
and structures. The Forum of Ministers of Culture 3(2019) has also been taken into account, in which
the role of culture in public policies to promote sustainable development was discussed, and where
it was reaffirmed that culture has a fundamental role in facing the challenges of our century for its
ability to build more solidary, resilient and inclusive societies.


Strategy to articulate the functional relationship between
culture and education in the social context of the sica region

Likewise, supported by the global perspective of sustainable development set out in the United
Nations 2030 Agenda, the strategy aims to contribute to the achievement of Goals 4.7 and 11.44
and, in the same sense, takes as a guide and framework other normative instruments of scope
International Convention of UNESCO, such as the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible
Cultural Heritage 5, the Convention on the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage 6, and
the Convention for the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions 7. At the
same level, we want to point out that the Strategy is conceived in line with current international
treaties and conventions on human and social rights.

From a sectoral perspective, the guidelines set by UNESCO in its Strategy for Education 2015-2021
have been followed, which promotes a humanistic and holistic vision of education as a fundamental
human right, essential for personal and socio-economic development8 and in the 2030 Indicators
for Culture, which it conceives as a specific sector of human activity, comprising the visual and
performing arts, tangible and intangible heritage, and cultural and creative industries. Thus defined,
Culture is a sector that contributes to forging more peaceful, inclusive, equitable, and sustainable
societies and is also an engine that generates direct social and economic benefits that contribute to
the development of nations.

From the regional perspective, other documents of a strategic nature have been considered, such as
the Central American Educational Policy (PEC) 2013-2030 9, the Cultural Policy for Central American
Integration (PCIC 2012-2015), and the Regional Policy for Gender Equality and Equity (PRIEG) 10.
In its implementation, the strategy will take into account current policies, plans, programs, and
projects related to Culture and Education in each country of the SICA region and, to the extent
that they are conducive to the objectives sought, will be They will use the theoretical and technical
contributions produced by international organizations and by national and local experts from
both sectors. Ultimately, the strategy will have a regional scope, which will be built to articulate a
harmonious development of the whole from the cultural and educational specificities of each of the
countries that make up the SICA region.societies and is also an engine that generates direct social
and economic benefits that contribute to the development of nations.

4 4.7. By 2030, ensure that all students acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to promote sustainable development,
including through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality,
promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, world citizenship, and the appreciation of cultural diversity and the
contribution of culture to sustainable development. 11.4. Redouble efforts to protect and safeguard the world's cultural
and natural heritage
7 UNESCO (2005) Convención sobre la protección y la promoción de la diversidad de las expresiones culturales, 2005.
Disponible en:
8 UNESCO (2014) UNESCO Education Strategy 2015-2021 (Paris:UNESCO)
9 CECC-SICA (2012/2017) Política Cultural de Integración Centroamericana (PCIC 2012-2030).

Strategy to articulate the functional relationship between
culture and education in the social context of the sica region

The proposed Strategy will play a hinge role in strengthening the interaction between the sectors
of Culture and Education by carrying out common tasks that will also serve to strengthen relations
between workers in both sectors at both the national and regional and local. A similar situation will
occur with political authorities by increasing and improving the information available, facilitating
decision-making processes, and the capacity to manage and evaluate public policies.
One of the objectives of the initial diagnosis stage will be to produce a state of the situation of the
cultural sector and the education sector in the region, for which both existing and new data will be
used, challenges and limitations in the relationship between culture and education through specific
quantitative and qualitative indicators. The information to be collected will include the SICA region's
resources in terms of infrastructure, human, financial, institutional, and communicational resources.
The use of the 2030 Indicators for Culture in the monitoring and evaluation stage will give
the possibility of making regional comparisons on the progress of the different national and local
processes, which will place the SICA region in an advanced place in terms of which refers to the
deepening of the relations between Culture and Education.
Finally, the Strategy is expected to contribute to achieving target 4.7 of the SDGs so that “all
students acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to promote sustainable development, among
others, through education for sustainable development and lifestyles. Sustainability, human rights,
gender equality, the promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship, and an
appreciation of cultural diversity and the contribution of culture to sustainable development”.
Regarding its scope, the Strategy aims to reach the educational system according to its various
instances and levels in each of the countries. That is why, in each of their stages, the Programs
will consider both the public education sector and the private sector from initial to higher and
professional education, through primary and secondary school. Likewise, the Programs will be aligned
with UNESCO's strategy for technical and vocational 11 education and training and its objectives of
promoting youth employment and entrepreneurship, promoting equity and equality among people
regardless of their gender, and facilitating the transition to green economies and sustainable societies.
They will also consider the relationship between Culture and Education in civil society, defining spaces
and mechanisms that encourage the concrete participation of civil society12 actors.


