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Bioenerg. Res.

(2017) 10:1045–1056
DOI 10.1007/s12155-017-9864-1

Kinetic Study of the Acid Post-hydrolysis of Xylooligosaccharides

from Hydrothermal Pretreatment
P. Y. S. Nakasu 1,2 & M. F. Chagas 2 & A. C. Costa 1 & S. C. Rabelo 2

Published online: 12 August 2017

# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2017

Abstract Hydrothermal pretreatment of sugarcane bagasse is acids were more selective towards post-hydrolysis by having
a water-based and environment-friendly process that results in slower kinetics than sulfuric acid.
almost complete hemicellulose solubilization in oligomeric
form as xylooligossacharides (XOs). However, the soluble Keywords Kinetic study . Xylooligosaccharides . Xylose .
XOs cannot be utilized by microorganisms such as yeasts, Post-hydrolysis . Hydrothermal pretreatment
and therefore, a further break down is necessary to generate
pentose (C5) monomers that can be then biotransformed into
ethanol or other metabolites. The kinetics of XOs post-
hydrolysis with sulfuric, maleic, and oxalic acids (the latter Nomenclature
two being dicarboxylic acids) in a sugarcane bagasse C5 Pentose monomers (xylose or arabinose)
hemicellulosic hydrolysate was assessed in a bench-scale re- XOs Xylooligosaccharides or xylooligomers
actor (2 L). By means of a 22 full factorial design with center
point triplicate, acid mass loading and temperature were var-
ied from 0.5 and 2.0% and from 120 to 150 °C, respectively. Introduction
An irreversible first-order consecutive reaction model of the
hydrolysis of XOs in liquid medium was employed. Based on The global effort to make a greener and more sustainable
an Arrhenius-type equation, a kinetic parameter estimation industrial society has been focused on natural and renewable
was performed with genetic algorithms and the Runge-Kutta resources. Biomass utilization has been thoroughly studied in
methods. For the three acids, the calculated exponential fac- the past decades and marks this transition. Lignocellulosic
tors, A0n (n = 1, 2, and 3), ranged from 1012 to 1015 min−1; the biomass is ubiquitous and practically inexpensive when com-
dimensionless parameters, mn (n = 1, 2, and 3), ranged from pared to fossil-derived materials, but its composition is a rath-
0.86 to 1.97; and the activation energies ranged from 89 to er complex interaction among three macromolecules—lignin,
129.8 kJ·mol−1. The model—developed at microscale—cor- cellulose, and hemicelluloses [1]. In order to economically
rectly described the observed XOs, C5, and furfural post- explore such biomass, it is necessary to properly apply frac-
hydrolysis profiles in bench scale and proved the dicarboxylic tionation methods to ensure the production of high-quality
Second-generation ethanol production via hemicellulosic
* S. C. Rabelo pathway involves the deconstruction of the linkages or inter-
actions among hemicelluloses, lignin, and cellulose [2].
Pretreatment of biomass aims to make it more susceptible to
Faculdade de Engenharia Química, Universidade Estadual de
Campinas (UNICAMP), Caixa Postal 6066, Campinas, São
chemicals or enzyme attack. Once hemicelluloses are more
Paulo 13083-970, Brazil reactive towards chemicals and enzymes than cellulose or
Laboratório Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia do Bioetanol (CTBE),
lignin, the pretreatment conditions necessary to open up the
Rua Giuseppe Máximo Scolfaro, 10.000 - Polo II de Alta Tecnologia recalcitrant structure are usually severe enough to cause hemi-
- Caixa Postal 6192, Campinas, São Paulo 13083-970, Brazil celluloses degradation [3]. Hydrothermal pretreatment is a
1046 Bioenerg. Res. (2017) 10:1045–1056

