Physical Science QTR 3 Module 1 Edition 2 Greyscale

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Senior High School

Physical Science
Quarter 3-Module 1

Week 1 – Synthesis of Elements

Seconds After The Big Bang, In The
Stars And In The Laboratory
Physical Science – Senior High School
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 3 Module 1: Synthesis of Elements Seconds After the Big Bang,
In the Stars and In the Laboratoy
Second Edition, 2021

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Published by the Department of Education – Division of Cebu City Schools
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What I Need to Know
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help
you demonstrated understanding of the formation of the elements during the Big
Bang and during stellar evolution. In addition, you will go into understanding the
distribution of the chemical elements and the isotopes in the universe. The end
goal of this module is that you will be able to make a creative representation of the
historical development of the atom or the chemical element in a timeline.
The module is divided into three main lessons, namely:
Lesson 1 – Nuclear Transformation
Lesson 2 – Nucleosynthesis
Lesson 3 – Synthesis of New Elements in the Laboratory
Therefore, it is expected that you can
1. trace the formation of light to heavy elements during the big bang and star
2. give evidence for and describe the formation of heavier elements during
star formation and evolution (S11/12PSIIIa-2);
3. write nuclear fusion reactions that take place in stars, which lead to the
formation of new elements;
4. explain how the concept of atomic number lead to the synthesis of new elements
in the laboratory (S11/12PSIIIb-11); and
5. Show creativity in making a timeline on the formation of elements.
If you are now ready, you can by taking the pretest in “What I know”. To help
you move on in this subject a periodic table is attached at the end of this module.

What I Know
Directions: Write the letter of your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Which nuclear reaction takes place in the star?
A. fission B. fusion C. beta decay D. gamma decay
2. What is the state of the isotope 6𝐶 ?

A. active B. neutral C. stable D. unstable

3. Which type of nuclear transformation involves the splitting of a heavy nucleus
into a more stable and lighter nucleus?
A. alpha decay B. gamma decay C. nuclear fission D. nuclear fusion
4. What happens to the atomic number of the parent element when alpha decay
takes place?
A. decreases by 2 C. decreases by 4
B. increases by 2 D. increases by 2
For numbers 5-6, please refer to the nuclear transformation equation below

5. Which is the daughter element?

A. 222
88𝑅𝑎 B. 42𝐻𝑒 C. 218
86𝑅𝑛 D. A&B
6. What type of nuclear transformation had taken place?
A. alpha decay B. beta decay C. gamma decay D. all of the above
7. Which elements where first synthesized in the universe seconds after big bang?
A. Be & C B. H & He C. He & Li D. Li & Be
8. Which process will produce elements heavier than iron (Fe) in the stars?
A. C-N-O cycle C. proton-proton fusion
B. neutron capture D. big bang nucleosynthesis
9. Which nuclear fusion equation is example of stellar nucleosynthesis?
A. deuterium (H-2) fuse with a proton produce He-3
B. tritium (H-3) fuse with deuterium produces He-4 and neutron
C. neon-20 combines with He-4 produces Magnesium-24 and emit gamma rays
D. all of the above
10. Which of the following is the correct chronological order of events in the
synthesis of heavy elements?
I. 4He + 4He → 8Be III. 12C + 12C → 24Mg + γ
II. 58Fe + n → 59Fe + γ IV. 20Ne + 4He → 24Mg + γ
11. Why does fusion in the stars stop once iron is produced? Fusion in the stars
stops once iron is produced because elements beyond iron are __________.
A. heavier than it
B. heavier and requires more protons to be fused
C. that it requires a high temperature to produce them
D. all of the above
12. What instrument enables the synthesis of artificial elements?
A. cyclotron B. nuclear reactor C. particle accelerator D. all mentioned
13. What do we call the elements neptunium, plutonium and americium?
A. active B. passive C. superheavy D. transuranium
14. Which is the first artificial element discovered by Lawrence and synthesized by
bombarding molybdenum with fast moving electrons?
A. Francium B. Promethium C. Samarium D. Technetium
15. Which of the following is a synthesis of a transuranium element?
A. 56Fe + n → 57Fe + γ C. 222 4
86𝑅𝑎 → 2𝛼 + . 86𝑅𝑛

