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DCE 5th Sem | 2020 Working Stress Method (WSM) A. Introduction The conceptual basis of working stress method is simple. This method basically assumes that the structural material behaves in a linear elastic manner, and that adequate safety can be ensured by suitably restricting the stresses in the material induced by the expected ‘working loads’ (service loads) on the structure. The ratio of the yeild or ultimate stress of the material to the permissible stress is often referred to as the factor of safety (FOS). The stresses under the applied loads are analysed by applying the methods of ‘strength of materials’ such as the simple bending theory. In order to apply such methods to a composite (nonhomogeneous) material like reinforced concrete, strain compatibility is assumed, whereby the strain in the reinforcing steel is assumed to be equal to that in the adjoining concrete to which it is bonded. Most structures designed in accordance with WSM have been generally performing satisfactorily for many years. The design usually results in relatively large sections of structural members compared to ultimate load method and limit state method. Thereby, WSM resulting in better serviceability performance (i.e., less deflections, crack-widths, etc.) under the usual working loads. The method is also notable for its essential simplicity — in concept, as well as application. It may also be noted that although WSM has been superseded by the limit states method (LSM) in the design code for general RC structures (IS 456), it continues to be the accepted method of design in India for certain special structures such as RC bridges (IRC 21), water tanks (IS 3370) and chimneys (IS 4998). B. Assumption in Woking Stress Method In the methods based on elastic theory, the following assumptions shall be made: a) At any cross section, plane section before bending remains plane after bending i.e., the distribution of normal strains across the beam C/S is linear. Desien of RCC Structures. Module 3.1 (Grp.-A) Pace 1 DCE 5th Sem | 2020 b) All tensile stresses are taken up by reinforcement and none by concrete, except as otherwise specifically permitted. c) The stress-strain relationship of steel and concrete, under working load, is a straight line. 280 3ocbc d) The modular ratio m has the value of Where, Ocbc is permissible compressive stress due to bending in concrete in N/mm?. C. Distribution of Stresses of Linear Elastic Material Linear elastic material is the materials which obey Hooke’s law i.e., the relationship between the stress and strain is linear. These materials are deformed elastically and the constant of proportionality E = %, being the Young’s modulus of elasticity. For such material the distribution of stresses across the cross-section of the beam will be linear as shown in Fig. 1. centroid —, E My/I Snr owe i 1d) stresses (@) stress-strain (a) beam (b) section (¢) strains (4) relation Fig. 1: Linear elastic stress distribution in flexure (Source: Pillai & Menon 2013) D. Modular Ratio in Reinforced Concrete In the elastic theory, structures having different materials are made equivalent to one common material. In the reinforced concrete structure, it is usual to transform the composite section into equivalent concrete section. This transformation of steel into concrete Desien of RCC Structures. Module 3.1 (Grp.-A) Pace 2 DCE 5th Sem | 2020 is done by using modular ratio (m) which is the ratio of modulus of elasticity of steel and concrete. = Fs Thus, m= Ee Where, E; is the modulus of elasticity of steel which is 2x105 N/mm?. However concrete have different modulus of elasticity as it is not a perfectly elastic material. The short-term modulus of concrete is Ec = 5000/f., in N/mm2, where fx is the characteristic strength of concrete. The short-term modulus does not take into account the effects of creep under sustained loading, shrinkage and other long-term effects. Accordingly, the ‘short-term static modulus’ E;., is not considered appropriate for determining the modular ratio m. Partly taking this into account, the Code [Cl. B-1.3(d)] suggests the following approximate formula for determining the modular ratio: 280 Boere Implying that, mocse is constant. Where, cee is the permissible compressive stress of concrete in bending (refer Table 21 of the Code). Values of oeve (in MPa units) and m for different grades of concrete are listed in Table 1. Table 1. Values of dese and m for different grades of oncrete Concrete Grade o,., (MPa) Modular ratio ‘m’ M15 5 18.67 M 20 7 13.33 M25 8.5 10.98 M30 10 9.33 M35 11.5 8.11 M 40 13 7.18 M45 14.5 6.44 M50 16 5.83 Desien of RCC Structures. Module 3.1 (Grp.