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using eacn expression in parentheses.

write a sentence
3 e cOme getting used to) LVingin a high-rise apartment building takes seme getting used te.
2. (mind their own
3. (a mixed
4. (look on the bright
5. (look outfor each
6. (mean well)
lot to offer)
7. (has a

of each behavior below. Write sentences, using adjectives from
Judge the appropriateness
own adjectives.
Student's Book page 52 or your
1. Using a hand-held phone
while driving: t'svnsafe to use a hand-held phonewhile driving._
call in a movie theater:
2. Taking a
3. Turning your cell phone off in class: .

4. Havinga loud, personal conversation on thetrain:.

5. Talking on the phone while shopping:

silent mode in a restaurant:
6. Turningyour phone to

7. Leaving your phone on during a flight:.

concerts, and art

events-such as plays, movies,
el-phone use at public cultural New York the
City. The penalty etc.violating
now against the law in The law was
exnibits-is from the theater, museum,
law is a fifty-dollar fine and removal
users during Broadway
reacted to cell-phone
in 2003 after two famous actors the audience
Passed to a member of
Kevin Spacey turned Laurence Fishburne
POrmances. In mid-performance, "Tell them you're busy."
answered a cell phone and said, of his
had member answered a phone
during one

as polite. When an audience

wdsn't @#?! phone oft!"*
performances, he yelled, "Turn your
ymbols such as @#?! are used to politely denote curse

Combine each pair of sentences, using apossessive gerund.

1. He
sleeps in class. What do you think about it?

Whatda yo think abeut his leepinginclas can't stand it.
Julie's ad Checks his text messages constantly. She

(continued on page 46)

Communities 45
call her Patty. She resents

3. Patricia's co-workers

tired of it.
all the time. I'm so

4. They complain

Our father objects to it.

5. We take
calls during dinner.

6. Ihum while I
work. Do you mind?

late so often. Mr. Yu objects to it.

7. You are

are correct. Correct the incorrect sentences

sentences that
check mark next to the
6 Write a

meal annoying
Rachel'stexting during the

2. Doyou mind Paul playing

music at night?
3.Jane chewing gum during the concert was
4. Sam talking backto his mother is disrespectful.

5. W e don't mind them arriving late.

6.Them smoking in the hallway is unacceptable.

7. Sally's not picking up after her dog is inexcusable.

8. Does my friend talking loudly bother you?


offer acceptable alternatives for each inappropriate behavior. Use either.

1.Littering Peopleshevld either throw their garbage in a held.en
Talking during a movie:
3. Playing loud music on a bus
4. Gossiping:
5. Eating in class:

8Rewrite each sentence, using o na f l i g h

neither nor and the antonym or tne

considerate on a

Listening to loud mus and getting in and out of your seat constantly a flg
entiderateen a

NETher litening te leud mvsic aer getting in and out ef yaur seatco discourteo

Leaving a cell phone and putting your feet up on the seat in

movie theater.
on iront
o t

46 UNIT 5
on acell phone
cell phone and
smoking while driving are
laughing while the teacher is
Talking orlaughing
talking is disrespectful.
Touching the and takina
art and
he art taking flach
5. photography in a
museum are
Read the pet peeves of visitors to a website.

Pet Peeves
Comment Share
Name: Sam
Lreally can't understand why people slow down
to stare at traffic
traffic jams, and it s dangerous. A driver who's accidents. It creates huge,
looking at an accident is not looking at the road in
him-and could cause another accident!
Like Reply 58 mins
Name: Karen
What gets to me is people who don't cover
their mouths when they
cough. It really bugs me when a serve
in a restaurant coughs, spreading germs all over
my food. Waiters and waitresses around the world,. please
wait until you leave the table to cough. If
you can't, at least cover your mouth.
Like Reply hr 42 mins

Ican't stand dog owners taking their dogs for walks and not cleaning up after them. If you won t take
responsibility for your dog s messes, then don't have a pet! Like Reply h r 27 mins

It really gets on my nerves when salespeople won't interrupt their personal conversations to help me, a

paying customer.gnoring customers is rude and bad for business. Like Reply Ihr 23 mins

