OpenScape-DECT-Phone-S5 V1R0 2 0 Release Note V1 0 Extern

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Release Notes

Release Notes Version: V1.0

Product Name: OpenScape DECT Phone S5

Product Version: V1

Software Release is identified by Version: V1 R0.2.0

Major Release Minor Release Fix Release Hotfix Release

Production Version: V114.026.01

File type Product Item Number / File name Size
P30152-P1602-A1-3 / OpenScape-DECT-Phone-S5_V1R0.2.0.bin 3,6 MB

Export Control Classification Data AL: N ECCN: N

Field Trial: eeQS: Limited Availability: General Availability:

This document contains confidential information that is proprietary to Unify GmbH & Co. KG. No part of its
contents may be used, copied, disclosed, or conveyed to any party in any manner whatsoever without prior

DECLARATION DATE: Date : 2015-07-16

DELIVERABLES: Full Release: Delta Release:

Copyright © Unify GmbH & Co. KG, 2015

Hofmannstr. 63, 81379 Munich, Germany
All rights reserved.
The information provided in this document contains merely general descriptions or characteristics of
performance which in case of actual use do not always apply as described or which may change as a result of
further development of the products. An obligation to provide the respective characteristics shall only exist if
expressly agreed in the terms of contract. Availability and technical specifications are subject to change
without notice.
Unify, OpenScape, OpenStage and HiPath are registered trademarks of Unify GmbH & Co. KG. All other
company, brand, product and service names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
Table of Contents

1 HISTORY OF CHANGE ................................................................................................................................3

1.1 RELEASE NOTES HISTORY .........................................................................................................................3
1.2 PRODUCT VERSION HISTORY .....................................................................................................................3
2 IMPORTANT INFORMATION.......................................................................................................................4
2.1 INSTALLATION ...........................................................................................................................................4
2.2 UPGRADE / UPDATE ..................................................................................................................................4
2.3 FALLBACK ................................................................................................................................................4
2.4 SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS .....................................................................................................................4
2.5 SPECIAL SETTINGS AND INSTRUCTIONS ......................................................................................................4
2.5.1 QuickSync .......................................................................................................................................4
3 REPORTED PROBLEMS / SYMPTOMS UNDER ANALYSIS ....................................................................5
4 RESTRICTIONS, WORKAROUNDS AND HINTS .......................................................................................6
4.1 RESTRICTIONS .........................................................................................................................................6
4.2 W ORKAROUNDS / HINTS ...........................................................................................................................6
5 CHANGES.....................................................................................................................................................7
5.1 NEW IN THIS RELEASE ...............................................................................................................................7
5.2 IMPLEMENTED CHANGE REQUESTS ............................................................................................................7
5.3 RESOLVED REPORTED PROBLEMS / SYMPTOMS .........................................................................................7
6 HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE COMPATIBILITY .....................................................................................8
6.1 HARDWARE REVISIONS .............................................................................................................................8
6.1.1 Cordless Device ..............................................................................................................................8
6.2 FIRMWARE RELEASES ...............................................................................................................................8
6.3 LOADWARE RELEASES ..............................................................................................................................8
6.4 SOFTWARE RELEASES...............................................................................................................................8
6.5 OPERATING SYSTEMS (INCLUDING SECURITY ALERTS).................................................................................8
6.6 COMPLIANT PRODUCTS (COMPATIBILITY MATRIX) ........................................................................................9
7 SERVICE INFORMATION ......................................................................................................................... 10
7.1 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION BASE.......................................................................................................... 10
7.2 LICENSE MANAGEMENT .......................................................................................................................... 10
8 ATTACHMENT........................................................................................................................................... 11

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1 History of change
1.1 Release notes history
Version Date Changes
1.0 2015-07-16 Initial Version for Fix Release

1.2 Product version history

List of all released Software Versions since Major Software Release (M3), i.e. all Software Releases in
PRISMA/SWS having been released within this Product version:

Software version Production version Date Remarks

(e.g. Vx[.y] Rm.f.h) (e.g. APS)
V1 R0.0.0 V114.022.00 2014-11-22 V114.022.00 created by Gigaset Communications GmbH

