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Senior High School


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Reading and Writing Skills – SHS Core Subject
Second Semester, Quarter 3

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand

names, trademarks, etc.) included in this book are owned by their respective
copyright holders. Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to
use these materials from their respective copyright owners. The publisher and
authors do not represent nor claim ownership over them.

Development Team of the Module

/Compiler/Writer : Carelle C. Baring, Don Sergio Osmeña Sr. MNHS

Editor : Rowena A. Diputado, Pardo National HS

Angelique B. Villafuerte, Mabolo NHS

Evaluator : Evelyn R. Pielago, Abellana NS

Management Team : Rhea Mar A. Angtud, EdD, SDS

Bernadette A. Susvilla, CESO VI, ASDS
Grecia F. Bataluna, CID Chief
Vanessa L. Harayo, EPSvr LRMS
Norman R. Gabales, EPSvr English

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Welcome to the second semester of SY 2020-2021. By this time, you should have
already been familiar with what you are supposed to do when you work with the self-
learning modules.

Every module has been painstakingly created and quality assured to meet the
standards set by the K-12 curriculum. The modules are specifically designed so that each
learner can work on the activities and answer the tests independently even without teacher
intervention. It is the hope of the creators of the modules that you find the activities
engaging and meaningful and that you acquire the 21st century skills needed for you to
thrive in further education, employment, or entrepreneurship.

These are the different parts of the module, the corresponding icons, and what you
can expect to find in each part:

It is where you will encounter activities that

Pretest would check your prior knowledge before
engaging in the skills targeted.
From here, you can trace what skills or
What I Need to Know competencies you will develop through the

This contains a preparatory activity or review of

What’s In the previous lesson.

This phase involves presentation of the lesson,

What’s New a brief discussion, and a presentation of
examples that would help you understand the
new concepts and skills.
This part is where you engage in activities for
What I Can Do transfer of knowledge and skills.

This is a line statement that encompasses the

What I Have Learned essential points of the lesson.

This is a chance for you to apply your

What’s More knowledge based on the discussion presented
in the previous part. It is where your transfer of
knowledge and skills will be checked.
This is now the task to check how far you have
Posttest gone with the learning competency focused.

You can verify your answers of the different

Answer Key tasks given to you (when there is an objective
correct answer to the activities or tests).

At the end of this module, you will also find the References which list all the sources
used in developing this module.

The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
2. Follow the sequence of the module. Always start with the Pretest before moving on
to the other activities in the module.
3. Read the instructions carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Submit the accomplished module every end of the week.
7. Upon submission, claim the module for the following week.

If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, feel free to
consult with your subject teacher through your agreed-upon mode of communication.

Always bear in mind that you are not alone.

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and gain
deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

About the Module

This module enhances your skills in reading and writing by gaining a deeper understanding
of the structure of a paragraph.

This module is divided into three lessons namely:

Lesson 1 : Structure of a Paragraph – The Topic Sentence

Lesson 2 : Structure of a Paragraph – Patterns of Development (Part 1)
Lesson 3 : Structure of a Paragraph – Patterns of Development (Part 2)

Enjoy learning!

Senior High School
11-2nd Semester
Core Subject


Module 1: Structure of a Paragraph
(Weeks 1 – 3)


Directions. Read each paragraph carefully, then answer the questions that
follow. On a separate sheet of paper, write the letter
corresponding to the correct answer. Use CAPITAL LETTERS only.

For numbers 1-3, refer to PARAGRAPH I.

1There are several benefits of using concept maps. 2A concept map can help students
see relationships between ideas, concepts, or authors. 3Students can also easily
synthesize and integrate information, ideas and concepts. 4Lastly, it aids in
developing higher-level thinking skills (create, analyze, evaluate).
Fox (2020)

1. What is the topic of Paragraph I?

A. Synthesizing and Integrating Information
B. Developing Higher-level Thinking Skills
C. Benefits of Using Concept Maps
D. Relationships between Ideas

2. In which sentence number can the topic sentence be found?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

3. What pattern of development is used?

A. Description C. Listing
B. Definition D. Chronology

For numbers 4-6, refer to PARAGRAPH II.


1Euthanasia is the deliberate advancement of a person's death for the benefit

of that person. 2In most cases euthanasia is carried out because the person
asks to die, but there are cases where a person can't make such a request. 3A
person who undergoes euthanasia is usually terminally ill. 4Euthanasia can be
carried out either by doing something, such as administering a lethal injection,
or by not doing something necessary to keep the person alive (for example
failing to keep their feeding tube going).

DebateWise (2020)

4. What is the topic of Paragraph II?

A. Benefits of Euthanasia
B. Definition of Euthanasia
C. Disadvantages of Euthanasia
D. Administering a Lethal Injection

5. In which sentence number can the topic sentence be found?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 4 D. 6

6. What pattern of development is used?

A. Definition C. Problem-Solution
B. Description D. Cause and Effect

For numbers 7-9, refer to PARAGRAPH III.

1The Philippines is a republic with a presidential form of government wherein
power is equally divided among its three branches: executive, legislative, and
judicial. 2The Executive branch is composed of the President and the Vice
President who are elected by direct popular vote and serve a term of six years.
3The Constitution grants the President authority to appoint his Cabinet.
4These departments form a large portion of the country’s bureaucracy. 5The

Legislative branch is authorized to make laws, alter, and repeal them through
the power vested in the Philippine Congress. 6This institution is divided into
the Senate and the House of Representatives. 7The Judicial branch holds the
power to settle controversies involving rights that are legally demandable and
enforceable. 8This branch determines whether there has been a grave abuse
of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part and
instrumentality of the government. 9It is made up of a Supreme Court and
lower courts.
The Official Gazette (n.d.)

7. What is the topic of Paragraph III?

A. Presidential Form of Government
B. The President of the Philippines
C. The Republic of the Philippines
D. Branches of the Philippine Government

8. In which sentence number can the topic sentence be found?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 4 D. 7

9. What pattern of development is used?

A. Process C. Classification and Division
B. Description D. Comparison and Contrast

For numbers 10-12, refer to PARAGRAPH IV.

1The difference between the public and private school class size, and student-
to-teacher ratios, is considerable. 2In public schools, the average class size is
25 kids, compared to 19 kids per class in private schools according to NCES.
3Correspondingly, private schools have a better student-to-teacher ratio of 12.2

students, compared to 16.1 students per teacher in public schools.

Fatherly (2019)

10. What is the topic of Paragraph IV?

A. Student-to-Teacher Ratio
B. Class Size: Public vs. Private
C. Students of Public and Private Schools
D. The Difference between the Public and Private Schools

11. In which sentence number can the topic sentence be found?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. Implied

12. What pattern of development is used?

A. Classification and Division C. Cause and Effect
B. Comparison and Contrast D. Problem - Solution

For numbers 13-15, refer to PARAGRAPH V.

1One of the ways to effectively stop the spread of germs and viruses is proper
washing of the hands. 2There is a correct procedure for hand washing. 3Wet
your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold), turn off the tap, and apply
soap. 4Next, lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. 5Lather
the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails. 6Then,
scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. 7Need a timer? 8Hum the “Happy
Birthday” song from beginning to end twice. 9After 20 seconds, rinse your hands
well under clean, running water. 10Lastly, dry your hands using a clean towel or
air dry them.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2020)

13. What is the topic of this paragraph?

A. Proper Care of the Hands
B. Practicing Correct Hygiene
C. Procedure for Hand Washing
D. How to Stop the Spread of Germs and Viruses

14. In which sentence number can the topic sentence be found?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 7 D. Implied

15. What pattern of development is used?

A. Narration C. Description
B. Process D. Definition


What I Need to Know

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

• distinguish a topic from a topic sentence;

• identify the topic sentence, the major, and minor supporting details;
• organize graphically the structure of the given paragraphs; and
• formulate an implied topic sentence.

