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Translation of words

Kapitel 5

Number German English

1. Erfahrung f experience
(to come to a knowledge of something
by living through)
2. Strategien f strategy
3. tip, hint
Tipp (something that you say or do that
shows what you think or want, usually
in a way that is not direct)
4. Vorgang m operation, process
5. Lerntypen f learning type
6. lebenslang lifelong
(lasting for the whole of a person's life)
7. performance appraisal
(the systematic evaluation of the
Leistungsbeurteilung f performance of employees and to
understand the abilities of a person for
further growth and development)
8. A1 motivieren 1) to motivate
2) to justify
9. demotivieren to demotivate
10. A2 erstellen to create
11. Sprachlerner-Knigge f language learning etiquette
12. Lerntipps überein based on learning tips
13. Aussagef statement
(a definite or clear expression of
something in speech or writing)
14. anhand with
15. komplette Sätze complete sentence
16. fehlerhaft by mistaken, by fault, incorrectly
(accidentally; in error)
17. sprachbegabt linguistically gifted
18. behaupten to claim, to assert, to approve, to state,
to validate
19. A3 beurteilen to discuss, to judge, to evaluate
20. A4 landen to land
(to come down through the air and rest
on the ground or another surface)
21. Gedächtnis n memory
22. Langzeitgedächtnis n long-term memory
23. Kurzzeitgedächtnis n short-term memory
24. Gehirn n brain, mind
25. Speicher m storage
26. speichern to save
27. A5 endgültig finally
28. kreisen to circle, to circulate

(move all the way around (someone or
something), especially more than once)
29. Ultrakurzzeitgedächtnis n ultra-short-term memory
30. to disappear
verschwinden (o go to a place or into a condition
where the person or thing cannot be
31. to acquire (buy or obtain an asset or
gelangen object for oneself)
to attain (succeed in achieving
something that one has worked for)
32. Speichertaste f save button
33. Datei f file
34. Festplatte f Hard drive
35. aufnehmen to take, to receive
36. Zeitabstand m time interval, period
37. andernfalls otherwise
(in circumstances different from those
present or considered; or else)
38. to sink (in water)
versinken (to go down below the surface of
something, especially of a liquid;
become submerged)
39. Weise f way, method, technique
40. gewisse Zeit f certain time
41. Vernetzung f to network
(to connect as or operate with a
42. allgemeine Empfehlung f general recommendation/advice
(to say that (someone or something) is
good and deserves to be chosen)
43. herausfinden to find out
(to learn by study, observation, or
44. hilfreich helpful, useful, advisable
45. visuelle Typ visual type
46. einprägen to impress
(to affect strongly, often favorably)
47. haptic learner
(the use of technology that stimulates
the senses of touch and motion,
haptische Lerner m especially to reproduce in remote
operation or computer simulation the
sensations that would be felt by a user
interacting directly with physical
48. auditive Typ auditory type, example
49. herangehen to approach
to fit

50. kognitiver Lerntyp m cognitive learning type
51. imitativer Typ imitative type
52. Nachsprechen n repetition
(the action of repeating something that
has already been said or written)
53. Sprachabenteuer m language adventure
54. Anweisung f instruction, direction
(something that someone tells you to
55. A6 überleben to survive
(continue to live or exist, especially in
spite of danger or hardship)
56. A7 Lerntyp m learning type
57. Definition f definition
(a statement of the exact meaning of a
word, especially in a dictionary)
58. Vernetzung f networking
59. A8 Wörternetz m word network
60. einprägen to impress
(to make someone feel admiration and
61. nachschlagen to look up
(an act, process, or instance of looking
something up)
62. beherrschen to control
63. sprachbegabt sein being linguistically gifted
64. A10 sonst otherwise, or else
65. Zeitabstand m time interval
66. versinken to sink
67. Konditionalangabe f conditional word specification
68. Folge f result, consequence
69. finite verb
finiter Verb (act as the root of an independent
clause, or a full sentence)
70. andernfalls otherwise, else, alternatively
71. A11 Konzeption f conception
(in a conscious act of the
understanding, bringing any given
object or impression into the same
class with any number of other objects
or impression)
72. Zielpublikum n target audience
73. Senioren f seniors
74. präsentieren to make a presentation, to present
75. A12 betreuen to be in charge of, to look after
(having control of or responsibility for
76. übernehmen to accept, to take, to receive
77. Geheimtipp m insider tip/sample