water-based treatment that employs milder conditions and Such computational tools differed from past studies, as
provides less hemicellulose degradation [4]. In the case of most of them used Excel’s solver routine or simple linear
hemicelluloses from herbaceous plants, which are mainly regressions. A careful understanding of hemicelluloses
composed of arabinoxylan partially substituted by acetyl deconstruction from crude biomass to XOs in solution
groups [2], one major consequence of such pretreatment is and then down into monomers may provide a good insight
the formation of xylooligosaccharides (XOs). to improve C5 utilization.
Although XOs may present interesting properties and
could be used in the food and pharmaceutical industry, their
downstream processing is still an economic hurdle, because
Materials and Methods
their purification would require elaborate techniques such as
chromatography, adsorption, or membrane separation [5].
Furthermore, XOs cannot be directly metabolized by micro-
organisms, precluding as well their utilization for the produc-
Sugarcane bagasse was provided by Usina da Pedra (Serrana,
tion of biofuels in a biochemical platform. A post-hydrolysis
SP). Samples subjected to hydrothermal pretreatment were not
of the hemicellulosic hydrolysate breaks XOs down to the
comminuted; their average particle size—comprising more
monomeric level, which then can be converted into 2G etha-
than 80% in dry basis—is greater than 1.397 mm as non-
nol by proper microorganisms.
screened bagasse [15]. The chemical composition of the raw
Post-hydrolysis can be carried out either via acids or via
sugarcane bagasse in dry basis was cellulose, 41.38 ± 0.14%;
enzymes [5]. Both methods are quite efficient to break down
hemicelluloses, 27.84 ± 0.50%; lignin, 22.50 ± 0.43%; extrac-
hemicellulose oligomers. However, enzymatic post-
tives 4.01 ± 0.06%; and ashes, 5.62 ± 0.45%.
hydrolysis is less attractive for industrial utilization because
it is much slower than the acid, besides the fact that acids are
cheaper over enzyme cocktails production. The acid post-hy- Hydrothermal Pretreatment
drolysis, on the other hand, can be performed with inorganic
and organic acids. For hydrothermal pretreatment, around 15 kg of raw ba-
The sulfuric acid post-hydrolysis of lignocellulosic hydro- gasse with 50% w/w moisture content without previous
lysates from different biomasses was first employed by washing were fed to a 350-L alloy steel reactor (Pope
Saeman [6] to quantify cellulosic sugars in wood samples Scientific Inc, Saukville, USA), with 9% (w/w) solids
and then adapted by Mok and Antal [7] for hemicellulosic loading. A thermal fluid percolated through the jacket
hydrolysates. So far, there is only one report in the literature heating reactor that was continuously stirred at 150 rpm.
upon the post-hydrolysis of hemicellulosic hydrolysates from The conditions of the pretreatment were previously opti-
sugarcane bagasse for 2G ethanol production with sulfuric mized, 190 °C and 10 min of reaction time [16]. After
acid and enzymes [8]. completion of reaction, the reactor was water cooled,
The study of XOs post-hydrolysis with sulfuric, maleic, depressurized, and opened. The solid and liquid fractions
and oxalic acids (the latter two being organic dicarboxylic were separated by a nutsche filter (Pope Scientific Inc,
acids) in a sugarcane bagasse hemicellulosic hydrolysate Saukville, USA) with 140-L capacity. The solid fraction,
was carried out in a bench-scale reactor (2 L). Sulfuric mainly composed of cellulose and lignin, was stored in a
acid, a cheap and strong inorganic acid, was chosen for cold chamber until being subjected to enzymatic hydroly-
being widely used in acid hydrolysis studies [6–8]. The sis (data not shown). The liquid fraction, hemicellulosic
dicarboxylic acids were expected to show higher selectiv- hydrolysate, was concentrated four times in a wiped film
ity towards the post-hydrolysis, releasing more xylose evaporator (Pope Scientific Inc, Saukville, USA), with up
with less degradation into furfural [9, 10]. Rather than to 50 Kg·h-1 of water evaporation capacity at 80 °C and
just performing the post-hydrolysis in a scale larger than 470 mbar and stored in a cold container for further acid
other post-hydrolysis studies [10–13], we managed to fur- post-hydrolysis studies. The pretreatment mass yield,
ther detoxify and ferment the post-hydrolysates to show which is the weight of the remaining solid after pretreat-
the efficacy of such process [14].This study focuses on ment in dry basis, was 64.8 ± 1.07%. The chemical com-
the kinetic parameter estimation and model validation of position of the diluted and concentrated hemicellulosic
XOs acid hydrolysis aiming to selectively generate C5 hydrolysates is shown in Table 1. The total hemicellulose
monomers to be further converted into an added-value recovery is the total amount of hemicelluloses (pentose
bioproduct such as 2G ethanol. By using computational and XOs) present in the diluted hemicellulosic hydroly-
tools such as genetic algorithms coupled with the Runge- sate compared with the initial mass of hemicelluloses in
Kutta method, we show that a post-hydrolysis model de- the raw bagasse in a xylan/arabinan basis. The total hemi-
veloped at microscale is also consistent in bench scale. celluloses recovered were 65.0 ± 1.2%.
Bioenerg. Res. (2017) 10:1045–1056 1047