B. 87
37𝑅𝑏 →
−1𝛽 + . 87
38𝑆𝑟 D. 239
94𝑃𝑢 + 42𝛼 → 242
96𝐶𝑚 + 10𝑛

1 Nuclear Transformation
In 1896 Henri Becquerel accidentally discovered spontaneous radiation when
he placed uranium salts along with photographic plates in a drawer. His discovery
took place after the discovery of X-ray by Wilhelm Roentgen. But it was Marie Curie
who coined the term radioactivity. This would be the focus of this lesson. So, let us
now continue.

What’s In
What makes up matter? All matter is made up of atoms. Though Figure 1
shows that the idea of the atom seems to be recent, it actually had been thought of
and discussed in Ancient Greece. The word atom comes from the Greek word
“atomos” which means indivisible. Democritus and Leucippus paved the way of the
idea of a tiny, indivisible atom.

Figure 1. Timeline on the Development of the Atom. (Graphic by Compound Interest, The History of
the Atom- Theories and Models, October 13, 2016,

With the advancement of technology, the idea of the atom evolved from a tiny
indivisible sphere into a tiny particle that has a dense core called the nucleus where
neutrons and protons are found. Surrounding the nucleus
are electrons. These particles dictate the characteristics of
an atom. The characteristics are atomic number and atomic
mass. They are often written along with the symbol of the
name of the element called an isotopic notation. Can you
still identify which one is the atomic number and which is
the atomic mass? Try identifying it and writing your answer
on a sheet of paper.
Did you get the right answer? The atomic number,
subscript A, is equal to the number of protons in an atom while the atomic mass,
superscript Z, is equal to the sum of the number of protons and number of
neutrons. Hence, we can say that the mass of the atom is concentrated at the
nucleus. As we move on, we are going to focus on the nucleus of the atom.

What’s New
Because of the discovery made by Chadwick and Goldstein we now come to
learn that inside the nucleus are protons and neutrons. These particles play an
important role in the stability of an atom. With the next activity, you will be able to
identify whether the atom is stable or unstable by just studying the number of
particles present in their nucleus. Excited?

Stable or Unstable
(Adapted from Physics IV Textbook by the DepED 2009, page 91)

Objective: To determine which nuclides are stable or unstable.

1. Study the information found in the illustration below, showing how the
stability of nuclei is related to the number of protons and neutrons
contained in them. Then, answer what is asked on your answer sheet.

2. Describe the nucleons based on the needed information:

State Number patterns
a. Stable ____________________
b. Unstable ____________________
c. Very Unstable ____________________
3. Generalization: When can we say that a nuclide is stable or unstable?
Source: Department of Education. 2009. Physics: Science and Technology Textbook for
Fourth Year. Quezon City: Department of Education.

What Is It
Nuclear Transformation
In 1885, Wilhelm Roentgen accidentally discovered X-rays. Because of this,
a lot of physicists became interested in radioactivity that includes Becquerel, the
Curies even Rutherford and Chadwick.
Radioactivity is the spontaneous release of energy and particles from the
nucleus of an atom. This would only mean that an atom should undergo nuclear
transformation. Nuclear transformation is a change in the nuclei of an atom
through radioactive decay or through the reaction with another type of nuclei or
with a neutron. Not all atoms will undergo nuclear transformation. Unstable
atoms are the ones that undergo nuclear transformation. The atom is considered
unstable when its nucleon has an odd-even pattern or an odd-odd pattern of the
number of neutrons and no. of protons.
Nuclear transformation could be nuclear fission, nuclear fusion and
radioactive decay.