(helpful tip)
78. Einleitung f introduction
79. A14 Unterrichtskonzept f teaching concept
80. Spitzenshotel n top hotel
81. vorbeikommen to pass, to come around
82. überraschen to surprise, to astonish
(to amaze or impress someone greatly)
83. naturwissenschaftliches natural science
84. Fach n subject
85. Rahmen m scope, measure, frame
(the extent of the area or subject matter
that something deals with or to which it
is relevant)
86. Fortgeschrittene m advanced (in language)
87. Führungskraft m executive, manager
88. Mitarbeiterführung f leadership
89. Kommunikationsstrategien f communication strategy
90. Körpersprache f body language
91. Leistungsbewertuug f performance evaluation
92. Umgang m handling
(manual (or mechanical) carrying or
moving or delivering or working with
93. vorhaben to plan, to intend
94. asiatische Asian
95. Entspannungstechnik m relaxation technique
96. erlernen to learn
97. A15 Finalangabe f final statement
98. beeindruckt sein to be impressed
99. sich entspannen to relax, to calm
100. Straßenschild n road sign, street sign
101. A16 anfragen to ask, to inquire
(ask for information from someone)
102. A17 nimmermehr never again, nevermore
103. Fortschritt m progress
(the process of changing or developing
towards an improved situation or
104. Herausforderung f call, challenge
105. competence
Kompetenz f (the legal authority of a court or other
body to deal with a particular matter)
106. aufhören to stop, to cease
(come or bring to an end)
107. durchsetzen to implement, to realize, to proceed
(to cause something to happen)
108. ständig always, all the time, constantly
109. weiterbilden to improve qualification
110. dazulernen to learn (intentionally)

111. übernehmen to take over, to accept, to receive
112. A18 Weiterbildung f further education
113. anhand with
114. motivieren to motivate
115. to exchange
austauschen (an act of giving one thing and
receiving another (especially of the
same kind) in return)
116. A19 erarbeiten to make, to work out, to produce
117. Inhalt m content
(things represented or suggested in
something written or created or the
ideas it communicates)
118. trainieren to train
119. Geschäftsleben n business life
120. Amtn Office
121. verleihen to lend
(to give something to someone for a
short period of time, expecting it to be
given back)
122. A20 ausüben to exercise, to exert
(to use something such as authority,
power, influence, etc. in order to make
something happen)
123. Abschluss m 1) completion, ending, conclusion
2) graduation
124. beantragen to apply for
125. Urlaubsantrag m to request for vacation
126. Regierung f government
127. Maßnahme f measure, arrangement action, step
(to assess the importance, effect, or
value of something)
128. ergreifen to seize, to grip, to grab, to grasp
(take hold of suddenly and forcibly)
129. Hilfe leisten to provide assistance
130. Hoffnung f hope
(a feeling of expectation and desire for
a particular thing to happen)
131. A21 erfinden to invent
(to create or design (something that has
not existed before); be the originator
132. Überschrift m heading
(a title at the head of a page or section
of a book)
133. erhöhen to increase, to raise, to enhance
(become or make greater in size,
amount, or degree)
134. Intelligenzquotienten f Intelligence Quotient (IQ)

(a number representing a person's
reasoning ability (measured using
problem-solving tests) as compared to
the statistical norm or average for their
age, taken as 100)
134. Hightech - Verfahren high-tech process
135. beweisen to prove
(to demonstrate the truth or existence
of (something) by evidence or
136. komplette Struktur f complete structure
137. Speicherkapazität f storage capacity
138. Zuhörer m listener
139. Steigerung f increase
(a rise in the size, amount, or degree of
140. Leistungsfähigkeit f power, capacity, capability
141. regen to move
142. Höchstleistung f high/maximum performance
143. Lesezyklen read cycle
144. Grundmuster m basic pattern
(he very foundation upon which pattern
making, fit and design are based)
145. überraschend surprising
146. Einfluss m influence, impact, effect
147. Entspannungsmusik f relaxing/relaxation music
148. nachweisen to prove, to verify
(to demonstrate the truth or existence
of (something) by evidence or
149. wirken to have an effect
150. mobilisieren to mobilize
(to organize and encourage a group of
people to take collective action in
pursuit of a particular objective)
151. Gehirnleistung f brain power
152. herausfinden to find out
153. entspannend relaxing
154. anregend stimulating
(encouraging or arousing interest or
155. Einnehmen n taking
156. Denkvermögen n intellect, thinking skill
157. Ursache f cause, reason
(a person or thing that gives rise to an
action, phenomenon, or condition)
158. vermuten to suspect, to assume, to guess, to
(have an idea or impression of the