What’s In

Before you start this activity, stand up, shake your hands gently, then, with both
hands clasped together, stretch your arms out over your head. From the top, take
your hands down (nice and easy while continuing to feel the stretch). Then, get a
timer and time yourself doing this sequencing activity.

Directions. Sequence the following sentences to form a logical and meaningful

paragraph. Write the numbers 1-7 on the blank space with each
number corresponding to the ascending order (1 being the first
sentence of the paragraph, 2 being the next sentence, up to seven
being the last and final sentence of the paragraph).

Start the time now.

____ Second, avoid social media.

____ This spot should be quiet enough so that you can focus on your
tasks or assignments.
____ Third, plug in break times.
____ There are a few things you can do so that you can develop the
habit of studying independently.
____ Your mind and body need to reset from all the thinking and
analyzing and reading.

____ First, find a good study spot.
____ It is best to keep your phone away from you and set it in silent
mode so that you are not tempted to look at your phone every
time it dings.

1. Was the sequencing activity challenging? How long did it take you to
finish the activity?
2. What was challenging about putting the paragraph together?

What’s New

A paragraph is composed of sentences which contribute to one main

idea. The main idea is usually stated in a topic sentence. It essentially captures
what the paragraph is about.

To enrich the main idea or topic sentence, more information or details are
added in what is called the support sentences. Support sentences may either be
major support sentences or minor support sentences. Major support sentences
reinforce the idea of the topic sentence while minor support sentences reinforce the
idea of the major support sentence. Of course, not all paragraphs have minor
support sentences. What’s important is that there are major support sentences
that support the topic sentence.

So that you can easily picture the structure of the paragraph you have
sequenced, take a look at the graphic organizer below.

There are a few things you can do

TOPIC SENTENCE so that you can develop the habit of
studying independently.

First, find a good Second, avoid Third, plug in
SENTENCES study spot. social media. break times.

This spot should be It is best to keep your Your mind and body
quiet enough so that phone away from you and need to reset from
MINOR SUPPORT you can focus on your set it to silent mode so all the thinking and
SENTENCES tasks or assignments. that you are not tempted analyzing and
to look at your phone reading.
everytime it dings.

In Paragraph Form:

There are a few things you can do so that you can develop the habit of
studying independently. First, create a good study spot. This spot should be quiet
enough so that you can focus on your tasks or assignments. Second, avoid social
media. It is best to keep your phone away from you and set it to silent mode so
that you are not tempted to look at your phone every time it dings. Third, plug in
break times. Your mind and body need to reset from all the thinking and
analyzing and reading.
Zegarra (2019)

In the paragraph above, the topic sentence is explicitly stated. How is a

topic sentence different from a topic?

A topic is the subject of the paragraph. You can tell it is the topic because
the writer keeps going back to that person, object, concept, or theme. All the
details in the paragraph revolve around this topic. When you can identify the topic
of the paragraph, it will be easy to find the topic sentence.

A topic sentence is that one sentence in the paragraph that sums up what
the writer wants to say about the topic. For example, the topic of the paragraph is
“My Grandmother.” The topic sentence should assert something about the
grandmother. For example: “My grandmother is a trailblazer in the field of Law.”
The writer then supports that by narrating further how the grandmother became a
trailblazer in the field of Law. The narrative becomes the support sentences.

Ideally, a topic sentence should be placed at the beginning of the paragraph.

As a writer, it will keep you on track with your piece of writing. You can look up at
the beginning sentence and reflect if your next sentences contribute to the idea in
your topic sentence. However, a topic sentence may also be found somewhere
middle of the paragraph or it may also be the last sentence of your paragraph.

Let’s examine the example below:

To many parents, the infant's crying may be mainly an irritation, especially

if it continues for long periods. But crying serves important functions for the child
as well as for the parents. For the child, crying helps improve lung capacity and
the respiratory system. Perhaps more important, the cry serves as a signal of
distress. When babies cry, they indicate that they are hungry or in pain, and this
is important information for parents.

Columbia College (n.d.)

What do you think is the topic of the paragraph? If you say “crying,” you
are right. Notice how the writer mentions “crying” in almost all of the sentences.
Of course, you can elaborate on the topic by examining the aspect of “crying” the
writer is trying to write about. Clearly, the writer dwells specifically on the
Important Functions of a Child’s Crying. Now what exactly does the writer want to
assert about the functions of a child’s crying? The second sentence sums up what
the writer wants to say about the topic: crying serves important functions for the
child as well as for the parents. The topic sentence is found in the middle of the

While some paragraphs may explicitly state the topic sentence, there are
some that don’t. When a topic sentence is not explicitly stated, then a paragraph
has an implied topic sentence. What you need to do as a reader is formulate the
topic sentence. How do you do that?

1. Determine the topic of the paragraph.

2. If possible, make the topic of the paragraph part of the subject of your
3. Examine the support sentences of your paragraph and determine their
purpose. Details are used for a variety of purposes such as giving examples,
or reasons, describing the topic, explaining the topic, listing advantages or
disadvantages, or ways to achieve something, or sequencing of events or the
process of doing something.
4. Based on the details shared and the purpose of the details, write a topic
sentence that generally sums up what the writer wants to say about the

Let’s look at an example below.

Do female managers exhibit different behaviors than male managers?

Apparently not. Studies indicate that female and male leaders are similar in
the number of interpersonal behaviors. They are also the same in the
number of task behaviors. Furthermore, they rate equally in terms of
subordinates’ job satisfaction and performance.
Elder (2007)

Do you notice that there isn’t a single sentence that fully captures the
writer’s main point? Therefore, the topic sentence is implied. Since there is no
stated topic sentence, you will have to formulate one.

Going through the tips, you start by identifying the topic. What is
constantly repeated in the paragraph? In almost all the sentences, there is a
constant reference to male and female managers/leaders. So now we have a
subject for our sentence.

Then we look at the rest of the sentences. What are the support sentences
saying about male and female managers? The support sentences seem to
compare-contrast male and female leaders, but the details consistently support the
idea that they are similar in many ways. So, the following are possible topic

• Female managers do not exhibit different behaviors than male managers.

• Female and male leaders exhibit similar behaviors.

What I Can Do

Directions. Read the paragraphs inside the boxes below, then fill out the graphic
organizer under each so you can clearly see the structure of the
paragraph. The topic sentence is expected to be on the topmost box. The
major supporting sentences should be at the middle level and the
minor supporting sentences should be at the lowest level. There are
deliberately more blocks than necessary to check how well you truly
understand the relationship of the sentences. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of paper.

A huge variety of animals use a number of different sensory systems in order

to travel distances. Desert ants, for example, use environmental olfactory cues and
odor plumes – clouds of scent dispersed by the wind moving odor molecules – to
navigate their way both to food sources and back to their nests. Honeybees appear
able to recall routes to feeding sites when exposed to scent from that location. Other
species such as sea turtles, some amphibians, spiny lobsters and birds are able to
use magnetic positional information to migrate or orientate towards specific target
Boyd (n.d.)

