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(Supporting Lecturer : Rika S.Pd., M.Hum.)

BY :
Christin Lestari Sinaga (7213210039)

Putri Enjelita Munthe (7213210042)


“English for Business Communication”

No. Aspect of Book Review Elaboration

1. Book Identity Book title : English for Business Communication
Number ISBN : 052175450x
Author : Simon Sweeney
Publisher : Camridge university press Year
published : 2003
Page : 127
Text language : English

2. Summary The book we analyzed entitled “English for Business

Communication” by Simon Sweeney. In this book, there are
several modules which are divided into several units. However in
this task we discuss the units 6 “Planning and Getting Started”.

The module begins with some fairly extensive work on presentation

technique. An effective route into developing presentation skills is
to discuss the qualities of good preparation and presentation
technique. The unit establishes some key principles concerning
preparation and the audience before progressing to the vital area of
giving a good introduction. Students produce their own
introductions after considering two examples. Later units look at
use of visuals, the main body of the presentation and the end,
including handling questions and discussion.
1. Presentation technique and preparation
What must be prepared in the presentation is:
a. Have a simple, clear structure.
b. Consider the audience.
c. Choose visuals to support the presentation
d. Use Power Point.
e. Making informal presentations.
f. Dealing with nerves.

2 The audience
The audience is the most important consideration in preparing a
Characteristics of an audience that would affect the type of presentation
are: technical level, interests, experience, age, responsibilities, ability to
concentrate, required knowledge, expectations, ability to remember, size
of audience.
The audience is so important: a speaker needs to hold the audience's
attention. There are some things that the speaker should pay attention:
a. Technical level of talk is too high / Speaker is saying something
completely wrong or incomprehensible.
b. The talk is boring, too long, or delivered monotonously, no changes in
pace, volume, tone, etc.
c. The visual is too small or too detailed.
d. The speaker is talking too quietly.
e. The structure of the talk was not clear.
f. Use of visual supports with key information, plus later publication of
Congress Proceedings.

3. Structure (1) The introduction

Subject / Title of talk.
Introduction to oneself, job, title, etc. W Reference to questions and / or
Reference to the programme for the day.
Reference to how long you are going to speak for.
Reference to using PowerPoint.
The scope of your talk: what is and is not included.
An outline of the structure of your talk.
A summary of the conclusions.
Discuss points arising. Another possible inclusion is 'Background', though
this could be the first part of the main body of the presentation.

In presentation Technique there are several things that must be
• Preparation
Remind them to look at the Skills Checklist, to make notes but preferably
not write the text. Weaker, less confident students may need to.
• Performance
Introduce their self.
• Planning and practising a presentation throughout the module
Begin preparation for an actual presentation they have to make in the
future, with the Transfer exercises throughout the module all used in
preparation for this.
• Developing self-assessment skills Record introductions.
Self-assessment is an important learning strategy. Recordings should help
develop the habit of constructive selfcriticism and awareness of how to
improve. This also helps students to see progress and to recognise good
• Feedback
Your role is to guide, point out things they miss, and above all to
encourage and praise good performance. In a group with good personal
dynamics, encourage constructive criticism..

3. Book Review ⚫ Complete book content, covering all the discussion about
business communication
a. The Strength
⚫ Each chapter is complete with questions and practice to hone
communication skills.
⚫ Each chapter has a key.
b. The Weakness
⚫ The appearance of the book cover is less attractive
“English for Business Presentation “

No. Aspect of Book Elaboration

1. Book Identity Book Title : English for Business Presentation
Number ISBN : 978-602-473-053-6
Author : Lutfi Ashar
Publisher : Airlangga University Press
Year Published: 2019
Page : 111
Text Language : English

2. Summary The book that we analyze is entitled “English for Business

Presentation” by Lutfi Ashar. In this book there are several chapters,
but our subject is the chapter on “Getting Started”

This book is designed to assist students in creating English business

presentation and sharpening their skill in delivering a presentation. It
also equips them to be more fluent in giving an English presentation for
other general topics in campus or work place.

This book consists of three main topics: opening of presentation,

content of presentation, and closing of presentation. There are also two
additional topics at the beginning and at the end that provide
information and tips to make and perform a good presentation. Each
topic covers discussions points and exercises/activities aiming to help
students applying their knowledge in real life. Each chapter starts with a
short overview about the topic and teaching learning activities as well
as evaluation process to assist the teacher and students in mastering the
material. Some exercises, activities, and discussion topics are provided
to improve their understanding and give them opportunity to have more
practices. Feedback in form of critics, suggestion, evaluation, and
comments are highly appreciated from English teaching practitioners
and professional trainers to make improvements in the future.

A good presentation is a presentation that can attract the audience’s

attention. The effective way to do it is by transferring the enthusiasm
from the speaker to the audience. There are many characteristics of
good presenter that should be noticed. A good presenter should be
prepared, believe in him/herself, interact with the audience, know the
audience, be concise, manage time well, spend time efficiently, prepare
good visuals, be alert and flexible, manage questions well, make a
strong finish, be him/herself, and enjoy the moment. Furthermore,
there are several factors that need to be considered to guarantee a good
presentation: objective, audience, visual aids, venue, clothing, and

This book is designed to assist students in creating English
business presentation and sharpening their skill in delivering
a presentation. This book consists of three main topics:
opening of presentation, content of presentation, and closing
of presentation.
- A good presentation is a presentation that can attract the
audience’s attention.
- A good presenter should be prepared, believe in
him/herself, interact with the audience, know the audience,
be concise, manage time well, spend time efficiently, prepare
good visuals, be alert and flexible, manage questions well,
make a strong finish, be him/herself, and enjoy the moment.

3. Book Review
⚫ Complete book content, covering all the discussion about business
a. The Strength
⚫ Each chapter is complete with questions to hone presentation skills.
⚫ At the end of each chapter there is a conclusion.
b. The Weakness
⚫ The appearance of the book cover is less attractive.

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