existence, presence, or truth of
(something) without certain proof)
159. Kopfbereich m head area
160. durchbluten to bleed through
161. anregen to stimulate, to encourage
162. vollkommen completely
(totally, utterly)
163. Wortvorgabe f given word limit
164. erzielen to achieve, to accomplish
(to obtain (as a goal) through effort)
165. Auswirkung f impact
(a marked effect or influence)
166. Leistung f productivity, output
167. Lieblingsband f favorite band/disc/channel
168. A23 schwänzen to skip, to truant
(e.g. class)
169. A24 Abschnitt m section
170. Nutz m use, benefit, advantage
(a helpful or good effect, or something
intended to help)
171. sächsisch Saxon
(a member of a people that inhabited
parts of central and northern Germany
from Roman times, many of whom
conquered and settled in much of
southern England in the 5th–6th
172. Hintergrund m background
173. Bewertung f rating
(a classification or ranking of someone
or something based on their quality,
standard, or performance)
174. Sitzordnung f seating arrangement
175. üblich usual, common, customary
(according to the customs or usual
practices associated with a particular
society, place, or set of circumstances)
176. aufrücken to be promoted, to move up
(to move higher in rank or position)
177. verschlechtern to make worse
(to make the situation even more
unpleasant or difficult)
178. entsprechen to match, to correspond
(to have a close similarity)
179. befriedigend Satisfying
(fulfilling the desires or needs of a
person; giving fulfilment or the
180. ausreichend sufficient

(enough; adequate)
181. mangelhaft deficient
(not having enough of a specified
quality or ingredient)
182. ungenügend insufficient
(not enough; inadequate)
183. Belohnung f reward
(a thing given in recognition of service,
effort, or achievement)
184. ergattern to get hold of
(to get possession of (something); to
succeed in getting something)
185. Berechtigung f permission
(the action of officially allowing
someone to do a particular thing;
consent or authorization)
186. einführen to enter, to input, to introduce
187. Notwendigkeit f necessity, essential
(something that you need, especially in
order to live)
188. Fachleute PI. professionals, experts, specialists
189. Vorgang m process, event
190. Leistungsdruck m pressure to perform (at work)
191. demotivieren to demotivate
192. peinlich embarrassing
(something that causes a feeling of
humiliation or that is awkward and
hard to deal with)
193. deutschlandweit throughout Germany
194. Aufsatz m essay
195. erstaunlich astonishing, surprising
(extremely surprising or impressive;
196. ergeben to yield, to result in
(produce or provide a natural,
agricultural, or industrial product)
197. frech naughty, cheeky, impudent,
(not showing respect for another
198. generell general
199. benoten to mark, to grade
200. brav sincere, glorious, honest, fair
(a person’s feelings, or behavior; not
pretending or lying)
201. A25 Faktor m factor
202. einführen to enter, to input, to introduce
203. Berechtigung f permission
204. A26 Fehlhandlung f wrongdoing

(illegal or dishonest behavior)
205. ausdrücken to express
(to talk or write about something that
you are thinking or feeling)
206. A27 rechen to rake
(a garden tool with a long handle and
pointed parts sticking out in a row at
the bottom, used for making earth level
or for gathering leaves or cut grass)
207. fassen to understand, to catch (something, e.g.
208. beurteilen to evaluate, to discuss, to judge
209. A29 Lebensweisheit f life wisdom
210. Angriff m attack
(an aggressive and violent act against a
person or place)
211. wehren to prevent, to ban
212. Lob n praise
(the expression of approval or
admiration for someone or something)
213. machtlos powerless
214. hinterher behind, afterwards
215. stimmen to tune, to go together
(to adjust or adapt (something) to a
particular purpose or situation)
216. hinweisen to indicate
(to point out; show)
217. vernünftig wise, reasonable
(having or showing the ability to make
good judgments, based on a deep
218. erziehen to educate, to train
(give intellectual, moral, and social
instruction to (someone), typically at a
school or university)
219. vereint united
(joined together politically, for a
common purpose, or by common
220. hinschauen to look
221. B1 Rechtschreibung f spelling, orthography
222. zufällig accidental
(happening by chance, unintentionally,
or unexpectedly)
223. nachschlagen to look up, to look through
(an act, process, or instance of looking
something up (as in a reference work or
224. B2 einheitlich standard, consistent