Strategy to articulate the functional relationship between
culture and education in the social context of the sica region

It will also take into account the cultural and educational needs of specific groups such as people
with disabilities, those belonging to indigenous peoples, Afro-descendants, migrants, and, where
appropriate, the actions proposed in the different programs. That makes up the strategy that may
also involve the young and adult population located outside the reach of formal education systems.
Besides, the strategy will seek to complement the important work carried out by the countries of
the region in matters of intercultural education and the integration of indigenous peoples and/
or other populations, groups, or communities in educational systems, thus contributing to the
protection and promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions and the safeguarding of living
heritage. For this, they will incorporate their arts and language and their ancestral knowledge and
Likewise, the strategy will take into account the changes and impacts that are taking place in the
social body as a consequence of globalization, migration (internal and external), the technological
revolution associated with telecommunications, and changes in labor dynamics. It will seek to help
mitigate the effects that these changes have on vulnerable groups such as youth and women.
The linguistic question will be approached distinguishing the fields of formal and non-formal
education, considering that the mother tongue is a fundamental element that sustains the cultural
identity and the transmission of both the language itself and the valuable regional intangible cultural
heritage. At the same time, you will consider the benefits of multicultural, bilingual education, and
educational inclusion. Regarding the arts, the Strategy aims to strengthen the link between the
educational world and contemporary cultural activity, which includes those expressions located
beyond the regional limits and the cultural references of the different communities of each country.
In each of the above aspects, the Strategy will be designed and implemented in a coherent and
complementary manner with the current national and regional action plans and programs,
considering the achievements and lessons learned previously.

Strategy to articulate the functional relationship between
culture and education in the social context of the sica region

¡¡ Contribute to achieving a higher quality comprehensive education, that is,
an education that promotes active learning proposes study plans adapted to the
environment that arouse interest and enthusiasm in the people who learn, value
respect and commitment to communities and cultures local schools, and count
on the presence of trained and motivated teachers, which consequently leads to
generating citizenship and a sense of community in the new generations.

¡¡ Recognize the importance of cultural diversity to contribute to sustainable

development and the construction of peace. The strategy aims to articulate
Culture and Education from early childhood and in the context of lifelong learning
in formal and non-formal settings, which will contribute to this diversity being
recognized, promoted, and, therefore, strengthened. This will also involve investing
in multilingualism, both in terms of educational content, methodologies, and
approaches, and developing cultural policies based on the wealth of national and
local knowledge, including that of indigenous people.

¡¡ Encourage the skills, values, and behaviors that artistic education promotes,
for which it will be incorporated into the three dimensions of learning (cognitive,
social and emotional, and behavioral), not only to provide skills such as creativity,
collaboration, and imaginative problem solving but because it also has the
potential to prepare students to prosper in their lives.

¡¡ Strengthen Education to cultural heritage (both tangible and intangible)

through different methodologies and approaches (formal and non-formal) to
build knowledge and understanding and develop critical thinking, appreciation,
and tolerance, and counteract stereotypes. Transcultural heritage transmission
from one generation to another and lifelong learning are powerful vectors to build
stability, coexistence, and peace. Education in cultural heritage also allows the
development of technical and professional education in the culture sector, thus
expanding employment opportunities.

¡¡ Identify and create mechanisms and activities to articulate a functional

relationship between culture and education in the social context. To this
end, the strategy must provide tools to promote positive synergies between the
Culture and Education sectors in each of the region's countries, as well as between
them, generating regional cooperation policies and actions.

Strategy to articulate the functional relationship between
culture and education in the social context of the sica region

Strategy Planning
In the organizational structure of the Strategy itself, efforts have been made to follow the principles
of simplicity, relevance, and flexibility, to facilitate, to the greatest degree possible, that it can be
applied in such a way that it adapts to different realities and existing conditions in each of the
countries that make up the SICA region.
By simplicity, it is understood that the strategy's governance structure corresponds to the
organizational form that each of the countries of the region has in the sectors of Culture and
Education, as well as that existing in the field of action in common, that is, the CECC-SICA.
By relevance, it is understood that to improve the functional relationship between culture and
education in the social context in the SICA region, each of the Strategy Programs and their respective
actions must be adapted to the diversity of cultural views. That is recognized in the region, including
its linguistic diversity.
Flexible conceiving the Strategy implies that, without departing from the established general
objective, the adaptations, and corrections that reality may impose during the development of the
different stages compose it can be made. Regarding the actions, it is proposed that these be specific,
measurable, achievable, relevant, and limited in time. All these characteristics will contribute to
facilitating the exchange of criteria, instruments, tools, and resources between the countries and,
at the same time, will allow to promote actions and save energy in tasks that can be undertaken
collaboratively, within the framework of the spirit that animates the Regional integration.
Regarding the Stages that make up the Strategy, in the Organization and Planning, the governance
conditions will be established, the Technical Work Teams (ETT) will be created that will be in charge
of the different tasks, and the obligations and responsibilities that said teams would have throughout
the process. In particular, given the financial limitations intrinsic to the countries that make up the
SICA region, which has been aggravated by the COVID 19 pandemic, the possibility of incorporating
and managing technical and financial resources from different sources is contemplated to facilitate
the achievement of the objectives of the Strategy.
The Diagnostic Stage, based on the collection and analysis of data from the countries of the
SICA region, is in line with the global SDG Indicator 4.7.1, the objective of which is to assess the
extent to which Education for World Citizenship and Education for Sustainable Development with
special attention to cultural diversity, is generally integrated into national education policies, study
programs, teacher training, and student evaluation. To facilitate this stage's progression from the
financial point of view, the technical work team will begin producing indicators from the data
already existing in each country, thus allowing the formation of a first mapping of the regional
situation regarding the relationship between Culture and Education.

