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Original Article

Proc IMechE Part D:

J Automobile Engineering
227(11) 1491–1502
On the near wake of a Formula One Ó IMechE 2013
Reprints and permissions:
front wheel
DOI: 10.1177/0954407013491903

Robin D Knowles, Alistair J Saddington and Kevin Knowles

Velocity measurements were made in the near wake of the front wheel of a Formula One car using a laser Doppler
anemometer. Tests were carried out on a 50% scale in a closed-return three-quarter open-jet wind tunnel. Three config-
urations were investigated to determine the effect of both the car and an external wheel support strut on the wheel
wake. In each of the configurations the test Reynolds number, based on the wheel diameter, was 6.8 3 105. Three com-
ponents of the velocity were measured at two planes less than than 1.0 D (where D is the wheel diameter) downstream
of the wheel axis. These data were used to visualise the extent of the wake, the flow structures present and also the
streamwise turbulence intensity. The presence of the car was found to alter significantly the structure of the wheel wake
when compared with an isolated wheel. In addition, the external support strut was found to have less impact in the pres-
ence of the car than previous isolated wheel studies have suggested. No previous such studies appear to have been pub-
lished in the open literature.

Laser Doppler anemometry, Formula One, wheel wake

Date received: 20 September 2012; accepted: 1 May 2013

Introduction road–vehicle aerodynamic development, a stationary

wheel could provide a sufficient proxy for the real-life
There is an increasing amount of literature detailing rotating alternative.
experimental measurement of the wake of isolated Probably the most comprehensive early experimen-
wheels, particularly with application to single-seat race tal studies on isolated wheel wakes were those by
car aerodynamics. This has been augmented recently Fackrell4 and Fackrell and Harvey5,6 which gathered
by several computational studies that have exploited surface pressure and wake pressure data for both a sta-
advances in computational methods and the general tionary wheel and a rotating wheel (with moving
reduction in the cost of computing to verify high- ground). In addition, the work also demonstrated the
fidelity computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models sensitivity of wheel flow fields to the tyre shoulder geo-
against this difficult multi-faceted flow problem. metry, albeit performed on a non-deformable tyre. Of
Early experimental work suffered from the lack of particular significance was the theoretical proposition
availability of rolling roads and consequently devel- that the convergence of moving surfaces (rotating
oped novel solutions to allow rotating wheels with sta- wheel and moving ground) upstream of the tyre contact
tic ground planes. Morelli1 overcame some of the patch would generate significant viscous action and
problems by allowing the rotating wheel to protrude eject a jet from this region. The proposition was made
through the ground plane, thereby ensuring that no to explain a significant pressure peak that was observed
physical contact was made. Stapleford and Carr2 and
Cogotti3 positioned a rotating wheel a small distance
from the ground and then sealed the resultant gap with Aeromechanical Systems Group, Cranfield University, Defence Academy
flexible low-friction materials. Comparison of the of the United Kingdom, Shrivenham, Swindon, Wiltshire, UK
results of these two methods confirmed that any small
gap between the wheel and the ground is sufficient to Corresponding author:
Alistair J Saddington Aeromechanical Systems Group, Cranfield
reverse the (now accepted) positive lift vector acting on University, Defence Academy of the United Kingdom Cranfield
the wheel. The lack of moving-ground wind tunnels University, Shrivenham, Swindon, Wiltshire SN6 8LA, UK.
at that time drove work to establish whether, for Email:

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1492 Proc IMechE Part D: J Automobile Engineering 227(11)

