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Final Work

Foreign Language

Role Models

Mayrobis Almonacid

Loren Solano


Date: 16/06/2021
The person who is my role model is my mom.
My mother was born on December 15, 1982. She was born in a family of 5 siblings,
three brothers and two sisters, she was the youngest of all, her mother died when she
was a baby, so the ones who raised her were her father and one of her older sisters
because her other sister died when she was still a child . She grew up in a very strict
environment under the discipline of his father who was a firm, serious, authoritative
man, overprotective, but who loved his children very much. In the absence of a
mother at home, she learned housework at an early age like cooking, sweeping,
mopping, washing, and keeping everything in its place.
She was always responsible for school, she tried hard to get good grades and also to
be a good daughter, she respected her father and obeyed him, she didn't get into
trouble constantly, she was independent, she learned to take care of herself from an
early age.
She met my father at 15, but it was not until 17 that they began to have a relationship,
they made plans to get married after a year of dating but they managed to do it a year
later when my mother was 19. After a little more than a year had passed when my
father wanted to have a child, it was when my mother got pregnant with me. This is
how she had his first and only daughter at 22 years old.
She raised me with love, protection and discipline, she taught me to be a capable
person by teaching me everything she knew. Together with my father, she taught me
to differentiate what was right and what was wrong, she instilled in me the love of
Jehovah, to have good friendships and moral standards. And I value it, I appreciate it
and I consider it very important to me.
In her I see a role model, for the example of life that I lead, honest, dignified,
respectful, responsible, doing things the right way despite also being imperfect and
making mistakes. Despite being married with a son, she was always aware of her
father while he was alive, she was interested in people and helped them from the
heart, she put himself empathetically in the shoes of other people, she showed
compassion, she still does. She was a good daughter and remains a good friend, wife,
and mother.
Despite the fact that suddenly I do not want to get married so soon and start a family
at 22, if I would like to follow her example in many other areas, achieve that heart so
good that she had, her good behavior and her ladylike demeanor. She has positively
impacted me even though sometimes we don't get along or get angry. Whenever I
look forward to the future, I wish to be like her, to have led a life that someone is
proud of as I am of her. Sometimes I don't feel that she is really my mother,
sometimes she is more like a sister to me, compared to the relationship that other
daughters have with their mothers, I feel that the relationship is more equal with her.
It gives me freedom, trusts me and has made it clear to me that I choose the life I
want to lead.

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