Strategy to articulate the functional relationship between
culture and education in the social context of the sica region

The Implementation Stage will be conducted by the respective national authorities of the Culture
and Education of each country with the assistance of the ETTs and coordinated by the CECC-SICA.
In it, the Programs and actions that will be carried out within the framework of the Strategy will be
put into operation according to their respective possibilities. Given that the Programs and actions
that are proposed involve different degrees of financial investment, it is key to the success of the
Strategy that the technical, human, and infrastructure capacities that already exist in the cultural
and educational spheres of each are used as much as possible. one of the countries that make up
the SICA region.
The Evaluation Stage will include collecting data referring to the processes already carried out in
each of the previous stages and their results. The recommendations inherent to this type of task will
be followed, in the sense that it is carried out by personnel external to the organizations involved.
In other words, although the provision of data for each country will be in charge of the members
of the ETTs, their interpretation and analysis will be carried out by an external team that will be
incorporated in due course. Regarding the social impact of the strategy, this should be analyzed
first, considering each country's geographical limits. Based on these results, progress can be made
in considering the impact at the regional level. Additionally, Annex III establishes a timeline. With
the flexibility that each Program needs to achieve its respective objectives, it distinguishes between
short, medium, and long-term actions in a maximum horizon of four (4) years.
In all the mentioned Stages, the role to be played by the CECC-SICA as the institution in charge of
the global coordination of this Strategy is key. In this task, their experience and knowledge of the
reality of each of the countries that make up the SICA region and their respective sectors of Culture
and Education allow us to ensure that the Strategy will be developed towards the achievement of
its objectives through more suitable.
In short, what is proposed with this Strategy is to deepen and improve the relationship between
the Culture Sector and the Education sector, innovate in the fields of Education and Culture and
incorporate new pedagogical tools for the generation of critical thinking. This achievement will
raise awareness about access to cultural rights and duties and increase the possibility of building
citizen participation from childhood.

Strategy to articulate the functional relationship between
culture and education in the social context of the sica region

1. Organization and planning
The operational implementation of the different stages of the strategy will oversee a Technical Work
Team (ETT), made up of officials belonging to the staff of the Culture and Education areas of each
region's countries. SICA, which will function under the leadership of a Coordinator. To integrate
the ETT, the respective national ministerial authorities will designate by formal act one (1) regular
official and one (1) substitute official from among the agents of their dependencies. The ETT will
be equipped with the regulatory instruments and the human, technical, and financial resources
necessary for its proper functioning.
The CECC-SICA will oversee coordinating and controlling the tasks of the temporary agencies. In this
regard, your non-delegable responsibilities will be:
¡¡ Organize the way the ETTs work and distribute the tasks and responsibilities by
their members.

¡¡ Establish a schedule of periodic meetings and their agenda.

¡¡ Keep the minutes of what was discussed in the meetings.

¡¡ Conduct and moderate the meetings of the ETTs.

¡¡ Control the fulfillment of the tasks of the temporary agencies.

¡¡ Establish the links between ETTs and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs).

¡¡ Raise for consideration at the meetings of those responsible for the Culture
and Education of the SICA Region, the proposed activities, and the necessary
budget to ensure compliance with them.

¡¡ Establish the necessary mechanisms for the ETTs to work jointly with the
sectoral organisms of the Culture and Education of each country.

Likewise, given the need to make the most efficient and effective use of the scarce resources
available and to seek the contribution of new resources, the Coordination of the Strategy will be in
charge of managing the necessary resources to carry out the Programs and activities that make up
each of the stages of the Strategy so that it can achieve its objectives promptly. To do this, you must:
¡¡ Carry out actions aimed at managing and obtaining technical collaboration
and financial contributions from the following sources of financing:

Strategy to articulate the functional relationship between
culture and education in the social context of the sica region

a) Specific contributions from the States of the SICA region.

b) Contributions from regional financial organizations.
c) Contributions from international cooperation.
d) Contributions from international financial organizations.
e) Contributions from Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in the fields of
Culture and Education.
f) Public and private bequests and donations.
¡¡ Present the corresponding rendering of accounts to the CECC-SICA. The
procedures to carry out any disbursement will be carried out according to the
administrative provisions in force in the CECC-SICA.

To fill the coordinator position, the CECC-SICA will propose a shortlist of candidates to the authorities
responsible for the areas of Culture and Education in the region, who will also decide how to finance
the position and designate employing a formal act as their manager.
Corresponds to the ETT:
¡¡ Prepare the Programs and actions to be implemented in each country by the
respective bodies responsible for Culture and Education.

¡¡ Define the necessary tasks so that each country can carry out the different
programs and activities, also indicating the deadlines for their effective

¡¡ Establish the appropriate communication modalities so that the bodies

responsible for each country's culture and education sectors can implement
the Programs in an agile and efficient manner.

¡¡ Share with the other members of the Technical Team the information and
experiences acquired by them and themselves and the agencies responsible for
its implementation in each country during the specific exercise of the different
stages of the Strategy.

The communication actions of the Strategy will be in charge of the CECC / SICA, which must
implement activities and actions so that both public institutions and civil society in the countries of
the region are involved in the achievement of the objectives that the strategy aims to achieve. The
financing necessary to carry out these actions will come from the sources mentioned above, and
your budget may not exceed 10% of the proceeds.