Spanish is the language in the highest demand for translators and there
are countless reasons for this high-level of need. First and foremost, there are
more Spanish-speaking countries in the world than any other language. This
language is officially spoken in four different continents (Europe, Africa, North
America, and South America) and in 20 different countries. When operating
internationally, the chances are very high that a company or individual will come
into contact with the Spanish language. Geography is another major reason why
Spanish is a language in high demand for translators. The United States borders
one of the largest Spanish-speaking countries in the world and lies north of the
highest concentration of these Spanish-speaking countries. These geographical
realities also have increased the demand for translation services in the United
The Spanish Group (2018)

What I Have Learned

Directions. Express what you have learned by completing the sentences. The
words inside the box below are your choices. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of paper.

beginning major support sentences purpose

end minor support sentences topic

implicit middle topic

topic sentence

📚 A good paragraph ideally starts with a (1)______________________________.

The (2)______________________________ directly provide details about the topic
sentence. The (3)______________________________ directly provide details about their
respective major support sentences.

📚 The (4)______________________________ of a paragraph is the main subject

of the paragraph and can be formulated in a word or a phrase. The stated topic
sentence of the paragraph is that one sentence that completely captures what the
writer wants to say about the topic. The stated topic sentence may be found at the
(5)______________________________ (first sentence of the paragraph),
(6)______________________________ (anywhere second to penultimate sentences of the
paragraph), or (7)______________________________sentence of the paragraph.

📚 Paragraphs that do not have a stated topic sentence have an

(8)____________________ topic sentence. In such cases, the topic sentence must be
formulated. To accurately formulate the topic sentence, the (9)____________________
of the paragraph and the (10)____________________ of the major support
sentences can be put together in one sentence. These should sum up the whole
point of the paragraph.

What’s More

Directions. Read each paragraph placed inside the boxes below. On the
space provided below each paragraph, write the topic of the
paragraph and copy the stated topic sentence. Write your answers
on a separate sheet of paper.

Two kinds of noise pollution stand out in this jurisdiction: industrial noise
pollution and non-industrial noise pollution. Industrial noise pollution is that
unwanted sound emitted by machines and equipment found in a workplace such as
generators and engines. Non-industrial noise pollution, on the other hand, is
community noise, also known as domestic noise. It ranges from sources such as air-
conditioning systems, office machines, home appliances and neighbors.

Tolentino (2018)

1. Topic : ________________________________________________

2. Stated Topic Sentence : ________________________________________________


There are several benefits of owning a pet. Studies have shown that pet
owners suffered from less depression and were able to cope with grief and loss better
than non-pet owners. Pet owners also had lower blood pressure and lower
cholesterol levels – reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Teenagers who
owned pets had a more positive outlook in life and reported less incidences of
loneliness, restlessness and boredom. Children who grew up with pets (particularly
dogs) had better immune system and reduced risk of allergies linked to asthma.
They were also less likely to miss days of school.

CARA Welfare Philippines (n.d.)

3. Topic : ________________________________________________

4. Stated Topic Sentence : ________________________________________________


Rizal Park is one of the major tourist attractions in Manila. It is located at the
northern end of Roxas Boulevard in Manila. It is spread out over 60 hectares of open
lawns, ornamental gardens, paved walks, and wooded areas. It was officially named
Rizal Park, after the name of Dr. Jose Rizal, our national hero, as an honor and
tribute to him. It is also called Luneta Park because the area looks like a crescent.
The park has been a favorite spot for unwinding, socializing, relaxing, jogging,
strolling, and bonding among families and friends. At dawn, different groups gather
here to practice martial arts. There are also some photographers around the park so
if you want to have some photos beside the monument, they are always prepared to
take pictures. The park has an Open-air Auditorium where long running concerts
take place.

Lonely Planet (2020)

5. Topic : ________________________________________________

6. Stated Topic Sentence : ________________________________________________


There are many factors that contribute to why Filipinos love pageants. One of
them is that simply because it is something Filipinos are good at. We Filipinos give
our all in everything – we want to present ourselves in the best way possible especially
through international contests. With our history of struggle, Filipinos feel a sense of
victory whenever a beauty queen like Pia Wurtzbach or Megan Young brings home a
crown back to our motherland. Another factor that adds up to our adornment of
pageants is that it is an escape from reality. With a great population of the Philippines
living below the poverty line, an entertaining pageant is sometimes a break from all
the problems most Filipinos have to face on a daily basis. Lastly, pageants are also a
great avenue for Filipino fashion designers and make-up artists to promote their work
and craft.
Arcenal (2018)

7. Topic : ________________________________________________

8. Stated Topic Sentence : ________________________________________________


When shopping for perfumes and colognes, you might have wondered what
makes these two so different? Besides the misconception that cologne is worn solely
by men and perfume is worn only by women, these are the real main differences
between cologne and perfume. Perfumes typically have an oil concentration of 20% -
40% while most colognes only have 2% - 5%. Perfumes also have a higher
concentration of fragrances while colognes have a higher amount of alcohol. It is
possible for the perfume's scent to last you all day while the cologne's scent will only
last you until midday.

Serras (2020)

9. Topic : ________________________________________________

10. Stated Topic Sentence : ________________________________________________


Directions. Read each paragraph inside the boxes below. On the space
provided below each paragraph, write the topic of the paragraph and
the purpose of the major support sentences to each other. Then,
formulate a topic sentence. Write your answers on a separate sheet
of paper.

If you accidentally touch a hot stove, curling iron, or hair straightener, the first
thing you need to do is cool the burn. Immediately immerse the burn in cool tap
water or apply cold, wet compresses. Do this for about 10 minutes or until the pain
subsides. Next, apply petroleum jelly two to three times daily. Do not apply
ointments, toothpaste or butter to the burn, as these may cause an infection. Then,
cover the burn with a nonstick, sterile bandage. If blisters form, let them heal on
their own while keeping the area covered. Do not pop the blisters.

American Academy of Dermatology Association (2020)

1. Topic: ____________________________________________________________________

2. Purpose of the Major Support Sentences:


3. Formulated Topic Sentence:


Why are millions of people so drawn to watching perfect strangers eat? Rachel
Herz, a neuroscientist and author of Why You Eat What You Eat, says a big part of
that neurological factor is the ASMR (autonomous sensory-motor response) mukbang
videos can elicit. ASMR is commonly described as a brain-tingling feeling, and people
find it very relaxing. The familiar sounds of eating (slurping, chewing) and the
imagery of mukbang videos supposedly trigger ASMR for many viewers. Another
reason is the fascination at the feat of eating more food than an average person can
consume. Many mukbang videos feature those who devour food that should be
consumed in one day – not in one meal. Finally, many viewers seem amazed looking
at lean-built eaters eating family-sized meals.

Givens (2020)

4. Topic: ____________________________________________________________________

5. Purpose of the Major Support Sentences:


6. Formulated Topic Sentence:


Psychologist Diana Baumrind studied parents’ discipline styles extensively.

