The Preparation and Characterization of An X-Type Zeolite: An Experiment in Solid-State Chemistry

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The Preparation and Characterization of an X-Type Zeolite

An Experiment in Solid-state Chemistry
Kenneth J. Balkus, Jr., and Kieu T. Ly
University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 75083-0688

Topics in solid-state chemistry are often neglected in positive trivalent charge on Al can be virtually any electro-
undergraduate laboratories partly because there are rela- positive element, from protons to lanthanides. These cat-
tively few experiments that capture the attention and ions can he located throughout the structure. I n fact, there
imagination of students. The advent of high-Tc supercon- are more cation sites than cations.
ductors that provide dramatic yet simple experiments (1) In this experiment we will prepare the sodium form ofan
has increased interest in solid-state materials. We have X-tvoezenlite.Thesodium ionscan then brexchanged with
been part of a movement to introduce solid-state chemistry othk; metal ions such a s cobalt(I1).
topics in the advanced undergraduate labs. We report an We have found the X-type zeolite can be prepared during
undergraduate experiment based on the syntheiis and a typical lab period and later characterized by infrared
charactrrrzat~ono f m X-twe -. zmlite (21. spectroscopy, ion exchange, and adsorption.
The synthetic X-type zeolite has the faujasite structure
(3) shown below. Faujasite is the naturally occurring, but Preparation of NaX
rare, mineral. The general formula is M,i,(A102),(Si02)~9~.n Many variables can influence zeolite synthesis: temper-
where n = 77-96 and x = valence of M. The faujasite ature, pH, crystallization time, order of mixing, amount of
structure wnsists of ten cages connected by hexagonal Si, Al, Na, and HzO. Zeolite NaX is a metastable phase,
prisms or double six-ring (D6R)units. The P cages are oRen meaning that other types of zeolites such a s P, A, or sodalite
called sodalite cages because the structure of the zeolite may form if this recipe is not followed carehlly. The proce-
sodalite (3) contains eight of these truncated octahedra dure detailed below should produce highly crystalline NaX
connected through the four rings. The vertices in Figure 1 within a normal lab period (2-4 h) without detectable
represent either tetrahedral A1 or Si atoms with the 0 contamination from other phases.
atoms omitted f ~ r ~ c l a r i t yThis
. structure transcribes a The first procedure is to prepare sodium silicate and
sphere of about 12 Awhich we designate a s the supercage. sodium aluminate separately. The sources of silicon and
The 12 ring apertures to the a or supercage are about 7.4 aluminum can vary, but we have found that silica gel
A in diameter. These dimensions allow only certain mole- (Aldrich)and aluminumisopropoxide (Aldrich)are suitable
cules to be adsorbed by the zeolite. starting materials. Since this experiment requires working
I n this experiment we will probe the pore size by moni- under alkaline conditions, plasticware should be used.
toring the adsorption of various molecules. If we view I'olypropylene bottles shouldbe used for the rnstallizatiun
zeolite as a micropourous silicate in which the Si4+has been berausr 1hc.v are generdly autoclavnble. Sote: Polyethyl-
partially substitued with A13t then we realize that for every ene bottles $11 crick and leak.)
A13+there must be an equal number of positive charges The sodium silicate is prepared by adding 3.0 g of silica
added for balance. The cations that compensate for the gel, 2.4 g of sodium hydroxide, and 6 mL of deionized water
to a 250-mL plastic beaker. This mixture is swirled until
the solids are completely dissolved. The sodium aluminate
solution is prepared simultaneously by adding 6.9 g of
aluminum isopropoxide, 2.4 g of sodium hydroxide, and 9
mL of deionized water to a 250-mL plastic beaker. The
mixture is stirred with gentle heating (below 80 ' C ) in a
prism water bathuntil the solids are dissolved (about 10 min) and
a clear gel is formed. A watch glass placed over the beaker
should prevent loss ofwntcr. (Note: The isopropanol furmed
during i h e hydrolysis of aluminum isopropoxide will evap-
orate or form droplets a t the surface. There is no need to
separate the alcohol from the gel.) When both solutions are
a t room temperature, the aluminate solution is added to
Figure 1. Structure of zeolite X. the silicate solution. An additional 27 mL of water is added

