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Sittie Omayyah B.

Grade 10 Justice
Health 2nd Summative exam

 Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003 it prohibits smokers to smoke in all public places as well as
private places in order to save our mother earth and it is very dangerous. Thus, it emphasizes
that that all public places or private places must have a public smoking area or an open place
to the smokers.
 Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs act of 2002 protects everyone from an illegal Drugs, it is also
a right to the citizens to protect themselves from it.
 National Environment Awareness and Education act of 2008 the main objective of this policy or
act is to put awareness to everyone that we must conserve our nature, our environment to the
one who destroy it.
 Consumer Act of the Philippines protect us from the sellers who put so much interest from
their product, damages in the product and the right of the costumer to voice out their right.
 Responsible Parenthood and reproductive Health guarantees universal access to methods of
contraception, family control, sexual education, and maternal care. Simply means that this act
will put punishment who are not responsible enough to take care of their actions.
 Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 this act puts a policy to prevent the hacking, sexual
harassment in the internet and stealing in the internet. It will put penalties who are doing that
 Anti-Child Pornography Act of 2009, protects every child in the nation from getting into it, it
will protect their moral, physical, social well-being and many more.
 Seatbelt use act of 1999, this act require mandatory to every passenger and Drivers must
wear seatbelts all the time also to the manufacturers of the vehicles must provide seatbelt in
every vehicle they will provide.
 Traditional and Alternative Medicine Act of 199, this act promote and support all traditional
and alternative medicine in the country made by our native people.

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