in front of the contact patch, which was entirely absent insensitive to the direction of the streamwise velocity
from the stationary case. With these measurements, component. The wake was notably asymmetric, which
Fackrell4 was the first to demonstrate that both ground was attributed to ineffective boundary layer suppres-
motion and wheel rotation were essential for the inves- sion by a small moving ground that was approximately
tigation of isolated wheel flows. Several studies subse- the same size as the wheel.
quently confirmed that the same conditions were also Further studies of the wake of isolated race car
essential for correct full-vehicle simulation. These stud- wheels were reported by Knowles and co-workers,21–24
ies included research at Ford by Hackett et al.,7 at Mears and co-workers15–18 and Wäschle et al.9
Imperial College, London by Bearman et al.8 and at Knowles and co-workers and Wäschle et al. used laser
General Motors by Mercker and Berneburg9 and Doppler anemometry (LDA), while Mears et al.15,16
Mercker et al.,10 all on road–car geometries. Later used particle image velocimetry (PIV), both sensitive to
work by Wildi11 and Mueller et al.12 at Porsche con- flow direction. All researchers measured asymmetric
firmed the significance of ground motion and wheel wake structures, particularly in the vertical plane per-
rotation on race car aerodynamics. pendicular to the streamwise direction, which featured
One area of experimental work looked to address combinations of trailing vortices, dependent on the test
the problem of wheel lift measurement, which is com- geometry and the measurement location. Recently
plicated by mechanical ground contact. Stapleford and Issakhanian at al.25 produced PIV measurements in the
Carr,2 Fackrell4 and Cogotti3 calculated the wheel force wake of a similar isolated race car wheel which con-
by measuring the surface pressure acting on the rotat- firmed the observations of the previous workers while
ing surface of the wheel and integrating it. Latterly also providing valuable validation data for their subse-
Hinson,13 Skea et al.14 and Mears and co-workers15–18 quent computational research.
all made measurements using the pressure integration Early CFD wheel simulations, such as those per-
method with higher-fidelity pressure measurement sys- formed by Skea et al.,26 Axon,27 Basara et al.,28
tems. Each investigator used a different wheel geome- Knowles23 and Mears et al.17 were predominantly
try; therefore quantitative comparison is impossible, steady-state finite-volume simulations using various
but their results do agree qualitatively. In particular, Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) codes and
Hinson and Mears and co-workers both identified a turbulence models. The various turbulence models and
significant negative pressure peak downstream of the numerical schemes all failed to predict accurately the
contact patch. This was proposed to be generated by main forces on the wheel. In the majority of cases this
the rapid divergence of the wheel and road surfaces, the was due to incorrect prediction of flow separation from
inverse of the action on the upstream side of the contact the tyre. In general, these investigations did not greatly
patch proposed by Fackrell.4 add to the information provided by the experimental
In recent years, the advent of steel-belt rolling-road literature. The lattice-Boltzman simulation carried out
systems has allowed direct measurement of wheel forces by Wäschle et al.19 improved the lift prediction but the
by load cells positioned beneath the belt, directly below drag forces were still in error, suggesting that the flow
the tyre contact patch, as used by Wäschle et al.19 field remained incorrect. More recently, the results of
While this is becoming increasingly common in auto- significantly higher-fidelity computational models than
motive development, the present authors are unaware those previously mentioned have been published.
of further published literature on this topic. The McManus and Zhang29 extended previous RANS
remaining experimental work has focused on providing work, presenting results from unsteady Reynolds-aver-
measurements of wheel wakes to determine the struc- aged Navier–Stokes (URANS) simulations of the
ture and interactions at work. experiments of Fackrell.4 The work clearly visualised
An in-depth wake survey was conducted by the flow features postulated by Fackrell from his
Nigbur,20 who measured three components of the velo- experimental data and also extended the wake sche-
city in the wake of a 50%-scale Formula One wheel matic diagram previously proposed by Knowles.23 As
using a hot-wire anemometer. Ten streamwise planes with the previous RANS-based computational studies,
were measured, with the data presented as time- the simulations struggled to predict the lift and drag
averaged contours of each component, plus contours of forces acting on the wheel.
the associated r.m.s. fluctuations. Analysis of the vorti- Axerio et al.30 and Axerio-Cilies et al.31 reported
cal structures in the wake was difficult as the spanwise simulations of the experimental work of Issakhanian
and vertical velocity components were presented indivi- et al.,25 comparing several turbulence modelling
dually, rather than as in-plane vectors. The streamwise approaches and found significantly improved predic-
data were somewhat more informative, confirming the tion of both the flow field and the vortex dynamics
distinctive wake profile identified by Fackrell4 (inverted using URANS (k–v shear stress transport) and large
T or ? in the vertical plane perpendicular to the eddy simulation. This work was, however, performed
streamwise direction). The data also exhibited regions on a stationary wheel, which is perhaps less computa-
with high r.m.s. values, particularly downstream of the tionally challenging, owing to the different predominant
support strut. No regions of reversed flow could be flow features. Force predictions were not compared
identified in the wake as the anemometer was with experimental values.

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Knowles et al. 1493


Seeding Boundary Layer Rolling

Generator Suction Road

X Wheel Assembly
and Support Sting Direction

X Turbulence
Reduction Screens

Figure 1. Schematic representation of the test configuration.