Table 1 Chemical composition

of the diluted and concentrated Concentration (g·L−1) Oligomers Inhibitors Concentration (g·L−1)
hemicellulosic hydrolysates percentage (%)
obtained from hydrothermal
pretreatment of sugarcane Diluted hemicellulosic hydrolysate
bagasse Xylose 12.71 ± 0.15 85.0 ± 1.85 Furfural 0.02 ± 0.002
Glucose 1.34 ± 0.05 86.3 ± 2.56 HMF 0.01 ± 0.003
Arabinose 1.73 ± 0.24 80.2 ± 1.41 Formic acid 0.1 ± 0.01
Total sugars (C5 + C6) 15.78 ± 0.29 76.3 ± 3.45 Acetic acid 0.1 ± 0.02
Concentrated hemicellulosic hydrolysate
Xylose 49.0 ± 0.84 77.2 ± 1.71 Furfural 0.03 ± 0.003
Glucose 7.8 ± 0.11 89.3 ± 1.41 HMF 0.2 ± 0.02
Arabinose 3.6 ± 0.06 76.3 ± 1.67 Formic acid 0.7 ± 0.01
Total sugars (C5 + C6) 60.40 ± 0.85 78.3 ± 1.41 Acetic acid 0.8 ± 0.02

Experimental Design 5 μm) was used in combination with a guard column

Micro-Guard Cation PC H Refill Cartridges (Bio-Rad
To study the acid post-hydrolysis with different acids (sulfuric, Laboratories, Hercules, USA). The mobile phase
oxalic and maleic), temperature—120 to 150 °C—and acid consisted of sulfuric acid 5 mmol·L−1 with a flow rate
loading—0.5 to 2% w/w (as % of the total hydrolysate of 0.6 mL·min−1. For the determination of furfural and
mass)—were investigated. The maximum duration of the assays HMF, a reversed-phase HPLC equipped with an Acclaim
was varied between 50 and 100 min depending on the severity 120 C18 column (150 mm × 4.6 mm, 3 μm) and a single-
of the condition. For each acid, seven assays were performed wavelength UV detector were employed. The mobile
following a 22 full factorial design with three central point rep- phase consisted of a mixture of water-acetonitrile 1:8 (v/
etitions at 135 °C and 1.25% w/w acid loading. It is noteworthy v) with 1% acetic acid (v/v) with a flow rate of 0.8 mL·
mentioning that experimental design was employed in order to min−1. A coelution between glucose and maleic acid was
provide a better coverage of temperature and acid loading observed when this acid was employed, but that did not
ranges. Xylose release and furfural production were considered interfere on the results of this work because xylose and
response variables. Sulfuric, oxalic, maleic acid, and all other arabinose (both pentoses) were our main monosaccha-
reagents and chemicals, unless otherwise noted, were purchased rides. Xylooligosaccharides (XOs) were determined ac-
from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA). cording to Mok and Antal (1992) [7] procedure with a
quantitative post-hydrolysis with sulfuric acid 4% (w/w)
Post-hydrolysis Assays at 120 °C for 1 hour. The XOs content was calculated as
the difference between the monosaccharide content mea-
Approximately 850 mL of the hemicellulosic hydrolysate were sured via HPLC before and after acid hydrolysis.
fed into a 2-L alloy steel reactor (Parr Instrument Company,
Moline, USA) and were heated by electrical resistance until
reaching the target reaction temperature. Stirring was kept Kinetic Modeling
constant at 200 rpm. Sulfuric, maleic, or oxalic acids were
added by an external hydraulic pump over 5 min. After the Kinetic Modeling of the Hydrolysis of Biomass
addition, hemicellulosic post-hydrolysate samples were period-
ically collected from the reactor through its dip tube. The reac- Unraveling reliable mechanisms for hydrolysis reactions is
tion was stopped by cooling the reactor with cold water. The not an easy task; the most common way occurs by applying
heating and cooling temperature ramps were not taken into ac- simplified models. When it comes to the kinetics of lignocel-
count in the reaction time because previous analyses have lulosic biomass hydrolysis, the proposed mechanisms in the
shown that they do not interfere on the hydrolysate composition. literature usually employ pseudo-homogeneous first-order re-
actions [17]. The first model used was proposed by Saeman
Sugars and Degradation Products Determination [6] for Douglas fir cellulose hydrolysis using sulfuric acid.
Despite simple, this model showed a satisfactory prediction
Monosaccharides and acetic acid in the hydrolysates were an- of experimental conditions and was widely used, including for
alyzed using a HPLC system 1260 Infinity (Agilent, Santa the hydrolysis of hemicelluloses fraction of biomass [18]. It
Clara, USA) equipped with a refractive index (RI) detector. can be then generalized for carbohydrate degradation accord-
The analytical Aminex HPX-87H column (300 mm × 7.8 mm, ing to the scheme in Fig. 1.
1048 Bioenerg. Res. (2017) 10:1045–1056