V1 R0.1.0 V114.024.01 2015-01-16 V114.024.01 created by Gigaset Communications GmbH

V1 R0.2.0 V114.026.01 2015-06-30 V114.026.01 created by Gigaset Communications GmbH

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2 Important Information

2.1 Installation
Not relevant

2.2 Upgrade / Update

Use “Gigaset FirmwareUpdate UI (FWUUI)” (P30152-1492-A2-x) for update installation via USB.
Please update for error correction only!
Updates are expensive in terms of time and costs. A mechanism for an automatic SW distribution does not
exist. Every single device has to be updated manually.

2.3 Fallback

2.4 Security Considerations

2.5 Special settings and instructions

2.5.1 QuickSync
Use Gigaset QuickSync for fast and easy synchronization of your PC address book with your Gigaset

Thanks to this convenient software, you can easily synchronize your addresses in Microsoft® Outlook®,
Windows® XP* or Windows® Mail (Vista) with your Gigaset handset via Bluetooth® or a data transfer cable
A free download of Gigaset QuickSync is available at: Gigaset QuickSync SW

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3 Reported Problems / Symptoms under Analysis

GSI-flow MR / CQ Summary Work-around

[Unify] Missing red disconnect icon after disconnection of
a call
[UnifyEnable via update manager for Kilby the local clip
list logic
[Unify] Via new hidden procedure switch the local Clip
list logic on/off
[SL5] Implement enlarged local Clip list logic like in the
BoSuLiTuCo-Bs - implementation
[SL5] Compatibility – Improve GAP Call State

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4 Restrictions, Workarounds and Hints
4.1 Restrictions
OpenScape DECT Phone is not released for HiPath Cordless IP

4.2 Workarounds / Hints

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5 Changes

5.1 New in this release

5.2 Implemented change requests

CR Number MR / CQ Summary

5.3 Resolved Reported Problems / Symptoms

GSI-flow MR / CQ /JIRA Summary

Clean Up bluetooth exceptions
Vibra keeps operating after switch off with beep seting.
keep BT interface switched off after HS-Reset
[UNIFY] new requirements for S5 and SL5 for mute, micro volume and audio
Display driver update for new displays

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6 Hardware and software compatibility
6.1 Hardware revisions

6.1.1 Cordless Device

Product “long” name Product Revision
OpenScape DECT Phone S5 S30852-H2665-R141
OpenScape DECT Phone S5 LAM S30852-H2665-U141

6.2 Firmware releases

Server model Unit Version Alt. Version Build Id

6.3 Loadware releases

6.4 Software releases

Product Software Version Release Date G-DMS Note

6.5 Operating systems (including security alerts)

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Operating System Name Operating System Version

6.6 Compliant products (compatibility matrix)

Preferred Software Versions
Product Family Product
Version Status G-DMS Note
HiPath Cordless E V3.0 R4.3.0-CV428 M4
HiPath / OpenScape Cordless E V7 R1.3.0-CV028 FT
OpenScape HiPath Positioning System
4000 R1.2.0 M4

HiPath Cordless Office V9_R2.8.1_006 GA

HiPath 3000 V9

HiPath Cordless Office R3.4.1567 GA

Business V1

Gigaset QuickSync 8.5.872.1

Gigast Firmware Update UI
Gigaset Tools 0.1.4654.25635 GA

Clients and

We recommend customers use the “Preferred Software Version” for the given products. The preferred
software versions offer higher levels of functionality. However, the OSCV solution can also operate with
“Backward Compatibility” software. The “Backward Compatibility” document is located in G-DMS (new
link here). “Backward Compatibility”, with the caveat that recently added interoperability or advanced features
may not be possible when using these versions. In some cases, if a defect is found when using a backward
compatible version, it may be necessary to update to the preferred version.

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7 Service information
7.1 Management information base
Product forwards SNMP traps according to a MIB:

7.2 License management

This product is certified for the following:

CLS: CSC: Other Licensing: If you are using others, please describe below:

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8 Attachment

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