Aims and objectives suppression and wheel rotation. The wind-tunnel

ground boundary layer was removed by the application
The aim of this study was to outline the wake of a
of suction immediately upstream of the rolling road.
Formula One wheel in the presence of a Formula One
The level and distribution of the suction were optimised
car and to identify the main areas of difference between
during wind tunnel commissioning and, coupled with a
that and an isolated wheel. In addition, the study aimed
knife-edge transition to the belt, ensured a minimal belt
to illustrate the effect of an external support strut in
boundary layer. A vertical profile of total pressure
the presence of the car. The objective of the study was
(normalised to the tunnel centre-line value) is shown in
to generate three-dimensional mean velocity data in a
Figure 2 and reveals a small total pressure gradient,
region less than 1.0 D (where D is the wheel diameter)
which rose by approximately 0.7% as the belt was
downstream of the wheel axis, termed the near wake.
approached. The minimum recorded total pressure was
No previous such studies appear to have been pub-
99.76% of the freestream value, occurring 0.754 mm
lished in the open literature.
above the surface of the belt. The action of the aerody-
namic loads from both the wheel and, more signifi-
Experimental set-up cantly, the model car were counteracted by the
application of distributed suction to the underside of
The following description of the experimental set-up is the rolling-road belt. The temperatures of the air and
broken down into three main sections: the wind tunnel; rolling-road surface were held constant throughout
the test components; the anemometer. testing by active temperature control. Further details of
the wind tunnel, rolling road and calibration can be
found in the paper by Finnis et al.32
Wind tunnel
Cranfield University’s DS Houghton wind tunnel at
the Defence Academy of the United Kingdom in Test components
Shrivenham was used for all testing. It is a 2.74 m by All the components represented the state-of-the-art when
1.66 m closed-return three-quarter open-jet wind tunnel tested, having been employed in the development of
(Figure 1) equipped with a continuous-belt rolling-road Formula One cars from 2000 onwards. The following
system. The moving ground, synchronised with the tun- sections describe the wheel, the external support sting
nel freestream velocity, provided both boundary layer and the car model. Three combinations of these

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1494 Proc IMechE Part D: J Automobile Engineering 227(11)


400 50


z (mm)



100 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1

0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1
Normalised Total Pressure

Figure 2. Boundary layer profile at the wheel test location.

on the test configuration) and therefore remained sta-

tionary (non-rotating). The upright was produced using
stereolithographic sintering and featured an intricate
spoke pattern which allowed limited air passage.
The support sting featured a symmetrical aerofoil
cross-section (thickness-to-chord ratio of 0.39) which
(see Figure 1) was mounted beside the rolling road such
that the wheel position remained constant throughout
the test configurations. No additional vertical force was
applied to the wheel. Regular checks were performed
with a stroboscope and optical tachometer to confirm
that wheel vibration was minimal and that the rotational
speed of the wheel matched the belt and wind speed.
Figure 3. Formula One wheel assembly and support sting: 1,
wheel hub; 2, non-deformable tyre; 3, brake rotor; 4, suspension Formula One Car. Two of the three test configurations
upright; 5, wheel drag load cell; 6, load cell shroud; 7, support featured a fully detailed 50%-scale model Formula One
sting. car. The car was suspended from the tunnel overhead
support strut in close proximity to the road. The car
components were tested: wheel and sting; wheel, sting parameters (the ride height, the pitch angle, the front-
and car; wheel and car. Comparison of these three test wing configuration, etc.) were fixed for all the tests.
configurations allowed the effect of the car and the effect Only one wheel assembly was used, supported by either
of the external support sting to be separately evaluated. the sting or the car suspension depending on the test
configuration. The lack of the other three wheels was
Wheel and sting assembly. The 50%-scale Formula One assumed to have a negligible effect in this configuration,
front-wheel assembly is shown in enhanced detail in although this assumption was not experimentally veri-
Figure 3. The figure illustrates the hub spoke pattern fied. A photograph of the test configuration is shown in
and the shape of the non-deformable carbon-fibre tyre, Figure 4.
including the grooves on its surface. Flow through the
hub is restricted by the presence of the brake rotor and Laser Doppler anemometer. The laser Doppler anem-
the suspension upright. The brake rotor was mounted ometer used in this study was a Dantec FibreFlow sys-
on to the hub and rotated with it, the radial channels in tem operating in back-scatter mode. The system
the disc acting as a simple centrifugal pump. The sus- included a frequency shift on one of each of the beam
pension upright was mounted directly on to either the pairs (achieved by a Bragg cell) to allow determination
wheel support strut or the car suspension (depending of the flow direction as well as the magnitude.