[10]. Hydrolysis follows a similar mechanism to that on

Fig.1, except that monomeric C5 is dehydrated into furfural
Fig. 1 A generalized carbohydrate degradation scheme under acidic
and then generates degradation products (D) (Fig. 2).
The kinetic parameters k1, k2, and k3 correspond to first-
In which, P stands for polymer, M for monomer, D for order reactions. An alternate model [18, 20], in which mono-
degradation products, k1 for the rate constant of monomer meric C5 directly generates D, was not considered for this
generation, and k2 for the rate constant of the decomposition study because it considers other xylose degradation products
reaction per minute. It should be addressed that each reaction that could not be measured by HPLC. Such hypotheses lead to
step is not elementary, i.e., each mentioned step consists of the following set of differential equations (Eqs 4–7):
several elementary steps. The scheme represented in Fig. 1can dXOs
be mathematically translated into a set of differential Eqs. 1–3: ¼ −k 1 ½XOs ð4Þ
dP dC5
¼ −k 1 ½P ð1Þ ¼ k 1 ½XOs−k 2 ½C5 ð5Þ
dt dt
dM dF
¼ k 1 ½P−k 2 ½M  ð2Þ ¼ k 2 ½C5−k 3 ½ F  ð6Þ
dt dt
dD dD
¼ k 2 ½M  ð3Þ ¼ k 3½ F  ð7Þ
dt dt

The differential equations may be solved either numerically This mechanism is one of the simplest approaches to de-
or analytically. An analytical solution is translated into a single scribe XOs hydrolysis under acidic medium with reliable
equation which predicts the concentrations of monomers as a quantitative results. Equations 5–6 were appropriately con-
function of reaction time; but it is very limited by not interacting verted to a C5 and F basis, respectively, by multiplication with
parameters nor taking statistical deviations into account. A nu- conversion factors. The XOs obtained during the post-
merical solution may also be found by using integration hydrolysis reaction present different degrees of polymeriza-
methods, such as the Runge-Kutta method, together with opti- tion (DP), and although their reaction rates may vary with their
mization algorithms to provide stronger estimates of the kinetic DP value [20], they may be considered as having an average
parameters (Newton-Rhapson, algorithms genetic, etc.). behavior of all XOs in solution [10, 11]. The concentration of
A two-stage model was later introduced by Kobayashi and the XOs is not easily measurable. The difficulty to directly
Sakai [19], in which hemicelluloses (pentosan) were categorized measure XOs concentration in the hemicellulosic hydrolysates
into two types based on reactivity towards acid hydrolysis— arises from their constitution: molecules such as xylose, arab-
fast- and slow-hydrolysis hemicelluloses. The biphasic model inose, glucuronic acid, and acetyl groups linked in a variety of
was consistent with the hemicellulose hydrolysis of several bio- ways [2]. The XOs chains may be either linear or branched,
masses [2, 9, 11]. The model, however, did not account for the highly or poorly substituted, making the purchasing of XOs
soluble XOs that are produced during the hydrolysis. Garrote standards for HPLC economically unfeasible. As mentioned
et al. [11] have taken XOs generation into account and further in BPost-hydrolysis Assays^ section, XOs content was deter-
upgraded the hemicellulose degradation mechanism. mined via a quantitative post-hydrolysis. The concentration of
D, believed to be humic substances, could not be directly
measured due mainly to their complexity, but, as they precip-
Kinetic Modeling of Xylooligosaccharides itate, their generation could be visually detected; their partic-
in Hemicellulosic Hydrolysates ipation in the overall reaction scheme was calculated from the
mass balances [11]. In order to overcome such problem of
In this study, a monophasic model based on the pseudo- quantification, two assumptions were proposed:
homogeneous model of irreversible first-order reaction of
Saeman [6] and Garrote et al. [11] was used, since both the 1. The dehydration of C5 monomers into furfural is slower
XOs derived from bagasse from sugarcane as well as sulfuric than the XOs hydrolysis. In fact, XOs hydrolysis involves
and dicarboxylic acids are water-soluble. As the hydrolysis only the hydrolysis of acetal bonds catalyzed by the hy-
reaction takes place in homogeneous liquid phase, mass trans- dronium ion, while C5 dehydration involves several more
fer limitations due to diffusion or adsorption to small particles steps, including an intramolecular cyclization [21].
can be neglected.
The hydrothermal pretreatment solubilizes up to 65% of
the arabinoxylan initially present in the bagasse, and it can Fig. 2 XOs degradation under acidic medium produces consecutively
be correlated to the amount of fast-hydrolysis arabinoxylan monomeric pentose (C5), furfural (F), and degradation products (D)
Bioenerg. Res. (2017) 10:1045–1056 1049