Volume 68 Number 10 October 1991 875

. , a,e,<- ?>,,>c . , < e , < - .!" ,~,, ,.,:,; have access to this technique. However, ifXRD is available,
. ...*.
0 HOURS -., .".* I ,..... < ,, I . " .. students should be referred to JCPDS file no. 38, 237 to
obtain a standard pattern for NaX (4).
The most reliable alternative is infrared s~ectrosco~v
which we can use to identify the zeolite and estima't;, the

crvstallinitv. Fimre 2 shows a series of s ~ e c t r recorded

a bv
a student durGg the preparation of zeolite X, using KF;
oellets. (Note: Excessive minding of samdes should be
avoided.) We are examininithe mid-IR region only because
2 HOURS the adsorbed water in the zeolite masks the OH reeion.
Without an expensive vacuum IR cell, very little informa-
tion can be obtained from this region. At 1 2 0 M 0 0 cn-'
there are many bands associated with different Si and A1
3 HOURS tetrahedra vibrational modes.
The spectrum for the initial amorphous aluminosilicate
gel (0 h) is a series of broad, featureless bands. There is a
correlation between this broadness and crystallinity: As
crystallinity increases, the bands become more narrow and
better defined. The 4 h spectrum is of a 100% crystalline
sample. A comparison with the starting gel reveals several
bands and shoulders have grown in. These have been
classified as external linkaees or structure-sensitive vibra-

tions. The appearance of th&e bands coincides withforma-
tion of the three-dimensional framework. The location of
these bands will shift to higher frequencies as the SiIAl
ratio of the product zeolite increases, but students can use
these spectra as a guide.
In Figure 2 the main asymmetric stretch is a t 982 m-'
with a shoulder at 1053 cm-'. The symmetric stretches
occur at 748 and 670 m-' with a weak shoulder at 689 cm-'.
The band a t 560 cm-' is associated with the double 6 rings
that connect the sodalite cages. A TO4 bending vibration
2000 1400 1000 BOO so0 400 occurs at 456 m-'.
If an impurity phase did hystallize, it should be fairly
easy to identify by IR. The key area to monitor is the
Figwe 2 FT-IR speclra of zeol~fecrystal zatlon mlxtJre recordeo as double-ring region. Common phases that might appear as
KBr pellets taken alter 0 2, 3 and 4 n. impurities include zeolites P and sodalite which both lack
double-ring structural units (3).Therefore, there should be
to the gel and stirred with either a spatula or stir bar until no IR bands near 560 em-' for these phases. Zeolite P has
the mixture appears homogenous. a characteristic band at 600 cn-'; sodalite, at 660 cm-'. If
The gel may take on a variety of appearances, but the -
zeolite A were an imouritv the double-rinevibration would
- ".
initial eelatinous mixture will usuallv ouicklv form a sus-

shift to a lower wave number (about 550-cm-') relative to

pension of white solids. This mixture is quickly transferred
to a . ". ." screw cao bottle. sealed and laced in
oolwroovlene of D ~ units.
X-tvoe zeolites because it has double four-ring units instead
an oven a t about 90 "C.
All students should place their samples in the oven at the Ion-Exchange Properties
same time to minimize the fluctuation in temperature from
opening the oven door. The reaction time will depend on the One of the characteristic properties of zeolites is their
lab period. The best results are obtained a t 3 4 h, but ability to ion-exchwe cations. The combinationof Si4+and
reasonably crystalline zeolites can be isolated after only 2 A13+ results in a deficiency of positive charge which is
h. Alternatively, the crystallization can be followed by IR balanced by exchangeable cations. In a simple test we can
spectroscopy to achieve the optimal yield (vide infra). determine if the above product has ion-exchange capabili-
After 2 4 h the mixture is cooled to room temperature, ties.
and the solution is neutralized by washing with much In a 250-mL Erlenmeyer flask dissolve 0.1 g of cobalt
water. This is best accomplished by transferring the mix- chloride in about 100 mL of deionized water. Then add 1g
ture to a beaker, then diluting with water, followed by of the product zeolite and stir until the pink solution is
suction filtration and further washings. If the high-pH decolorized.Times will vary, but heating greatly facilitates
zeolite solution is transferred directlv to a Buchner funnel this process, so complete exchange can be accomplished in
or frit, contamination may result from dissolution of the less than anhour. After filtration, wash with water and test
oaoer or frit. The white zeolite crvstals mav be air-dried or the washings for NaCl with a AgN03 solution.
bvkdried until the next lab period wbkn the yield of If the zeolite is pink and if the filtrate is colorless but
hydrated NaX zeolite may be calculated. contains NaC1, the product has ion-exchange properties.
Ideally two Na+ions will exchange for every COZ+,as shown
Characterization of NaX in eq 1. In reality a stoichiometric exchange is unlikely
Probably the best way to identify the zeolite phase and because different cobalt species are possible. For example,
evaluate the degree of crystallinity is by X-ray powder a Cl- or OH- ligand might be coordinated to the metal ion,
diffraction. We followed this experiment using XRD and with one Na+ exchanged, to maintain electroneutrality.
found that highly crystalline NaX can be prepared after One can imagine how this ion-exchange property could
only 2 h. More crystalline zeolites were obtained after 4 h. be exploited commerciallyto soften water or to remove toxic
Unfortunately, many undergraduate chemistry labs do not or radioactive metal ions from water.
876 Journal of Chemical Education