Baumrind distinguished authoritarian parents as having strict rules and not allowing
their children to question their authority. They punish their children if they do not
obey the rules. She calls this style of parental discipline as the authoritarian style.
Another style is the authoritative style. Authoritative parents explain the rules and are
willing to discuss the reasons for them. They tend not to use physical punishment,
preferring instead to reinforce appropriate behavior with warmth and affection. They
encourage independence but set limits. Then, there is the permissive style. Permissive
parents have few rules and are unlikely to punish inappropriate behavior. Their
children often feel uncomfortable because they are given too much freedom at too early
an age. Finally, there is the uninvolved style. Uninvolved parents demand almost
nothing and give almost nothing in return, except near-absolute freedom. At its worst,
it can verge into neglect.

Rosenthal (2009)

7. Topic: ____________________________________________________________________

8. Purpose of the Major Support Sentences:


9. Formulated Topic Sentence



What I Need to Know

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

• distinguish the pattern of development used in a paragraph;
• write a paragraph that has an explicit topic sentence and uses one of the
patterns of development; and
• demonstrate organization in writing paragraphs.

What’s In
Directions. Demonstrate what you have learned in the previous lesson by
putting the words in the box of the graphic organizer according to
how a paragraph should ideally be structured. Some of the words
may be repeated. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

Major support sentence Minor support sentence Topic sentence

What’s New

Before you start this activity, use your right fingers to pull each of your fingers on
your left hand starting with your pinkie finger, then your ring finger, middle finger,
index finger, and thumb. Now, reverse. Let the left fingers pull each of your
fingers on your right hand: pinkie, ring, middle, index, and thumb. Then extend
both arms in front of you and wiggle your fingers. Let your hands settle.

Directions. Write the missing letter of the word. The meaning of the word is given
as your clue. Please resist consulting a dictionary or the internet. Once you
have completed writing the missing letter, transpose the letters to the blank
spaces below to answer the question. Write your answers on a separate
sheet of paper.

___eak – a crack
___ncle – the brother of your mother or father
___eon – extremely bright color
___amera – used to take pictures
___ammock – swinging couch or bed

___ance – move one’s body rhythmically usually to the beat of the music
___nch – a unit of measure
___avel – point of former attachment of the umbilical cord
___est – home for birds
___arth – our planet
___ocks – stones

What can you not have for breakfast?

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ and ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

There are several ways by which the main idea (or topic sentence) can be
expounded. It all depends on the writer’s purpose. The major supporting details
(major support sentences) can either list specific examples, give other ways by
which an idea can be defined further, explain the cause and effect of the main idea,
and others. Paragraph patterns or pattern of development is how the main idea
is elaborated. The different patterns of development are enumerated in boldface;
however, only five of the ten patterns of development are discussed here. The other
five will be discussed in the next lesson.


Naturally, when we hear the word definition, what comes to mind is

meaning. Meaning is not always dictionary-based (although this might be
considered the most common) which may include origin. Meaning can also be
based upon tangible experiences when defining an intangible concept such as
giving meaning to Love, Justice, Peace based on how one experiences them. Other
writers resort to giving meaning based on WHAT IT IS NOT.


Coronavirus is a type of common virus that infects humans, typically

leading to an upper respiratory infection (URI). The name “coronavirus”
comes from the crown-like projections on their surfaces. “Corona” in Latin
means “halo” or “crown.” Most people will be infected with at least one type
of coronavirus in their lifetime.

Felman (2020) and Stöppler (2020)

What is being defined in the example paragraph? How

is the term being defined?


In exemplification or listing, the main idea is elaborated by giving

examples or enumerating instances and other relevant details that can be listed.


There are hundreds of coronaviruses, but only seven are known to

affect people. Four human coronaviruses only cause mild colds or flu-like
symptoms. They are 229E (alpha), NL63 (alpha), OC43 (beta), and HKU1
(beta). Three other coronaviruses pose more serious risks. They are MERS-CoV or
(MERS), SARS-CoV or (SARS), and the most recent one is SARS-CoV-2, which
causes COVID-19.

Vandergriendt (2020) and WebMD Medical Reference (2020)

What is being listed in the example paragraph?


Chronology means time-bound. There are two specific patterns of

development that can fall under chronology: narration and process. Narration is
more story-telling or being told of an event that has happened, while process
resembles more being taught how-to do something or perhaps even how something
unfolds like how volcanoes erupt, process of precipitation, etc.



Researchers first identified a coronavirus in 1937, isolating one

that was responsible for a type of bronchitis in birds that had the
potential to devastate poultry stocks. Scientists found evidence of

human coronaviruses in the 1960s, in the noses of people with the
common cold. In 2019, the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) started monitoring the outbreak of a new
coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19. Authorities first
identified the virus in Wuhan, China. Since then, the virus has
spread to nearly every country, leading the World Health Organization
(WHO) to declare a pandemic.

Felman (2020)

What event is being narrated in the example paragraph? Can

you come up with a timeline based on the narrative?



Person-to-person contact is thought to be the main method of

transmission for the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Imagine sitting next to
someone with a SARS-CoV-2 infection on the bus or in a meeting
room. Suddenly, this person sneezes or coughs. If they don’t cover
their mouth and nose, they could potentially spray you with
respiratory droplets from their nose or mouth. The droplets that land
on you will likely contain the virus. If you then touch your mouth or
nose without washing your hands first, you may accidentally give that
virus an entry point into your own body.

Larson (2020)

What process is being laid out in the example paragraph?


When the pattern of development is one of description, expect to see

many adjectives ascribing to a specific idea or concept. The descriptions may
either be sensory or spatial. When it’s sensory, the details are perceived by the
senses such as describing something based on what can be seen, heard, touched,
etc. When it’s spatial, the writer usually describes what can be seen from a certain
viewpoint and moves to a certain direction like from top to bottom, left to right,
inside out, etc.

Several designs for face shields and masks have been conceived since the
idea of social distancing and wearing of masks have been recommended to stop the
spread of coronavirus. One of the more interesting ones comes from Alessio
Casciano and Angeletti Ruzza. It's a brightly hued inflatable face shield that will
allow people to socialize safely in restaurants and other situations, as well as take
in food and drink while wearing it. It has not been designed with healthcare
workers in mind. It's called Soffio, which is the Italian word for "blow". It will be
made from PVC with a plastic visor and elastic head strap, and the shield will be
positioned away from the face so whoever is wearing it can eat or drink at the same
time. The designers say each mask could be manufactured for less than one Euro
and could be handed out at bars and restaurants, and branded.
Gillett (2020)

What item is being described in the example paragraph? Is the

description vivid enough that you can make a blueprint of the

What I Can Do

I. Directions. Read each paragraph inside the boxes below. Write the
pattern of development exemplified in each paragraph on a
separate sheet of paper.

Paragraph No. 1

There are several benefits of owning a pet. Studies have shown that pet
owners suffered from less depression and were able to cope with grief and loss better
than non-pet owners. Pet owners also had lower blood pressure and lower
cholesterol levels – reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Teenagers who owned
pets had a more positive outlook in life and reported less incidences of loneliness,
restlessness and boredom. Children who grew up with pets (particularly dogs) had
better immune system and reduced risk of allergies linked to asthma. They were also
less likely to miss days of school.

CARA Welfare Philippines (n.d.)

1. Pattern of Development : ________________________________________________

Paragraph No. 2

Rizal Park is one of the major tourist attractions in Manila. It is located at

the northern end of Roxas Boulevard in Manila. It is spread out over 60 hectares of
open lawns, ornamental gardens, paved walks, and wooded areas. It was officially
named Rizal Park, after the name of Dr. Jose Rizal, our national hero, as an honor
and tribute to him. It is also called Luneta Park because the area looks like a
crescent. The park has been a favorite spot for unwinding, socializing, relaxing,
jogging, strolling, and bonding among families and friends. At dawn, different groups
gather here to practice martial arts. There are also some photographers around the
park so if you want to have some photos beside the monument, they are always
prepared to take pictures. The park has an Open-air Auditorium where long running
concerts take place.