2. Following a consecutive first-order reaction mechanism, Kinetic Parameters Estimation

D generation is low while there are still XOs available to
be hydrolyzed. Therefore, degradation product generation The estimation of the three rate constants (kn with n = 1, 2, and
will be kinetically favored after XOs depletion. This is 3) was performed by minimizing the differences between ex-
imperative for drawing XOs profiles as a function of re- perimental and predicted data using a combination of the
action time. Runge-Kutta method to integrate the differential equations
and genetic algorithms with the software MATLAB (The
A mass balance (Eq. 8) shows that the total C5 content is MathWorks, Inc., Natick, Massachusetts, USA). Each con-
constant and depends on all post-hydrolysis’ generated prod- stant was estimated in terms of the three empirical parame-
ucts. The balance was calculated in a C5 basis, i.e., XOs, F, ters—A0n, mn, and Ean (with n = 1, 2, and 3)—according to Eq.
and D were converted into C5 by multiplication with conver- 10. The estimation was performed simultaneously with a total
sion factors: of nine parameters using all data points for each of the exper-
imental design of sulfuric, maleic, and oxalic acids.
½C5total  ¼ ½XOs þ ½C5 þ ½ F  þ ½D ð8Þ

According to assumption 2, [D] = 0 until the depletion of

Results and Discussion
XOs. By rearranging Eq. 8, it is possible to obtain XOs pro-
files, [XOs], throughout post-hydrolysis as a function of mo-
The estimation of the kinetic parameters by genetic algorithms
nomeric C5 and furfural (Eq. 9).
for each acid was summarized in Tables 2, 3, and 4, together
with kinetic data from four post-hydrolysis studies [10, 11, 13,
½XOs ¼ ½C5 total −½C5−½ F  ð9Þ
23] and pretreatment studies [16, 24–27]. Those pretreatment
studies were shown to understand the differences among pre-
treatment and post-hydrolysis processes such as heteroge-
The combined effects of temperature and catalyst
neous versus homogeneous medium or source biomass, sug-
(H+) loading over post-hydrolysis were taken into ac-
arcane, poplar, and birchwood.
count by the Arrhenius equation or expansion (Eq. 10)
that correlates temperature, acid loading, and the rate
constant [22]: Pre-exponential Factors

    The calculated exponential factors, A0n (n = 1, 2, and 3), were

−E a −E a
k ¼ A  exp ¼ Ao  C exp
ð10Þ shown in Table 2; they ranged from 1012 to 1015 min−1, which
are typical values for such carbohydrate reactions [28]. These
factors are related to the frequency of molecular collisions
where A is the pre-exponential factor, BC^ is the acid load- between the reactants according to the collision theory. By
ing in weight percent, Ea is the activation energy (kJ·mol−1), comparing with the post-hydrolysis studies, the values were
and BA0^ and Bm^ are empirical parameters. The rate con- higher than those reported by Kim et al. [10] and Lau et al.
stants in this study were considered Bobserved rate constants^ [23], but close to the Garrote et al. [11]. On the other hand, the
to include lumped effects of ionic strength or buffering capac- values are within the range to those by Zhao et al. [24] and
ity of the hydrolysate [10]. Garrote et al. [25], both pretreatment studies. Such

Table 2 Estimated pre-exponential factors, A0n (n = 1, 2, and 3), for the post-hydrolysis with sulfuric, maleic, and oxalic acids along with data from
similar post-hydrolysis and pretreatment studies

Type of Acid post-hydrolysis Pretreatment

Reference This study Kim et al. [10] Lau et al. [23] Garrote et al. [11] Zhao et al. [24] Garrote
et al. [25]
Acid Sulfuric Maleic Oxalic Sulfuric Maleic Oxalic Sulfuric Hydrochloric Sulfuric Sulfuric
Biomass Sugarcane bagasse Poplar Birchwood Eucalyptus Sugarcane bagasse