Name: Isabella
I ride my bike a lot-to school, to work, basically wherever l need to go. The thing that ticks me off is
drivers who don't use their turn signals and who don't look behind them before they open their car doors.
They create a real danger for us cyclists. Like Reply

Number them
Now rate the pet peeves according to how annoying they are to you.
from 1 (most annoying) to 6 (least annoying).

drivers who slow down to stare at traffic accidents
servers who don't cover their mouths when they cough

dog owners who don't clean up after their dogs

don't interrupt their personal
conversations to help you
salespeople who
drivers who don't use their turn signals
drivers who don't look behind them
before they open their car

resents it.
. Patricia's co-workers call her Patty. She

tired of it.
4, They complain all the time. I'm so

. We take calls during dinner. Our father objects to it.

6. Ihum while I work. Do you mind?

7. You are late so often. Mr. Yu objects to it.

Write a check mark next to the sentences that are correct. Correct the incorrect senta.
6 ces.
.Rachel's texting during the meal was annoying
2. Do you mind Paul playing music at night?

3. Jane chewing gum during the concert was rude.

4. Sam talking backto his mother is disrespectful.

5. We don't mind them arriving late.

6. Them smoking in the hallwayis unacceptable.

7. Sally's not picking up after her dog is inexCusable.

8. Does my friend talking loudly bother you?

Offer acceptable alternatives for each inappropriate behavior. Useeither...or.

1.Littering: People shouldeither throw their garbagein atrashcanorhold ontoituntil they find on.
2. Talking during a movie:.
3. Playing loud music on a bus:

4. Gossiping:
5. Eating in class:

Rewrite each sentence, using neither...nor and the antonym ofthe adjective.
n a flight.
loud music and getting in and out of your seat constantly are inconsiderate o
1. Listening
Neither listening to loud and outof yourseat constantlyiscenideras us in a

2. Leaving a cell phone on and putting your feet up on the seat in front of you
are discour
movie theater.

hone and smokirng while driving

while the teacher is talking is disrespectful.

4 T a l k i n g

a r t and taking flash photography in a museum are inappropriate


of vvisitors to a website.
the pet

Pet Peeves Comment Share

Name: Sam
N an't understand why people slow down to stare at traffic accidents. It creates huge, unnecessary

ams. and it's dangerous. A driver who's looking at an accident is not looking at the road in front of
him-and could
cause another accident! Like Reply
Name: Karen
Ilt really bugs when a server
what gets to me
is people who don t COver their mouths when they cough. me

the world. please

restaurant coughs, spreading germs
all overmy food. Waiters and waitresses around
in a
the table to cough. It you can't, at least cover your mouth. Like Reply
wait until you leave

for walks and not cleaning up after them. If you won't take
i can't stand dog owners taking their dogs
responsibility for your dog's messes, then don't have a pet! Like Reply

Name:Will a
their personal c o n v e r s a t i o n s to help me.
my nerves when salespeople wont interrupt
It really gets on
business. Like Reply
customers is rude and bad for
paying customer. lgnoring

Name: Isabella ticks off is

go. The thing that me
work, basically wherever I need
lot-to school, to
I nide my bike a
behind them before they open
their car doors.
drivers who don't use their turn signals and who don't look
They create a real danger for us cyclists. Like Reply

to you. Number
pet peeves according
the annoying they to how

rom 1 (most annoying) to 6 (least annoying).
orivers who slow down to stare at traffic

Servers who don't covertheir mouths

when they cOugh

aog owners who don't clean up after their dogs

conversations to help you
aEspeople who don't interrupt their personal
drivers who don't use their turn signals
their car doors

don't look behind them before they

ErS Wh0
10 CHALLENGE Now read the pet peeves in Exercise 9 again. Write a sentence summarizind
each person's opinion. Use the paired conjunctions in parentheses. ing
1. Sam's opinion (not only.. . but also): Not only does slowingdownto stare at trof:.
ffic accidents
create huge, unnecessary trafficjams, butit's also dangerous.
2. Karen's opinion (either... or):

3. Amy's opinion (either.. . or):

4. Will's opinion (not only.. .but):.

5. Isabella's opinion (neither. . .


11 WHAT ABOUT YOU? What's your pet peeve? Post a message to the message board.
Use the messages in Exercise 9 as a

READING WARM-UP Think about a park, garden, or playground in
Who spends time there? What do people do there? Is it a safe place?your city or town.