Nuclear Fission
In nuclear fission, the nucleus of a
heavy atom will separate into two or more light
Nuclear fission may be induced by
bombarding it with a neutron as shown in
figure 2. It can also occur spontaneously.
Nuclear fission is usually used in nuclear
reactors of power plants because it releases Figure 2 Fission of U-235.
high amount of energy.
Nuclear Fusion
Nuclear fusion is a process where two
or more nucleus of a light atom
combine to form a heavy nucleus.
Synthesis of elements in the stars is a
nuclear fusion process. Let us have
the fusion of hydrogen isotopes to
Figure 3 Fusion of Two Hydrogen Isotopes. form the helium atom as an example
( shown in figure 3.

Radioactive Decay
As the name suggests, radioactive decay is a spontaneous process of nuclear
transformation that accompanies radiation of alpha, beta or gamma. Radiation is a
particle or energy that is being released during a radioactive decay. Below is a table
differentiating the three types of radiation.

Table 2 Differences of the Three Radiation Types

Alpha Beta Gamma
Symbol α or 2He
4 β or -1e
0 γ or 0 γ

Composition 2p & 2 n Electron Electromagnetic

Charge 2+ 1-/+ 0
Relative velocity 0.1% of speed of ~0.9 of the speed Equal to the speed
light of light of light
Penetrating ability Very little Can penetrate Has a great
penetrating power paper or several penetrating power
that they can be millimeters of skin that not even a
stopped by paper, and about 1-m of thick piece of lead
skin and clothing air and they can can stop them.
be stopped by
wood and glass.
Ionizing Power Can ionize a large Less ionizing The least ionizing
number of atoms power than of an power.
within the small alpha particle.
area they are able
to penetrate.
Source: Department of Education. 2009. Physics: Science and Technology Textbook for
Fourth Year. Quezon City: Department of Education.

Alpha Decay involves the ejection of two neutrons and two protons. This
process stabilizes the atom. If you are wondering, why helium atom is found in the
product side of an alpha decay equation? It is because an alpha particle is a helium-
like particle. Notice also if you add the atomic masses of radon (Rn) and helium (He)
it is equal to the mass of the radium atom. Even in nuclear transformation, the law
of conservation of mass is still followed.

Beta Decay involves the ejection of a high-speed electron or beta particle. The
beta particle ejected might be a negative beta particle or a positive beta particle called
positron. The ejection of a negative beta particle from a neutron produces a proton
and a beta particle (electron like particle) the one shown in example 1. A positron
will be ejected if an atom has more neutrons than protons as shown in example 2.
What do you notice with the mass of the new atom after beta decay? What about its
atomic number?
Example 1 Example 2

Gamma Decay involves the emission of gamma rays which are high energy
and high frequency rays. Gamma ray is the only radiation type involved in nuclear
transformation that is not a particle rather it is an electromagnetic form of energy.
Almost all alpha and beta decay is accompanied by gamma radiation.

What’s More
Directions: Provide the information needed. Write your answers on a separate
sheet of paper.
A. Stable or Unstable: Identify if each nuclide is stable or unstable.
1. 𝟐𝟑𝟓
𝟗𝟐𝑼 _____________ 3. 𝟐𝟐
𝟏𝟎𝑵 _____________
2. 𝟔𝑶 _____________ 4. 𝟏𝟐𝟖
𝟓𝟑𝑰 _____________
B. Radioactive Decay: Classify each nuclear reaction equation according to the
form of radiation released.
5) 31H → 32He + 0-1β 7) 23491Pa →γ + 23491Pa
6) 23890U→ 23490Th + 42He
C. Writing Nuclear Reactions: Use the periodic table, to supply the missing
parent nuclei or daughter nuclei.
8. 231 Th → _______ + 0 e
90 -1 10. 22286Ra → 21884Po + ______
9. 50 Mn →
25 _______ + 0-1e

2 Nucleosynthesis
As soon as the atoms were formed seconds after the big, galaxies and stars
starts to form. Carl Sagan once said that “We are all made of star stuff”. In this
lesson, we are to focus on what elements were synthesized seconds after the big
bang and during the evolution of the stars.

