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Malasiqui National High School

Malasiqui, Pangasinan
S.Y. 2021-2022
November 18, 2021 (2 weeks)
 Pages: 40 -83
 Activity:
Direction: Answer the following questions. Write your answer in your answer sheet.
1. Which African music is usually heard on the radios today?
2. What are the classifications of African music?
3. What are the different musical instruments of Latin American music?
4. What are the different vocal and dance forms of Latin American music?
5. Name some well-known OPM performers.
 Summative/Unit Test

Note: To be submitted on December 2, 2021.

December 2, 2021 (2 weeks)

 Topics/ Subject Matter: TECHNOLOGY-BASED ART
 Pages: 236-255
 Activity A-Direction: Answer the following questions. Write your answer in your answer
1.What is mobile phone art?
2.Name some programs and/or applications that can be used to create art on a mobile
3. Do you think that video games can be considered a form of modern art? Why or why
Activity B-Directions: Write True if the statement is correct, and False if the
statement is incorrect. Write your answer in your answer sheet.
________1. Due to technological improvement, the Filipino artist was likewise
influenced by the technology trend in art.
________2. Computer/digital art is a type of art made with or presented on digital
________3. Digital Art was known already in the early 1950s.
________4. Ricky Nierva is an art director and production designer, he first joined
Pixar Studios as a part of the animation team.
________5. Ronnie del Carmen- Served as the co-director of the animated film
Finding Nemo.
 Summative/Unit Test

Note: To be submitted on December 16, 2021.

December 16, 2021 (3 weeks)

 Topics/ Subject Matter: ACTIVE RECREATION (FITNESS)
 Pages: 51-89
 Activity A-Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement
is incorrect. Write your answer in your answer sheet.
_____________1. Is it stretching makes your muscles flexible?
_____________2. Do listen to your body and how far to push yourself.
_____________3. Avoid stretching an injured area.
_____________4. Don’t take precautions if you have a health condition.
_____________5. Jogging is not considered as warm-up exercise.
Activity B. Direction: Write LIM if the movement is Low impact movement, and HIM if
High impact movement. Write your answer in your answer sheet.
1. ______Touch step 6. ______ Jump
2. ______Lunge 7. ______March
3. ______Jog 8. ______Knee lift
4. ______Squat 9. ______Touch step
5. ______Slide 10. _____Jumping jack
Activity C -Now that you have assessed your fitness level, you are now ready to engage
in a variety of active recreational activities that will help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Now list down at least 10 exercises that you think will improve more the result of your
physical fitness test and 10 Benefits of Yoga Exercise.
 Summative/Unit Test

Note: To be submitted on January 6, 2022.

January 6, 2022 (2 weeks)

 Topics/ Subject Matter: Health Trends, Issues and Concerns in the National Level
 Pages: 232-250
 Activity A-Direction: Answer these questions in two to three sentences. Write your
answer in your answer sheet.
1. As adolescents, what benefits do we get from the Responsible Parenthood and
Reproductive Health Act?
2. Is it important to include the health-related problems of smoking in the cigarette
packs or in its advertisements? Why?
3. What are the benefits of wearing seatbelt of the driver and front seat passenger of
any running motor vehicle?
Activity B – Direction: Write True if the statement is according to the policy, and write
False if it is not. Write your answer in your answer sheet.
1.A person with HIV/AIDS is allowed to donate blood, tissues or organs.
2.HIV testing is not compulsory and required.
3. pre-and post-test counseling sessions are given to those who undergo HIV testing in
accredited centers.
4.People with HIV/AIDS are not allowed to avail services provided by public hospitals
because infections might spread.
5.AIDSWATCH monitors the incidences of HIV infection in the country and writes reports
about it.
 Summative/Unit Test
Note: To be submitted on January 20, 2022.

References: (Title of the book), MELCs for Grade 10

Prepared by:


Checked by: Department Head

Approved by:


Principal IV

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