What accounts for these improvements

reeners iafer Researchers aren't sure, but there are several
tactors at work. First, green areas give community
residents a space to gather outside, where they
that urban
green spaces,
beaassumed not only enjoy their surroundings, but also
l tused
n d gardens, ostered crimeby
parks and get to know each other, forming social ties
such as for criminalsto gather. However,
ding space Neighbors who have formed these ties are more
a p p e a r s to suggest that just the
p r o m

now hkely to look out for each other. When criminals
true. With concern mounting over
With con
see a neighborhood with well-cared-for public
the ironment, more and more cities aroun areas, they know that residents who live there
have been focusing on creating green
the worldhav are more likely to support and protect one
th grass, plants, and trees another, and, therefore, they tend to stay away

city limits. One possibly unexpected

has been a Second, studies have shown that spending time
these green spaces
result of the neighborhoods in nature, or even just being exposed to images
in crime in
reduction of the natural world, helps people relax and
to the green areas
directly adjacent reduces aggression. Less aggression results in
several large cities in the U.S. and less crime. It may be that simply having contact
Studies in significant
have shown with green makes would-be criminals less
other countries
crime in neighborh00ds where likely to commit crimes.
reductions in have
and abandoned industrial sites
vacant lots A in Some cities plan their green spaces while other
to green areas. project
been converted cities include a combination of professionally
turned 4,500 vacant
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, planned spaces along with areas that
where residents could gather and Crime has
lots into areas in allowed to plant as they choose.
outside. One result? Gun crimes
enjoy being around the green areas
been shown to be lower in both types of
the neighborhoods situations. Though lower crime is not by any
a study in
decreased significantly. Similarly, means the only benefit of urban green spaces,
found that low-income housing
Chicago, Illinois, appears to be yet
another reason for cities to
trees and plants
that was surrounded by include as much greenery as possible as they
50% lower crime rate
had an approximately continue to evolve.
than the same type of housing without greenery.

Now answer the questions.

think about green spaces in
1. What did people used to

spaces changed
in recent years
2. How have the beliefs about urban green

in their urban planning

cities including qreen spaces
why are more

4. Philadelphia.
What did researchers discover in
near urban green spaces?
for reduced crime
two possible
n g to the article, what are

6. listed in item
What is
y o u r opinion of the
your two reasons you

. Explain.
you agree that less equals less crime?
Communities 49
lot in your
How would
design the area as
ou desin.

that there is
Imagine the chart.
14 public green
include it?
Why would you

What would you

15 READING WARM-UP Check the community service activities that you or someone you
know has done.
plant flowers or trees collect signatures
pick up trash volunteer
mail letters make arrangements to donate your organs
make phone calls donate money
raise money other:
Now write sentences.

Example: Write
about two activities you or someone you know has done. Use
Notonly have I raised money, but I've also not only... Duta
1. Write about two activities you or
someone you know has done. Use
not only.. buta

2. Write about two activities you haven't done. Use

neither... nor.
3. Write about two activities you'd like to do. Use
either.. .

ING Readabou. hout the service organization started by husband and wife Bud Philbrook

Voluntee Vacations Volunteers are

leaders to work
invited by local community
on projects that community
members have identified as important. Not
Philbrook and Michele G n were
only do volunteers work side by side with local
Rud. Instead of
in 1979. 1
king a
cruise to the Caribbean, they people, but they also live in the community. In
most cases, no special skills are
week in a rural village required.
to Spend a Anyone who wants to be of service and to
Puatemala, w h e r e they helped raise
learn about other cultures can
igation system. volunteer. Global Volunteers
for home
m o n e y

to their
they working vacations are popular
When Minnesota, U.S., the
Paul, with people of all ages. There are
in St. wrote a story
young, single volunteers and
retired volunteers.
about their unusual

honeymoon. Soon, people

started contacting them, More recently, Global
they could plan
a Volunteers has started offering
asking P h i l b r o o k said, programs for families with
similar trip. need in
there was a children as young as five. Some
We knew around the Global Volunteers community

rural learning service opportunities include:

now we were
world, and
wanted to do this"
people helping to upgrade community
buildings in Tanzanian villages.
the couple founded Global1
in 1984,
Volunteers, a nonprofit
agency for
caring for infants with special needs
want to spend their vacation
people who in a Romanian hospital.
Now the organization sends
helping others.
each year to community
about 2,000 people tutoring orphaned and abandoned children
seventeen countries
development programs in in India.
on five continents.
These short-term volunteer
service projects focus on helping
children and teaching conversational English in
their families reach their full potential. or rural Cuba.