Lonely Planet (2020)

2. Pattern of Development : ________________________________________________

Paragraph No. 3

If you accidentally touch a hot stove, curling iron, or hair straightener, the
first thing you need to do is cool the burn. Immediately immerse the burn in cool
tap water or apply cold, wet compresses. Do this for about 10 minutes or until the
pain subsides. Next, apply petroleum jelly two to three times daily. Do not apply
ointments, toothpaste or butter to the burn, as these may cause an infection. Then,
cover the burn with a nonstick, sterile bandage. If blisters form, let them heal on
their own while keeping the area covered. Do not pop the blisters.

American Academy of Dermatology Association (2020)

3. Pattern of Development : ________________________________________________

Paragraph No. 4

Dua Lipa is an English singer, songwriter, and model. Her musical career
began at age 14 when she started covering songs by other artists on YouTube. In
2015, she was signed with Warner Music Group and released her first single soon
after. In December 2016, a documentary about Lipa was commissioned by the
Fader magazine, titled, “See in Blue.” In January 2017, Lipa won the EBBA
(European Border Breakers Award) Public Choice Award. Her self-titled debut
studio album was released on June 2, 2017. The album spawned seven singles,
including two UK top 10 singles, “Be the One” and “Idgaf,” and the UK number one
single, “New Rules,” which also reached number six in the US. In 2018, Lipa won
two Brit Awards for British Female Solo Artist and British Breakthrough Act.

IMDb (n.d.)

4. Pattern of Development : ________________________________________________

Paragraph No. 5

With the background of the Spanish encounters, the Sinulog committee

used a native warrior’s shield on whose face is imprinted the coat of arms of
the House of Hapsburg (which then ruled most of the known world from 15 th-
20th century) that now represents the Sinulog logo. The native shield figure
symbolizes the country’s continued resistance to colonization. It represents the
Filipino’s readiness to defend the country from all forms of foreign attack and
to resist any move that may endanger the country. The coat of arms of Sto.
Niño on the face of the shield, on the other hand, traditionally symbolizes the
country’s acceptance of Christianity as European rulers brought it to the

5. Pattern of Development Fernando (2019)

: ________________________________________________

5. Pattern of Development : ________________________________________________

What I Have Learned

Directions. Express what you have learned by enumerating the five patterns of
development discussed in this lesson. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of paper.

📚 The patterns of development or paragraph patterns reveal the

writer’s purpose for writing a paragraph. The following are common
patterns of development:

What’s More

I. Directions. Examine the comic strip below. It does not have a single
narrative or speaking line but you can infer from the actions
and how the story progresses from one frame to the next. In a
paragraph containing five to seven sentences, write what you
think happened here. Pretend the man in the comic strip is
one of your uncles. Start your paragraph with… ‘An
embarrassing incident happened to my uncle yesterday.’

Adapted from Bubbaworldcomix’s Weblog

Use the template below as a guide in the layout of your output. Use a
separate sheet to write your paragraph.

Name ______________________________________ Grade/Strand/Section _______________

Subject Reading and Writing Skills Module No. _____ Lesson No. _____
Name of Teacher ________________________ What’s More

An embarrassing incident happened to my uncle yesterday.

The rubrics below will be used to grade your paragraph. Copy the rubrics on
the paper where you have written your paragraph.

VGE [ 5 ] GE [ 4 ] SE [ 3 ] LE [ 2 ]
(Very Good (Good (Some (Little
Extent) Extent) Extent) Extent)

The narrative of the learner closely

resembles the illustration in the comic
strip. (x2)

Thought organization is logical and

sensible. (x2)

Words used are specific and vivid. (x2)

The paragraph is grammatical. (x1)

Conventions in spelling, capitalization,

and punctuation have been consistently
applied. (x1)

There are three writing tasks presented here. You may choose only one of the three tasks.

I.Directions. Write a paragraph about one significant experience (a unique or

memorable experience or something that changed you in some
way) you have had during this quarantine. If you are not
comfortable sharing your own experience, you may share an
experience of a family member, a friend, or a neighbor that you
learned something from.

The paragraph is expected to contain 5-10 sentences. The

topic sentence should be explicitly stated in the paragraph.
Below your paragraph, re-write your topic sentence and write
as well as the pattern of development dominantly used.

Use the template below as a guide in the layout of your output.

Use a separate sheet to write your paragraph.

Name ______________________________________ Grade/Strand/Section _______________
Subject: Reading and Writing Skills Module No. _____ Lesson No. _____
Name of Teacher ________________________

Your Paragraph Here

Sentence: _______________________________________________________________________
Pattern of Development Used: ____________________________________________________

The rubrics below will be used to grade your paragraph. Copy

the rubrics on the paper where you have written your

VGE [ 5 ] GE [ 4 ] SE [ 3 ] LE [ 2 ]
(Very Good (Good (Some (Little
Extent) Extent) Extent) Extent)

The topic sentence is explicitly stated.


The pattern of development can easily be

distinguished. (x2)

Thought organization is logical and

sensible. (x2)

The paragraph is grammatical. (x1)

Conventions in spelling, capitalization,

and punctuation have been consistently
applied. (x1)

II. Directions. Reflect on your one year and one semester of distance learning.
Use these questions as your guide to craft your paragraph.

• What practices or habits were helpful in keeping you motivated

to learn through the self-learning modules?
• What things would you have done differently? If you could
write a “guide” to yourself, what techniques or strategies would
you give yourself to effectively and efficiently accomplish and
learn from the self-learning modules?

The paragraph is expected to contain five to ten sentences. The topic

sentence should be explicitly stated in the paragraph. Below your
paragraph, re-write your topic sentence and write as well as the
pattern of development dominantly used.

Use the template below as a guide in the layout of your output.

Use a separate sheet to write your paragraph.

Name ______________________________________ Grade/Strand/Section _______________

Subject: Reading and Writing Skills Module No. _____ Lesson No. _____
Name of Teacher ________________________

Your Paragraph Here

Sentence: _______________________________________________________________________

Pattern of Development Used: ____________________________________________________

The rubrics below will be used to grade your paragraph.
Copy the rubrics on the paper where you have written your

VGE [ 5 ] GE [ 4 ] SE [ 3 ] LE [ 2 ]
(Very Good (Good (Some (Little
Extent) Extent) Extent) Extent)

The topic sentence is explicitly stated.


The pattern of development can easily

be distinguished. (x2)

Thought organization is logical and

sensible. (x2)

The paragraph is grammatical. (x1)

Conventions in spelling, capitalization,

and punctuation have been consistently
applied. (x1)

III. Directions. Pretend you have a foreign friend. Describe to him/her a

“quarantined life” in the Philippines. Your description should
be in one paragraph with five to ten sentences. The topic
sentence need not be explicitly stated in the paragraph;
however, below your paragraph, you have to write your topic
sentence. If it is stated in your paragraph, simply copy it,
but if not, then you must formulate your topic sentence.
Write as well the pattern of development dominantly used.

Use the template below as a guide in the layout of your

output. Use a separate sheet to write your paragraph.