What’s In
The Big Bang Theory is the widely accepted theory on the origin of the
universe. The Big Bang theory are supported by Edwin Hubble’s observation that
the universe is expanding at a faster rate, the Red Shift phenomena, and the
discovery of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation. Thus, scientists had
traced back the origins of the formation of the atom and elements as far back as
seconds after the big bang as shown in the Figure 4 below.

Figure 4 Timeline of the Development of the Universe. (Graphic by Madhudvisa das, The Big
Bang Theory (BBT), November 20, 2020,

The big bang theory states that the universe started as a small dense hot
matter that undergoes inflation. As soon as its inflation stops it created particles
starting from quarks and anti-quarks, then to hadrons and leptons eventually to
neutron. As soon as neutrons are formed some of it went on to become protons.
The first atom has only one proton which is hydrogen. As more and more atoms are
formed stars and galaxies are born leading to the expanding universe that we have

What’s New
A star is any massive celestial body of plasma (mostly Hydrogen and Helium) that
produces heat and light due to nuclear fusion going on in its core. All stars are
formed in a nebula which is a cloud of gas and dust. Its life cycle depends on its
size. Figure 5 on the next page, shows the life and death of the star. Study it carefully
because it might help you answer the activity in this section.

Figure 5 Life and Death of A Star. (Chart from Wikimedia Commons, Star Life Cycle, May 23,

Are you now ready to answer the puzzle that follows? You can now start.

Direction: Give the term that is being described in each item of the crossword
puzzle below. Write the correct answer on your answer sheet.


1. cloud of gas and dust 2. place in the outer space that has a very
3. north star strong pull of gravity that even light can’t
6. violent explosion by a star in space escape from it
4. Earth’s main source of energy
7. newly developed star 5. core of a collapsed low mass star (2
8. low mass main sequence star that has words)
expanded due to nuclear fusion (2 words)
9. star that has used up its fuel (2 words)
10. lightest element

What Is It
Nucleosynthesis is a process of creating a new atomic nucleus from pre-
existing nucleons. In this module we are going to study the different means of
element synthesis which are Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and Stellar Nucleosynthesis.

Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

The first step of nucleosynthesis is the big bang nucleosynthesis. It took place
seconds after the big bang when the universe had already expanded tremendously
that the temperature drops down which allows the formation of neutrons, electrons,
and protons. The first element produced more than 1 second after the big bang is
deuterium an isotope of hydrogen. If you can remember, isotopes are elements
having the same atomic number but of different masses. How did it happen? It is
through thermonuclear fusion. This complex process takes place when some
neutrons (n) combine with some protons (p) to produce not only deuterium (d) but
also releases tremendous amount of energy in the form of heat and light. The process
is shown below:
n + p → d + γ (gamma radiation)
As more and more isotopes of hydrogen are produced the fusion of light
elements such as helium (He) and small amounts of lithium (Li) and berrylium (Be)
took place. This is shown in the following equation:

d + p → He + γ
d + d → T + p
d + d → He + n
T + He → Li + γ
He + He → Be + γ
Big bang nucleosynthesis favors light elements.
Stellar Nucleosynthesis
Due to the nuclear fusion of light elements in the star heavy elements are
produced. In other words, stellar nucleosynthesis is a process by which elements
are created within stars by combining together the protons and neutrons from the
nuclei of lighter elements. Stellar nucleosynthesis can be through carbon-nitrogen-
oxygen cycle, proton-proton fusion and triple alpha process. Let us start.
C-N-O Cycle:
This happens in the main sequence stars when hydrogen fuse into
helium eventually to carbon. These are the different nuclear processes
• Carbon-12 combines with a proton (hydrogen-1) to produce nitrogen-13 and
emit gamma rays.
12C + 1H → 13N + γ
• Carbon-13 combines with a proton becomes nitrogen-14
13C + 1H → 14N + γ
• Nitrogen-14 combines with a proton becomes oxygen-15
14N + 1H → 15O + γ
• Oxygen-15, an unstable isotope, decays to become nitrogen-15
15O → 15N + e+ +v

• Nitrogen-15 combines with a proton and produces helium and carbon-12.

