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Describing Places

➢ We are going to study further about descriptive text of describing places (tourism
destinations and famous historical buildings) and how to describe places using simple
present tense, adverbs of place and descriptive words/adjectives and phrases that contain
characteristics for a general description of tourism destinations and famous historical
➢ It is important for you to learn about describing places such as tourism destinations and
famous historical buildings, because when you want to go to such places, you will need an
exact location and description of those places so that you are not lost and misdirected. So,
it really helps your journey to be more effective and efficient because you know exactly
where to go and find those places.

Pura Uluwatu

Pura Uluwatu is a spectacular Hindu temple in Bali. It is located about eight meters above sea level
on the edge of a steep cliff at the southern part of Bali. Pura Uluwatu is one of the six main temples
in Bali. It is very famous among tourists coming to Bali. People come not only to see the
remarkable temple but also enjoy the beautiful panorama and of course, the stunning sunsets.
When visiting the temple, visitors are warned about the aggressiveness of the monkeys. They may
grab your cameras or sunglasses. The best times to visit this temple is during weekdays and before
sunset. At that time, there are not many people around, so visitors can have more time to explore
the temple. It is also time when visitors can watch dolphins and turtles in the sea.

➢ Descriptive text is started with identifying something and followed by the description of that
thing with nouns, adjectives, or adverbs that describe the particular things.
➢ When you describe a place, you will need to know about using adjectives to describe a place
such as tourism destination and famous historical buildings.
➢ Schematic structure of descriptive text : in making descriptive text, there are 2 elements that
the writer should be provided in their text, namely: general classification and description.
General classification Focus of description
Description Details of description

➢ Now, look at the paragraph of Pura Uluwatu again and pay attention!
o Do you know what the identification sentence is?
o Can you find the sentences that describe the identification?
Examples: Pay attention to sentences in the identification and description. Also look carefully
for the underlined words/phrases that are example of descriptive adjectives!

adverbs of place
➢ Adverb of place tells us about the place of action or where action occurs/occurred/will
occur. A good knowledge of adverbs of place is essential if you want to use English
➢ An adverb (such as here or inside) describes where the action of a verb is carried out. It is
lso called an adverb of place or a spatial adverb.
➢ An adverb phrase answers the question "where?" is called spatial adverbial.
➢ When a place adverb or adverbial phrase is moved to the beginning of the sentence, the
main verb can be placed before the subject if it is in a simple tense (e.g. Here comes the
next party of tourists; Beyond the city boundaries lived a farming community)
➢ Examples of adverbs of place: here, there, near, somewhere, outside, ahead, on the top, at
some place, everywhere, worldwide, in the driveway, at the palace, somewhere not far
away, way up in the sky, top of hill, upstairs, etc
Look at some examples on how to use adverbs of place in a sentences:

• Television programs produced in New York and Hollywood are seen worldwide.
• Unfortunately, incompetence can be found everywhere.
• When giving a presentation, please don't just stand there and read from the slides.
• Leave the map here.
• The children are playing outside.
• He was standing near the wall
• Leave your car in the driveway.
• The emperor stayed at the palace.
• I heard someone singing somewhere not far away.
• Just picture a penthouse way up in the sky
• They were flying kites on the top of a hill
• He lives somewhere in New York
• She went upstairs.

Adverbs of place (1): here, nowhere, somewhere, there, away, everywhere, etc.

If there is no object, these adverbs are usually placed after the verb:

• Sheila went inside.

• The kids went outside.
• Let's go forwards.

But they come after verb + object or verb + preposition + object:

• She sent him away.

• I looked for it everywhere.

Adverb phrases, formed of preposition + noun/pronoun/adverb, follow the above position rules:

• The parrot sat on a perch.

• He stood in the doorway.
• He lives near me.

Adverbs of Place (2): somewhere, anywhere follow the same basic rules as some and any:
• I've seen that man somewhere.
• Can you see my key anywhere?
• No, I can't see it anywhere.
o nowhere, however, is not normally used in this position except in the expression to
get nowhere (= to achieve nothing/to make no progress):
Forgetting to take the map will get you nowhere. (You'll gain no advantage by
forgetting to take the map.)

Adverbs of Place (3)

Here, there can be followed by be/come/go + noun subject:
• Here's Tom.
• There's Ann.
• Here comes the train.
• There goes our bus.

Adverbs of Place (4)

• Here and there used as above carry more stress than here/there placed after the verb. It also
has a difference in meaning.
1. Tom is here means he is in this room/building/town etc. But Here's Tom implies
that he has just appeared or that we have just found him.
2. Tom comes here means that it is his habit to come to this place, but Here comes
Tom implies that he is arriving or has just arrived.
• If the subject is a personal pronoun, it precedes the verb in the usual way:
1. There he is.
2. Here I am.
3. Here it comes.

Adverbs of Place (5)

away (= off), down, in, off, out, over, round, up etc. can be followed by a verb of motion + a
noun subject:
• Away went the runners.
• Down fell a dozen apples.

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