Name ______________________________________ Grade/Strand/Section _______________

Subject: Reading and Writing Skills Module No. _____ Lesson No. _____
Name of Teacher ________________________

Your Paragraph Here

Sentence: _______________________________________________________________________
Pattern of Development Used: ____________________________________________________

The rubrics below will be used to grade your paragraph.
Copy the rubrics on the paper where you have written your

VGE [ 5 ] GE [ 4 ] SE [ 3 ] LE [ 2 ]
(Very Good (Good (Some (Little
Extent) Extent) Extent) Extent)

The topic sentence is appropriate. (x2)

The pattern of development can easily

be distinguished. (x2)

Thought organization is logical and

sensible. (x2)

The paragraph is grammatical. (x1)

Conventions in spelling, capitalization,

and punctuation have been
consistently applied. (x1)


What I Need to Know

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

• distinguish the pattern of development used in a paragraph;
• write a paragraph that has an explicit topic sentence and uses one of the
patterns of development; and
• demonstrate organization in writing paragraphs.

What’s In

Before you start answering the activity, stand up, then look up to the ceiling and do
an eight-second mental count. Next, look down to the floor and do an eight-second
mental count. Then, tilt your head to the left and do an eight-second mental
count. Finally, tilt your head to the right and do an eight-second mental count.
Now gently move your head back to an upright position. You can be seated now.

Directions. Given two or three words as clue, state the pattern of development
being referred to. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. time, story, how-to _________________________________

2. adjectives, sensory, vivid _________________________________
3. meaning, clarifying _________________________________
4. examples, enumeration _________________________________

What’s New

In the previous lesson, five patterns of development have been discussed.

The paragraph patterns or patterns of development listed below are a
continuation of the first five.


When comparing and contrasting, naturally, at least two elements are

involved. Comparison looks into the similarities; contrast looks into the
differences. A paragraph may be comparison-focused (pointing out ONLY the
similarities) or contrast-focused (pointing out ONLY the differences). Many writers,
however, usually employ both.


Covid-19 is often compared with the Spanish flu that is believed to

have hit a third of the world’s population between 1918 and 1920. They are
viruses that originated from an animal and moved to humans. Both strains of the
virus are transmitted via respiratory droplets. They are both novel (or new) which
made vaccines unavailable during the worldwide spread. In both viruses, older
adults were most at risk of developing severe symptoms. However, in stark contrast
to COVID-19, the Spanish flu also impacted children under the age of 5 and adults
aged 20–40. In fact, a 25-year-old was more likely to die from the Spanish flu than
a 74-year-old was. This is unusual for the flu. COVID-19, however, generally
affects children in relatively minor ways, and adults aged 20–40 are significantly
less likely to develop severe symptoms than older adults.

Newman (2020)

What two elements are being compared-contrasted

here? Is the paragraph comparison-focused, contrast-
focused, or employing both comparison-contrast? How
are the two elements similar? How are they different?


In classification and division, the main idea dwells on categories and

the supporting sentences elaborates on those categories.


There are two different types of Covid-19 tests – diagnostic tests and
antibody tests. A diagnostic test can show if you have an active coronavirus
infection. If so, you should take steps to quarantine or isolate yourself from others.
Currently there are two types of diagnostic tests – molecular (RT-PCR) tests that
detect the virus’s genetic material, and antigen tests that detect specific proteins
on the surface of the virus. An antibody test looks for antibodies that are made by
the immune system in response to a threat, such as a specific virus. Antibodies can
help fight infections. Antibodies can take several days or weeks to develop after you
have an infection and may stay in your blood for several weeks after recovery.
Because of this, antibody tests should not be used to diagnose an active
coronavirus infection.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (2020)

What is being classified in the example

paragraph? Can you create an outline of the
classifications? Are there further subcategories under
the major categories?


Cause-and-effect paragraphs detail the reasons why an idea may have

happened and may also lay out the results (probable or actual). A paragraph may
be cause-focused (giving out only the root-causes) or effect-focused (giving out only
the consequences). Many writers choose to discuss both the cause and the effect.


The Covid-19 pandemic has not only been a health crisis but has also
created ripple effects on other aspects of living. Because of the drastic lockdown
measures, economies in many nations have severely declined. Several industries
and companies have been closed or have downsized their operations. The tourism
and airline industries have been crippled because of travel bans. Job loss reports
have soared to millions. Other companies and even schools have resorted to virtual
workspaces or classrooms. Many people have reported experiencing psychological
distress or breakdown. Perhaps, the one good thing that has been brought about
by the pandemic is the effect it has on our environment. At least a 30 percent drop
in air pollution has been reported by the end of April since the lockdowns in March
and the second quarter of the year has seen cleanest air registers for the last 25

Is the example paragraph cause-focused, effect-
focused, or are both the causes and the effects
being discussed? What is the main idea of the


In a problem-solution paragraph, usually one problem is highlighted

and is given several solutions. In such a case, each solution is elaborated. If only
one solution is proposed (or done), both problem and solution are elaborated.


Sometime in the middle of March 2020, the World Health

Organization (WHO) recognized the Covid-19 outbreak as a pandemic. This
prompted many countries to impose a so-called lockdown (or community
quarantine) measures in order to contain the spread. The health systems of many
countries have been overwhelmed by the number of Covid-19 cases that they have
to cater to, along with the other cases of illnesses and injuries. The uncertainties
of how to treat the new virus was adding much to the problem. The lockdown is
believed to “flatten the curve” or slow down the rate of infection. By staying home
and working from home, individuals in a community can help stop the
spread. Citizens have been encouraged to go out only to attend to essential
activities such as buying food or going to a hospital in an emergency. Wearing a
mask when going out, practicing social distancing, and washing the hands
frequently are also believed to slow down or stop the spread. It is believed that
when these are religiously practiced, hospitals can cater to a manageable number
of patients, while also buying time for pharmaceutical companies to concoct a
vaccine or a cure.

How many problems are presented here? What are

they? How many solutions are presented? What are they?


In a persuasion paragraph, the main idea revolves around the stand

of the writer on a certain issue. The support sentences lay out the arguments of
the position of the writer.


If you feel confused about whether people should wear masks and
why and what kind, you’re not alone. COVID-19 is a novel disease and we’re
learning new things about it every day. However, much of the confusion around
masks stems from the conflation of two very different functions of masks. Masks
can be worn to protect the wearer from getting infected or masks can be worn to
protect others from being infected by the wearer. Protecting the wearer is difficult: it
requires medical-grade respirator masks, a proper fit, and careful putting on and
taking off. But masks can also be worn to prevent transmission to others, and this
is their most important use for society. If we lower the likelihood of one person
infecting another, the impact is exponential, so even a small reduction in those
odds results in a huge decrease in deaths. Luckily, blocking transmission outward
at the source is much easier. It can be accomplished with something as simple as a
cloth mask. This is why many health practitioners advocate for wearing of the
mask to relatively reduce the spread of the virus.

Tufekci, Howard, Greenhalgh (2020)

What issue is the example paragraph

discussing? What is the stand of the writer (or those
involved in the issue)? What arguments are being put

What I Can Do

Directions. Read each paragraph inside the boxes below. On a separate

sheet of paper, write the pattern of development exemplified in
each paragraph.