225. orientieren to orientate, to orient
(to aim something at someone or
something, or make something suitable
for a particular group of people)
226. Schreibweise f writing style
227. orthographisch orthographic
228. umfassen to comprise, to cover
(consist of; be made up of)
229. Nachschlagewerk n reference book
230. B3 erhalten to receive (message, document)
231. Bindestrich m hyphen
(the sign -, used to join words to
indicate that they have a combined
meaning or that they are linked in the
grammar of a sentence)
232. Bestelliste f order list
233. Geschirrreiniger m dishwashing detergent
234. Kleinschreibung f to write with lowercase
235. Sinn m sense, meaning
236. Höflichkeitsanrede f addressing with courtesy
(addressing with respect)
237. Pleite f bankruptcy
238. Vortrag m report, lecture
239. Volksbühne f folk scene
240. leidtun to regret, to be sorry
(feel sad or disappointed over
something that one has done or failed
to do)
241. schlussfolgern to conclude
(to arrive at a judgement or opinion by
242. Kartenverkauf m ticket sale
243. ewig Schlange eternal queue
244. Zeichensetzung f placement of sign pronouns
245. einleiten to initiate
(to cause a process or action to begin)
246. hinweisen to indicate
(to point out; show)
247. ankündigen to announce, to inform
248. betreuen to be in charge of, to look after
249. vornehmen to make one’s mind, to carry out, to
250. Regenbogen m rainbow
251. C1 umformen to convert
(to change the form, character, or
function of something)
252. einstellen to adjust, to set
(to put something in a particular place)
253. C3 umgehen to get along

254. C4 Tat f act, action, deed
(an action that is performed
intentionally or consciously)
255. Folge f result, consequence
256. Vitaminmangel m vitamin deficiency
257. sich bewegen to move
258. zunehmen to increase, to gain weight
259. Finalangabe f final statement
260. verwenden to use, to utilize
261. identisch identical
(similar in every detail; exactly alike)
262. C5 erweitern to enlarge
(to make larger in size)
263. sich wohlfühlen to feel good
264. Sitzung f meeting, session
265. C7 indogermanisch Indo-German, Indo-European
266. verhandeln to negotiate
(to discuss something formally in order
to make an agreement)
267. flirten to flirt
(to behave not seriously)
268. beantragen to apply for
(to make a formal application or
269. kritisieren to criticize
(to express disapproval of someone or
270. üben to exercise
271. vertreten to represent
(to speak, act, or be present officially
for another person or people)
272. Vorstand m Board of Directors
273. einsparen to save
(to keep and store up (something,
especially money) for future use)
274. Abschied n farewell
(an act of parting or of marking
someone's departure)
275. Opposition f opposition
(a group of opponents, especially in
sport, business, or politics)
276. Amtskollege m counterpart
(a person or thing that corresponds to
or has the same function as another
person or thing in a different place or
277. Antrag m application
(a formal request to be considered for a
position or to be allowed to do or have

something, submitted to an authority,
institution, or organization)
278. Steuererhöhung f tax increase
279. C11 Diebstahl m theft
(the action or crime of stealing)
280. Juweliergeschäft n jewelry store
281. es handelt sich um Akk. it is about
282. Fingerabdruck m fingerprint
(an impression or mark made on a
surface by a person's fingertip, able to
be used for identifying individuals
from the unique pattern of whorls and
lines on the fingertips)
283. Tatort m crime scene
284. D1 überprüfen to check, to verify, to recheck

285. D2 populärwissenschaftlich popular science

(an interpretation of science intended
for a general audience, rather than for
other scientists or students)
286. beteiligen to participate, to take part
(o take part, be or become actively


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