15N + 1H → 12C + 4He

Proton-Proton fusion
The stars are very hot that an atom disintegrates into protons, electrons, and
neutrons. This process enables to fuel the sun and continue burning. It undergoes
a 4-step process starting from fusion of protons until helium-4 is produced. This is
what happens:
Step 1: two protons fuse to form deuterium (H-2) and neutrino and
Step 2: a proton hits a deuterium atom to produce He-3 and emit a
gamma ray
Step3: two He-3 nuclei collide to produce He-4 and two extra protons.
Triple Alpha Process
It is a fusion of three alpha particles (alpha particles are He-4 nuclei) to
produce C-12 nucleus. This process occurs in the red giant stars having a
temperature of 108 K and higher. Once C-12 nucleus is formed it will continue
to form heavier elements: O-16, Ne-20, Mg-24, Si-28, P-31, S-31 and S-32.
Neutron Capture
Before we leave, elements heavier than iron (like cobalt, nickel, copper)
needs tremendous amount of energy before it is formed. Thus, the stars that
will undergo supernova are the ones that could possibly produce elements
heavier than iron through neutron capture. In neutron capture an element
captures a neutron to become a more massive isotope of that element. This
would make the element unstable that it will decay into a more stable element
that is heavier than iron. For example:
56Fe + n → 57Fe + γ

Heads-up: Notice that the nuclear fusion reaction can be presented in a nuclear
equation. The mass of the original elements or particles should be equal
to the mass of the new particles.

What’s More
Direction: Do what is asked of you. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
I. Pair-Me Up: Formation of Light to Heavy Elements
Match column A with column B to show the formation of light to heavy
elements. Choose the correct pair by writing the letter of your answer.
Column A Column B
_____ 1. He + He
4 4 A. 24Mg + γ
_____ 2. 12C + 12C B. 2H + neutrino + positron
_____ 3. 1p + 1p C. 12C + γ
_____ 4. C + He
12 4 D. 8Be
_____ 5. 4He + 4He + 4He E. 16O + γ
II. I Know How to Write It: Formation of Light to Heavy Elements
Write the balanced nuclear fusion reaction.
1. two deuterium isotopes form helium-3 _______________
2. deuterium combined with a neutron form tritium _______________
3. an oxygen-16 atom fused with a helium-4 atom become a neon
atom and emits gamma ray _______________

3 Synthesis of New Elements in the Laboratory

It is amazing that Mendeleev predicted that there are still elements that are
not yet discovered. His prediction is shown when he left gaps in his periodic table.
With the new view of the atom through the discovery of the subatomic and the
further development of studies in radioactivity the synthesis of elements came to be
fully understood. Moreover, this has also led to the synthesis of the new elements
in the laboratory. Let us all find out how!

What’s In
The Periodic Table
Antoine Lavoisier, a French chemist, first attempted to arrange the known
elements in 1789 based on their properties as gases, metals, nonmetals and earths.
As more and more elements are being discovered, the need to systematically
arrange them arose. The table below shows important Chemists who have paved
the development of the periodic table.
Table 2 A Summary of Events in the Development of the Periodic Table
Year Scientist Basis of Classification
1829 Johann Dobereiner Arranged elements into sets of three called Triads based
on their chemical properties.
1866 John Newlands Arrange elements into sets of eight called Octaves based
on similar chemical properties.
1869 Dmitri Mendeleev Arranged elements in order of increasing atomic weights
and into sets of eight based on their physical properties.
1870 Lothar Meyer Arranged elements in order of increasing atomic weights
and into sets of eight based on their physical properties.
1914 Henry Moseley Arranged elements in order of increasing atomic number
and into sets of eight.

Notice that Meyer

and Mendeleev had
similar basis of classifying
elements and arranging
the elements in the
periodic table. However, it
was Mendeleev who first
published his periodic
table and showed a
periodic table that has
gaps which means that
there are elements yet to
be discovered.