A01(min−1) 2.17 × 1015 4.60 × 1013 1.45 × 1014 7.17 × 1012 2.50 × 1011 4.83 × 1011 1.59 × 108 a 8.24 × 1015 3.81 × 1015 2.15 × 1013
A02(min−1) 7.78 × 1013 1.76 × 1014 8.77 × 1013 5.30 × 1012 1.80 × 1012 8.00 × 1012 6.63 × 109 a – 6.60 × 1015 –
A03(min−1) 7.32 × 1012 2.15 × 1012 4.65 × 1012 1.23 × 1015 5.00 × 1011 6.67 × 1011 4.26 × 103 a – – –

Average of several XOs used in the study

Table 3 Estimated dimensionless factors, mn (n = 1, 2, and 3), for the post-hydrolysis with sulfuric, maleic, and oxalic acids along with data from similar post-hydrolysis and pretreatment studies

Type of study Acid post-hydrolysis Dilute acid pretreatment

Reference This study Kim et al. [10] Lau et al. [13] Lau et al. [23] Garrote et al. [11] Herrera et al. [26] Zhao et al. [24] Eken-Saraçoglu et al. [27]

Acid Sulfuric Maleic Oxalic Sulfuric Maleic Oxalic Sulfuric Sulfuric Sulfuric Hydrochloric Sulfuric Sulfuric
Biomass source Sugarcane bagasse Poplar Switchgrass Birchwood Eucalyptus Sorghum straw Sugarcane bagasse Corncob

m1 1.96 1.88 1.41 1.74 1.23 0.93 0.21a 1.29a 1.02 1.41 0.60 1.21
m2 0.86 1.28 0.81 0.72 0.25 0.42 0.02 0.95 – 0.93 0.72 0.78
m3 0.91 1.01 0.98 0.88 2.35 1.71 0.03 0.09 – – – –
Average of several XOs used in the study

Table 4 Estimated activation energies, Ean (n = 1, 2, and 3), for the post-hydrolysis with sulfuric, maleic, and oxalic acids along with data from similar post-hydrolysis and pretreatment studies

Type of study Acid post-hydrolysis Pretreatment

Reference This study Kim et al. [10] Lau et al. [23] Lau et al. [13] Garrote et al. [11] Zhao et al. [24] Santucci et al. [16]

Biomass Sugarcane Bagasse Poplar Birchwood Switchgrass Eucalyptus Sugarcane bagasse

Acid Sulfuric Maleic Oxalic Sulfuric Maleic Oxalic Sulfuric Sulfuric Sulfuric Sulfuric –a

Ea1 (kJ·mol-1) 92.6 89.1 100.9 89.4 83.5 88.4 51.72b 52.9b 108.1 107.4 158.9
Ea2(kJ·mol-1) 117.4 120.9 124.3 115.8 119.8 122.7 89.97 141.9 – 123.7 138.3
Ea3(kJ·mol-1) 104.3 127.3 129.8 103.5 87.8 114.5 49.55 30.6 – – –
Hydrothermal pretreatment, i.e., no acid was added
Average of several XOs used in the study
Bioenerg. Res. (2017) 10:1045–1056
Bioenerg. Res. (2017) 10:1045–1056 1051

differences, however, do not mean that higher pre-exponential Activation Energies