Strategy to articulate the functional relationship between
culture and education in the social context of the sica region

2. Diagnosis
The Diagnosis stage's main specific objective is to produce an updated status of relations
between the cultural sector and the educational sector at the regional level, both quantitatively
and qualitatively, the analysis of which allows the identification of challenges, limitations, and
imbalances. Most relevant issues so that these relationships between the sectors are most beneficial
for their respective societies. This stage will consist, essentially, of carrying out three (3) successive
and complementary instances:

1. The ETTs, jointly and in agreement with the organisms responsible for Culture and
Education in each country, will establish the priorities regarding the collection
of information and proceed to complete the proposed Programs to the extent of
their possibilities. Priority will be given to those Programs whose data exist and are
available in more than one of the SICA region countries.

2. To operationalize the Programs at this stage, the representatives of each of the

countries will request their respective competent bodies to provide the necessary
data and guide the collection process that will be under their responsibility.

3. Once the data is received, the ETTs will collaboratively prepare and coordinate
the CECC / SICA, a Regional Diagnosis Report that reflects the current situation of
the relationship between the Culture Sector and the Education sector. All other
information that is considered relevant may be added to the Programs proposed in
the stage.

It is suggested that the information collected be organized in three dimensions compatible with the
axes of cooperation between the sectors of culture and education from UNESCO's perspective to
facilitate further comparisons: I. Cultural diversity (including linguistic diversity); II. Artistic Education
and III. Cultural heritage education - tangible and intangible. It is important to have qualitative and
quantitative data for each dimension.
The sources for obtaining said data will be specific national surveys, Culture and Education
information systems, administrative data when available, and official study plans of the Ministries
of Education or equivalent bodies in each one of the SICA region countries.
Based on the information provided by each of the countries in the SICA region, an attempt will be
made to construct the largest possible number of thematic indicators that make up each Program.

Strategy to articulate the functional relationship between
culture and education in the social context of the sica region


The program seeks to identify those contents of the formal education system in primary and
secondary schools that consider tangible and intangible Cultural Heritage and distinguish between
those where the concept is used as a specific subject from those where it is used as means to explain
or demonstrate other notions. The program will be deployed around the:

¡¡ Identification of educational programs at the primary and secondary level that

address the Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) of its own, that is, of each place,
country, and region, as a specific theme.

¡¡ Identification of educational programs at the primary and secondary levels that

address the protection of natural and cultural spaces and places of memory
necessary for ICH expression.

¡¡ Identification of teacher training programs that include approaches to tangible

and intangible Cultural Heritage.

¡¡ Identification of educational programs on heritage, in any of its definitions,

for boys, girls, and/or adolescents contributes to improving understanding of
heritage, promoting diversity, and fostering intercultural dialogue.

¡¡ Identification of school programs that include traditional knowledge in each

area, which favors sustainable consumption and production practices.

¡¡ Identification of museums and heritage sites that carry out heritage awareness
programs for children and adolescents. Point out those who work associated
with the school system at the primary and secondary levels.

¡¡ Identification and quantification of scholarships financed by public authorities

or private institutions for cultural training and professionals in the sector,
including cultural management (number of scholarships awarded per year).

The global number of hours per year at both levels will be indicated in all of them, and the percentage
occupied by the study program concerning the total hours taught.

Strategy to articulate the functional relationship between
culture and education in the social context of the sica region

PROGRAM 2: MULTILINGUAL EDUCATION (UNESCO 2030 Indicators. Indicator 15)

The program seeks to determine the teaching of different languages concerning the total hours of
teaching at the different school levels. The construction of the following indicators is suggested:

¡¡ Percentage of the total annual teaching hours devoted to official or national

languages in primary and secondary education, compared to the total number of
hours devoted to language teaching in each country.

¡¡ Percentage of the total annual teaching hours dedicated to international

languages in primary and secondary education compared to the total number of
hours dedicated to language teaching in each country.

¡¡ Percentage of teaching hours dedicated to multilingualism compared to the

total teaching hours dedicated to languages in primary and secondary education
in each country.

¡¡ Number of educational establishments that teach classes in the local language,

and percentage of the total educational establishments.

¡¡ Number of teachers from minority groups who teach in different local



The program aims to measure the importance and degree of territorial coverage of cultural and
artistic education at the regional level. The construction of the following indicators is suggested:

¡¡ Percentage of students enrolled in post-secondary and higher education in

the field of culture during the reference year compared to the total number of
students enrolled in those educational levels.

¡¡ Percentage of teaching hours devoted to arts education compared to the total

number of teaching hours.

¡¡ Annual percentage of students who graduate from post-secondary and higher

education in the field of culture compared to the total number of students who
graduate at those educational levels.

¡¡ Identification of the diplomas in artistic disciplines awarded in secondary

education (Baccalaureate) and higher (tertiary and university). Analysis of the
validity of said diplomas for the exercise of teaching.

Strategy to articulate the functional relationship between
culture and education in the social context of the sica region

¡¡ Percentage of all post-secondary students enrolled in study programs related

to culture and the creative industry.

¡¡ Number of schools that schedule and carry out visits to cultural facilities
(museums, theaters, cultural centers, others) as part of their curricular activity. The
average annual number of visits per school and the percentage of total schools.