Figure 6 Mendeleev’s Periodic Table.

( lectures/period/period.html)

There were problems with Mendeleev’s periodic table. It is observed that if
you arrange the elements according to increasing atomic weights, it is almost always
that the atomic numbers also go in the same pattern except for tellurium and
iodine. Mendeleev could not give an explanation to exchange the places between
these two elements. It was Henry Moseley who solved the puzzle. Moseley worked
with the use of X-rays in 1914. He fired each element with X-rays and measured the
frequency of the rays. When he graphed the square root of the frequency against the
atomic number, it showed a straight-line graph. This method is a means of
measuring the atomic number of an element. This also explains the need to exchange
the places between tellurium and iodine. Thus, this leads to using Moseley’s periodic
table where the elements are arranged according to increasing atomic number.

What’s New
10 Geekiest Elements
By Andrew Moseman in Popular Mechanics 2009
Direction: Using your periodic table name the elements that are being described in
each item. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper
____ 1. Its name comes from the Greek word “technetos” which means artificial.
____ 2. The element was discovered after harnessing nuclear energy and was
named after a mythical figure who stole fire from heaven and gave it to
____ 3. The first transuranium element that was discovered and thus, placed
after uranium.
____ 4. It is created by letting neptunium undergo beta decay.
____ 5. The element is accidentally discovered from the first H-bomb testing and
is named after the nuclear scientist Enrico Fermi.
____ 6. This element has 110 protons and is created in Darmstadt, Germany
through bombarding lead with a billion of nickel ions.
____ 7. The newest element recognized by the International Union of Pure and
Applied Chemists (IUPAC). This produced by fusing ions of zinc and lead
to create a nucleus with 112 protons.
____ 8. Another transuranium element produced by bombarding Cf-249 with O-
18. It is named after Glenn Seaborg who was responsible for producing a
lot of transuranium elements.
____ 9. It carries the symbol Cf. The name is after the state where it was first
synthesized. Because it is a strong neutron emitter, it is used as a portable
metal detector of gold and silver, to identify water and oil layers in oil wells.
____ 10. A silvery, shiny radioactive metal that is commonly used in smoke
alarms. This element is a result of a chain nuclear reaction during an H-
bomb testing. This element bears the atomic number 95.
Source: Moseman, Andrew. 2009. 10 Geekiest Elements Ever Created in a Lab. October 1.

The elements mentioned in this exercise are all synthesized in the laboratory.
As we move forward we will learn how these elements are being synthesized in the

What Is It
Synthesis of New Elements in the Laboratory
The first element hydrogen was born seconds after the big bang. From there
on elements evolved as stars were born through nuclear fusion. With the variety of
elements discovered in our environment the need for classifying them brought forth
the periodic table. When Mendeleev made his periodic table he was able to predict
that there are still elements waiting to be discovered. Henry Moseley on his end tried
to answer the puzzle in Mendeleev’s periodic table by finding the relationship of
atomic number with atomic volume. With his work he was not only able to establish
that the elements in the periodic table be arranged in increasing atomic number but
also the fact that the atomic number is equal to the number of protons in the atom.
The atomic number and the atomic mass would dictate the identity of the atom.
The gaps in the periodic table are numbered 43, 61, 85 and 87. These
elements were later synthesized in the laboratory through nuclear transmutations.
Ernest Rutherford carried successfully in 1919 a nuclear transformation reaction of
an isotope of nitrogen by bombarding it with alpha particles from radium thereby
producing oxygen nuclei (see nuclear equation below).