factors imply higher molecular collisions; such parameters
were adjusted and not measured individually as usually in The activation energy is one of the most important parameters
kinetic studies. The high pre-exponential factor variation in a kinetic study; once it exponentially affects the value of the
among the studies may also be due to variations in structure kinetic constants, it then dictates the kinetic behavior of the
and composition of the materials. reaction step. In order to show how mild is hydrothermal
pretreatment compared to the dilute acid, it is shown in
Table 4 that XOs hydrolysis activation energy (Ea1) obtained
Dimensionless Parameters by Santucci et al. [16] is much greater than the one by Zhao
et al. [24]. Although both processes consist of acid hydrolyses,
The dimensionless parameters, mn (n = 1, 2, and 3), are the hydronium ions generated during the hydrothermal pre-
shown in Table 3; the values ranged from 0.86 to 1.97. treatment (by autocatalytic reactions) are much less abundant
There was, in general, a good agreement among the m1 than those in dilute acid pretreatment; therefore, the XOs hy-
values from all post-hydrolysis studies with sulfuric acid drolysis is much slower because, as it may be seen in Eq. 10,
[10, 11, 23]. It is also noteworthy to observe the m1 values the catalyst loading also affects the kinetic constant, resulting
for all three acids were greater than 1.0, indicating a strong in the accumulation of XOs in the hemicellulosic hydrolysate
dependence on acid loading with XOs degradation rate, es- [3]. Also, as shown in Table 4, the Ea values for sulfuric acid in
pecially with sulfuric acid, whose m1 values showed even a this study were very close to the ones obtained by Kim et al.
quadratic dependence with 1.97 in this study and 1.74 in [10] and Garrote et al. [11], but Ea1 for maleic and oxalic acids
Kim et al. [10]. However, while in this study, the m2 for were greater, indicating that the XOs hydrolysis for the dicar-
maleic and oxalic acids were greater or equal than 1.0; Kim boxylic acids in this study was slower, even though the tem-
et al. [10] presented lower m2 values, indicating a weak acid perature range employed in this study, 120–150 °C, is not
dependence on the C5 dehydration into furfural, which is much different from the one used by Kim et al. [10], 140–
curious; once, it is a well-known strong acid dependence 180 °C. It may also be observed that the Ea2 values for the
of this reaction [29]. Except for the closer m3 values for dicarboxylic acids were in average higher than those for sulfu-
sulfuric acid of Kim et al.’s [10] work, the m3 values vary ric acid, which suggests that xylose degradation is less favored
the most in the literature. The m3 values for the dicarbox- when dicarboxylic acids are used, following, then, the same
ylic acids are much greater in Kim et al.’s [10] work, trend found by Kim et al. [10] that asserted that dicarboxylic
showing that furfural degradation is much faster with acids were more selective towards xylose degradation, i.e.,
higher acid loadings. The lower m3 values obtained in this Ea2 > Ea1. Additionally, the Ea1 values found by Lau et al.
study were probably due to the shorter maximum duration [13, 23] were the lowest. Lau et al. studies were the only in
of the assays, which was not enough to generate degrada- Table 4 to perform post-hydrolyses of isolated XOs, whose
tion products. Lau et al. works [13, 23] found much properties may vary from the whole amount of XOs assessed
smaller m 3 values (< 0.1). Such values lack physical in the other studies. The lower Ea3 value compared to Ea2 for
meaning, as degradation pathways, i.e., humin generation sulfuric acid in this work is consistent with works by O’Neill
pathways, are highly favored by increasing acid concen- et al. [31] and Jing and Lü [32], who reported that the activa-
tration [30]. As for the pretreatment studies, except for tion energy for furfural degradation is smaller than the activa-
Zhao et al. [24] study, the m1 values were also greater tion energy for xylose dehydration. This same trade (Ea3 < Ea3)
than 1.0, confirming the strong dependence on the acid can be observed with the dicarboxylic acids in Kim et al.’s [10]
loading even for the pretreatment process. work and not in this study; this may be related to the shorter

Table 5 Calculated values for the kinetic constants, kn (n = 1, 2, and 3), according to the conditions of the 22 factorial design with center point triplicate
for sulfuric, maleic, and oxalic acids

Acid Sulfuric Maleic Oxalic

Conditions (°C; w/w %) k1 (min−1) k2 (min−1) k3 (min−1) k1 (min−1) k2 (min−1) k3 (min−1) k1 (min−1) k2 (min−1) k3 (min−1)

120; 0.5 3.22 × 10−2 2.06 × 10−4 8.26 × 10−4 3.20 × 10−3 1.76 × 10−5 1.27 × 10−7 3.31 × 10−3 3.65 × 10−5 1.51 × 10−7
120; 2.0 4.91 × 10−1 6.78 × 10−4 2.90 × 10−3 4.32 × 10−2 1.04 × 10−4 5.13 × 10−7 2.33 × 10−2 1.12 × 10−4 5.85 × 10−7
135; 1.25 5.53 × 10−1 1.70 × 10−3 6.12 × 10−3 4.87 × 10−2 2.21 × 10−4 1.34 × 10−6 3.73 × 10−2 3.10 × 10−4 1.59 × 10−6
150; 0.5 2.40 × 10−1 2.63 × 10−3 7.94 × 10−3 2.21 × 10−2 2.42 × 10−4 2.01 × 10−6 2.96 × 10−2 5.41 × 10−4 2.53 × 10−6
150; 2.0 3.66 8.65 × 10−3 2.79 × 10−2 2.98 × 10−1 1.42 × 10−3 8.12 × 10−6 2.07 × 10−1 1.66 × 10−3 9.76 × 10−6
1052 Bioenerg. Res. (2017) 10:1045–1056