¡¡ Number of schools that program activities with the participation of artists as

part of the curricular activities. The annual average number of guest artists per
school. Percentage of schools that invite artists out of the total number of schools.

¡¡ Territorial distribution of schools of artistic education in each of the countries

of the SICA region.

PROGRAM 4: Identify the Programs and actions that are being jointly executed by the national
bodies responsible for Education and Culture in each of the SICA region countries.

PROGRAM 5: Analysis of culture and the arts in the Educational Evaluation Institutes in each cou-
ntry of the SICA region.

PROGRAM 6: Broad and comprehensive policies of all generes in cultural and artistic education.
Report on each gender's proportion among enrolled students, graduates, and teachers in cultural
and artistic disciplines.

PROGRAM 7: Analysis of the current legal frameworks that affect the relationship between the
Culture Sector and the Education sector.
Consider how intercultural education, arts education, education in indigenous peoples, and
community education are considered. The concept of cultural diversity and how culture contributes
to the sustainability of development. The review will include both the creation of new rules and
the modification or cancellation of existing ones. The objective of the Program will be to promote
quality Education both in education through art, as well as through art and for art (professionals).

Strategy to articulate the functional relationship between
culture and education in the social context of the sica region

3. Implementación
The implementation stage's main specific objective is to strengthen and enhance in all possible
aspects the relationship between Culture and Education in the countries of the SICA region through
the application of a set of programs and actions. For this, the ETT must deepen the programs' scope,
define the areas of analysis and the limits corresponding to each one of the Programs, and the result
of the whole must reflect a coherent, harmonious, and balanced vision. Before the implementation
of the programs in the field, the temporary agencies must:
¡¡ Consider the information obtained in the Diagnosis stage.

¡¡ Establish the priority programs to be implemented in each of the SICA region

countries in agreement with the sectoral authorities.

¡¡ Carry out the adaptations that are necessary to the conditions in force in its

¡¡ Define the tasks and responsibilities of each of the national bodies responsible
for implementation,

¡¡ Establish coordination mechanisms and operating conditions between the

agencies responsible for implementing each country's program and the ETT.

As a guideline, without the order of their presentation, meaning priority or importance, the design
and implementation of Programs are proposed with the following objectives:


PROGRAM 8: Incorporating artistic teaching into primary and/or secondary schools' curricula,
depending on the needs detected. In those schools where it is decided to expand the curriculum,
hours of visual arts, music and theater will be added in the primary and secondary schools.
PROGRAM 9: Generate spaces and activities for reciprocal training between workers in both
sectors. The Program will provide resources, spaces, and administrative certification to teaching
staff to provide artists with concepts of didactics and pedagogy, and to artists to provide teaching
staff with artistic and cultural knowledge. The Program will include developing processes that
culminate in invalidating their activities with official titles and diplomas that grant valid scores
in the respective teaching careers. The Program will oversee preparing the didactic material and
obtaining the inputs to be used in the generated training instances.
PROGRAM 10: Increase the number of training activities in non-formal education and
learning spaces, whose contents address the different dimensions of Intangible Cultural Heritage
(ICH), emphasizing that corresponding to each country and place. The activities and contents must
consider the specificity of the different age groups (from childhood to adults and older adults).

Strategy to articulate the functional relationship between
culture and education in the social context of the sica region

PROGRAM 11: Use radio and television to strengthen the link between Culture and Education.
This program will increase the production and broadcast of cultural and educational activities on
radio and television. Different types of programs -informative, educational, artistic, etc.- will be
proposed to facilitate education and learning of native peoples' languages. Emphasis will be placed
on broadcasting these programs through local stations. The programs will be designed according
to each target group (age, region, educational level, among others).
PROGRAM 12: Create schools of artistic education at the municipal level with valid national
degrees. The Ministry of Education in each country of the Region must promote schools of artistic
training, including in their training programs modules of pedagogical orientation that allow
graduate students to dictate their specialty at the different levels of the formal educational system.
PROGRAM 13: Contribute to the necessary deconstruction of the aesthetic and ideological
parameters that have dominated teaching to reduce gender gaps and imbalances in the cultural
and artistic education system. The Program will implement solutions aligned with regional
regulations to re-educate the new generations on gender equality and equity.
PROGRAM 14: Incorporate content that links Culture and Education at all educational levels
into teacher training programs. It is proposed to include, among others, the following topics:
education for interculturality, cultural and linguistic diversity, intangible cultural heritage, and
training in cultural management. Also included in this Program will be reading, emphasizing local
authors, attention to different groups of migrants and their social consequences, and caring for the
environment from a cultural perspective
PROGRAM 15: Create and maintain an operational database containing the institutional
actors of both sectors that, in each of the countries of the SICA region, are relevant for the
development and achievement of the objectives of the Strategy.
PROGRAM 16: Prevent contingencies that affect the cultural and educational system through
flexible actions that allow short-term responses to possible critical situations. And based on the
pandemic's experience caused by COVID-19, alternatives based on the performance of artistic
activities will be envisaged to overcome intermittencies in the continuity of face-to-face schooling.
Depending on the characteristics of each of the countries that make up the SICA region, such as
its territorial heterogeneity, its political, economic and social situation, the different level of school
and cultural infrastructure, as well as the great cultural diversity of its population, in the process
of implementation of the Strategy, the implementation of the different programs will be carried
out by consensus of the authorities responsible for the Culture and Education sectors. Also, efforts
will be made to stimulate the greatest possible community participation in them. To facilitate the
decision-making process, the possibility of conducting pilot tests of limited local scope in certain
Programs to verify their usefulness and relevance is proposed. To promote the regional integration
process, it is suggested that the pilot tests be carried out simultaneously and with identical contents
and objectives in at least two countries of the SICA region.