Both an alpha particle and the nucleus of an atom are positively charged.
When you use an alpha particle to transform a positively charge atomic nucleus these
two tends to repel instead of fusing together. Thus, bombarding an atomic nucleus
with an alpha particle limits the kind of elements to be produced.
To synthesize new elements scientists used neutrons in particle accelerators.
A particle accelerator is a device that speeds up protons to overcome the repulsion
between protons and the target nuclei by using magnetic and electric fields. This
particle accelerator can synthesize new elements. Two of the undiscovered elements
that was predicted by Mendeleev was synthesized using the particle accelerator.
In 1937, Ernest Lawrence
used a linear particle accelerator to
synthesize the first man-made
element technetium (Tc) having the
atomic number 43. Lawrence used
fast moving neutrons to bombard
molybdenum. The element with an
atomic number 85 was synthesized
in a cyclotron. A cyclotron is a
particle accelerator that uses
alternating electric field to
Figure 7 CERN’s newest linear particle accelerator accelerate particles that move in a
spiral path in the presence of a
magnetic field.
Astatine comes from the Greek word “astatos” which means unstable was
synthesized from bismuth bombarded with fast moving alpha particles. This was
synthesized in the laboratory by Dale Corson, K. Mackensie and E. Segre in 1940.
Promethium (61Pm) and Francium (87Fr) were discovered through studies in
radioactivity. 61Pm was discovered as a decay product of the fission of uranium while
87Fr was discovered as a breakdown product of uranium.
The discovery of uranium in 1930 led to
the synthesis of transuranium elements.
Transuranium elements are those elements
after uranium in the periodic table.
Neptunium and plutonium were discovered in
the laboratory using nuclear reactors or
particle accelerators involving the use of
uranium as the parent element.
Now there are 118 known elements and 4 of these still don’t have a permanent
name. The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemists (IUPAC) is responsible
for recognizing the name of the elements, but chemists have to establish first the
stability of the element. Superheavy elements that are synthesized in the laboratory
are stable only for a short period of time and that is the reason why it would take a
long time for them to be recognized and be named. Thanks to nuclear reactors, new
particle accelerators, cyclotrons and hadron colliders. New elements are being
produced that would be potentially helpful in the future.

What’s More
A. Synthesis of New Elements in the Laboratory Puzzle: Complete the puzzle
below. On a separate sheet of paper, write your correct answers.

B. Writing Nuclear Reactions:

On a separate sheet of paper, write a balanced nuclear reaction in the
synthesis of new elements in the laboratory.
1. Pu-239 is bombarded with an alpha particle producing Am-241, a proton
and a neutron. _____________
2. U-238 fused with C-12 produced Cf-246 and 4 neutrons. _____________

What I Have Learned
Now I Know
Direction: On a separate sheet of paper complete the phrases below.

1. I thought that …

2. Now, I learned that…

What I Can Do
Evolution of the Elements
Direction: Make a timeline on the synthesis of elements from nucleosynthesis
up to artificial synthesis. Use a bond paper for your output for
printed modular students and Canva or Slide presentation or any
application for online or digital offline students.
Content Accuracy : 40%
Comprehensiveness of Content : 30%
Visual Appearance : 15% pts
Creativity : 15% pts
Total : 100%

Directions: Write the letter of your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. What particles make up a nucleon?
A. electron & proton C. proton & neutron
B. electron & neutron D. none of the above
2. When can an atom be radioactive? It is radioactive if the atom is _______
A. heavy B. stable C. unstable isotope
3. Which radiation particle is equal to a He nuclei?
A. alpha B. beta C. gamma D. microwave
4. What happens to the atomic number of the parent element when beta decay takes
place? The atomic number of the parent element ________.
A. decreases B. increases C. remains the same D. uncertain
5. What is the state of 82𝑃𝑏 ?
A. neutral B. reactive C. stable D. unstable
6. What is the daughter element in the nuclear transformation of 21884Po → 42He + __?
214 216 222 220
A. 82𝑃𝑏 B. 84𝑃𝑜 C. 86𝑅𝑛 D. 88𝑅𝑎 ?
7. Which element is first synthesized in the universe seconds after big bang?
A. Be B. H C. He D. Li