A weight change indicates that benzene was adsorbed

and the pmduct must have pores with diameters of 6 A or
more. This experiment can be repeated with other mole-
cules provided they have significant vapor pressure. Given
Adsorption Properties the uniform pore distribution of zeolites one can see how
If the Co(I1)-exchanged zeolite is allowed to air-dry, it these materials wuld be used a s molecular sieves to adsorb
remains a pink powder, but if the students heat the zeolite or exclude molecules by size.
crystals they will eventually turn blueviolet. This change
in color results from dehydration of the zeolite and Conclusion
illustrates t h e adsorption properties of zeolites. A The synthesis of an X-type zeolite is a relatively simple
suprisingly large amount of water can he adsorbed by experiment in solid-state chemistry. I t allows the students
X-type zeolites: Thermogravimetric measurements indi- to prepare a commercially important material and thenuse
cate as much a s 25% by weight. This hydrophilicity is its physical properties a s a probe of molecular structure.
related to the large internal surface area and the polarizing The synthesis of this zeolite fmm such simple starting
ability of the zeolite cages. materials is fascinating, and it is fun to realize that ion-ex-
Given these strong adsomtion urouerties we can now change and selective adsorption studies easily relate the
probe thedimrnsion;bfthe zholite pores by varyingth~size synthetic product to the interesting three-dimensional
of the adsorbinr! molecule. The ahovo strurture of zeolite X structure of Figure 1.
would indicatethat molecules smaller than about 7.4 A Acknowledgment
should he adsorbed. We can use the kinetic diameter (2)to
decide if a molecule will fit through the zeolite pores. For We thank the Robert A. Welch Foundation and the donors
example, water has a kinetic diameter of 2.65 A, benzene, of the Pretroleum Research Fund administered by the
5.85 A. We already know water is adsorbed, but we can test American Chemical Society for financial support.
to see if benzene is adsorbed.
Literature Cited
Place about 50 mg of dehydrated zeolite into a 1/2-dram 1. Forerample,seeJue~gen~gen,F.H.;EUls.A.B.:DiecLmann,G.H.:Perkins,R.I. JCham.
vial or small test tube. Then carefully weigh the vial avoid- Edue. 1987.64.851.
ing fingerprints and place it inside a larger vial. Place both 2. For an overview of zeolites, see Breck, D. W. &di& Molecuior Siew6; Wiley: New
York, 1974.
vials uncapped into a larger vial or beaker that can be 3. Meier,W.M.;Olson,D.H.AllasofZ~di~SL~ucfunTyp~s;Butteteorth:London,1988.
covered tightly. Place a few milliliters of benzene into the 4. Pmddd D~ffficfionPila lhorganjr): JCPDS-International Centre for Diffraction
Data: Swarthmare. PA.
largest vial and cover. After a n hour or so remove the vial 5. Flanken, E. M. in Zeolite Chemistry ond Cafalys&;ACS Monograph No. 171,1976,
containing the zeolite and weigh. SO.

Volume 68 Number 10 October 1991 877

The Preparation of Pure Zeolite Nay and Its Conversion

to High-Silica Faujasite
An Experiment for Laboratory Courses in Inorganic Chemistry
Fritz Blalier and Emst Schumacher
Institute for lnorganic. Analytical and Physical Chemistry, University of Bern, Freiestrasse 3, CH-3012 Bern. Switzerland