Strategy to articulate the functional relationship between
culture and education in the social context of the sica region

4. Monitoring and evaluation

This stage's main specific objective is to produce sufficient information about the operation of the
different ETTs and the results obtained in the previous stages of the strategy. Based on their analysis,
errors, and/or deviations in implementation can be corrected of the programs to improve over time.
The data collected in this stage will be carried out by each of the ETTs, while its processing and
analysis will be in charge of specialists external to the agencies involved to maintain impartiality
in the treatment of the information received. To do this, the ETTs must generate procedures that
allow the transparent selection of the institutions in charge of evaluating both the processes and
the impacts produced by the implementation of each program, which implies that the selected
institutions must have the human, technological, and enough infrastructure to collect data and
transform it into useful information for decision-making in government areas.
With the information collected, a set of indicators will be built, both qualitative and quantitative, to
measure the evolution of the relationship between Culture and Education over time. Likewise, to
allow the evaluation results to be compared beyond the national or regional scale, the evaluation
processes will necessarily consider UNESCO's indicators for the culture and education sectors.
Although the indicators to be surveyed will depend on the programs that each country decides to
implement according to the priorities it adopts, to facilitate the analysis, it is suggested to group the
information into programs such as the following:

Strategy to articulate the functional relationship between
culture and education in the social context of the sica region


PROGRAM 17: Analysis of the operation of the Technical Work Teams concerning the
following parameters:
¡¡ Cantidad de ProNumber of Programs in operation per year.

¡¡ Compliance with the pre-established schedule.

¡¡ Verifiable goals achieved, both qualitative and quantitative.

PROGRAM 18: Analysis of the steps taken by the CECC-SICA to obtain technical and
financial resources. An analysis will be carried out in terms of effectiveness and efficiency of the
investments made in the different stages of the Strategy based on:
¡¡ The annual evolution of the financial amount obtained.

¡¡ The distribution of the amounts obtained by the source of financing.

¡¡ The application by category of the financial resources obtained (personnel,

infrastructure, services, etc.)

PROGRAM 19: Analysis of the social impacts registered by the implementation of the
Strategy. Impacts at the national and regional levels will be studied, particularly those referring to
the pedagogies' qualitative dimension.
PROGRAM 20: Analysis of the communication activities of the Strategy based on the following
¡¡ Type of actions carried out.

¡¡ Cost of the actions carried out.

¡¡ Measurable results of the actions carried out.

PROGRAM 21: Analysis of the impacts produced in the relationship between the Culture
Sector and the Education sector due to the pandemic's effects produced by COVID 19. Among
them, the decrease in the number of people enrolled in artistic careers and desertion of art schools'
student body.
Given the current health situation and the degree of uncertainty about its evolution, the optional
implementation of a program that analyzes the effects of the same on the relationship between
the Culture and Education sectors is proposed. The objective of said Program will be to complement
the activities proposed in Program 16 with updated information.

Strategy to articulate the functional relationship between
culture and education in the social context of the sica region

Knowledge concerning tangible and Analyze educational programs whose theme is related
intangible Cultural Heritage. to tangible and intangible Cultural Heritage to identify
1 Diagnosis
imbalances and/or shortcomings.

Multilingual Education. Analysis of supply and demand for the teaching of local and
2 Diagnosis
foreign languages.
Cultural and artistic education. Survey of artistic education: establishments, titles, number of
Diagnosis students, and participation of artists.
Joint Culture and Education programs. Identify programs and activities that are carried out under
4 Diagnosis
the shared responsibility of organizations from both sectors.
Situation in the Educational Evaluation Analyze how culture and the arts are considered in the
5 Diagnosis Institutes. Educational Evaluation Institutes' activity in each country.

Gender policy in cultural and artistic Survey the number of people by gender who participate in
6 Diagnosis education. cultural and artistic education as teachers or students. Causal
analysis of the possible imbalances found.
Analysis of the situation of the current Review current laws to establish points to improve,
legal frameworks.. deficiencies, and omissions. On this basis, propose
7 Diagnosis alternatives that improve the current legal framework.
Consider differences between the student body in general
and the training of artists.
Incorporation of artistic teaching into Dictation of plastic arts, music, and theater in primary and
primary and/or secondary schools' secondary schools.
8 Implementation
curricula, depending on the needs
Generation of spaces and activities for Teachers will provide artists with concepts of didactics and
9 Implementación reciprocal training between workers in pedagogy, and artists will provide teachers with artistic and
both sectors. cultural knowledge. The activities will be officially validated.
Strengthen knowledge about the diffe- Increase the number of courses that address different
rent dimensions of ICH in non-formal dimensions of the ICP in their contents in spaces that do not
10 education and learning spaces. integrate the formal education system. The courses will aim to
educate and learn about and with the local and regional PCI.
Use of radio, television, and digital Increase the production and broadcast of cultural and edu-
media to strengthen the link between cational activities on radio, television, and digital media. In
Culture and Education. particular, programs to learn native languages through local
11 stations.