8. Which process involves the formation of light elements?
A. nucleosynthesis C. big bang nucleosynthesis
B. stellar nucleosynthesis D. both A&B
9. Which element will be synthesized next once the core of the star is already filled
up with helium atoms?
A. beryllium B. boron C. carbon D. lithium
10. What is the correct chronological order of the synthesis of the following
I. 4He + 4He → 8Be III. 12C + 12C → 24Mg + γ
II. 58Fe + n → 59Fe + γ IV. 20Ne + 4He → 24Mg + γ
11. Which could be the reason that fusion in the stars stops once iron is produced?
Elements beyond iron are _______________________________.
A. heavier
B. heavier and requires more protons to be fused
B. heavier that it requires a high temperature to produce them
C. All of the above.
12. What instrument is NOT used in the synthesis of artificial elements?
A. cyclotron B. cathode ray tube C. nuclear reactor D. particle accelerator
13. What do we call the elements copernicium ( 112Cn) and flerovium (114Fl)?
A. active B. passive C. superheavy D. transuranium
14. What radioactive decay is shown in the nuclear equation below?

A. alpha decay B. beta decay C. gamma decay D. neutron decay

15. What artificial element is the parent element in the nuclear equation below?

A. 23592U B. 23692U C. 23594Pu D. 23694Pu

Borel, Brooke. 2013. Making New Elements. May 13. Accessed July 10, 2020.
Caintic, Helen E. 2016. Physical Science. Quezon City: C&E Publishing, Inc.
Department of Education. 2009. Physics: Science and Technology Textbook for
Fourth Year. Quezon City: Department of Education.
________________________. 1991. Science and Technology Textbook III Third Year High
School. Quezon City: Instructional Materials Corporation.
Espinosa, Allen A., Mary Grace F Pineda, Evangeline Flor P Manalang, and Marie
Paz E Morales. 2016. Physical Science. Makati City: Diwa Learning Systems
Moseman, Andrew. 2009. 10 Geekiest Elements Ever Created in a Lab. October 1.
NDT Resource Center. n.d. Radioactive Decay. Accessed July 8, 2020.
2019. Nuclear Reactions. June 6. Accessed July 10, 2020.

2020. Periodic Table. Accessed July 9, 2020.
2020. Periodic Table.
Swinburne University of Technology. n.d. CNO Cycle. Accessed July 2, 2020.
—. n.d. Triple Alpha Process. Accessed July 2, 2020.
Tate, Karl. 2014. "Proton Fusion, the Sun's Power Source, Explained (Infographic)." August 27. Accessed July 2, 2020.

Lesson 3
What’s New: 10 Geekiest Elements
1. Technetium 4. Plutonium 7. Copernicium 10. Americium
2. Promethium 5. Francium 8. Seaborgium
3. Neptunium 6. Darmdstadt 9. Californium
What’s More: Puzzle:
Across Down
1. Superheavy 7. Technetium 2. cyclotron
3. nuclear reactor 9. transuranium 5. alpha
4. astatine 10. Atomic mass 8. neutron
6. hadron collider
Lesson 2: What’s New
Across Down
1. Nebula 2. black hole
3. Polaris 4. sun
6. supernova 5. Neutron star
7. protostar
8. red giant
9. white dwarf
10. hydrogen
Lesson 2: What’s More
I. Pair Me-Up: Formation of Light to Heavy Elements
1. D 2. A 3. B 4. E 5. C
II. I Know How to Write It: Formation of Light to Heavy
1. 2H + 2H → 3He
2. 2H + n → 3He
3. 16O + 4He → 20Ne + γ
Lesson 1
What’s New: Stable/Unstable
a. Even-even pattern of number of particles
b. Odd-even pattern or odd-odd pattern of number of particles
c. Odd-odd pattern of particles
Generalization: Stable nuclide has an even-even pattern of number of particles while
unstable nuclide have an odd-even pattern or odd-odd pattern of number of particles.
What’s More
1. Unstable 6. alpha decay
2. Stable 7. gamma decay
3. Stable 8. 23191Pa
4. Unstable 9. 5026Fe
1. Beta decay 10. α or 42He
Answer Key
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