Paragraph No. 1

When shopping for perfumes and colognes, you might have wondered what
makes these two so different? Besides the misconception that cologne is worn solely
by men and perfume is worn only by women, these are the real main difference
between cologne and perfume. Perfumes typically have an oil concentration of 20% -
40% while most colognes only have 2% - 5%. Perfumes also have a higher
concentration of fragrances while colognes have a higher amount of alcohol. It is
possible for the perfume's scent to last you all day while the cologne's scent will only
last you until midday.

Serras (2020)

1. Pattern of Development : ________________________________________________

Paragraph No. 2

There are many factors that contribute to why Filipinos love pageants. One of
them is that simply because it is something Filipinos are good at. We Filipinos give
our all in everything – we want to present ourselves in the best way possible
especially through international contests. With our history of struggle, Filipinos feel
a sense of victory whenever a beauty queen like Pia Wurtzbach or Megan Young
brings home a crown back to our motherland. Another factor that adds up to our
adornment of pageants is that it is an escape from reality. With a great population of
the Philippines living below the poverty line, an entertaining pageant is sometimes a
break from all the problems most Filipinos have to face on a daily basis. Lastly,
pageants are also a great avenue for Filipino fashion designers and make-up artists
to promote their work and craft.
Arcenal (2018)

2. Pattern of Development : ________________________________________________

Paragraph No. 3

Two kinds of noise pollution stand out in this jurisdiction: industrial noise
pollution and non-industrial noise pollution. Industrial noise pollution is that
unwanted sound emitted by machines and equipment found in a workplace such as
generators and engines. Non-industrial noise pollution, on the other hand, is
community noise, also known as domestic noise. It ranges from sources such as air-
conditioning systems, office machines, home appliances and neighbors.

Tolentino (2018)

3. Pattern of Development : ________________________________________________

Paragraph No. 4

Why are millions of people so drawn to watching perfect strangers eat? Rachel
Herz, a neuroscientist and author of Why You Eat What You Eat, says a big part of
that neurological factor is the ASMR (autonomous sensory-motor response) mukbang
videos can elicit. ASMR is commonly described as a brain-tingling feeling, and people
find it very relaxing. The familiar sounds of eating (slurping, chewing) and the imagery
of mukbang videos supposedly trigger ASMR for many viewers. Another reason is the
fascination at the feat of eating more food than an average person can consume. Many
mukbang videos feature those who devour food that should be consumed in one day –
not in one meal. Finally, many viewers seem amazed looking at lean-built eaters
eating family-sized meals.

Givens (2020)

4. Pattern of Development : ________________________________________________

Paragraph No. 5

Psychologist Diana Baumrind studied parents’ discipline styles extensively.

Baumrind distinguished authoritarian parents as having strict rules and not
allowing their children to question their authority. They punish their children if
they do not obey the rules. She calls this style of parental discipline as the
authoritarian style. Another style is the authoritative style. Authoritative parents
explain the rules and are willing to discuss the reasons for them. They tend not to
use physical punishment, preferring instead to reinforce appropriate behavior with
warmth and affection. They encourage independence but set limits. Then, there is
the permissive style. Permissive parents have few rules and are unlikely to punish
inappropriate behavior. Their children often feel uncomfortable because they are
given too much freedom at too early an age. Finally, there is the uninvolved
style. Uninvolved parents demand almost nothing and give almost nothing in
return, except near-absolute freedom. At its worst, it can verge into neglect.

Rosenthal (2009)

5. Pattern of Development : ________________________________________________

What I Have Learned

Directions. Express what you have learned by enumerating the five patterns of
development discussed in this lesson. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of paper.

📚 The patterns of development or paragraph patterns reveal the

writer’s purpose for writing a paragraph. The following are common
patterns of development:

What’s More

Directions. Write a paragraph comparing / contrasting face-to-face learning

and distance learning. Your comparison / contrast must be
based from your own experience as a learner.

The paragraph is expected to contain 4-10 sentences. The topic

sentence should be explicitly stated in the paragraph. Below
your paragraph, re-write your topic sentence and write as well
the pattern of development used.

Use the template below as a guide in the layout of your output.

Use a separate sheet to write your paragraph.

Name ______________________________________ Grade/Strand/Section _______________

Subject: Reading and Writing Skills Module No. _____ Lesson No. _____
Name of Teacher ________________________

Your Paragraph Here

Sentence: _______________________________________________________________________
Pattern of Development Used: ____________________________________________________

The rubrics below will be used to grade your paragraph. Copy
the rubrics on the paper where you have written your

VGE [ 5 ] GE [ 4 ] SE [ 3 ] LE [ 2 ]
(Very Good (Good (Some (Little
Extent) Extent) Extent) Extent)

The topic sentence is explicitly stated.


The pattern of development can easily

be distinguished. (x2)

Thought organization is logical and

sensible. (x2)

The paragraph is grammatical. (x1)

Conventions in spelling, capitalization,

and punctuation have been consistently
applied. (x1)


Directions. Read each paragraph carefully and answer the questions that follow.
On a separate sheet of paper, write the letter of the correct
answer. Use CAPITAL LETTERS only.

For numbers 1-3, refer to Paragraph I.

Paragraph I

1Water can occur in three states: solid (ice), liquid, or gas (vapor). 2Solid

water is frozen water. When water freezes, its molecules move farther apart, making

ice less dense than water. 4Liquid water is wet and fluid. 5This is the form of water
with which we are most familiar. 6We use liquid water in many ways, including
washing and drinking. 7Water as a gas is vapor and is always present in the air
around us. 8You cannot see it. 9When you boil water, the water changes from a liquid
to a gas or water vapor. 10As some of the water vapor cools, we see it as a small cloud
called steam. 11This cloud of steam is a mini version of the clouds we see in the sky.

The Groundwater Consortium Public Education Committee (2020)

1. What is the topic of Paragraph I?

A. Water Molecules
B. Solid, Liquid, and Gas
C. How People Use Water
D. The Three States of Water

2. In which sentence number can the topic sentence be found?

A. 1 B. 3 C. 11 D. implied

3. What pattern of development is used?

A. Listing C. Classification and Division
B. Cause and Effect D. Comparison and Contrast

For numbers 4-6, refer to Paragraph II.

Paragraph II

1The Taj Mahal is considered to be the greatest architectural achievement in

the whole range of Indo-Islamic architecture. 2Its recognized architectonic beauty has
a rhythmic combination of solids and voids, concave and convex, and light shadow
such as arches and domes further increase the aesthetic aspect. 3The color
combination of lush green scape, reddish pathway, and blue sky over it showcases
the monument in ever changing tints and moods. 4The relief work in marble and
inlay with precious and semi-precious stones make it a monument apart.

UNESCO World Heritage Center (2020)

4. What is the topic of Paragraph II?

A. The Taj Mahal
B. Asian World Heritage
C. The Wonders of the World
D. Greatest Architectural Achievement of Islam

5. In which sentence number can the topic sentence be found?

A. 1 B. 3 C. 11 D. implied

6. What pattern of development is used?

A. Definition C. Process
B. Description D. Listing

For numbers 7-9, refer to Paragraph III.

Paragraph III

1The exact meaning of the word communicate is ‘to share’ or ‘to participate’. 2The
dictionaries say that communication is the transmission of a message or information by
speaking or writing. 3Another dictionary declares that communication is giving or
exchanging information, signals, messages by talk or gestures or writing. 4Yet another
definition says that communication is social intercourse. 5Communication is all of these
and much more.

Communication Theory Org (n.d.)