-A) Pace 3 DCE 5th Sem | 2020 E. Transformed Area of Reinforcing Steel Applying the concept of ‘transformed section’, the area of tension reinforcement steel As is converted into equivalent concrete area by multipying area of steel (As) with the modular ratio (m). So, the equivalent concrete area is mAs. F. Cracking Moment Concrete in the extreme tension fibre of a beam section is expected to crack for the first time when the tensile stress of concrete reaches the value of the modulus of rupture or flexural strength. At this stage, the maximum strains in compression and tension are of a low order because the concrete cracks at lower tensile stress, hence assuming a linear stress-strain relation for concrete in tension and compression, with same elastic modulus, the following flexure formula is obtained for the ‘moment at first crack’ or cracking moment f, Mer = xt Where y: is the distance between the neutral axis and the extreme tension fibre, and Ir is the second moment of area of the transformed reinforced concrete section with reference to the NA. If the beam is very lightly loaded, the maximum applied bending moment will be less than Me. In such a case of ‘un-cracked section’, the concrete and steel both participate in resisting tension. G. Flexural Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete The behaviour of the section at various stages of loading are shown in Fig.3 and Fig.4 respectively. It is assumed that the beam section is rectangular and only tension reinforcing steel is provided. Un-cracked Phase Consider a simply supported beam subjected to gradually increasing load [Fig. 2]. In the early stages of loading, the applied moment (M) is less than the cracking moment Mc and the tensile stress at the extreme fibre of concrete fe: is less than its flexural tensile strength fer. This phase is the un-cracked phase, wherein the entire section is effective in resisting the moment and is under stress. The distribution of strains and stresses are as indicated 3 Desien of RCC Structures. Module 3.1 (Grp.-A) Pace 4 DCE 5th Sem | 2020 Fig.2: Beam with loading (Source: Pillai & Menon 2013) The corresponding stress of steel at centroid of reinforcement as equivalent concrete is fo/m. The un-cracked phase reaches its limit when the applied moment M becomes equal to the cracking moment b b > ney & IM < Mer . d ) | I neutal ans Lay ZL (yaw & UNCRACKED EFFECTIVE TRANSFORMED awe. uteats BEAM SECTION SECTION Fig.3: Un-cracked Phase of Beam (Source: Pillai & Menon 2013) Linear Elastic Cracked Phase If the applied moment M exceeds Mc, the maximum tensile stress at the extreme fibre of concrete exceeds the flexural tensile strength of concrete and the section begins to crack on the tension side. The cracks are initiated in the bottom (tensile) fibres of the beam, and with increasing loading, widen and propagate gradually towards the neutral Desien of RCC Structures. Module 3.1 (Grp.-A) ‘Pace 5 DCE 5th Sem | 2020 axis [Fig. 4]. As the cracked portion of the concrete is now rendered ineffective in resisting tensile stresses, the effective concrete section is reduced. The tension resisted by the concrete just prior to cracking is transferred to the reinforcing steel at the cracked section of the beam. Because of the tensile cracking of concrete at very low stresses, it is generally assumed in flexural computations that concrete has no tensile resistance, and that: “All tensile stresses are taken up by reinforcement and none by concrete, except as otherwise specifically permitted”- [Cl. B-1.3(b)] of the Code. Hence, the assumption that concrete resists no flexural tensile stress is satisfactory and realistic. ‘racks. 7 fig +H dake mAs * CRACKED EFFECTIVE TRANSFORMED 7 BEAM SECTION SECTION STRAINS STRESSES Fig.4: Cracked Phase of Beam (Source: Pillai & Menon 2013) References 1. IS 456:2000; “Plain and Reinforced Concrete-Code of practice”. 2. Pillai S.U., and Menon D., (2013), “ Reinforced Concrete Design (3rd Edition)”. McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt. Ltd. Desien of RCC Structures. Module 3.1 (Grp.-A) Pace 6

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