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3/16/22, 10:57 PM Solutions to common errors and warnings in Cadence Virtuoso IC617 - Programmer Sought

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Solutions to common errors and warnings in Cadence Vi

rtuoso IC617
A piece of chicken slag Posted at 2021-09-03 17:32:26 4388
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This article is my own study notes, which belong to the advanced part of the Cadence Virtuoso series. The
software version used is Cadence Virtuoso IC617. For other articles, please click above to see the content of
the Cadence Virtuoso column I produced.

This article documents the workarounds for errors and warnings I encountered in the Cadence Virtuoso IC617.

Licensing ErrorError
Problem Description
Use the Linux virtual machine made by others, Ubuntu20.04 system, integrate Cadence IC617, Spectre18,
Calibre19, XCELIUMMAIN 18, open it and use it directly. That is the virtual machine in the link below.

Install Cadence IC617 under Ubuntu20.04

However, when drawing the layout, an error is reported when the DRC verification is performed. The specific
error is the following code.

1 Licensing Error

2 The following products could not be licensed sufficiently:

3 - Calibre Interactive

The screenshot of the error report is as follows.

It can be seen that there is mainly a problem with the license of Calibre2019.

Because the virtual machine installed by others is directly used, the entire activation must be no problem. The
problem lies in the virtual network card address, because VMware Workstation will reinstall the virtual network
card driver when importing the virtual machine. The solution is very simple, just modify the network card address
in the license file.

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3/16/22, 10:57 PM Solutions to common errors and warnings in Cadence Virtuoso IC617 - Programmer Sought

In the Ubuntu20.04 system I am using, the license file of Calibre2019 is located at the following address.

Double-click to open the license file. It can be seen that the virtual network card address is still the author's own.

Right click to open the console.

Enter ifconfig, find the network card address, and copy it.

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3/16/22, 10:57 PM Solutions to common errors and warnings in Cadence Virtuoso IC617 - Programmer Sought

In the text editor, choose Find and Replace.

Replace the original network card address with your own. Note that the network card address must remove
the colon !

Finally, don't forget to click Save.

Final Results

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3/16/22, 10:57 PM Solutions to common errors and warnings in Cadence Virtuoso IC617 - Programmer Sought

Finally, when you enter Calibre2019, you will no longer report errors, and you can perform DRC detection.

The built-in craft library disappears error

Problem Description
Sometimes after installing some craft libraries, the built-in craft library will disappear, this is because the project
file does not include the built-in craft library. The built-in technology library generally includes basic and
analogLib, and sometimes cdsDefTechLib is missing.

When the Virtuoso IC617 is turned off, open the cds.lib in the project directory to see which line of code is
missing, and make up for the missing one.

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3/16/22, 10:57 PM Solutions to common errors and warnings in Cadence Virtuoso IC617 - Programmer Sought

code show as below:

1 DEFINE cdsDefTechLib $CDSHOME/tools/dfII/etc/cdsDefTechLib

2 DEFINE basic $CDSHOME/tools/dfII/etc/cdslib/basic

3 DEFINE analogLib $CDSHOME/tools/dfII/etc/cdslib/artist/analogLib

Final Results
Save the file after modification, reopen the Virtuoso IC617 software, and the built-in library is back.

Problem Description
After the Virtuoso IC610 version, only the OA library is supported. For some earlier process libraries, the design
will not be completed.

First create a folder to store the converted craft library. I named it here, with a suffix oa added to the original
folder name.

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3/16/22, 10:57 PM Solutions to common errors and warnings in Cadence Virtuoso IC617 - Programmer Sought

In this newly created oa folder, open the software and create a new project.

The process library can be updated by using the conversion tool that comes with the software. Use the
Conversion Toolbox tool.

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3/16/22, 10:57 PM Solutions to common errors and warnings in Cadence Virtuoso IC617 - Programmer Sought

Select the first transformation.

Just select the folder of the craft library and click Apply.

The time will be a bit long, if you can't wait to turn around, click ok. Just look at the log window and it's done.

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3/16/22, 10:57 PM Solutions to common errors and warnings in Cadence Virtuoso IC617 - Programmer Sought

There are many converted files in the OA folder.

In the original file, copy the framed ones to the oa folder, and the rest are optional. Do not copy the crossed

Final Results
After the conversion is complete, the library can be imported, and the library can be supported by the software.

Compilation Error
Problem Description
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3/16/22, 10:57 PM Solutions to common errors and warnings in Cadence Virtuoso IC617 - Programmer Sought

When extracting layout parameters (PEX), the following error will be reported. Compilation Error : Error while
compiling rules file.

This is because when the manufacturers make the craft library, the address placed in their craft library is
inconsistent with the address placed by us. According to the error message, it can be seen that the address in
line 838 of the xrc file is wrong.

In fact, all three addresses are wrong, you can modify them according to your own file address. Pay special
attention to what the arrow points to. Some Linux systems have a user name folder under the home directory
before reaching the user file, so be sure to add it.

Final Results

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3/16/22, 10:57 PM Solutions to common errors and warnings in Cadence Virtuoso IC617 - Programmer Sought

Run the layout parameter extraction, you can see that it has been solved.

Fatal Error
Problem Description
When extracting layout parameters, click run PEX, and an error message will pop up. The error message is:
Calibre View generation encountered a fatal Error.

I have found many ways in the forum, including:

1. Add in environment variables: MGC_FDI_OA_VERSION=22.50

2. Set shared folder: LD_LIBRARY_PATH

3. Replace the latest version of Calibre

However, I don't feel like the problem is where I'm going wrong as I don't have any errors in my calview.log file.

Eventually I found a way to add another class of environment variables. Open the console on the desktop and
enter the following code:

1 sudo gedit /etc/profile

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3/16/22, 10:57 PM Solutions to common errors and warnings in Cadence Virtuoso IC617 - Programmer Sought

After entering the password, the interface for adding environment variables is opened.

Add the following environment variables and save.


Just restart the virtual machine.

Final Results
The layout parameters can be extracted normally.

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Licensing ErrorError

Problem Description


Final Results

The built-in craft library disappears error

Problem Description


Final Results


Problem Description


Final Results

Compilation Error
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