Every student of chemistry meets the fascinating proper- Zeolite N a y is a synthetic faujasite with an SilAl ratio of
ties of molecular sieve zeolites during his or her career. We 2.4 f 0.8.We eive a simole. reoroducible method. adanted
encounter them as drying agents, selective gas adsorbents, (n,
f r o m ~ a s a h a r a eal.
t for its preparation from analytically
ion exchangers, chromatographic media, catalysts, or cata- Dure chemicals. The ~rocedureis based on the senaration of
lyst supports (I).A large number of interesting experiments nucleation and growth processes. Nucleation of ;he desired
can be performed with the many varieties of commercial seed ia induced in a clear solution with hieh NaOH concen-
zeolites, e.g., Linde A, X, and Y (2).However, the prepara- tration. The dissolution of aluminum and silica in concen-
tion of these highly organized porous crystalline systems trated solutions of NaOH begins with the following reac-
remains a mystery tomost users. This does not change dras- tions:
tically when the synthetic and patent literature is examined
There are many motives for synthesizing zeolites in the
laboratory: Commercial zeolites have unknown chemical pu-
or 2 I A l l t 20H- + 6H,O 2[AI(OH)J + 3H,
SiO, NaOH -Na[SiO,OH] dissolved (2)
rity and are often crystallographically not well character-
ized. All commercial zeolites are contaminated by heavy
metals, mostly iron, which produce all sorts of artifacts if one Condensation leads to the formation of dimeric, trimeric,
studies EPR spectra of sorbed free radicals (4). Last but not and finally oligomeric anions, which are already the struc-
least: One takes great satisfaction from successfully synthe- tural subunits of the zeolite. Equation 3 suggests a first

sizing one of these enigmatic substances and from proving condensation step:
that i t is monophasic, conforms to a specific type of crystal- Al(OH),- + Na[SiO,OH] Na[(OH),A1+SiOOH] + OH-
lographically well-defined zeolite species, and s h o w all the
expected properties even better than the commercial prod- +
or Al(OH),- [BO,OHl- [(HO),Al-O-SiOOHI- + OH-
uct. Since the architectural variations for assembly of zeolite (3)
structures from the prototype "bricks" ( 5 ) are not yet ex-
The surrounding cations compensate the charge of the an-
hausted by far, it iseven possibleto discover systematically a
new phase with unusual adsorptive properties, e.g., built-in ionic network and serve as template agents for the three-
chiral discrimination. dimensional arrangement. All the secondary building units
The published synthesis procedures are mostly uncom- (SBU) of zeolites have been probed by high resolution FT-
meuted recipes. Only meager information is given regarding NMR of 27Aland 29Siin the liquid phase, a method that is
reaction steps, reaction paths or mechanisms. The impor- powerful enough to discriminate aluminosilicate species
havinguo to 10 Sior A1 atoms (8).The formation of colloidal
tant reaction parameters are not clearly described, which particies-is indicated by the decrease of visible light trans-
creates the reader's impression that the process can hardly
be reproducible. However, recent investigations with novel mittance of the nucleation solution during the aging process.
.. ..
A simple spectrophotometer is adequatefor these measure.
tools have led to a better understanding of the reaction
conditions, e.g., MAS (magic angle spinning) NMR of 27Al ments. Both methuds combined give strong evidence for the
and 29Si, light scattering and photon correlation spectrosco- formation of aggregates with about one unit cell dimension
py of the phase nucleation steps, and computer simulations. from the smaller structwal subunits in the clear nucleation
The results allow one to infer what happens and how t o
control the conditions for a specific synthesis. But predic- The clear nucleation solution is mixed with a precipitated
tions of how t o proceed for creating new zeolites are still eranular sodium-alumina-silica eel in the ratio 15. Mixine
unreliable (3). Gf the two systems (probably) lea& t o a steady state equilib':
rium between dissolution of the a m o r ~ h o u eel
s and further
Plannlng a Synthesis *
crystal growth. Crystallization a t 92 2 OC needs 24-72 h.
The nucleation solution is decisive for the zeolite obtained,
Systematic studies of zeolite preparation involve careful
consideration of the following important areas: and small changes of the composition, aging time, or tem-
perature cause remarkable effects on the zeolite crystalliza-
the nature and composition of the reactants and the formation of tion process.
precursor species,
nucleation kinetics and crydtal growth, Zeollte Nay: Experlmenial Procedure
phase transformations,temperature, and pressure factors. For all theswpa w be described below laboratory glassware has to
be avoided. Polyethylene or polypropylene flasks with tight screw
At least six different zeolites (NaA, NaX, Nay, PI,P2, caps have to b~ applied. Why?!
CHA) and "mixtures" are obtained in hydrothermal pro-
cesses using the same set of reactants (SiOa, Al, Al2(SO4)8, Nucleation
NaOH, and HzO) under different reaction conditions (3,6); Solution A (eq 1) is prepared by dissolution of 1.35 g (0.05 mol)
on the other hand pure N a y can be obtained by several metallic A1 (99.999%obtained from Alusuisse) in a solution of 15.0g
procedures. Because subsequent crystal separation is impos- (0.375 mol) best purity NaOH in 35 mL distilled water. Solution B
sible, 100% yield of amonophasicproduct has to be achieved. (eq 2) is produced by dissolving 15.0 g (0.25 mol) dry SiOn(Fluka No.
Volume 67 Number 6 June 1990 519