7. What is the topic of Paragraph III?

A. Socialization C. Communication
B. Transmission D. Information

8. In which sentence number can the topic sentence be found?

A. 1 B. 4 C. 5 D. implied

9. What pattern of development is used?

A. Definition C. Description
B. Process D. Listing

For numbers 10-12, refer to Paragraph IV.

Paragraph IV

1The creation of lightning is a complicated process. 2We generally know what

conditions are needed to produce lightning, but there is still debate about exactly how
a cloud builds up electrical charges, and how lightning forms. 3Scientists think that
the initial process for creating charge regions in thunderstorms involves small hail
particles called graupel that are roughly one quarter millimeter to a few millimeters in
diameter and are growing by collecting even smaller supercooled liquid droplets.
4When these graupel particles collide and bounce off of smaller ice particles, the

graupel gains one sign of charge and the smaller ice particle gains the other sign of
charge. 5Because the smaller ice particles rise faster in updrafts than the graupel
particles, the charge on ice particles separates from the charge on graupel particles,
and the charge on ice particles collects above the charge on graupel.

The National Severe Storms Laboratory (n.d.)

10. What is the topic of Paragraph IV?

A. Effects of Severe Thunderstorms
B. Separation of Ice Particles
C. Formation of Graupel
D. Creation of Lightning

11. In which sentence number can the topic sentence be found?

A. 1 B. 3 C. 5 D. implied

12. What pattern of development is used?

A. Cause and Effect C. Classification and Division
B. Process D. Description

For numbers 13-15, refer to Paragraph V.

Paragraph V

1Going without adequate sleep carries with it both short-term and long-term
consequences. 2In the short term, a lack of adequate sleep can affect judgment,
mood, ability to learn and retain information, and may increase the risk of serious
accidents and injury. 3Lack of sleep exacts a toll on perception and judgment. 4In the
workplace, its effects can be seen in reduced efficiency and productivity, errors, and
accidents. 5In the long term, chronic sleep deprivation may lead to a host of health
problems including obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and even early
mortality. 6Study after study has revealed that people who sleep poorly are at greater
risk for a number of diseases and health problems.

Division of Sleep Medicine (n.d.)

13. What is the topic of Paragraph V?

A. Causes of Inadequate Sleep
B. Effects of Inadequate Sleep
C. Lack of Sleep and Health Problems
D. Perception, Judgment, and Lack of Sleep

14. In which sentence number can the topic sentence be found?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 5 D. implied

15. What pattern of development is used?

A. Classification and Division C. Listing
B. Comparison and Contrast D. Cause and Effect

Answer Key

Module 1 - Lesson 1 –
What’s In

Answers to the 2
questions may vary.
Technically speaking,
there are no right or
wrong answers
because the answers
are based on the
experience and opinion
of the learner. What
matters is they penned
down an answer and
expressed their own

Module 1 – Lesson 1 – What I Can Do

A huge variety of animals use a number of different

sensory systems in order to travel distances.

Desert ants, for example, use

environmental olfactory cues and odor Other species such as sea turtles, some
Honeybees appear able to recall routes amphibians, spiny lobsters and birds are
plumes – clouds of scent dispersed by the able to use magnetic positional
to feeding sites when exposed to scent
wind moving odor molecules – to navigate information to migrate or orientate
from that location.
their way both to food sources and back to towards specific target locations.
their nests.

Spanish is the language in the highest

demand for translators and there are
countless reasons for this high-level of

First and foremost, there are Geography is another

more Spanish-speaking major reason why Spanish
countries in the world than is a language in high
any other language. demand for translators.

This language is officially The United States borders one of

spoken in four different the largest Spanish-speaking
continents (Europe, Africa, countries in the world and lies
North America, and South north of the highest concentration
of these Spanish-speaking
America) and in 20 different countries.

When operating internationally, These geographical realities also

the chances are very high that a have increased the demand for
company or individual will come translation services in the United
into contact with the Spanish States.

Module 1 – Lesson 1 – What I Have Learned

📚 A good paragraph ideally starts with a __TOPIC SENTENCE__. The __MAJOR SUPPORT
SENTENCES__ directly provide details about the topic sentence. The __MINOR SUPPORT SENTENCES__ directly
provide details about their respective major support sentences.

📚 The __TOPIC__ of a paragraph is the main subject of the paragraph and can be formulated in a word or
a phrase. The stated topic sentence of the paragraph is that one sentence that completely captures what the
writer wants to say about the topic. The stated topic sentence may be found at the __BEGINNING__ (first sentence
of the paragraph), __MIDDLE__ (anywhere second to penultimate sentences of the paragraph), or __LAST / FINAL
/ END__sentence of the paragraph.

📚 Paragraphs that do not have a stated topic sentence have an __IMPLIED__ topic sentence. In such
cases, the topic sentence must be formulated. To accurately formulate the topic sentence, the __TOPIC__ of the
paragraph and the __PURPOSE__ of the major support sentences can be put together in one sentence. These
should sum up the whole point of the paragraph.

Module 1 – What’s More


1. Two Kinds of Noise Pollution / Kinds of Noise Pollution

2. Two kinds of noise pollution stand out in this jurisdiction: industrial noise pollution and non-industrial noise

3. Benefits of Owning a Pet

4. There are several benefits of owning a pet.

5. Rizal Park

6. Rizal Park is one of the major tourist attractions in Manila.

7. Why Filipinos love pageants

8. There are many factors that contribute to why Filipinos love pageants.

9. The [real] main differences between cologne and perfume

10. Besides the misconception that cologne is worn solely by men and perfume is worn only by women, these are
the real main differences between cologne and perfume.


1. How to Treat a Minor Burn

2. The writer reveals the process or step-by-step procedure to treat minor burns.

3. These are the steps to treat a minor burn.

4. Why millions of people like watching Mukbang / Why millions of people like watching people eat

5. The writer states the reasons [why] millions of people watch Mukbang (people eating).

6. TheseModule
are the 1
key reasons 2
– Lesson why millionsIn
– What’s of people watch Mukbang [videos].

7. The different parenting styles according to Psychologist Diana Baumrind

8. The writer presents the different parenting styles according to Psychologist Diana Baumrind.

9. Psychologist Diana Baumrind presents four different parenting styles based on the findings of her study and
describes each one.

Topic Sentence

Major Support Sentence Major Support Sentence Major Support Sentence

Minor Support Sentence

Minor Support Sentence Minor Support Sentence

Module 1 – Lesson 2 – What I Have Learned

Module 1 – Lesson 2 – What’s New
Common Paragraph Patterns (in no
LUNCH and DINNER particular order)

1. Definition

2. Description
Module 1 – Lesson 2 – What I Can Do
3. Exemplification or Listing
1. Exemplification or Listing
4. Narration
2. Description
5. Process
3. Process

4. Narration

5. Description
Module 1 – Lesson 3 – What’s In

1. Chronology
2. Description
3. Definition
4. Listing

Module 1 – Lesson 3 – What I Can Do

1. Comparison and Contrast

Module 1 – Lesson 3 – What I Have Learned
2. Cause-and-Effect (Cause-focused)
Common Paragraph Patterns (in no
3. Classification and Division
particular order)
4. Cause-and-Effect (Cause-focused)
1. Comparison and Contrast
5. Classification and Division
2. Classification and Division

3. Cause and Effect

4. Problem-Solution

5. Persuasion


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