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Summary Rubric

Criteria 100-79% 78-57% 57-36% 35%-0

Main Idea Clear main idea in the first Main idea in the first Main idea is unclear — not The main idea is not present in
sentence. Summary acknowledges sentence. However, needs to specifically stated in the the first sentence of the writing.
20% the author and the source. be clearer and more specific. writing. No No acknowledgement.
Acknowledges the author or acknowledgement of the
the source. author and source.
Supporting Clearly states all important points States 2 or more important States at least 2 important Contains only some main
Details using own words or statements (but not all) points with points. Demonstrates little points. Includes unnecessary
without personal opinion. Main some paraphrasing of paraphrasing, may include information. Does not
ideas are powerfully paraphrased. information. Generally, main personal opinion. Substantial demonstrate any paraphrasing,
No unnecessary details. ideas are successfully copying of main idea. Too exact copying from the original
20% paraphrased though some many details are included. text without proper citation.
parts contain partial
paraphrasing. Some
unnecessary details are
Conclusion Author restates the main idea Restated main idea doesn’t Restated main idea is not in Missing a concluding sentence
again as a conclusion without differ much from the first this piece of writing or is the with the restated main idea.
20% writing it the same as in the first sentence. exact copy of the first
sentence. sentence.

Organization Ideas are in a logical order and Generally, ideas are in Ideas are in a random order Ideas are not in logical order.
20% connected to make the writing logical order. Uses reporting and not logical. Insufficient No reporting verbs are used.
flow smoothly. Strong and verbs adequately, though use of reporting verbs.
sufficient use of reporting verbs or with some repetition. Some Transition between ideas is No transition.
reminding phrases. Effective parts have weak transition. not smooth.
transition between ideas.
Summary Rubric
Mechanics& Contains few, if any spelling or Contains several errors in Contains many errors in Contains many errors in
Grammar grammatical errors. Style is punctuation, spelling or punctuation, spelling and/or punctuation, spelling and/or
appropriate for academic writing. grammar that do not grammar that interferes with grammar that make the piece
20% There is no redundancy or interfere with meaning. meaning. The summary is illegible. Sentences are choppy
repetition. Vocabulary is effective However, there is some too long/short. Serious style or awkward. Style is not
and appropriate for academic redundancy. Vocabulary is problems, such as academic. Summary is not
writing. The length of the generally appropriate for redundancy, informality, completed. No citation and
summary is 20/25% of the original academic writing. The length vagueness and impreciseness improper formatting.
text. The paper has correct citation of the summary is 30-40% of exist in the paper. Improper
and formatting. the original text. There is citation and formatting.
minor problem with citation
and formatting.
Calculation 20/20 = 100%

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