Now answer questions about the article.

1. Where did Bud Philbrook and Michele Gran go on their honeymoon?

2. What did they do?

in this way?
.Why do you think they decided to spend their honeymoon

4. What effect did their tory have on some people who read it?

in their trip?
. WhatD
di U d Philbrook and Michele Gran do as a result of people's interest

Communities 51
a volunteer
vacation? Answer th.
the questions
17WHAT ABOUT YOu? Would youconsider
volunteer vacation
would be
.In my opinion, a trouble than it's worth
c. more
a. a life-changing experience
d. kind of scary
b. an adventure

Explain your answer

with local families.
How comfortable would vou
Ou be
2. Some Global Volunteers live doing the same
thing? little uncomfortable
C. a
a. very comfortable
d. very uncomfortable
b. somewhat comfortable

Explain youranswer:.
3. At what stage in your life would you want to go on a volunteer vacation?.

C. married with a family

a. young and single
b. married without kids d. retired

Explain your answer:,

4. Which of the community services listed in the article would you want to do? Why?

5. Would you prefer to volunteer in a rural area or in a city? Why?

Rewrite each sentence, using the word in parentheses. Make verb changes as necessary.
1. John Coltrane was a great jazz musician, and so was Miles Davis. (too)
John Coltrane was a great jazz musician, and Miles Davis was, too.
2. The restaurant doesn't allow
smoking, and neither does the bar. (not either)

3. Her company has

adopted a casual dress code on Fridays, and his has, too. (so)

4. Shorts aren't appropriate in the office, and neither are jeans. (not
5. She was
annoyed by his behavior, and we were, too.
6. We've decided to volunteer, and so have they. (too)
7. Dave Clark doesn't like the
city, and we don't either.
8. We're not
going on vacation this summer, and
they're not either. (neither)
2 UNIT 5
B Complete diagram to compare two cities that you know. Consider things like
eather, population, natural setting, architecture, infrastructure, and tourist trac
Write similarities where the circles overlap and differences in the attractions.
areas that do not overlap.

City: Similarities
Now use the information from your diagram to write sentences about
ways in which
the two cities are similar. Use conjunctions with so, too, neither, and not either.



Use short responses with so, too, neither, or noteither to agree with the statements.
1. A: I don't really like the fast pace of life in the city.

2. A: I'm really annoyed by smoking in restaurants.

3. A: Itryto be courteous about using my cell phone.

4. A: I can't understand why people talk during movies.

5. A: I speak up when something bothers me.

6. A: I don't have time to get involved with my community.


I would consider donating my

7. A: organs.

WRITINGFormal letters: Review
e-mail to an
write an
behave. Decide whethe her
A REWRITING: generally
website. Think about how visitors toyour country visitors" behaviors
List the
negative impact.
each behavior has a positive or
outhink to change.
below. List how you would like some behaviors

about tourists'
l am writing to complain ringin our
country. Not only is it inconside but it also
detracts from the ability of everyone-tourists.and
that our
locals alike-to enjoy al country has to
Tourists come to our country trom all over the world
to enjoy our beaches, museums, and monument
I have noticed many of them throwing candy wran.
cigarette butts, and other things on the ground, rather
than in trash cans. It is rude for them to expect the
people who live here to clean up after them.
Iurge all tourists who visit our country to please be
considerate of your hosts and to clean up after
yourselves. That way we can all enjoy your visit.

Sasha Pilcher end

WRITING Use your notes to write an e-mail letter to an international tourism website.
B Remember to state how you feel about the behavior and, if appropriate, how you
would like behavior to change.

Did I use the proper salutation and closing?
Are the tone and language in my letter
appropriate for the intended reader?
Did I use regular spelling and punctuation and avoid abbreviations?

54 UNIT 5

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