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Apostle(s) The word “apostle” comes from the Greek word

apostollein, which means “to send” or “to be sent.”

originally, the term referred to the Twelve whom Jesus Magisterium The official teaching authority of the
chose to help him in his earthly ministry. The successors of Church. Jesus bestowed the right and power to teach in his
the Twelve Apostles are the bishops. name on Peter and the Apostles and their successors. The
Magisterium is the bishops in communion with the
Catacomb An underground cemetery consisting of a successor of Peter, the bishop of Rome (pope).
subterranean gallery with recesses for tombs, as
constructed by the ancient Romans. Marks of the Church The four essential marks or
qualities of the Church: one, holy, catholic, and apostolic.
Church The word church means a convocation or
assembly. The English word for Church translates to the Martyr Someone who has been killed because of his or her
Latin ecclesia and from the Greek ek-ka-lein, meaning to faith. To be martyred is to be killed for one’s faith.
“call out of.” People are literally called from their isolation
to togetherness. New Covenant The climax of Salvation History, the
coming of Jesus Christ, the fullness of God’s Revelation.
Covenant The open-ended contract of love between God
and human beings. Jesus’ Death and Resurrection sealed Original Sin The sin of disobedience committed by Adam
God’s New Covenant of love for all time. and Eve that resulted in their loss of original holiness and
justice and their becoming subject to sin and death. Original
Deacon The word “deacon” comes from the Greek Sin also describes the fallen state of human nature into
“diakonia” which means service. The Apostles appointed which all generations of people are born. Jesus Christ came
seen men of good reputation to look after the distribution of to save all people from Original Sin (and all sin).
goods and these ministers were called deacons. The first
martyr, Stephen, is probably the best known of the seven. Paschal Mystery Christ’s work of redemption,
accomplished principally by his Passion, Death,
Disciple Follower of Christ. A disciple is someone who Resurrection, and glorious Ascension. This mystery is
learns from and follows Jesus and who accepts a share of commemorated and made present through the sacraments,
his ministry in the world. especially the Eucharist.

Ecclesiology The study of the nature and structure of Pentecost The day when the Holy Spirit descended on the
Christ’s Church. Apostles and gave them the power to preach with conviction
the message that Jesus is risen and is Lord of the universe.
Great Commissioning The instruction given to the
Apostles by Jesus in Matthew 28:16–20 to spread the Pharisee A person who belonged to a religious party or
Gospel to the world and to baptize all nations in the name of sect in Jesus’ day. Pharisee means “separated.” The
the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Pharisees thought of themselves as separated from others in
Judaism because they strictly observed the Law to
Hellenistic Jews Those who were scattered among the distinguish themselves from lukewarm religious practice
Gentiles, who spoke the Greek language, and who used the and Gentile influence.
Greek translation of the Old Testament, called the
Septuagint. Protoevangelium A Latin term meaning “first gospel”
and is the initial sign of the very good news that God did not
Kerygma The essential teaching about Christ, that is, that abandon humanity’s first parents or their descendants after
God loves the world and became incarnate in Jesus; Jesus they committed sin. Eve’s offspring (Jesus) would someday
suffered for the sins of humankind, rose from the dead, and destroy the snake (sin and death). Genesis 3:15: I will put
is alive; Jesus is Savior and Redeemer. enmity between you and the woman, and between your
offspring and hers; They will strike at your head, while
Kingdom of God The reign or rule of God. The Kingdom you strike at their heel.
of God has begun with the coming of Jesus Christ. It will
exist in its perfect form at the end of time.
Real Presence The unique and true presence of Christ
in the Eucharist under the species or appearance of
bread and wine.

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