Strategy to articulate the functional relationship between
culture and education in the social context of the sica region


Creation of schools of artistic educa- Improve the coverage of artistic education in territories
12 tion at the municipal level. based on the needs detected.
Mitigation of gender imbalances in the Propose solutions to actively address this problem from the
Implementación field of cultural and artistic education cultural and artistic disciplines themselves. Reach all human
13 genders with the Program.

Incorporation into teacher training Incorporate education for interculturality, cultural and
programs of contents that link Culture linguistic diversity, intangible cultural heritage, and cultural
14 Implementación and Education at all educational levels. management training.
Database with the key community Create and maintain an operational database with relevant
and institutional actors of Culture and community and institutional actors to develop the Strategy.
15 Implementación Education.
Forecast of contingencies that affect Develop alternatives based on artistic activities to overcome
the relationship between the cultural possible intermittencies in the continuity of the. Develop
and educational systems. alternative strategies before a possible interruption of face-
16 to-face schooling.

Monitoring and Analysis of the operation of the Establish the effectiveness and efficiency achieved by the
evaluation Technical Work Teams. Technical Work Teams based on objective parameters.
Monitoring and Analysis of the task of generating funds Analysis of the behavior of the different sources of technical
evaluation in charge of the CECC-SICA. and financial resources.
Monitoring and Analysis of the social impacts recorded Consultations with students, artists, professors, and teachers
evaluation by the implementation of the Strategy. about the changes introduced by the Strategy.
Monitoring and Analysis of the communication activi- Establish the effectiveness and efficiency achieved by com-
evaluation ties of the Strategy. munication actions.
Analysis of the impacts produced in Object to be defined based on the degree of impact on the
the relationship between the Culture educational system and the cultural activities related to
Sector and the Education sector due education in each country.
to the pandemic's effects produced by

Strategy to articulate the functional relationship between
culture and education in the social context of the sica region

Educational programs -Collection of school -Percentage of - Know the situation Does not apply
of each country programs at the primary programs linked to of the teaching of
and secondary level tangible and intangi- tangible and intangible
related to tangible and ble Cultural Heritage Cultural Heritage in the
1 intangible Cultural in each country's region.
Heritage. educational system
and the region..
-Analysis of the collec-
ted programs.
Censo de instituciones -- Survey of educational - Geographical loca- -- Know the situation Does not apply
dedicadas a la enseñan- establishments. tion, languages taught, of the teaching of local
za de lenguas locales y several hours taught, and foreign languages
-Survey to find out the
extranjeras en cada país and the number of tea- in the region.
interest of the students
y/o equipo de censistas chers available in the
2 and the social group
encuestadores institutions dedicated
on the teaching of local
to teaching local and
and foreign languages
foreign languages in
each country and the

Census of institutions -- Survey of educational -- Geographical - Know the situation Does not apply
dedicated to artistic establishments. location, disciplines of the teaching of
teaching in each country taught, the number of artistic disciplines in
-Survey to know the
and/or team of surveyors hours taught, and the the region.
interest of the students
census takers. number of teachers
3 and the social group on
available in institu-
artistic teaching.
tions dedicated to
teaching the arts in
each country and the

Strategy to articulate the functional relationship between
culture and education in the social context of the sica region


Current organization Analysis of the current -Areas of shared -Identify deficien- Does not apply Does
charts of the Ministries organization charts to development, level cies, imbalances, and not apply
and equivalent bodies identify programs and of investment, and possible new spaces for
responsible for Culture activities carried out un- evolution over time of common development
and Education in each der the shared respon- the results obtained. at the national and
country. sibility of organizations regional levels.
from both sectors in
each country.
Current programs of the -Participation degree of -Identify achieve- --Identify achieve- Does not apply
activities carried out by cultural and artistic acti- ments, deficiencies, ments, deficiencies,
5 the Institutes of Educatio- vities in the programs of and imbalances at the and imbalances at the
nal Evaluation. the Educational Evalua- national and regional national and regional
tion Institutes. level. level.
Enrollment and gradua- Gender analysis in - Participation by -Identify imbalances. Does not apply
tion reports for students. reports and payroll. gender in art educa-
tion schools in each
The payroll of teachers
country and the region
6 and authorities.

Both data from the arts

education schools in
each country.
Laws and Decrees in -Analysis of current Comparative report Design of a regulatory Does not apply
force that relate Culture regulations in each on the relationship improvement plan at
and Education country. between Culture and the regional level.
Education in each
7 country, identifying
the strengths, shortco-
mings, and omissions
of each country's legal
-Study programs. - Resolution/coverage of A greater offer of Higher quality On employability
deficiencies in deman- hours of artistic tra- educational training at and the
-Teachers with valid
ded disciplines. ining in the educa- all levels unemployment rate.
preparation and qualifi-
tional system of each
cation. - Procedures before
authorities of the school
-Allocation of financial
8 -Modification of study
programs and hours.