60780) in 15.6 g NaOH in 35 mL distilled water. Both solutions are

mixed in polyethylene flasks in an oil thermostat at 42 3 'C and
aged for 90 10 min at the same temperature. This is the "nucle-
ation solution" wherein the formation of seed structures takes place
as has been proved withlight-scatteringexperiments (7).The nucle-
ation solution should he clear after the given time of aging. If some
turbidity is left, the concentration of sodium hydroxide has heen too
low or sodium carbonate is a contaminant,
The Aiuminosilicete Gel
Solution C is 31.5 g (0.05 mol) Alz(S0A (Merck p.a.1 dissolved in
125 mL water, and solution D consists of 30.0 g SiOz and 16.0 g
NaOH dissolved in 75 mL HzO. Then D is slowly poured into C
under vigorous stirring while the granular sodium-alumina-silicate
gel precipitates,which is subsequently washed with cold water. The
washed gel is transferred to a polypropylene flask and water is
admitted to 180 g total weight.
Wex apparaNs tor Hw Mment of zeolltes wlth SlC14vapor: (I) and (4) cold
The Ctystai Growth Process traps, (2)ooldtrap with breakseal ampule, (3)reactlonvessel, (5)RoNlex 1919
The formation of zeolite crystals from the small snbunita formed ccnnenlons, (6)breakseal ampule with SiC14,(7) iron bar.
in the nucleation solution occurs in a gel with defined molar compo-
sition: 30 g of the nucleation solution (A + B) are added to (C D),
and, after mixing well, the gel is distributed in two flasks,which are
kept in a drying oven at (92 r 2 "C). The composition in mole % of (I =
+ + 1')'"
An(hZ kZ
the reactant eel is now: HgO: 88.45%.NaOH: 5.70%.SiO?: 5.26%.Al: 2 sin 8
~ ~~
~.~~ is controlledh;~-ravdiffraction after 24 h bv
~ ~,
where n = 1, 2, 3,. . . , a = unit cell length, X = X-ray
taking the samples directly from ;he Re:; as urually20-30 h is
sufficient for complete reaction, the gel is filtered and washed with waveleneth. and B = Braze anele. Both elementarv cell oa-
boiling water as soon as the X-ray analysis shows a crystalline rametersare ohtained wiihhigh precisionso that t<eshrink-
product. The result is zeolite Nay of high purity with an average ape of the unit cell of the Si-exchanged zeolite can be used to
crystal diameter of approximately 0.9 pm. estimate the SiIAI ratio with help of literature data (9). The
difference of 2% between the two unit cell constants is
Hlgh-Slllca Zeollte caused by the different bond lengths dsi.0 = 1.61Aand d~1.0
In a second exoeriment the svnthesized zeolite Y (SilAl- = 1.69 A. MID-IR spectroscopy from 300-1400 em-' is also
2.5) is converted to high-silica'faujasite with ~ i l ~ l ' r a t of
io well suited to the orobine of structural alterations in zeolite
-100 or even more. if it is treated with silicon tetrachloride frameworks. T h e bands i f both zeolites show a 1:l correla-
vapor (9) a t 450 OC: T h e reaction
xSiC1, + Na5,(Al0,),,(SiOz),,, - Na,,(AlO,),,-,(Si0~),36tl
+ rNaCI+ zAlC13 (4)
tion with each other and band assignments should be made
(9). T h e higher ordering of the lattice atoms and the unit cell
contraction lead to sharper absorption bands and shifts of
approx. 8%to higher frequencies in the modified form. For
is a substitution of the lattice Alnl of the zeolite by SiN with reproducible X-ray diffraction and (optional) thermogravi-
a n almost c o m ~ l e t emaintenance of the crvstal structure. metric analysis standardized humidity conditions are neces-
.&l3 volatilizes from the zeolite phase and condenses on the sary, e.g., by keeping the zeolites in a desiccator over a
elass surface: NaCl or nonvolatile NaA1C14 is leached with saturated MgClz solution. X-ray diffraction and IR analysis
water. show that the crystal structure is well preserved and that
only a small part of the degree of crystallinity is lost during
Experlrnental the exchange reaction.
SiClr is previously distilled into breakseal tubes; each tube should
contain approx. 5 mL of liquid SEl+ On the basis of the tube