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Knowles et al. 1495

Figure 4. Installed Formula One car model.

Ordinarily, this system would be operated in coinci-

dence mode, collecting three-component velocity data.
In this case, the tunnel layout required a probe focal
length greater than 2 m, and only one such lens was
available. The single f = 2.5 m probe could collect two
velocity components simultaneously; however, the
mean data were improved by collecting a single velocity
component per test and repeating each test three times
to gather u, v and w data. A shorter-focal-length probe
would have enabled simultaneous measurement of the
three velocity components but placed the probe body
in the wind-tunnel jet and effectively negated the non-
intrusive benefit of the LDA technique.
The signal-to-noise ratio of the probes operating in
back-scatter mode was found to be adversely affected Figure 5. Example measurement plane (0.34 m 3 0.34 m,
by the reflection of laser light from the test components. consisting of 613 data points).
In particular, the reflections from the light-coloured
barge board of the car affected approximately one the wheel diameter, of 6.8 3 105. Reynolds number
quarter of each measurement plane. It was not possible effects were not investigated in this study. The mean
to remove the reflections completely, but the applica- freestream turbulence intensity, without the test com-
tion of matt fluorescent-magenta tape to the car ponents, was 0.25%.
doubled the data rate and increased the signal-to-noise Figure 5 illustrates one of the measurement planes in
ratio. Fluorescent magenta was found to be more effec- the wake of the wheel. Each plane was 0.34 m 3 0.34 m
tive than conventional matt black or red as it actively and consisted of 613 data points, arranged in a y–z pla-
absorbed some laser light during fluorescence, reducing nar grid, perpendicular to the freestream. The spatial
the amount of light reflected at the incident wavelength. resolution of the measurement plane (20 mm and 10
Flow seeding was provided by a JEM Hot2000 fog mm in the spanwise direction and the vertical direction
generator positioned inside the wind tunnel duct (see respectively) was chosen to ensure that the measure-
Figure 1). The wake of the seeder was not detectable in ment volume at each point did not overlap that of other
the working section as it was dissipated following pas- points. Two measurement planes were extracted for
sage through a set of cascades, three turbulence- each test configuration, positioned 0.75 D and 1.0 D
reduction screens and the boundary-layer suction. The respectively downstream of the wheel axis.
seeder produced high-volume ambient-temperature The stochastic nature of LDA sampling meant that,
seeding which was continuously generated throughout in order to limit the time required to complete a mea-
all tests. An 85:15 water–ethylene–glycol mix was used surement plane, the maximum sampling time (20 s) and
to reduce the volatility of the seeding, which had a the maximum number of samples (5000) were held con-
mean particle size of 1.3 mm. stant for each data point. The data acquisition would
move to the next point on breach of either condition.
These conditions attempted to maximise the sample
Test procedure population while avoiding a potentially unlimited
All testing was carried out at a freestream velocity of acquisition time. A 5 s pause was inserted after each
30 m/s, which yielded a Reynolds number, based on probe movement to allow any probe vibration to decay.

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1496 Proc IMechE Part D: J Automobile Engineering 227(11)