Strategy to articulate the functional relationship between
culture and education in the social context of the sica region


-Conventions between - Programming of - Artists and teachers -Greater knowledge On the work environ-
governments and unions courses taught by artists with greater training and less resistance ment in the educa-
of educators and artists. from different discipli- to dictate their respec- between artists and tional system
nes for teaching staff. tive disciplines. teachers.
-Allocation of financial
resources. -Programming of cour- -Educational training
9 ses on pedagogy and of higher quality at all
didactics dictated by levels.
teaching staff for artists.
-Non-formal education - Training activities in - Courses, seminars, -- Greater knowledge of On social sensitivity
spaces. aspects of ICH aimed and meetings that the local and regional to the arts
at participants without include any of the PCI in its different
-Allocation of financial
professional objectives following contents: manifestations.
oral traditions, perfor-
- Improvements in the
ming arts, social uses,
education and learning
10 rituals, and festive
processes about and
events, knowledge
with the local and
and practices related
regional PCI.
to nature and the uni-
verse, and knowledge
and techniques linked
to traditional crafts.
--Temporary spaces in - Production of content -Programs of different - Creation of spaces for On the social inte-
public communication for educational purpo- duration and for- interaction between llectual capital.
media. ses using the arts and mats to be broadcast teachers and artists.
culture of each country through television, ra-
-Allocation of technical -Creation of new sour-
and region. dio, and digital media
11 and production resou- ces of work for artists in
rces. the region.

-Allocation of financial -Creating teaching ma-

resources. terials for school use.

-Territorial survey of -Starting of new schools -School graduates of -Improvement of -On the social
artistic schools to of artistic education. artistic education. educational quality. cultural capital.
determine coverage
-Low unemployment -About local
in artists dedicated to artistic activities
-Allocation of financial teaching. (development
resources and school of offers and
- Increase in the cultural
12 infrastructure. audiences).
capital of society.
-Availability of teaching

-Assignment of qualified
teaching staff.

Strategy to articulate the functional relationship between
culture and education in the social context of the sica region


-Diagnosis reports -Among others: -Strategies and plans -Better work, On the work,
on possible gender re-elaboration of art to address gender teaching, and learning teaching, and
imbalances in areas history from non- imbalances in artistic environment in artistic learning climate in
of cultural and artistic sexist parameters, a and cultural teaching and cultural teaching artistic and cultural
education. reconceptualization of areas. areas. teaching fields.
the foundations that
- Provisions of the originate the history
Regional Policy for of art, and revaluation
13 Gender Equality and of women as creative
Equity of the Central subjects within the
American Integration cultural and artistic field.

-Creation of -Decrease in school -On the quality

interministerial Culture dropouts at all levels. of the teaching-
-Teacher training --New study programs
and Education working learning process
programs in the countries with updated content. -Better result of the
groups to incorporate (educational quality).
of the region. evaluation tests for
content on: education
teachers and students.
for interculturality,
cultural and linguistic
diversity, tangible and
intangible cultural
heritage, and training in
cultural management.
-Specialized human -Database design -Updated and -More efficiency -
resources operational databases. in management
-Collection of
-Computer resources information on
15 (programs and institutional actors
equipment). that link education and
-Financial resources.

-Specialized human -Elaboration of specific Protocols caused by -Better reaction of the On the effectiveness
resources protocols for different difficult situations, educational system in of the protocols
contingencies. such as conflicts, emergency situations.
-Computer resources
natural disasters,
16 (programs and
forced migration
or displacement, or
-Financial resources. health emergencies.

Strategy to articulate the functional relationship between
culture and education in the social context of the sica region


--Memory of the annual -Analysis of the annual -Evaluation of the task -Identification Does not apply
activity of the ETTs. report of the temporary carried out by the of strengths and
17 employment agencies. temporary agencies weaknesses of the
-Audit team.
during the period. management of
temporary agencies.
-Record of income -Analysis of records. -Evaluation of the -Identification Does not apply
provided by the different tasks of generating of strengths and
sources of income. technical and financial weaknesses of the fund
contributions provided generation processes
18 -Registration of other
by third parties. provided by third
contributions received
from third parties.

-Team of pollsters. -Surveys to students, -Report on the impacts -Identification -On the perception
artists, professors, and of the Strategy, in of strengths and of the relationship
-Allocation of financial
teachers about the particular on the weaknesses in the between culture
19 resources
changes produced pedagogies used. implementation of the and the arts in the
by the strategy's Strategy. educational system.
-Annual report on -Analysis of the -Report on the -Results of - Degree of
communication activities. Annual Report and the effectiveness communication knowledge about
investment account. and efficiency of activities the Strategy
- Investment account in
communication activities.
20 activities.
-Budget allocation.

-Audit team.

-Interdisciplinary team of To be defined according Idem. Preventive strategies in Does not apply
experts. to the situation of each new health emergency
21 country. situations
-Budget allocation.

Strategy to articulate the functional relationship between
culture and education in the social context of the sica region

YEARS 1   2 3 4
TRIMESTER 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Strategy to articulate the functional relationship between
culture and education in the social context of the sica region

More information:
Educational Coordination and
Centroamerican Cultural.
Phone number: (506) 2248-0542
(506) 2248-0496

Strategy to articulate the functional relationship between
culture and education in the social context of the sica region

37 37

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