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Private and Confidential

Sally Caplan
Director of Legal and Business Affairs

Dear Sally,

Alleged “Roswell” Archive Film

I had previously advised your colleague, Eddie Cunningham, of the following article:

An Interview with Ray Santilli, by Philip Mantle, Director of Investigations for the British UFO Research
Association, MUFON Representative for England.

Most of you will already know that Ray Santilli is the person who claims to have purchased actual film
footage from a retired US military cameraman of the UFO crash at Roswell in 1947. Much has already
been written about Mr Santilli, the film footage, the alleged cameraman, etc. etc. Most of what has been
written is based on opinions rather than fact and a whole lot more is no more than rumours.

In the brief interview that follows I have attempted to obtain a few details from Mr Santilli on how he
obtained the film, and what he intends to do with it in the future. The following is not meant to be an in-
depth interview in any way, and it was recorded at Mr Santilli's office in London on Tuesday 27th June

[Beginning of article deleted.]

PM So how did you come across the so-called Roswell footage ?

RS About two and a half years ago we were in the States researching what was a music documentary and
we were looking for some early footage of people like Bill Hailey, Pat Boone and Elvis Presley, and we
came across a cameraman who in the 1950s was a freelance, he was working for various different people
as and when he was employed, and at one time during the early part of 1955 he was employed by
Universal News to film over a particular weekend what was a variety of rock concerts and so forth at
different high schools across America. The reason he was employed by Universal News was that there
was a union strike on and Universal News could not use their usual news cameraman, so he was used
and he filmed some footage which we acquired for one of our earlier programmes, and we just bought
some footage from him, just gave him cash and we built up a reasonably good relationship with him
because the nature of the deal was that we give him cash and he gave us footage, and there was no
paperwork ... and he came back to us and said, look, before you go back, would you be interested in
something else ? ... and at that time he said to us that he had cine footage of what was an autopsy of an
alien creature. We knew nothing about Roswell or the Roswell event at that time but we thought well,
it's an interesting situation, you know, an alien autopsy, you don't get that offered every day, so we took
an internal flight to his house which was some distance away from where we met him, and he showed us
on film everything that you have now seen and that everyone has become interested in.

During that very first meeting with him, the first thing that we did, and that was on day one, the very first
thing we did was to call Kodak, actually from his house at the time, and say, how do we know that this
film is genuine ? and they asked us to look at the codes and the markings ... and actually during that time
we relayed to them what the markings were on the film, and at that time they said to us that it was
probably 1927, 1947 or 1967, and that was almost two and half years ago. We then took a frame, well I
mean the leader tape and one frame from the film and brought it back to the UK, this was two years ago.
We circulated it amongst as many people as possible to say 'what year is this film?' and eventually we
satisfied ourselves that the film was genuine and then I presented to the company that I had a very close
relationship with, Polygram, I presented them with the possibility of buying what was then the Roswell
So Polygram were very interested and they sent out one of their senior directors, in fact he was the
managing director of Working Title, the people that have now made the film "Four Weddings and a
Funeral". That person was Gary Shoefield, and Gary was sent by Polygram to meet up with the
cameraman in order to secure the deal for the footage. Anyway, due to various problems, and the
problems were that the cameraman was taken very ill at the time, he went to hospital. Gary ended up
sitting in his hotel waiting for the cameraman to show, he didn't show, Gary then called the cameraman's
wife to find out what had happened, and she explained everything to him and Gary then called the hospital
to check on his condition. To cut a long story short the meeting did not happen and Polygram satisfied
themselves at that time that the cameraman did exist. However, Polygram did not want to continue the
negotiation purely because of the nature of the legalities involved in buying footage that someone does
not own, because it was owned by the US military. So eventually the cameraman came out of hospital,
he came out to discover that the deal was not going through because we didn't have the money, so it was
one of those situations that we were promising to pay him but we didn't have the money and he had lost
faith in us.

It took a long time, it took a good eighteen months really for us to turn that situation around in order to
rebuild his confidence in us and we finally got to the stage at the end part of last year [1994] and the
beginning of this year that we could hand him money and take the film, but it was a very long procedure ...
and so we eventually did that and from the beginning of this year we had the entirety of the film in our

[Remainder of article deleted.]


I had also advised Mr Cunningham as follows:

“That person was Gary Shoefield, and Gary was sent by Polygram...”

This name was familiar and had been mentioned to me very recently by Ray Santilli:

Dear James,

“...The film provided to KODAK USA was the actual firm safety print with image and confirmed as
27,47 or 67. Gary Shoefield Managing Director of Mastervision and former director of Polygram
telephoned Mr Milson (Kodak London) today and pointed out that he personally presented the film to
the US Office and that it was film with image that was given for examination...”


On 30 July 1994, PolyGram released the Roswell TV movie starring Martin Sheen.

By an extraordinary coincidence, approximately a year earlier, Ray, who apparently has a close
association with PolyGram, is allegedly offered some original 16mm film which records the 1947
incident on which the TV movie is based.

Gary Shoefield negotiates on PolyGram’s behalf, but they drop their interest.

Two years later, the film has been acquired by Ray and Mr Shoefield, no longer with PolyGram, is
actively involved with its marketing.


Gary Shoefield is now in fact Ray Santilli’s business partner.

Unfortunately, Mr Cunningham did not respond to the essence of my enquiry, essentially:

What exactly was PolyGram’s role in this affair?

No-one has followed this story with more interest than myself and I have the definitive documentation
on every significant event which has transpired so far. Some ten months of research, incorporating almost
every statement uttered by Ray Santilli and associates on radio, in the press, on television, during
discussions on CompuServe and to researchers who have spoken with him, will very shortly form the
basis of the most detailed, factual, informative and damning article written so far.

This will appear in a U.K. national Sunday newspaper and in several magazines in the U.K., Europe,
Australia and particularly the U.S.

What has become known to colleagues and myself as “The PolyGram Connection”, will be for the first
time discussed in a major article. The Philip Mantle interview referred to above was published only in a
small circulation, regional magazine and few people as yet are aware that PolyGram allegedly had a
serious interest in acquiring the “autopsy” etc., footage.

I am obviously aware of the anonymous fax sent to my colleague Graham Birdsall at UFO Magazine,
for which I am a regular contributor, and your letter to Graham. Graham had enough sense to realise that
the contents of the fax were a falsehood, but we also realised that the information therein had emanated
from a source with a detailed knowledge of certain aspects of this case. We now have indications as to
the origin of that document and I will not be referring to its existence in the article.

As mentioned, I will however be discussing Ray Santilli’s comments as detailed above but before doing
so, I would like you to consider providing a significant piece of evidence which has so far been elusive;
namely, a formal statement from PolyGram outlining their role in this affair. Specifically, did PolyGram
indeed ask Gary Shoefield to act on their behalf in the initial negotiations to purchase the footage, did
Gary travel to Cleveland as Ray has claimed and why did PolyGram withdraw their interest in purchasing
the footage?

I hope you will agree it is in all our interests to now clarify this matter definitively rather than leave it
open to speculation.

As I said to Mr Cunningham when I first contacted him, my only interest in this story is establishing the

Please do not hesitate to telephone me to discuss this further if you wish. Alternatively, you may write
to me, fax me, or e-mail me at any time. If you are telephoning during working hours, it would be
appreciated if you could do so between 1.00 p.m and 2.00 p.m.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

James C. Easton

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