Uncertainty analysis by Nobach.36 It was subsequently determined that, to a

95% confidence level, 30% of the measurement points
Wind and ground speed had an error of less than 1% with the remainder having
The freestream air velocity was maintained to within an error of less than 10%.
60.2% of the target wind speed by the wind tunnel con-
trol system, while the rolling-road belt speed was gov-
erned to within 60.07% of the same target.
Results and discussion
Data from two planes (0.75 D and 1.0 D downstream of
the wheel axis) are presented for three configurations,
Positional uncertainty
labelled in the figures as follows: F1 Wheel –
The passage of a particle through any part of the LDA Aluminium Sting; F1 Wheel & Car – Aluminium Sting;
measurement volume would trigger a velocity measure- F1 Wheel & Car – No Sting. Comparison of the first
ment and as such the exact location of any measure- two gives an indication of the effect of the car on the
ment is unknown. The physical extents of the wheel wake while comparison of the latter two gives an
measurement volume were known and therefore the indication of the effect of the support sting in the pres-
maximum positional error was one half of the volume’s ence of the car. The effect of the car on the wheel wake
dimensions, 64.1 mm stream wise, 65.5 mm spanwise will no doubt be dependent on the particular car con-
and 61.5 mm vertically. figuration, the front wing span, the downforce level,
etc., and likewise the effect of the sting has been shown
to be dependent on its particular geometry.23
Seeding response
The response of a seeding particle to flow accelerations
was analysed to provide an estimate of the ability of the Streamwise velocity contours
particles to track the flow accurately. The analysis was The contours of the streamwise velocity (Figure 6)
based on the method described by Dring33 and involved effectively outline the shape and extent of the velocity
calculation of the seeding Stokes number. Dring deter- deficit in the wake of the wheel. Comparison of the
mined experimentally that, for low Stokes numbers (less structures of these wakes clearly shows that the car has
than 0.01), the maximum velocity error is equal to the a marked impact on the wake structure. First, the cen-
seeding Stokes number. The Stokes number (and there- tral portion of the wake, above the wheel-axle height,
fore the maximum velocity error in this case) was esti- has changed significantly in the presence of the car.
mated as 6.4 310–4 m/s. While this section of the wake was contained within the
projected profile of the tyre for the isolated wheel wake,
the presence of the car increased the overall height of
Velocity bias the wake by approximately one third and increased the
Continuous sampling meant that individual LDA mea- width to approximately that of the tyre. The increase in
surements were triggered by the transit of any particle height suggests that the point at which flow separates
through the measurement volume and introduced a from the tyre surface moved upstream in the presence
velocity bias. It follows that a higher velocity would of the car. The increased width suggests that the two
lead to more observations than a lower velocity, biasing upper vortex structures, which reduce the width of the
the raw mean of a set of observations to be higher than wake by entraining freestream air and are prevalent in
the true mean velocity at that location. The transit time the literature for isolated wheels, may not be present in
t of each particle through the measurement volume was the wheel-and-car configurations.
also recorded for each measurement and its inverse pro- Second, the distribution of the reversed flow regions
vided a convenient weighting to produce an unbiased (delineated by the dashed curves) are also significantly
estimate of the mean at each location. This method of affected by the presence of the car. The higher central
bias correction was originally proposed by Buchave position of the main reversed flow region may suggest
et al.34 that the entrainment of flow into this region, usually
provided by the upper vortices, was replaced by a
strong recirculation with an approximately vertical axis
Sampling error and almost entirely contained within the projected
LDA measurement is a stochastic process and therefore profile of the wheel. This containment within the
the collection of statistically independent samples is dif- profile may somewhat explain the lack of advection of
ficult. As previously mentioned, the sampling rate is the reversed flow regions in the presence of the car
partly determined by the local flow conditions and thus which are no longer present by 1.0 D downstream.
varied with the measurement location. It follows, there- Comparison of the two configurations that feature the
fore, that the uncertainty also varied with the location. car suggest that the external support strut has little
The uncertainty was estimated with the method used by effect in terms of the overall wake shape, except for
Benedict and Gould,35 based on the integral timescale slight changes in the magnitude and the distribution of
ti, which was in turn estimated using a method outlined the reversed flow regions.

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Knowles et al. 1497

F1 Wheel – Aluminium Sting – 75% Plane F1 Wheel – Aluminium Sting – 100% Plane

1 1

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
-0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4
y/D y/D

F1 Wheel & Car Aluminium Sting 75% Plane F1 Wheel & Car Aluminium Sting 100% Plane u / u∞
1 1
0.8 0.8 0.80
0.6 0.6


0.4 0.4 0.30
0.2 0.2
0 0 -0.20
-0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4
y/D y/D -0.30

F1 Wheel & Car – No Sting – 75% Plane F1 Wheel & Car – No Sting – 100% Plane

1 1

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6


0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
-0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4
y/D y/D

Figure 6. Contours of the mean u velocity for x/D = 0.75 and 1.0 at three test configurations (reversed flow regions bounded by
dashed curves).

In-plane velocity data which improves visualisation of the wake structures

The in-plane velocity data are both presented as vectors (Figure 8). The output of the LIC technique is similar
to give comparison of the magnitudes (Figure 7) and to an oil-flow image, producing a monochrome
also using the line-integral convolution (LIC) technique constant-length streamline plot of very high density.

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1498 Proc IMechE Part D: J Automobile Engineering 227(11)

F1 Wheel Aluminium Sting 75% Plane F1 Wheel Aluminium Sting 100% Plane

1 1

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
-0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4
y/D 1
y/D 1

F1 Wheel & Car Aluminium Sting 75% Plane F1 Wheel & Car Aluminium Sting 100% Plane

1 1

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
-0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4
y/D 1
y/D 1

F1 Wheel & Car No Sting 75% Plane F1 Wheel & Car No Sting 100% Plane

1 1

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6


0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
-0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4
y/D 1
y/D 1

Figure 7. In-plane (v–w) velocity vectors.