Fig. 3 Experimental points of XOs (●), C5 (▲), furfural (■), and calculated points (solid lines) along the post-hydrolysis with sulfuric acid in the
following conditions: a 120 °C and 0.5%, b 120 °C and 2.0%, c 135 °C and 1.25%, d 150 °C and 0.5%, and e 150 °C and 2.0%

maximum duration of the assays in this work. Within such BKinetic Modeling of Xylooligosaccharides in Hemicellulosic
duration, there was not enough C5 degradation into furfural, Hydrolysates^ section that XOs hydrolysis is much faster than
which may have biased the estimation of furfural generation. C5 dehydration. For the dicarboxylic acids, the constant values
decreased from k1 to k3, indicating that such acids indeed were
Kinetic Constants more selective; the XOs hydrolysis was the fastest step and
then, the further degradation steps were slower. For sulfuric
The kinetic constants, kn (n = 1, 2, and 3), were also acid, k1was greater than k2, but k2 was smaller than k3, showing
calculated according with Eq. 10 and shown in Table 5. that further XOs degradation was kinetically favored. The con-
It can be noted a remarkable difference between the stant values for sulfuric acid were also remarkably higher than
magnitudes of the constants. For all three acids, k 1 those of dicarboxylic acids; the k1 and k2 values were tenfold
was greater than k 2 , confirming hypothesis 1 from higher in average but the k3 values were much higher.
Bioenerg. Res. (2017) 10:1045–1056 1053

Fig. 4 Experimental points of XOs (●), C5 (▲), furfural (■), and calculated points (solid lines) along the post-hydrolysis with maleic acid in the
following conditions: a 120 °C and 0.5%, b 120 °C and 2.0%, c 135 °C and 1.25%, d 150 °C and 0.5%, and e 150 °C and 2.0%

It can also be seen from Table 5 that comparing the Post-hydrolysis Kinetic Profiles
assays at 135 °C, 1.25% and at 150 °C, 0.5%, the values
of k1 decreased for all the acids considered. This shows a After parameters estimation, the post-hydrolysis profiles of
strong influence of acid concentration in k1, as it de- XOs, C5, and furfural for the three acids were drawn. In
creased despite the increase in temperature. If the assays Figs. 3, 4, and 5, the experimental and calculated points were
at 135 °C, 1.25% and at 150 °C, 2.0% are compared, k1 plotted as a function of post-hydrolysis time for sulfuric, ma-
increased, as both temperature and acid concentration leic, and oxalic acids, respectively. It may be verified that there
were increased. The values of k2 and k3 always increased was a good fitting for sulfuric acid’s data, while for the two
with temperature, which means that the formation of deg- carboxylic acids, the fitting was satisfactory except for the
radation products, both furfural and humic substances, are furfural profiles, which were in general underestimated by
strongly influenced by the temperature. the calculated points of the model. Two considerations can
1054 Bioenerg. Res. (2017) 10:1045–1056

Fig. 5 Experimental points of XOs (●), C5 (▲), furfural (■), and calculated points (solid lines) along the post-hydrolysis with oxalic acid in the
following conditions: a 120 °C and 0.5%, b 120 °C and 2.0%, c 135 °C and 1.25%, d 150 °C and 0.5%, and e 150 °C and 2.0%

be made regarding furfural underestimation. First, as it may be observed with sulfuric acid. As the XOs depleted from the
noted, the furfural scale in the y-axis is much shorter than in solution, the C5 concentration gradually increased and even-
the y-axis of C5 or XOs. Second, this lack of fitting also may tually reached a peak (Fig. 3a–d). The peak point could not be
be due to the maximum duration of the post-hydrolysis assays observed at the highest temperature, 150 °C (Fig. 3e); a de-
as previously mentioned. scendent curve was observed instead, indicating a strong C5
Sulfuric acid clearly excelled both dicarboxylic acids by degradation into furfural; as shown in the furfural profiles, up
showing a faster XOs hydrolysis; this can be observed with to 10 g·L−1 was reached under such condition. The aforemen-
the steeper XOs profiles of sulfuric acid. The depletion of XOs tioned peak in C5 profiles was also observed in the post-
occurred in less than 20 min for sulfuric acid (Fig. 3), while for hydrolysis with the dicarboxylic acids (Figs. 4 and 5); yet it
the dicarboxylic acid, it took more than 40 min in average could be even seen in the highest temperature (150 °C) differ-
(Figs. 4 and 5). The hydrolysis process of XOs can be ently from sulfuric acid, again indicating they are more
Bioenerg. Res. (2017) 10:1045–1056 1055

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