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Present Continuous
Действие происходит в тот момент, когда о нем говорят, сейчас

+ I am ing
– I am not ing
? Am I ing ?

+ He / She / It is ing
– He / She / It is not ing
? Is he / she / it ing ?

+ You / We / They are ing

– You / We / They are not ing
? Are / you / we / they ing ?

Слова-подсказки: now – сейчас at the moment – в данный момент

Exercise 1
a) I / do / my homework / now
+ ____________________________________________________________
– ____________________________________________________________
? ____________________________________________________________

b) You / clean / the room / now

+ ____________________________________________________________
– ____________________________________________________________
? ____________________________________________________________

c) She / help / her mother / now

+ ____________________________________________________________
– ____________________________________________________________
? ____________________________________________________________

Exercise 2
a) Tom / go / to the park / now
+ _____________________________________________
– _____________________________________________
? _____________________________________________

b) We / swim / in the river / at the moment

+ ____________________________________________________________
– ____________________________________________________________
? ____________________________________________________________

c) He / play / football / now

+ ____________________________________________________________
– ____________________________________________________________
? ____________________________________________________________

Exercise 3
a) She / do / homework / now
+ ____________________________________________________________
– ____________________________________________________________
? ____________________________________________________________

b) You / read / the book / at the moment

+ ____________________________________________________________
– ____________________________________________________________
? ____________________________________________________________

c) He / feed / the cat / now

+ ____________________________________________________________
– ____________________________________________________________
? ____________________________________________________________

Exercise 4
Выбери правильный вариант
Bill is going / are going to the park now. His sister is reading / are reading a
book. His friends is playing / are playing football. Tom and his brother is
swimming / are swimming in the river. Tina is eating / are eating ice-cream.

Exercise 5
Запиши предложения, используя время Present Continuous

a) Daniella … (read) a book now.

b) They … (not / visit) friends at the moment.
c) She … (cook) spaghetti how.
d) … (you / swim) at the moment?
e) I … (do) my homework now.
f) We … (not / clean) the room at the moment.
g) … (she / water) the flowers now?
h) … (boys / play) football now?


Exercise 6
Выбери правильный вариант
Daniella is helping / are helping her mother now. They is cooking / are
cooking dinner. Father is feeding / are feeding the cat. Her brother is cleaning /
are cleaning the living-room. Grandmother is reading / are reading a book.
Grandfather is watching / are watching TV.

Exercise 7
Выбери правильный вариант
Tom is reading / are reading a book now. His friends John and Bill is playing /
are playing football. His sister is playing / are playing the piano at home. Ann is
swimming / are swimming in the river. Camilla is watering / are watering the

Exercise 8
Запиши предложения, используя время Present Continuous
a) Tom … (help) his grandfather now.
b) … (they / swim) in the river at the moment?
c) I … (cook) dinner now.
d) You … (not / clean) the room at the moment.
e) Bill … (fix) a bike now.
f) We … (not / watch) TV at the moment.
g) They … (read) books now.
h) … (Susan / make) a cake now?


Exercise 9
Составь и запиши предложения по таблице
Tom play football Tina clean the room
Ann swim in the river Pam cook soup
Bill do homework Tim read a book

Exercise 10
A. Составь и запиши предложения по картинкам






B. Составь и запиши предложения по таблице

Name vacuum the broom cook wash up feed the

carpet cat
Pamela +
Bill +
Silvia +
John +
Tom +
Ann +
Amy +
Camilla +


C. Составь и запиши диалоги по таблице

Mrs Green feed the cat and the Grandma wash up the plates
Mr Green vacuum the carpet Grandpa fix the bike
Megan cook dinner Susan broom

A: What is Mrs Green doing?

B: Mrs Green is feeding the cat and the dog.


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