Streamlines are traced from all points in a velocity field information on the LIC implementation used for this
and often reveal structures which are not immediately work can be found in an earlier paper by the present
apparent in conventional velocity vector plots. The authors and a co-worker.37
LIC plots are best interpreted in conjunction with the The in-plane velocity data for the isolated wheel
velocity vector plots as the LIC plots contain no velo- clearly show the two trailing vortices that have been
city magnitude or directional information. More observed in the wake of isolated wheels since the early

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Knowles et al. 1499

F1 Wheel Aluminium Sting 75% Plane F1 Wheel Aluminium Sting 100% Plane

1 1

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
-0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4
y/D y/D

F1 Wheel & Car Aluminium Sting 75% Plane F1 Wheel & Car Aluminium Sting 100% Plane

1 1

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6


0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
-0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4
y/D y/D

F1 Wheel & Car No Sting 75% Plane F1 Wheel & Car No Sting 100% Plane

1 1

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6


0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
-0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4
y/D y/D

Figure 8. In-plane (v–w) velocity data presented using LIC.

work of Fackrell.4 However, in the presence of the car reversed flow rather than downwards in the isolated
there are very few coherent wake structures. case. It was proposed earlier that this was due to the
The strong central downwash region has been lack of vortices to entrain flow into this region. The
replaced by in-wash which, as revealed by the velocity velocity vectors do not feature the large trailing vortices
contours, turns towards the wheel to generate the associated with isolated wheels. There exists a single,

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1500 Proc IMechE Part D: J Automobile Engineering 227(11)

F1 Wheel Aluminium Sting 75% Plane F1 Wheel Aluminium Sting 100% Plane

1 1

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
-0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4
y/D y/D

F1 Wheel & Car Aluminium Sting 75% Plane F1 Wheel & Car Aluminium Sting 100% Plane
1 1 28.0
0.8 0.8 22.0
0.6 0.6 16.0


0.4 0.4 10.0
0.2 0.2
0 0
-0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4
y/D y/D

F1 Wheel & Car No Sting 75% Plane F1 Wheel & Car No Sting 100% Plane

1 1

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6


0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
-0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4
y/D y/D

Figure 9. Contours of streamwise turbulence intensity for x/D = 0.75 and 1.0 at three test configurations.
TI: turbulence intensity.

relatively small trailing vortex on the inboard side of not generated by the wheel itself. The work of van den
the wheel. Both Knowles23 and, more recently, Axerio- Berg38 on wing–wheel interaction suggests that the
Cilies et al.31 observed that the centre of the isolated- structure has the correct sense and is on the likely track
wheel vortices tended to remain within the projected of the front-wing end-plate vortex.
profile of the wheel. Therefore, as this vortex has its The lack of coherent structures in the wheel wake
origin outside the wheel profile, it may suggest that it is when the car is present makes it difficult to assess the

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Knowles et al. 1501

impact of the support strut. However, as with the previ- Overall, the present study has shown that isolated
ous velocity contours, the sting appears to have had lit- wheel flows are not generally representative of on-car
tle quantifiable effect in the presence of the car. conditions; there is a significant difference between the
wake structures of the two cases. Furthermore, in the
presence of a car body, an external wheel support strut
Streamwise turbulence intensity does not change the wheel wake flow as dramatically as
Comparison of the contours of streamwise turbulence in the isolated case; the car body appears to have a
intensity (Figure 9) reveals similar differences to those stronger interference effect.
outlined for the velocity contours. One item of note,
however, is the effect of the support sting on the Acknowledgement
regions of high (greater than 30%) turbulence intensity.
The loan of wind tunnel model components from
Without the support sting the 0.75D plane has a signifi-
Jaguar Racing is gratefully acknowledged.
cantly larger region of high turbulence intensity which
increased diffusion and mixing such that by the next
plane this configuration had much lower turbulence Funding
intensity than the others measured. Fackrell4 observed This work was supported by an Engineering and
regions of high turbulence intensity in the wake of the Physical Sciences Research Council CASE award
support strut; this is not evident from the measure- (EPSRC CASE 00318941).
ments presented here.
Declaration of conflict of interest
Conclusions The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
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