content one estimates the stoichiometric quantity of Nay to weigh Conclusions
into the reaction vessel 3 (figure) from eq 4. For complete AlISi
exchange a 10-20% excess of SiCln is recommended. Pedagogically valuable characterizations and interpreta-
The Pyrex apparatus is connected as indicated in the figure, and tions are possible with the zeolite conversion experiment:
the breakseal tube is attached to the cold trap 2. The zeolite is
sufficientlydried in a flow of pure Nz(g)(2 bat 450 O C after predry- Determination of the cubic unit cell constant by powder X-ray
ing in an oven). Cold trap 1is cooled with liquid Nz. The breakseal diffractometry;a reference substance, e.g., sodium chloride, is to
ampule is opened with the iron bar 7 and a magnet. Cold trap 4
might be cooled with liquid nitrogen, or, if not, the gas flow (approx.
1mL1s) is led into a NaOH solution to remove the unreacted SiCL.
. he used for precise determination.
The size of the unit cell is connected with the bond lengths.
IR spectroscopy is sensitive for hond lengths in macromolecular
The SiCL input is regulated by the gas flow or the ampule aperture. systems, and highly symmetric structural subunits are proved.
The complek reaction takes appron. 4 h, and then the oven tem. The zeolites prepared are adequately identified by X-ray
prrature is slowly diminished from 450 'C to 200 ' C in 1 h; the
oroduct is washed with0.01 M HCIor NH.CIsolutronand hot water, diffractometry and solid state IR. Scanning electron micros-
hried at 110 "C, and investigated with IR spectroscopy (1-3% in copy, determination of adsorption isotherms for different
KBr) and Debye-Schemer powder X-ray diffraction. substances, and thermogravimetric analysis are additional
tools to reveal the large physicochemical differences be-
Results and lnterpretatlon tween the two zeolites. Most important are the hydrophobic
The DebyeScherrer diffraction pattern allows one to de- nature. Brdnsted aciditv of the H+ form. adsorotion heats.
termine the unit cell parameters of both zeolites N a y and and therefore catalytic-properties. ore over,
t h e synthe:
the modified high-silica form. T o every diffraction line sized zeolite N a y is free from paramagnetic impurities and
Miller indices (h. . . k.. 1). can be assiened. Thev are found to be therefore adequate for research purposes. EPR measure-
either odd or even and not of &xed parity, e.g., (331) or ments of small metal clusters in zeolites are possible even if
. .. but not (321). This moves the presence of a face-
(242). very weak signals result from the metallic particles (4).
centered cubic lktice (spacegroup ~ 3 d k )From . the diffrac- All experiments have been checked by the students of the
tion anele B we extract the elementary cell length according second-year course in inorganic chemistry a t the University
to ~ r a g g ' law
s (9--11): of Bern.
520 Journal of Chemical Educatlon

.... - . . --
H.stud. surf. SC;. c n i . 1~81,24,107-128.~ar~are~ar,
3. ~echart, R.M. s l u d surf. sei. cot

We thank the SNF grant no. 2.273.86 and the Kommission

zur F6rderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung, grant No.
146111211,for financial support, W. M. Meier, Giline Har-
vey, B. Lathy for introduction in the art of zeolite synthesis;
R. Giovanoli, M. Faller, R. Steiner, and Beatrice Frey for X-
ray service and scanning electron microscopy.
Literature CRed
10. Berry, R.8.; dice. S. A,:
Ross,J. ~hya&iChernistry; Wiley: N m Yark. 1980.
11. Buerger. M. J.; Azaroff. L. V . The Pouder Method in X - m y C r y a f d o ~ r a p h y :
1. Bmck, D. W . Zeolitr Molecular Siouas: W h y :NelvYork, 1974. McGrsw-Hill: New York, 1958.
2. ~ ~ w..
~Y.;r j ~i r n a .k~ ward,&
.: ~ i E~S.
. N*W Deu.ropmantainzootite seiowe
Technology; Elsener: Amtfcrdam. 19%.

Volume 67 Number 6 June 1990 521

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